/* * This file is part of LibCSS. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include "bytecode/bytecode.h" #include "bytecode/opcodes.h" #include "parse/important.h" /** * Parse !important * * \param c Parsing context * \param vector Vector of tokens to process * \param ctx Pointer to vector iteration context * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_INVALID if "S* ! S* important" is not at the start of the vector * * Post condition: \a *ctx is updated with the next token to process * If the input is invalid, then \a *ctx remains unchanged. */ css_error css__parse_important(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint8_t *result) { int orig_ctx = *ctx; bool match = false; const css_token *token; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, '!')) { consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(token->idata, c->strings[IMPORTANT], &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { *result |= FLAG_IMPORTANT; } else { *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } } else if (token != NULL) { *ctx = orig_ctx; return CSS_INVALID; } return CSS_OK; } /** * Make a style important * * \param style The style to modify */ void css__make_style_important(css_style *style) { css_code_t *bytecode = style->bytecode; uint32_t length = style->used; uint32_t offset = 0; while (offset < length) { opcode_t op; uint8_t flags; uint32_t value; css_code_t opv = bytecode[offset]; /* Extract opv components, setting important flag */ op = getOpcode(opv); flags = getFlags(opv) | FLAG_IMPORTANT; value = getValue(opv); /* Write OPV back to bytecode */ bytecode[offset] = buildOPV(op, flags, value); offset++; /* Advance past any property-specific data */ if (isInherit(opv) == false) { switch (op) { case CSS_PROP_AZIMUTH: if ((value & ~AZIMUTH_BEHIND) == AZIMUTH_ANGLE) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_COLUMN_RULE_COLOR: assert((uint32_t)BACKGROUND_COLOR_SET == (uint32_t)BORDER_COLOR_SET); assert((uint32_t)BACKGROUND_COLOR_SET == (uint32_t)COLUMN_RULE_COLOR_SET); if (value == BACKGROUND_COLOR_SET) offset++; /* colour */ break; case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE: case CSS_PROP_CUE_AFTER: case CSS_PROP_CUE_BEFORE: case CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_IMAGE: assert((uint32_t)BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URI == (uint32_t)CUE_AFTER_URI); assert((uint32_t)BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URI == (uint32_t)CUE_BEFORE_URI); assert((uint32_t)BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URI == (uint32_t)LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_URI); if (value == BACKGROUND_IMAGE_URI) offset++; /* string table entry */ break; case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION: if ((value & 0xf0) == BACKGROUND_POSITION_HORZ_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ if ((value & 0x0f) == BACKGROUND_POSITION_VERT_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_SPACING: if (value == BORDER_SPACING_SET) offset += 4; /* two length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_COLUMN_RULE_WIDTH: assert((uint32_t)BORDER_WIDTH_SET == (uint32_t)OUTLINE_WIDTH_SET); assert((uint32_t)BORDER_WIDTH_SET == (uint32_t)COLUMN_RULE_WIDTH_SET); if (value == BORDER_WIDTH_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT: case CSS_PROP_BOTTOM: case CSS_PROP_LEFT: case CSS_PROP_RIGHT: case CSS_PROP_TOP: case CSS_PROP_HEIGHT: case CSS_PROP_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_COLUMN_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_COLUMN_GAP: assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)LEFT_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)RIGHT_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)TOP_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)HEIGHT_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)MARGIN_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)WIDTH_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)COLUMN_WIDTH_SET); assert((uint32_t)BOTTOM_SET == (uint32_t)COLUMN_GAP_SET); if (value == BOTTOM_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_CLIP: if ((value & CLIP_SHAPE_MASK) == CLIP_SHAPE_RECT) { if ((value & CLIP_RECT_TOP_AUTO) == 0) offset += 2; /* length + units */ if ((value & CLIP_RECT_RIGHT_AUTO) == 0) offset += 2; /* length + units */ if ((value & CLIP_RECT_BOTTOM_AUTO) == 0) offset += 2; /* length + units */ if ((value & CLIP_RECT_LEFT_AUTO) == 0) offset += 2; /* length + units */ } break; case CSS_PROP_COLOR: if (value == COLOR_SET) offset++; /* colour */ break; case CSS_PROP_COLUMN_COUNT: if (value == COLUMN_COUNT_SET) offset++; /* colour */ break; case CSS_PROP_CONTENT: while (value != CONTENT_NORMAL && value != CONTENT_NONE) { switch (value & 0xff) { case CONTENT_COUNTER: case CONTENT_URI: case CONTENT_ATTR: case CONTENT_STRING: offset++; /* string table entry */ break; case CONTENT_COUNTERS: offset+=2; /* two string entries */ break; case CONTENT_OPEN_QUOTE: case CONTENT_CLOSE_QUOTE: case CONTENT_NO_OPEN_QUOTE: case CONTENT_NO_CLOSE_QUOTE: break; } value = bytecode[offset]; offset++; } break; case CSS_PROP_COUNTER_INCREMENT: case CSS_PROP_COUNTER_RESET: assert((uint32_t)COUNTER_INCREMENT_NONE == (uint32_t)COUNTER_RESET_NONE); while (value != COUNTER_INCREMENT_NONE) { offset+=2; /* string + integer */ value = bytecode[offset]; offset++; } break; case CSS_PROP_CURSOR: while (value == CURSOR_URI) { offset++; /* string table entry */ value = bytecode[offset]; offset++; } break; case CSS_PROP_ELEVATION: if (value == ELEVATION_ANGLE) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY: while (value != FONT_FAMILY_END) { switch (value) { case FONT_FAMILY_STRING: case FONT_FAMILY_IDENT_LIST: offset++; /* string table entry */ break; } value = bytecode[offset]; offset++; } break; case CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE: if (value == FONT_SIZE_DIMENSION) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_LETTER_SPACING: case CSS_PROP_WORD_SPACING: assert((uint32_t)LETTER_SPACING_SET == (uint32_t)WORD_SPACING_SET); if (value == LETTER_SPACING_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_LINE_HEIGHT: switch (value) { case LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER: offset++; /* value */ break; case LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION: offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; } break; case CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT: case CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH: assert((uint32_t)MAX_HEIGHT_SET == (uint32_t)MAX_WIDTH_SET); if (value == MAX_HEIGHT_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP: case CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT: case CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM: case CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT: case CSS_PROP_MIN_HEIGHT: case CSS_PROP_MIN_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_PAUSE_AFTER: case CSS_PROP_PAUSE_BEFORE: case CSS_PROP_TEXT_INDENT: assert((uint32_t)MIN_HEIGHT_SET == (uint32_t)MIN_WIDTH_SET); assert((uint32_t)MIN_HEIGHT_SET == (uint32_t)PADDING_SET); assert((uint32_t)MIN_HEIGHT_SET == (uint32_t)PAUSE_AFTER_SET); assert((uint32_t)MIN_HEIGHT_SET == (uint32_t)PAUSE_BEFORE_SET); assert((uint32_t)MIN_HEIGHT_SET == (uint32_t)TEXT_INDENT_SET); if (value == MIN_HEIGHT_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_OPACITY: if (value == OPACITY_SET) offset++; /* value */ break; case CSS_PROP_ORPHANS: case CSS_PROP_PITCH_RANGE: case CSS_PROP_RICHNESS: case CSS_PROP_STRESS: case CSS_PROP_WIDOWS: assert((uint32_t)ORPHANS_SET == (uint32_t)PITCH_RANGE_SET); assert((uint32_t)ORPHANS_SET == (uint32_t)RICHNESS_SET); assert((uint32_t)ORPHANS_SET == (uint32_t)STRESS_SET); assert((uint32_t)ORPHANS_SET == (uint32_t)WIDOWS_SET); if (value == ORPHANS_SET) offset++; /* value */ break; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR: if (value == OUTLINE_COLOR_SET) offset++; /* color */ break; case CSS_PROP_PITCH: if (value == PITCH_FREQUENCY) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_PLAY_DURING: if (value == PLAY_DURING_URI) offset++; /* string table entry */ break; case CSS_PROP_QUOTES: while (value != QUOTES_NONE) { offset += 2; /* two string table entries */ value = bytecode[offset]; offset++; } break; case CSS_PROP_SPEECH_RATE: if (value == SPEECH_RATE_SET) offset++; /* rate */ break; case CSS_PROP_VERTICAL_ALIGN: if (value == VERTICAL_ALIGN_SET) offset += 2; /* length + units */ break; case CSS_PROP_VOICE_FAMILY: while (value != VOICE_FAMILY_END) { switch (value) { case VOICE_FAMILY_STRING: case VOICE_FAMILY_IDENT_LIST: offset++; /* string table entry */ break; } value = bytecode[offset]; offset++; } break; case CSS_PROP_VOLUME: switch (value) { case VOLUME_NUMBER: offset++; /* value */ break; case VOLUME_DIMENSION: offset += 2; /* value + units */ break; } break; case CSS_PROP_Z_INDEX: if (value == Z_INDEX_SET) offset++; /* z index */ break; default: break; } } } }