/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2018 Daniel Silverstone */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "html/html_radio_nodelist.h" #include "html/html_form_controls_collection.h" #include "html/html_document.h" #include "html/html_form_element.h" #include "core/node.h" #include "core/element.h" #include "core/string.h" /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Internal functions */ /* Callback function to test whether certain node is a form control, see * src/html/html_collection.h for detail. */ static bool _dom_is_specific_form_control(struct dom_node_internal *node, void *ctx) { struct dom_html_document *doc = (struct dom_html_document *)(node->owner); struct dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist = ctx; dom_string *str; dom_exception exc; if (_dom_is_form_control(node, nodelist->form)) { /* It's the control we care about if id or name are equal * to nodelist->name. We wouldn't be here if node wasn't * an element node. */ exc = _dom_element_get_id((struct dom_element *)node, &str); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { return false; } if (str != NULL && dom_string_isequal(str, nodelist->name)) { dom_string_unref(str); return true; } if (str != NULL) dom_string_unref(str); exc = _dom_element_get_attribute((struct dom_element *)node, doc->memoised[hds_name], &str); if (str != NULL && dom_string_isequal(str, nodelist->name)) { dom_string_unref(str); return true; } if (str != NULL) dom_string_unref(str); } return false; } /** * Create a dom_html_radio_nodelist * * \param form The HTML form element for the radio nodelist * \param name The element id/name for the radio nodelist * \param nodelist The result radio nodelist object * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_html_radio_nodelist_create(struct dom_html_form_element *form, dom_string *name, struct dom_html_radio_nodelist **nodelist) { dom_exception exc; *nodelist = malloc(sizeof(struct dom_html_radio_nodelist)); if (*nodelist == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; exc = _dom_html_radio_nodelist_initialise(form, *nodelist, name); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { /* This is safe because we only ever get an error before we * ref anything which would need finalising */ free(*nodelist); *nodelist = NULL; } return exc; } /** * Initialise a dom_html_radio_nodelist * * \param form The HTML form element for the radio nodelist * \param nodelist The radio nodelist object to initialise * \param name The element id/name for the radio nodelist * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_html_radio_nodelist_initialise(struct dom_html_form_element *form, struct dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist, dom_string *name) { dom_exception exc; dom_html_document *doc = (dom_html_document *) dom_node_get_owner(form); assert(form != NULL); assert(name != NULL); assert(doc != NULL); exc = _dom_html_collection_create(doc, (dom_node_internal *) doc, _dom_is_specific_form_control, nodelist, &nodelist->col); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) return exc; nodelist->form = form; dom_node_ref(form); nodelist->name = name; dom_string_ref(name); nodelist->refcnt = 1; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Finalise a dom_html_radio_nodelist object * * \param nodelist The dom_html_radio_nodelist object */ void _dom_html_radio_nodelist_finalise(struct dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist) { assert(nodelist->refcnt == 0); dom_node_unref(nodelist->form); nodelist->form = NULL; dom_string_unref(nodelist->name); nodelist->name = NULL; dom_html_collection_unref(nodelist->col); nodelist->col = NULL; } /** * Destroy a dom_html_radio_nodelist object * * \param nodelist The dom_html_radio_nodelist object */ void _dom_html_radio_nodelist_destroy(struct dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist) { _dom_html_radio_nodelist_finalise(nodelist); free(nodelist); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Public API */ /** * Claim a reference on this radio nodelist * * \param nodelist The radio nodelist object */ void dom_html_radio_nodelist_ref(dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist) { if (nodelist == NULL) return; nodelist->refcnt ++; } /** * Relese a reference on this radio nodelist * * \param nodelist The radio nodelist object */ void dom_html_radio_nodelist_unref(dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist) { if (nodelist == NULL) return; if (nodelist->refcnt > 0) nodelist->refcnt --; if (nodelist->refcnt == 0) _dom_html_radio_nodelist_destroy(nodelist); } /** * Retrieve the length of a node list * * \param nodelist List to retrieve length of * \param len Pointer to location to receive length * \return DOM_NO_ERR. */ dom_exception dom_html_radio_nodelist_get_length(dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist, uint32_t *len) { return dom_html_collection_get_length(nodelist->col, len); } /** * Retrieve an item from a node list * * \param nodelist The list to retrieve the item from * \param index The list index to retrieve * \param node Pointer to location to receive item * \return DOM_NO_ERR. * * ::index is a zero-based index into ::list. * ::index lies in the range [0, length-1] * * The returned node will have had