#include "tests.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *buf = NULL; size_t bufsize = 0; FILE *f = argc > 1 ? fopen(argv[1], "r") : NULL; uint8_t src[1024]; check(f != NULL, "error opening GraphemeBreakTest.txt"); while (getline(&buf, &bufsize, f) > 0) { size_t bi = 0, si = 0; lineno += 1; if (lineno % 100 == 0) printf("checking line %zd...\n", lineno); if (buf[0] == '#') continue; while (buf[bi]) { bi = skipspaces(buf, bi); if (buf[bi] == '/') { /* grapheme break */ src[si++] = '/'; bi++; } else if (buf[bi] == '+') { /* no break */ bi++; } else if (buf[bi] == '#') { /* start of comments */ break; } else { /* hex-encoded codepoint */ bi += encode((char*) (src + si), buf + bi) - 1; while (src[si]) ++si; /* advance to NUL termination */ } } if (si && src[si-1] == '/') --si; /* no break after final grapheme */ src[si] = 0; /* NUL-terminate */ if (si) { uint8_t utf8[1024]; /* copy src without 0xff grapheme separators */ size_t i = 0, j = 0; utf8proc_ssize_t glen; uint8_t *g; /* utf8proc_map grapheme results */ while (i < si) { if (src[i] != '/') utf8[j++] = src[i++]; else i++; } glen = utf8proc_map(utf8, j, &g, UTF8PROC_CHARBOUND); if (glen == UTF8PROC_ERROR_INVALIDUTF8) { /* the test file contains surrogate codepoints, which are only for UTF-16 */ printf("line %zd: ignoring invalid UTF-8 codepoints\n", lineno); } else { check(glen >= 0, "utf8proc_map error = %s", utf8proc_errmsg(glen)); for (i = 0; i <= glen; ++i) if (g[i] == 0xff) g[i] = '/'; /* easier-to-read output (/ is not in test strings) */ check(!strcmp((char*)g, (char*)src), "grapheme mismatch: \"%s\" instead of \"%s\"", (char*)g, (char*)src); } free(g); } } fclose(f); printf("Passed tests after %zd lines!\n", lineno); return 0; }