Assertions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fail assertTrue assertFalse assertNull assertNotNull assertEquals assertNotEquals assertSame Tests two objects for identity. If not identical, test if either are null, or either are not Nodes. If so, delegate to assertEquals() assertInstanceOf Used in [hc_]namednodemapreturnattrnode.xml Can use Node.getNodeType() to get runtime type assertSize assertEventCount assertURIEquals assertImplementationException assertDOMException Conditions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- same (not used) equals notEquals less lessOrEquals greater greaterOrEquals isNull notNull and or xor not instanceOf (not used) isTrue isFalse hasSize contentType contains hasFeature implementationAttribute Statements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var Can contain nested elements when the var has type Collection assign increment decrement append Append an object to the end of a Collection. In Java, this is implemented with an ArrayList. plus subtract mult divide load implementation hasFeature implementationAttribute Set DocumentBuilder attributes (such as validating) if while try ... for-each comment Only used in DOM Level 3 XPath. return Only used in DOM Level 2/3. Returns immediately from method call with optional @value userObj atEvents capturedEvents bubbledEvents allEvents DOM Level 2 Evemts only createXPathEvaluator DOM Level 3 XPath only getResourceURI DOM Level 3 LS only substring Calls @obj.substringData() where obj is an instance of CharacterData createTempURI DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance allErrors Only used in DOM Level 3 Calls org.w3c.domts.DOMErrorMonitor.getAllErrors(), which is an instance of DOMErrorHandler assertLowerSeverity allNotifications operation key dst Datatypes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int short double boolean Primitives DOMString List In Java, an ArrayList instance typed as a List Collection In Java, an ArrayList instance typed as a Collection EventMonitor DOM Level 2 Events only DOMErrorMonitor DOM Level 3 only UserDataMonitor UserDataNotification DOM Level 3 Core only Attr CDATASection CharacterData Comment Document DocumentFragment DocumentType DOMImplementation Element Entity EntityReference NamedNodeMap Node NodeList Notation ProcessingInstruction Text DOM types