path: root/riscos/content-handlers/awrender.s
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authorMichael Drake <>2011-05-09 09:57:40 +0000
committerMichael Drake <>2011-05-09 09:57:40 +0000
commit2ec96e508c0c1a0b47ea2cfb89a50e5831567cd1 (patch)
tree172bd3bb1d859f8cb61cf12156ea5e4c60778422 /riscos/content-handlers/awrender.s
parent044018739bafc655f400039c84b7e912ae721c8a (diff)
Put RISC OS filetype content handlers in their own directory.
svn path=/trunk/netsurf/; revision=12336
Diffstat (limited to 'riscos/content-handlers/awrender.s')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/riscos/content-handlers/awrender.s b/riscos/content-handlers/awrender.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bcafe520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscos/content-handlers/awrender.s
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+#if defined(__aof__)
+ IMPORT messages_get
+ IMPORT realloc
+ IMPORT strcpy
+ IMPORT |__rt_stkovf_split_big|
+ EXPORT awrender_init
+ EXPORT awrender_render
+aw_rsz_block * 0
+aw_rsz_size * 4
+aw_fixed_block * 8
+aw_fixed_size * 12
+aw_sl * 16
+aw_fp * 20
+sizeof_aw * 24
+; os_error *awrender_init(byte **doc, size_t *doc_size, void *init_routine, void *init_workspace);
+awrender_init MOV ip,sp
+ STMFD sp!,{a1,a2,v1,v2,fp,ip,lr,pc}
+ SUB fp,ip,#4
+ SUB ip,sp,#512
+ CMP ip,sl
+ BLMI |__rt_stkovf_split_big|
+ LDR v2,=aw_temp
+ LDR a1,[a1]
+ MOV v1,a3
+ LDR a3,[a2]
+ MOV ip,a4
+ STR a1,[v2,#aw_rsz_block]
+ STR a3,[v2,#aw_rsz_size]
+ MOV a2,#-1
+ STR a2,[v2,#aw_fixed_block]
+ STR a3,[v2,#aw_fixed_size]
+ STR sl,[v2,#aw_sl]
+ STR fp,[v2,#aw_fp]
+ ADR a2,aw_callback
+ MOV lr,pc
+ MOV pc,v1
+ MOVVC a1,#0
+ ;return updated block ptr & size to caller
+ LDR a2,[fp,#-28]
+ LDR a3,[fp,#-24]
+ LDR ip,[v2,#aw_rsz_block]
+ LDR lr,[v2,#aw_rsz_size]
+ STR ip,[a2]
+ STR lr,[a3]
+ LDMEA fp,{v1,v2,fp,sp,pc}
+; os_error *awrender_render(const char *doc,
+; const struct awinfo_block *info,
+; const os_trfm *trans,
+; const int *vdu_vars,
+; char **rsz_block,
+; size_t *rsz_size,
+; int wysiwyg_setting,
+; int output_dest,
+; size_t doc_size,
+; void *routine,
+; void *workspace);
+awrender_render MOV ip,sp
+ STMFD sp!,{v1-v4,fp,ip,lr,pc}
+ SUB fp,ip,#4
+ SUB ip,sp,#512
+ CMP ip,sl
+ BLMI |__rt_stkovf_split_big|
+ LDR R12,[fp,#20]
+ LDR R14,=aw_temp
+ LDR R5,[fp,#4]
+ LDR R6,[fp,#12]
+ LDR R4,[R5] ;resizable block
+ LDR R7,[fp,#16]
+ STR R4,[R14,#aw_rsz_block]
+ STR R0,[R14,#aw_fixed_block] ;document ptr
+ STR R12,[R14,#aw_fixed_size] ;document size
+ LDR R12,[fp,#8]
+ STR R5,[sp,#-4]! ;ptr to receive block
+ STR R12,[sp,#-4]! ;ptr to receive size
+ LDR R12,[R12]
+ ADR R5,aw_callback
+ STR R12,[R14,#aw_rsz_size]
+ STR sl,[R14,#aw_sl]
+ STR fp,[R14,#aw_fp]
+ LDR R12,[fp,#28]
+ MOV lr,pc
+ LDR pc,[fp,#24]
+ MOVVC a1,#0
+ ;return updated block ptr & size to caller
+ LDR R7,=aw_temp
+ LDR R12,[sp],#4
+ LDR R4,[sp],#4
+ LDR R5,[R7,#aw_rsz_size]
+ LDR R6,[R7,#aw_rsz_block]
+ STR R5,[R12]
+ STR R6,[R4]
+ LDMEA fp,{v1-v4,fp,sp,pc}
+; Callback routine for block resizing
+; (passed to AWRender init and render routines)
+; entry R11 = reason code
+; 0 = CallBackReason_Memory
+; 3 = CallBackReason_Interface
+; (0 => return capabilities)
+; exit R0 => base of resizable block
+; R1 = size of resizable block
+; R2 => base of fixed block (or -1 if no fixed block)
+; R3 = size of fixed block (or document in resizable block)
+; VC if resize successful, VS and R0 => error otherwise
+aw_callback TEQ R11,#3
+ TEQEQ R0,#0
+ MOVEQ R0,#1<<10 ;background colour supplied
+ TEQ R11,#0
+ LDREQ R11,=aw_temp
+ CMP R0,#-1 ;read block size?
