#!/bin/bash # # This is a simple script to recompile a C test file. # Usage: # This script is designed to run under test output directory. # # You should firstly run "run-test.sh", which will genrate a test output directory. In that # directory, there are C source files and corresponding executables. # # ../../../build-test.sh some-test-converted-c-file.c # # This file is part of libdom test suite. # Licensed under the MIT License, # http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Copyright 2009 Bo Yang src="testutils/comparators.c testutils/domtsasserts.c testutils/foreach.c testutils/list.c testutils/load.c testutils/utils.c testutils/domtscondition.c" domdir="../build-Linux-Linux-debug-lib-static" ldflags="-L$domdir -ldom -L/usr/local/lib -lwapcaplet -L/usr/lib -lxml2 -lhubbub -lparserutils" #ldflags="-L/usr/lib -lm -lz -L$domdir -ldom -L/usr/local/lib -lwapcaplet -lxml2 -lhubbub -lparserutils" cflags="-Itestutils/ -I../bindings/xml -I../include -I../bindings/hubbub -I/usr/local/include" sf="$1"; echo $sf; cwd=$(pwd); cd ../../../ exe=${sf%%.c}; cfile="$cwd"/"$sf"; gcc -g $cflags $src $cfile $ldflags -o $exe; mv $exe $cwd; cd $cwd;