diff options
1 files changed, 296 insertions, 257 deletions
diff --git a/utils/url.c b/utils/url.c
index 0b7d92fd5..dcb58d95c 100644
--- a/utils/url.c
+++ b/utils/url.c
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
#include "netsurf/utils/utils.h"
struct url_components {
- union {
+ union {
char *storage; /* buffer used for all the following data */
int *users;
} internal;
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ struct url_components {
url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
- struct url_components *result);
-void url_destroy_components(struct url_components *result);
+ struct url_components *result, bool cache);
+char *url_reform_components(struct url_components *components);
+void url_destroy_components(struct url_components *components);
char *cached_url = NULL;
struct url_components cached_components;
@@ -233,213 +234,186 @@ url_func_result url_normalize(const char *url, char **result)
url_func_result url_join(const char *rel, const char *base, char **result)
- int m;
- int i, j;
- char *buf = 0;
- const char *scheme = 0, *authority = 0, *path = 0, *query = 0,
- *fragment = 0;
- int scheme_len = 0, authority_len = 0, path_len = 0, query_len = 0,
- fragment_len = 0;
- regmatch_t rel_match[10];
- regmatch_t up_match[3];
- url_func_result status;
- struct url_components components;
+ url_func_result status = URL_FUNC_NOMEM;
+ struct url_components base_components = {{0},0,0,0,0,0};
+ struct url_components rel_components = {{0},0,0,0,0,0};
+ struct url_components merged_components = {{0},0,0,0,0,0};
+ char *merge_path = NULL, *split_point;
+ char *input, *output = NULL, *start;
+ int len, buf_len;
(*result) = 0;
- fprintf(stderr, "base:%s\nrel:%s\n", base, rel);
+ assert(rel);
- /* break down the base url */
- status = url_get_components(base, &components);
+ /* break down the relative URL */
+ status = url_get_components(rel, &rel_components, false);
if (status != URL_FUNC_OK) {
- LOG(("base url '%s' failed to get components", base));
+ LOG(("relative url '%s' failed to get components", rel));
- scheme = components.scheme;
- scheme_len = strlen(scheme);
- authority = components.authority;
- if (authority)
- authority_len = strlen(authority);
- path = components.path;
- path_len = strlen(path);
- /* 1) */
- m = regexec(&url_re, rel, 10, rel_match, 0);
- if (m) {
- LOG(("relative url '%s' failed to match regex", rel));
- url_destroy_components(&components);
+ /* [1] relative URL is absolute, use it entirely */
+ merged_components = rel_components;
+ if (rel_components.scheme)
+ goto url_join_reform_url;
+ /* break down the base URL */
+ status = url_get_components(base, &base_components, true);
+ if (status != URL_FUNC_OK) {
+ LOG(("base url '%s' failed to get components", base));
- /* 2) */
- /* base + "#s" = (current document)#s (see Appendix C.1) */
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_FRAGMENT].rm_so != -1) {
- fragment = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_FRAGMENT].rm_so;
- fragment_len = rel_match[URL_RE_FRAGMENT].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_FRAGMENT].rm_so;
+ /* [2] relative authority takes presidence */
+ merged_components.scheme = base_components.scheme;
+ if (rel_components.authority)
+ goto url_join_reform_url;
+ /* [3] handle empty paths */
+ merged_components.authority = base_components.authority;
+ if (!rel_components.path) {
+ merged_components.path = base_components.path;
+ if (!rel_components.query)
+ merged_components.query = base_components.query;
+ goto url_join_reform_url;
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so == rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo &&
- rel_match[URL_RE_SCHEME].rm_so == -1 &&
- rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so == -1 &&
- rel_match[URL_RE_QUERY].rm_so == -1) {
- if (components.query) {
- /* normally the base query is discarded, but this is a
- * "reference to the current document", so keep it */
- query = components.query;
- query_len = strlen(components.query);
+ /* [4] handle valid paths */