+ LDRNE R2,[R11,#aw_rsz_size]
+ MOVNE R1,R0 ;new block size
+ LDR R0,[R11,#aw_rsz_block]
+ BEQ aw_read
+ ; Note: because ArtworksRenderer seems to call
+ ; this routine for every scanline rendered
+ ; we never call realloc unless we have to in
+ ; order to expand the block. Also it calls
+ ; us with a size request of 0 which we must
+ ; safely ignore otherwise rendering will stop.
+ CMP R1,R2
+ BLS aw_read
+ STMFD R13!,{R1,R10-R12,R14}
+ LDR sl,[R11,#aw_sl]
+ LDR fp,[R11,#aw_fp]
+ BL realloc
+ LDMFD R13!,{R1,R10-R12,R14}
+ CMP R0,#0 ;did it work?
+ BEQ aw_nomem
+ STR R0,[R11]
+ STR R1,[R11,#aw_rsz_size]
+aw_read ; return details of fixed block
+ LDR R2,[R11,#aw_fixed_block]
+ LDR R3,[R11,#aw_fixed_size]
+ SUBS R11,R11,R11 ;clear V
+ MOV PC,R14
+aw_nomem STMFD R13!,{R10,R12,R14}
+ LDR sl,[R11,#aw_sl]
+ LDR fp,[R11,#aw_fp]
+ ADR R0,tok_nomem
+ BL messages_get
+ MOV a2,a1
+ LDR a1,=errblk + 4
+ BL strcpy
+ SUB R0,R0,#4 ;error number already 0
+ MOV R11,#0 ;restore reason code
+ CMP PC,#1<<31 ;set V
+ LDMFD R13!,{R10,R12,PC}
+tok_nomem = "NoMemory",0
+aw_temp % sizeof_aw
+errblk % 256
+#elif defined(__ELF__)
+ .text
+.set aw_rsz_block, 0
+.set aw_rsz_size, 4
+.set aw_fixed_block, 8
+.set aw_fixed_size, 12
+.set aw_sl, 16
+.set aw_fp, 20
+.set sizeof_aw, 24
+@ os_error *awrender_init(byte **doc, size_t *doc_size, void *init_routine, void *init_workspace);
+ .global awrender_init
+awrender_init: MOV ip,sp
+ STMFD sp!,{a1,a2,v1,v2,fp,ip,lr,pc}
+ SUB fp,ip,#4
+ SUB ip,sp,#512
+ CMP ip,sl
+ BLMI __rt_stkovf_split_big
+ LDR v2,=aw_temp
+ LDR a1,[a1]
+ MOV v1,a3
+ LDR a3,[a2]
+ MOV ip,a4
+ STR a1,[v2,#aw_rsz_block]
+ STR a3,[v2,#aw_rsz_size]
+ MOV a2,#-1
+ STR a2,[v2,#aw_fixed_block]
+ STR a3,[v2,#aw_fixed_size]
+ STR sl,[v2,#aw_sl]
+ STR fp,[v2,#aw_fp]
+ ADR a2,aw_callback
+ MOV lr,pc
+ MOV pc,v1
+ MOVVC a1,#0
+ @ return updated block ptr & size to caller
+ LDR a2,[fp,#-28]
+ LDR a3,[fp,#-24]
+ LDR ip,[v2,#aw_rsz_block]
+ LDR lr,[v2,#aw_rsz_size]
+ STR ip,[a2]
+ STR lr,[a3]
+ LDMEA fp,{v1,v2,fp,sp,pc}
+@ os_error *awrender_render(const char *doc,
+@ const struct awinfo_block *info,
+@ const os_trfm *trans,
+@ const int *vdu_vars,
+@ char **rsz_block,
+@ size_t *rsz_size,
+@ int wysiwyg_setting,
+@ int output_dest,
+@ size_t doc_size,
+@ void *routine,
+@ void *workspace);
+ .global awrender_render
+awrender_render: MOV ip,sp
+ STMFD sp!,{v1-v4,fp,ip,lr,pc}
+ SUB fp,ip,#4
+ SUB ip,sp,#512
+ CMP ip,sl
+ BLMI __rt_stkovf_split_big
+ LDR R12,[fp,#20]
+ LDR R14,=aw_temp
+ LDR R5,[fp,#4]
