path: root/utils/
diff options
authorJames Bursa <>2004-07-28 22:35:02 +0000
committerJames Bursa <>2004-07-28 22:35:02 +0000
commit7114ceadd573d7e8c8bfe6be95a3cae379e5c27e (patch)
treef150ba806bf758bb024876ab7118535594bfb553 /utils/
parent3244e3440d06a283fd23cc7bf159d2785a3f46bc (diff)
[project @ 2004-07-28 22:35:02 by bursa]
Heap debugging functions and log analysis script. svn path=/import/netsurf/; revision=1156
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..57e107d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# Example input:
+# MEM mprintf.c:1094 malloc(32) = e5718
+# MEM mprintf.c:1103 realloc(e5718, 64) = e6118
+# MEM sendf.c:232 free(f6520)
+my $mallocs=0;
+my $callocs=0;
+my $reallocs=0;
+my $strdups=0;
+my $showlimit;
+while(1) {
+ if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") {
+ $verbose=1;
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-t") {
+ $trace=1;
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ elsif($ARGV[0] eq "-l") {
+ # only show what alloc that caused a memlimit failure
+ $showlimit=1;
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+ else {
+ last;
+ }
+my $maxmem;
+sub newtotal {
+ my ($newtot)=@_;
+ # count a max here
+ if($newtot > $maxmem) {
+ $maxmem= $newtot;
+ }
+my $file = $ARGV[0];
+if(! -f $file) {
+ print "Usage: [options] <dump file>\n",
+ "Options:\n",
+ " -l memlimit failure displayed\n",
+ " -v Verbose\n",
+ " -t Trace\n";
+ exit;
+open(FILE, "<$file");
+if($showlimit) {
+ while(<FILE>) {
+ if(/^LIMIT.*memlimit$/) {
+ print $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ exit;
+while(<FILE>) {
+ chomp $_;
+ $line = $_;
+ if($line =~ /^LIMIT ([^ ]*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
+ # new memory limit test prefix
+ my $i = $3;
+ my ($source, $linenum) = ($1, $2);
+ if($trace && ($i =~ /([^ ]*) reached memlimit/)) {
+ print "LIMIT: $1 returned error at $source:$linenum\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($line =~ /^MEM ([^ ]*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
+ # generic match for the filename+linenumber
+ $source = $1;
+ $linenum = $2;
+ $function = $3;
+ if($function =~ /free\(0x([0-9a-f]*)/) {
+ $addr = $1;
+ if(!exists $sizeataddr{$addr}) {
+ print "FREE ERROR: No memory allocated: $line\n";
+ }
+ elsif(-1 == $sizeataddr{$addr}) {
+ print "FREE ERROR: Memory freed twice: $line\n";
+ print "FREE ERROR: Previously freed at: ".$getmem{$addr}."\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $totalmem -= $sizeataddr{$addr};
+ if($trace) {
+ print "FREE: malloc at ".$getmem{$addr}." is freed again at $source:$linenum\n";
+ printf("FREE: %d bytes freed, left allocated: $totalmem bytes\n", $sizeataddr{$addr});
+ }
+ newtotal($totalmem);
+ $frees++;
+ $sizeataddr{$addr}=-1; # set -1 to mark as freed
+ $getmem{$addr}="$source:$linenum";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /malloc\((\d*)\) = 0x([0-9a-f]*)/) {
+ $size = $1;
+ $addr = $2;
+ if($sizeataddr{$addr}>0) {
+ # this means weeeeeirdo
+ print "Mixed debug compile, rebuild curl now\n";
+ }
+ $sizeataddr{$addr}=$size;
+ $totalmem += $size;
+ if($trace) {
+ print "MALLOC: malloc($size) at $source:$linenum",
+ " makes totally $totalmem bytes\n";
+ }
+ newtotal($totalmem);
+ $mallocs++;
+ $getmem{$addr}="$source:$linenum";
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /calloc\((\d*),(\d*)\) = 0x([0-9a-f]*)/) {
+ $size = $1*$2;
+ $addr = $3;
+ $arg1 = $1;
+ $arg2 = $2;
+ if($sizeataddr{$addr}>0) {
+ # this means weeeeeirdo
+ print "Mixed debug compile, rebuild curl now\n";
+ }
+ $sizeataddr{$addr}=$size;
+ $totalmem += $size;
+ if($trace) {
+ print "CALLOC: calloc($arg1,$arg2) at $source:$linenum",
+ " makes totally $totalmem bytes\n";
+ }
+ newtotal($totalmem);
+ $callocs++;
+ $getmem{$addr}="$source:$linenum";
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /realloc\(0x([0-9a-f]*), (\d*)\) = 0x([0-9a-f]*)/) {
+ $oldaddr = $1;
+ $newsize = $2;
+ $newaddr = $3;
+ $totalmem -= $sizeataddr{$oldaddr};
+ if($trace) {
+ printf("REALLOC: %d less bytes and ", $sizeataddr{$oldaddr});
+ }
+ $sizeataddr{$oldaddr}=0;
+ $totalmem += $newsize;
+ $sizeataddr{$newaddr}=$newsize;
+ if($trace) {
+ printf("%d more bytes ($source:$linenum)\n", $newsize);
+ }
+ newtotal($totalmem);
+ $reallocs++;
+ $getmem{$oldaddr}="";
+ $getmem{$newaddr}="$source:$linenum";
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /strdup\(0x([0-9a-f]*)\) \((\d*)\) = 0x([0-9a-f]*)/) {
+ # strdup(a5b50) (8) = df7c0
