/* * This file is part of Pencil * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license * Copyright 2005 James Bursa */ #ifndef PENCIL_INTERNAL_H #define PENCIL_INTERNAL_H #include #include "pencil.h" struct pencil_item; struct pencil_diagram { struct pencil_item *root; struct pencil_item *current_group; }; typedef enum { pencil_GROUP, pencil_TEXT, pencil_PATH, pencil_SPRITE, } pencil_item_type; struct pencil_item { pencil_item_type type; pencil_colour fill_colour; pencil_colour outline_colour; char *group_name; int x, y; const char *font_family; rufl_style font_style; unsigned int font_size; char *text; int *path; unsigned int path_size; int thickness; pencil_join join; pencil_cap start_cap; pencil_cap end_cap; int cap_width; int cap_length; bool even_odd; pencil_pattern pattern; int width, height; const char *sprite; struct pencil_item *parent; struct pencil_item *next; struct pencil_item *children; struct pencil_item *last; }; #endif