+ if (rel_components.path[0] == '/')
+ merged_components.path = rel_components.path;
+ else {
+ /* 5.2.3 */
+ if ((base_components.authority) && (!base_components.path)) {
+ merge_path = malloc(strlen(rel_components.path) + 2);
+ if (!merge_path) {
+ LOG(("malloc failed"));
+ goto url_join_reform_no_mem;
+ }
+ sprintf(merge_path, "/%s", rel_components.path);
+ merged_components.path = merge_path;
+ } else {
+ split_point = strrchr(base_components.path, '/');
+ if (!split_point) {
+ merged_components.path = rel_components.path;
+ } else {
+ len = ++split_point - base_components.path;
+ buf_len = len + 1 + strlen(rel_components.path);
+ merge_path = malloc(buf_len);
+ if (!merge_path) {
+ LOG(("malloc failed"));
+ goto url_join_reform_no_mem;
+ }
+ memcpy(merge_path, base_components.path, len);
+ memcpy(merge_path + len, rel_components.path,
+ strlen(rel_components.path));
+ merge_path[buf_len - 1] = '\0';
+ merged_components.path = merge_path;
+ }
- goto step7;
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_QUERY].rm_so != -1) {
- query = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_QUERY].rm_so;
- query_len = rel_match[URL_RE_QUERY].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_QUERY].rm_so;
- }
- /* base + "?y" = (base - query)?y
- * e.g http://a/b/c/d;p?q + ?y = http://a/b/c/d;p?y */
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so == rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo &&
- rel_match[URL_RE_SCHEME].rm_so == -1 &&
- rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so == -1 &&
- rel_match[URL_RE_QUERY].rm_so != -1)
- goto step7;
- /* 3) */
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_SCHEME].rm_so != -1) {
- scheme = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_SCHEME].rm_so;
- scheme_len = rel_match[URL_RE_SCHEME].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_SCHEME].rm_so;
- authority = 0;
- authority_len = 0;
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so != -1) {
- authority = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so;
- authority_len = rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so;
+ /* 5.2.4 */
+ input = merged_components.path;
+ if ((input) && (strchr(input, '.'))) {
+ /* [1] remove all dot references */
+ output = start = malloc(strlen(input) + 1);
+ if (!output) {
+ LOG(("malloc failed"));
+ goto url_join_reform_no_mem;
- path = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- path_len = rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- goto step7;
- }
- /* 4) */
- if (rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so != -1) {
- authority = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so;
- authority_len = rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_AUTHORITY].rm_so;
- path = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- path_len = rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- goto step7;
- }
- /* 5) */
- if (rel[rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so] == '/') {
- path = rel + rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- path_len = rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- goto step7;
- }
- /* 6) */
- buf = malloc(path_len + rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo + 10);
- if (!buf) {
- LOG(("malloc failed"));
- url_destroy_components(&components);
- return URL_FUNC_NOMEM;
- }
- /* a) */
- strncpy(buf, path, path_len);
- for (; path_len != 0 && buf[path_len - 1] != '/'; path_len--)
- ;
- /* b) */
- strncpy(buf + path_len, rel + rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so,
- rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo -
- rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so);
- path_len += rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_eo - rel_match[URL_RE_PATH].rm_so;
- /* c) */
- buf[path_len] = 0;
- for (i = j = 0; j != path_len; ) {
- if (j && buf[j - 1] == '/' && buf[j] == '.' &&
- buf[j + 1] == '/')
- j += 2;
- else
- buf[i++] = buf[j++];
- }
- path_len = i;
- /* d) */
- if (2 <= path_len && buf[path_len - 2] == '/' &&
- buf[path_len - 1] == '.')
