path: root/include/parserutils/utils/vector.h
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Remove client allocation function.Michael Drake2013-12-141-2/+1
* Sprinkle some C++ scoping aroundJohn Mark Bell2010-10-231-0/+9
* Add ability to retrieve vector length. Fix missing note in iteration apiDaniel Silverstone2009-02-151-0/+1
* Return errors from constructors and destructors.John Mark Bell2008-11-081-3/+4
* Add API to vector to permit peeking.John Mark Bell2008-10-181-0/+2
* ConstifyJohn Mark Bell2008-07-301-1/+2
* Make parserutils_dict_entry public.John Mark Bell2008-07-301-0/+31