/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 Bo Yang */ #ifndef dom_internal_core_string_h_ #define dom_internal_core_string_h_ #include /* Map the lwc_error to dom_exception */ dom_exception _dom_exception_from_lwc_error(lwc_error err); enum dom_whitespace_op { DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP_LEADING = (1 << 0), DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP_TRAILING = (1 << 1), DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP = DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP_LEADING | DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP_TRAILING, DOM_WHITESPACE_COLLAPSE = (1 << 2), DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP_COLLAPSE = DOM_WHITESPACE_STRIP | DOM_WHITESPACE_COLLAPSE }; /** Perform whitespace operations on given string * * \param s Given string * \param op Whitespace operation(s) to perform * \param ret New string with whitespace ops performed. Caller owns ref * * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success. * * \note Right now, will return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR if ascii_only is false. */ dom_exception dom_string_whitespace_op(dom_string *s, enum dom_whitespace_op op, dom_string **ret); #endif