- path_len--;
- /* e) and f) */
- while (1) {
- buf[path_len] = 0;
- m = regexec(&url_up_re, buf, 3, up_match, 0);
- if (m)
- break;
- if (up_match[1].rm_eo + 4 <= path_len) {
- memmove(buf + up_match[1].rm_so,
- buf + up_match[1].rm_eo + 4,
- path_len - up_match[1].rm_eo - 4);
- path_len -= up_match[1].rm_eo - up_match[1].rm_so + 4;
- } else
- path_len -= up_match[1].rm_eo - up_match[1].rm_so + 3;
- }
- /* g) (choose to remove) */
- path = buf;
- while (3 <= path_len && path[1] == '.' && path[2] == '.') {
- path += 3;
- path_len -= 3;
- }
- buf[path - buf + path_len] = 0;
-step7: /* 7) */
- (*result) = malloc(scheme_len + 1 + 2 + authority_len + path_len + 1 +
- 1 + query_len + 1 + fragment_len + 1);
- if (!(*result)) {
- LOG(("malloc failed"));
- free(buf);
- url_destroy_components(&components);
- return URL_FUNC_NOMEM;
- }
- strncpy((*result), scheme, scheme_len);
- (*result)[scheme_len] = ':';
- i = scheme_len + 1;
- if (authority) {
- (*result)[i++] = '/';
- (*result)[i++] = '/';
- strncpy((*result) + i, authority, authority_len);
- i += authority_len;
- }
- if (path_len) {
- strncpy((*result) + i, path, path_len);
- i += path_len;
- } else {
- (*result)[i++] = '/';
- }
- if (query) {
- (*result)[i++] = '?';
- strncpy((*result) + i, query, query_len);
- i += query_len;
- }
- if (fragment) {
- (*result)[i++] = '#';
- strncpy((*result) + i, fragment, fragment_len);
- i += fragment_len;
- }
- (*result)[i] = 0;
- free(buf);
- url_destroy_components(&components);
- return URL_FUNC_OK;
+ merged_components.path = output;
+ *output = '\0';
+ while (*input != '\0') {
+ /* [2A] */
+ if (input[0] == '.') {
+ if (input[1] == '/') {
+ input = input + 2;
+ continue;
+ } else if ((input[1] == '.') &&
+ (input[2] == '/')) {
+ input = input + 3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* [2B] */
+ if ((input[0] == '/') && (input[1] == '.')) {
+ if (input[2] == '/') {
+ input = input + 2;
+ continue;
+ } else if (input[2] == '\0') {
+ input = input + 1;
+ *input = '/';
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* [2C] */
+ if ((input[2] == '.') && ((input[3] == '/') ||
+ (input[3] == '\0'))) {
+ if (input[3] == '/') {
+ input = input + 3;
+ } else {
+ input = input + 2;
+ *input = '/';
+ }
+ if ((output > start) &&
+ (output[-1] == '/'))
+ *--output = '\0';
+ split_point = strrchr(start, '/');
+ if (!split_point)
+ output = start;
+ else
+ output = split_point;
+ *output = '\0';
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* [2D] */
+ if (input[0] == '.') {
+ if (input[1] == '\0') {
+ input = input + 1;
+ continue;
+ } else if ((input[1] == '.') &&
+ (input[2] == '\0')) {
+ input = input + 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* [2E] */
+ if (*input == '/')
+ *output++ = *input++;
+ while ((*input != '/') && (*input != '\0'))
+ *output++ = *input++;
+ *output = '\0';
+ }
+ /* [3] */
+ merged_components.path = start;
+ output = start;
+ }
+ /* 5.3 */
+ *result = url_reform_components(&merged_components);
+ if (!(*result))
+ goto url_join_reform_no_mem;
+ /* return success */
+ status = URL_FUNC_OK;
+ free(output);
+ free(merge_path);
+ url_destroy_components(&base_components);
+ url_destroy_components(&rel_components);
+ return status;
@@ -459,7 +433,7 @@ url_func_result url_host(const char *url, char **result)
- status = url_get_components(url, &components);