its reference count increased. The client * should unref the node once it has finished with it. */ dom_exception dom_html_radio_nodelist_item(dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist, uint32_t index, struct dom_node **node) { return dom_html_collection_item(nodelist->col, index, node); } /** * Retrieve the value of the radio nodelist per * * \param nodelist The list to retrieve the value from * \param value The value string to fill out * \return DOM_NO_ERR */ dom_exception dom_html_radio_nodelist_get_value(dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist, dom_string **value) { dom_exception exc; dom_node *node = NULL; uint32_t count; struct dom_html_document *doc = (struct dom_html_document *)(((struct dom_node_internal *)nodelist->form)->owner); assert(doc != NULL); exc = dom_html_collection_get_length(nodelist->col, &count); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) return exc; /* 1. Let element be the first element in tree order represented by the * RadioNodeList object that is an input element whose type attribute * is in the Radio Button state and whose checkedness is * true. Otherwise, let it be NULL. */ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { exc = dom_html_collection_item(nodelist->col, idx, &node); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) return exc; assert(node->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE); if (dom_string_caseless_isequal(((struct dom_node_internal *)node)->name, doc->elements[DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_INPUT])) { bool checked = false; dom_string *type; exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, doc->memoised[hds_type], &type); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_node_unref(node); return exc; } if (dom_string_caseless_isequal(type, doc->memoised[hds_radio]) == false) { dom_node_unref(node); dom_string_unref(type); continue; } dom_string_unref(type); exc = dom_html_input_element_get_checked((dom_html_input_element *)node, &checked); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_node_unref(node); return exc; } if (checked == true) break; } dom_node_unref(node); node = NULL; } /* 2. If element is null, return the empty string. */ if (node == NULL) { *value = doc->base._memo_empty; dom_string_ref(*value); return DOM_NO_ERR; } exc = dom_html_input_element_get_value((dom_html_input_element *)node, value); /* 3. If element is an element with no value attribute, return the * string "on". */ if (*value == NULL) { *value = doc->memoised[hds_on]; dom_string_ref(*value); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /* 4. Otherwise, return the value of element’s value attribute. */ dom_node_unref(node); return DOM_NO_ERR; } dom_exception dom_html_radio_nodelist_set_value(dom_html_radio_nodelist *nodelist, dom_string *value) { dom_exception exc; dom_node *node = NULL; uint32_t count; bool goal_is_on = false; struct dom_html_document *doc = (struct dom_html_document *)(((struct dom_node_internal *)nodelist->form)->owner); assert(doc != NULL); exc = dom_html_collection_get_length(nodelist->col, &count); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) return exc; goal_is_on = dom_string_caseless_isequal(value, doc->memoised[hds_on]); /* 1. If the new value is the string "on": let element be the first * element in tree order represented by the RadioNodeList object that * is an input element whose type attribute is in the Radio Button * state and whose value content attribute is either absent, or present * and equal to the new value, if any. If no such element exists, then * instead let element be null. * * Otherwise: let element be the first element in tree order * represented by the RadioNodeList object that is an input element * whose type attribute is in the Radio Button state and whose value * content attribute is present and equal to the new value, if any. If * no such element exists, then instead let element be null. */ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { exc = dom_html_collection_item(nodelist->col, idx, &node); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) return exc; assert(node->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE); if (dom_string_caseless_isequal(((struct dom_node_internal *)node)->name, doc->elements[DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_INPUT])) { dom_string *type; dom_string *test_value; exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, doc->memoised[hds_type], &type); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_node_unref(node); return exc; } if (dom_string_caseless_isequal(type, doc->memoised[hds_radio]) == false) { dom_node_unref(node); dom_string_unref(type); continue; } dom_string_unref(type); exc = dom_html_input_element_get_value((dom_html_input_element *)node, &test_value); if (test_value == NULL) { if (goal_is_on) { dom_string_unref(test_value); break; } } else { if (dom_string_caseless_isequal(test_value, value)) { dom_string_unref(test_value); break; } } dom_string_unref(test_value); } dom_node_unref(node); node = NULL; } exc = DOM_NO_ERR; /* 2. If element is not null, then set its checkedness to true. */ if (node != NULL) { exc = dom_html_input_element_set_checked((dom_html_input_element *)node, true); } dom_node_unref(node); return exc; }