#include #include #include #include #include "mempool.h" #ifdef __amigaos4__ #include #include struct Library *ocmb; struct OCMIFace *IOCM = NULL; #endif #define MEMORY_POOL_ALLOCED_CONST ((void *) 0xFFFFFFFFu) memory_pool_t * memory_pool_create(size_t bs, size_t c) { memory_pool_t *mp = malloc(sizeof(memory_pool_t)); if (!mp) return NULL; mp->block_size = bs; mp->count = c; mp->pool = NULL; if((ocmb = IExec->OpenResource("onchipmem.resource"))) { if((IOCM = (struct OCMIFace *)IExec->GetInterface((struct Library *)ocmb, "main", 1, NULL))) { mp->pool = IOCM->ObtainOnChipMem(); } } if(mp->pool == NULL) { mp->pool = malloc((mp->block_size + sizeof(void *)) * mp->count); } memory_pool_clear(mp); mp->empty_blocks = mp->pool; return mp; } void memory_pool_destroy(memory_pool_t *mp) { if (!mp) return; memory_pool_clear(mp); /**TODO: Track if this is an OCM or standard memory pool. * At the moment we have no way of freeing on exit so it doesn't matter. IOCM->ReleaseOnChipMem(); IExec->DropInterface((struct Interface *)IOCM); free(mp->pool); */ free(mp); } void memory_pool_clear(memory_pool_t *mp) { if (!mp) return; size_t i; void **p; for (i = 0; i < mp->count - 1; i++) { p = (void **) ((uint8_t *) mp->pool + (mp->block_size * (i + 1) + sizeof(void *) * i)); *p = (uint8_t *) mp->pool + (mp->block_size + sizeof(void *)) * (i + 1); } p = (void **) ((uint8_t *) mp->pool + (mp->block_size * mp->count + sizeof(void *) * (mp->count - 1))); *p = NULL; mp->empty_blocks = mp->pool; } void memory_pool_dump(memory_pool_t *mp, void (* print_func) (void *value)) { printf("start: %p, size: %d, count: %d\n", mp->pool, (mp->block_size + sizeof(void *)) * mp->count, mp->count); void *block; void **next; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < mp->count; i++) { block = (void *) ((uint8_t *) mp->pool + (mp->block_size * i) + sizeof(void *) * i); next = (void **) ((uint8_t *) block + sizeof(void *)); printf("block #%i(%p):", i, block); if (*next == MEMORY_POOL_ALLOCED_CONST) { printf(" allocated"); if (print_func) { printf(", value: "); print_func(block); } printf("\n"); } else { printf(" free, next address %p\n", *next); } } } void * memory_pool_alloc(memory_pool_t *mp) { void *p; if (mp->empty_blocks) { p = mp->empty_blocks; mp->empty_blocks = * (void **) ((uint8_t *) mp->empty_blocks + mp->block_size); *(void **) ((uint8_t *) p + mp->block_size) = MEMORY_POOL_ALLOCED_CONST; return p; } else { return NULL; } } bool memory_pool_free(memory_pool_t *mp, void *p) { if (p && (p >= mp->pool) && (p <= (void *) ((uint8_t *) mp->pool + (mp->block_size + sizeof(void *)) * mp->count))) { *(void **) ((uint8_t *) p + mp->block_size) = mp->empty_blocks; mp->empty_blocks = p; return true; } else { return false; } }