+ status = url_get_components(url, &components, true);
if (status == URL_FUNC_OK) {
if (!components.authority) {
@@ -502,8 +476,10 @@ url_func_result url_scheme(const char *url, char **result)
- status = url_get_components(url, &components);
+ status = url_get_components(url, &components, true);
if (status == URL_FUNC_OK) {
+ if (!components.scheme)
*result = strdup(components.scheme);
if (!(*result))
status = URL_FUNC_NOMEM;
@@ -528,7 +504,7 @@ url_func_result url_canonical_root(const char *url, char **result)
- status = url_get_components(url, &components);
+ status = url_get_components(url, &components, true);
if (status == URL_FUNC_OK) {
if ((!components.scheme) || (!components.authority)) {
@@ -563,7 +539,7 @@ url_func_result url_strip_lqf(const char *url, char **result)
- status = url_get_components(url, &components);
+ status = url_get_components(url, &components, true);
if (status == URL_FUNC_OK) {
if ((!components.scheme) || (!components.authority) ||
(!components.path)) {
@@ -611,7 +587,7 @@ url_func_result url_plq(const char *url, char **result)
- status = url_get_components(url, &components);
+ status = url_get_components(url, &components, true);
if (status == URL_FUNC_OK) {
if ((components.query) && (strlen(components.query) > 0)) {
*result = malloc(strlen(components.path) +
@@ -648,7 +624,7 @@ url_func_result url_path(const char *url, char **result)
- status = url_get_components(url, &components);
+ status = url_get_components(url, &components, true);
if (status == URL_FUNC_OK) {
if (!components.path) {
@@ -843,15 +819,16 @@ url_func_result url_escape(const char *unescaped, char **result)
* See RFC 3986 for reference.
- * \param url an absolute URL
- * \param result pointer to buffer to hold components
+ * \param url a valid absolute or relative URL
+ * \param result pointer to buffer to hold components
+ * \param cache cache this result for subsequent calls
* \return URL_FUNC_OK on success
url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
- struct url_components *result)
+ struct url_components *result, bool cache)
- char *storage_end;
+ char *storage_end;
const char *scheme;
const char *authority;
const char *path;
@@ -861,16 +838,18 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
/* used cached components as a preference */
- if (cached_url && !strcmp(url, cached_url)) {
- *result = cached_components;
- result->internal.users[0]++;
- return URL_FUNC_OK;
- }
+ if (!cache) {
+ if (cached_url && !strcmp(url, cached_url)) {
+ *result = cached_components;
+ result->internal.users[0]++;
+ return URL_FUNC_OK;
+ }
- /* clear the cache */
- free(cached_url);
- cached_url = NULL;
- url_destroy_components(&cached_components);
+ /* clear the cache */
+ free(cached_url);
+ cached_url = NULL;
+ url_destroy_components(&cached_components);
+ }
memset(result, 0x00, sizeof(struct url_components));
@@ -882,26 +861,33 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
storage_end = (char *)(result->internal.users + 1);
- /* extract the scheme */
- scheme = strchr(url, ':');
- if (!scheme) {
- url_destroy_components(result);
+ /* look for a valid scheme */
+ scheme = url;
+ if (isalpha(*scheme)) {
+ for (scheme = url + 1;
+ ((*scheme != ':') && (*scheme != '\0'));
+ *scheme++)
+ if (!isalnum(*scheme) && (*scheme != '+') &&
+ (*scheme != '-') && (*scheme != '.'))