+ LDR R6,[fp,#12]
+ LDR R4,[R5] @ resizable block
+ LDR R7,[fp,#16]
+ STR R4,[R14,#aw_rsz_block]
+ STR R0,[R14,#aw_fixed_block] @ document ptr
+ STR R12,[R14,#aw_fixed_size] @ document size
+ LDR R12,[fp,#8]
+ STR R5,[sp,#-4]! @ ptr to receive block
+ STR R12,[sp,#-4]! @ ptr to receive size
+ LDR R12,[R12]
+ ADR R5,aw_callback
+ STR R12,[R14,#aw_rsz_size]
+ STR sl,[R14,#aw_sl]
+ STR fp,[R14,#aw_fp]
+ LDR R12,[fp,#28]
+ MOV lr,pc
+ LDR pc,[fp,#24]
+ MOVVC a1,#0
+ @ return updated block ptr & size to caller
+ LDR R7,=aw_temp
+ LDR R12,[sp],#4
+ LDR R4,[sp],#4
+ LDR R5,[R7,#aw_rsz_size]
+ LDR R6,[R7,#aw_rsz_block]
+ STR R5,[R12]
+ STR R6,[R4]
+ LDMEA fp,{v1-v4,fp,sp,pc}
+@ Callback routine for block resizing
+@ (passed to AWRender init and render routines)
+@ entry R11 = reason code
+@ 0 = CallBackReason_Memory
+@ 3 = CallBackReason_Interface
+@ (0 => return capabilities)
+@ exit R0 => base of resizable block
+@ R1 = size of resizable block
+@ R2 => base of fixed block (or -1 if no fixed block)
+@ R3 = size of fixed block (or document in resizable block)
+@ VC if resize successful, VS and R0 => error otherwise
+aw_callback: TEQ R11,#3
+ TEQEQ R0,#0
+ MOVEQ R0,#1<<10 @ background colour supplied
+ TEQ R11,#0
+ LDREQ R11,=aw_temp
+ CMP R0,#-1 @ read block size?
+ LDRNE R2,[R11,#aw_rsz_size]
+ MOVNE R1,R0 @ new block size
+ LDR R0,[R11,#aw_rsz_block]
+ BEQ aw_read
+ @ Note: because ArtworksRenderer seems to call
+ @ this routine for every scanline rendered
+ @ we never call realloc unless we have to in
+ @ order to expand the block. Also it calls
+ @ us with a size request of 0 which we must
+ @ safely ignore otherwise rendering will stop.
+ CMP R1,R2
+ BLS aw_read
+ STMFD R13!,{R1,R10-R12,R14}
+ LDR sl,[R11,#aw_sl]
+ LDR fp,[R11,#aw_fp]
+ BL realloc
+ LDMFD R13!,{R1,R10-R12,R14}
+ CMP R0,#0 @ did it work?
+ BEQ aw_nomem
+ STR R0,[R11]
+ STR R1,[R11,#aw_rsz_size]
+aw_read: @ return details of fixed block
+ LDR R2,[R11,#aw_fixed_block]
+ LDR R3,[R11,#aw_fixed_size]
+ SUBS R11,R11,R11 @ clear V
+ MOV PC,R14
+aw_nomem: STMFD R13!,{R10,R12,R14}
+ LDR sl,[R11,#aw_sl]
+ LDR fp,[R11,#aw_fp]
+ ADR R0,tok_nomem
+ BL messages_get
+ MOV a2,a1
+ LDR a1,=errblk + 4
+ BL strcpy
+ SUB R0,R0,#4 @ error number already 0
+ MOV R11,#0 @ restore reason code
+ CMP PC,#1<<31 @ set V
+ LDMFD R13!,{R10,R12,PC}
+tok_nomem: .asciz "NoMemory"
+ .align
+ .bss
+aw_temp: .space sizeof_aw
+ .type aw_temp, %object
+ .size aw_temp, . - aw_temp
+errblk: .space 256
+ .type errblk, %object
+ .size errblk, . - errblk
+ .end