+ $dup = $1;
+ $size = $2;
+ $addr = $3;
+ $getmem{$addr}="$source:$linenum";
+ $sizeataddr{$addr}=$size;
+ $totalmem += $size;
+ if($trace) {
+ printf("STRDUP: $size bytes at %s, makes totally: %d bytes\n",
+ $getmem{$addr}, $totalmem);
+ }
+ newtotal($totalmem);
+ $strdups++;
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /strndup\(0x([0-9a-f]*), (\d*)\) \((\d*)\) = 0x([0-9a-f]*)/) {
+ # strndup(a5b50, 20) (8) = df7c0
+ $dup = $1;
+ $limit = $2;
+ $size = $3;
+ $addr = $4;
+ $getmem{$addr}="$source:$linenum";
+ $sizeataddr{$addr}=$size;
+ $totalmem += $size;
+ if($trace) {
+ printf("STRDUP: $size bytes at %s, makes totally: %d bytes\n",
+ $getmem{$addr}, $totalmem);
+ }
+ newtotal($totalmem);
+ $strdups++;
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Not recognized input line: $function\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # FD url.c:1282 socket() = 5
+ elsif($_ =~ /^FD ([^ ]*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
+ # generic match for the filename+linenumber
+ $source = $1;
+ $linenum = $2;
+ $function = $3;
+ if($function =~ /socket\(\) = (\d*)/) {
+ $filedes{$1}=1;
+ $getfile{$1}="$source:$linenum";
+ $openfile++;
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /accept\(\) = (\d*)/) {
+ $filedes{$1}=1;
+ $getfile{$1}="$source:$linenum";
+ $openfile++;
+ }
+ elsif($function =~ /sclose\((\d*)\)/) {
+ if($filedes{$1} != 1) {
+ print "Close without open: $line\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $filedes{$1}=0; # closed now
+ $openfile--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # FILE url.c:1282 fopen("blabla") = 0x5ddd
+ elsif($_ =~ /^FILE ([^ ]*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
+ # generic match for the filename+linenumber
+ $source = $1;
+ $linenum = $2;
+ $function = $3;
+ if($function =~ /fopen\(\"([^\"]*)\",\"([^\"]*)\"\) = (\(nil\)|0x([0-9a-f]*))/) {
+ if($3 eq "(nil)") {
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $fopen{$4}=1;
+ $fopenfile{$4}="$source:$linenum";
+ $fopens++;
+ }
+ }
+ # fclose(0x1026c8)
+ elsif($function =~ /fclose\(0x([0-9a-f]*)\)/) {
+ if(!$fopen{$1}) {
+ print "fclose() without fopen(): $line\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $fopen{$1}=0;
+ $fopens--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # GETNAME url.c:1901 getnameinfo()
+ elsif($_ =~ /^GETNAME ([^ ]*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
+ # not much to do
+ }
+ # ADDR url.c:1282 getaddrinfo() = 0x5ddd
+ elsif($_ =~ /^ADDR ([^ ]*):(\d*) (.*)/) {
+ # generic match for the filename+linenumber
+ $source = $1;
+ $linenum = $2;
+ $function = $3;
+ if($function =~ /getaddrinfo\(\) = (\(nil\)|0x([0-9a-f]*))/) {
+ my $add = $2;
+ if($add eq "(nil)") {
+ ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $addrinfo{$add}=1;
+ $addrinfofile{$add}="$source:$linenum";
+ $addrinfos++;
+ }
+ }
+ # fclose(0x1026c8)
+ elsif($function =~ /freeaddrinfo\(0x([0-9a-f]*)\)/) {
+ if(!$addrinfo{$1}) {
+ print "freeaddrinfo() without getaddrinfo(): $line\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $addrinfo{$1}=0;
+ $addrinfos--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Not recognized prefix line: $line\n";
+ }
+if($totalmem) {
+ print "Leak detected: memory still allocated: $totalmem bytes\n";
+ for(keys %sizeataddr) {
+ $addr = $_;
+ $size = $sizeataddr{$addr};
+ if($size > 0) {
+ print "At $addr, there's $size bytes.\t";
+ print " allocated by ".$getmem{$addr}."\n";
+ $allocs{$getmem{$addr}}++;
+ $amount{$getmem{$addr}} += $size;
+ }
+ }
+ print "Summary by location of allocation:\n";
+ print "Allocs\tBytes\tLocation\n";
+ for (sort { $amount{$b} <=> $amount{$a} } keys %allocs) {
+ print "$allocs{$_}\t$amount{$_}\t$_\n";
+ }
+if($openfile) {
+ for(keys %filedes) {
+ if($filedes{$_} == 1) {
+ print "Open file descriptor created at ".$getfile{$_}."\n";
+ }
+ }
+if($fopens) {
+ print "Open FILE handles left at:\n";
+ for(keys %fopen) {
+ if($fopen{$_} == 1) {
+ print "fopen() called at ".$fopenfile{$_}."\n";
+ }
+ }
+if($addrinfos) {
+ print "IPv6-style name resolve data left at:\n";
+ for(keys %addrinfofile) {
+ if($addrinfo{$_} == 1) {
+ print "getaddrinfo() called at ".$addrinfofile{$_}."\n";
+ }
+ }
+if($verbose) {
+ print "Mallocs: $mallocs\n",
+ "Reallocs: $reallocs\n",
+ "Callocs: $callocs\n",
+ "Strdups: $strdups\n",
+ "Frees: $frees\n",
+ "Allocations: ".($mallocs + $callocs + $reallocs + $strdups)."\n";
+ print "Maximum allocated: $maxmem\n";