+ break;
+ if (*scheme == ':') {
+ memcpy(storage_end, url, scheme - url);
+ storage_end[scheme - url] = '\0';
+ result->scheme = storage_end;
+ storage_end += scheme - url + 1;
+ scheme++;
+ } else {
+ scheme = url;
+ }
- memcpy(storage_end, url, scheme - url);
- storage_end[scheme - url] = '\0';
- result->scheme = storage_end;
- storage_end += scheme - url + 1;
/* look for an authority */
- authority = ++scheme;
+ authority = scheme;
if ((authority[0] == '/') && (authority[1] == '/')) {
- authority = strchr(scheme + 2, '/');
- if (!authority) {
- url_destroy_components(result);
- }
+ authority = strpbrk(scheme + 2, "/?#");
+ if (!authority)
+ authority = scheme + strlen(scheme);
memcpy(storage_end, scheme + 2, authority - scheme - 2);
storage_end[authority - scheme - 2] = '\0';
result->authority = storage_end;
@@ -909,19 +895,12 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
- /* extract the path (can be empty) */
+ /* look for a path */
path = authority;
if ((*path != '?') && (*path != '#') && (*path != '\0')) {
path = strpbrk(path, "?#");
if (!path)
path = authority + strlen(authority);
- }
- /* substitute an empty path for a '/' */
- if (path == authority) {
- *storage_end++ = '/';
- *storage_end++ = '\0';
- } else {
memcpy(storage_end, authority, path - authority);
storage_end[path - authority] = '\0';
result->path = storage_end;
@@ -932,9 +911,9 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
/* look for a query */
query = path;
if (*query == '?') {
- query = strchr(query, '#');
- if (!query)
- query = path + strlen(path);
+ query = strchr(query, '#');
+ if (!query)
+ query = path + strlen(path);
memcpy(storage_end, path + 1, query - path - 1);
storage_end[query - path - 1] = '\0';
result->query = storage_end;
@@ -945,7 +924,7 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
/* look for a fragment */
fragment = query;
if (*fragment == '#') {
- fragment = query + strlen(query);
+ fragment = query + strlen(query);
/* make a copy of the result for the caller */
memcpy(storage_end, query + 1, fragment - query - 1);
@@ -956,16 +935,73 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
/* cache our values */
- cached_url = strdup(url);
- if (cached_url) {
- result->internal.users[0]++;
- cached_components = *result;
+ if (cache) {
+ cached_url = strdup(url);
+ if (cached_url) {
+ result->internal.users[0]++;
+ cached_components = *result;
+ }
+ }
+ return URL_FUNC_OK;
+ * Reform a URL from separate components
+ *
+ * See RFC 3986 for reference.
+ *
+ * \param components the components to reform into a URL
+ * \return a new URL allocated on the stack, or NULL on failure
+ */
+char *url_reform_components(struct url_components *components)
+ int scheme_len = 0, authority_len = 0, path_len = 0, query_len = 0,
+ fragment_len = 0;
+ char *result, *url;
+ /* 5.3 */
+ if (components->scheme)
+ scheme_len = strlen(components->scheme) + 1;
+ if (components->authority)
+ authority_len = strlen(components->authority) + 2;
+ if (components->path)
+ path_len = strlen(components->path);
+ if (components->query)
+ query_len = strlen(components->query) + 1;
+ if (components->fragment)
+ fragment_len = strlen(components->fragment) + 1;
+ /* claim memory */
+ url = result = malloc(scheme_len + authority_len + path_len +
+ query_len + fragment_len + 1);
+ if (!url) {
+ LOG(("malloc failed"));
+ return NULL;
-/* fprintf(stderr, "u:%s\ns:%s\na:%s\np:%s\nq:%s\nf:%s\n",
- url, result->scheme, result->authority,
- result->path, result->query, result->fragment);
-*/ return URL_FUNC_OK;
+ /* rebuild URL */
+ if (components->scheme) {
+ sprintf(url, "%s:", components->scheme);
+ url += scheme_len;
+ }
+ if (components->authority) {
+ sprintf(url, "//%s", components->authority);
+ url += authority_len;
+ }
+ if (components->path) {
+ sprintf(url, "%s", components->path);
+ url += path_len;
+ }
+ if (components->query) {
+ sprintf(url, "?%s", components->query);
+ url += query_len;
+ }
+ if (components->fragment)
+ sprintf(url, "#%s", components->fragment);
+ return result;
@@ -974,17 +1010,20 @@ url_func_result url_get_components(const char *url,
* \param result pointer to buffer containing components
-void url_destroy_components(struct url_components *result)
+void url_destroy_components(struct url_components *components)
- assert(result);
- if (result->internal.users) {
- result->internal.users[0]--;
- if (result->internal.users[0] == 0)
- free(result->;
+ assert(components);
+ if (components-> {
+ components->internal.users[0]--;
+ if (components->internal.users[0] == 0) {
+ free(components->;
+ components-> = NULL;
+ }
#ifdef TEST
int main(int argc, char *argv[])