path: root/amiga/dist/Install
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'amiga/dist/Install')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/amiga/dist/Install b/amiga/dist/Install
deleted file mode 100755
index e8d9d0ed7..000000000
--- a/amiga/dist/Install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-; Installation script for NetSurf
-(procedure p_append #filename #text
- (set #file-path (tackon "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL" #protocol))
- (set #def-file-path (tackon "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/defaults" #protocol))
- (if (exists #file-path)
- (
- (set #inc #file-path)
- )
- ;else
- (
- (set #inc #def-file-path)
- )
- )
- (textfile
- (dest #file-path)
- (include #inc)
- (append #text)
- )
-(procedure p_chk_launch-handler #protocol
- (if (exists (tackon "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL" #protocol))
- (
- (run "C:Search >T:NS_Install.tmp " (tackon "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL" #protocol) " NetSurf" (safe))
- )
- ;else
- (
- (run "C:Search >T:NS_Install.tmp " (tackon "ENVARC:launch-handler/URL/defaults" #protocol) " NetSurf" (safe))
- )
- )
- (set #has_entry (getsize "T:NS_Install.tmp"))
-;;; Script execution starts here ;;;
-(set osver (getversion "libs:version.library"))
-(set osver (/ osver 65536))
-(if (= @app-name "NetSurfAutoInstall") (set #AutoInstall 1))
-(set @app-name "NetSurf")
-(set #netsurf-readme "NetSurf.readme")
-(if (= (exists #netsurf-readme) 0)
- (
- (set #netsurf-readme "NetSurf_os3.readme")
- (if (OR (>= osver 50) (< osver 44))
- (abort "This archive is for AmigaOS 3.5 or 3.9 ONLY.")
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (if (< osver 50)
- (abort "This archive is for AmigaOS 4.0 and higher ONLY.")
- )
- )
-(if (<> #AutoInstall 1) (welcome))
-; (hopefully temporary) workaround for a bug in Installer:
-(if (= @language "dutch") (set @askdir-help ""))
-(complete 0)
-(set @default-dest (getenv "AppPaths/NetSurf"))
-; If env-var did not exist, this is a first time install.
-; For novice users we must take care to put the files somewhere sensible.
-(if (= @default-dest "")
- (
- ; Workaround for Installer bug picking TEXTCLIP: as a sensible location
- (if (= @default-dest "TextClip:") (set @default-dest "SYS:Internet"))
- (if (= @user-level 0)
- (
- (makedir (tackon @default-dest "NetSurf") (infos))
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "NetSurf"))
- )
- )
- )
-(set @default-dest
- (askdir
- (prompt "Where would you like to install NetSurf?\n"
- "(a drawer WILL NOT be created)")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
-(complete 5)
-(working "Checking existing installation...")
-(set #icon-exists (exists (tackon @default-dest "")))
-(complete 10)
-(set #user (getenv "user"))
-(if (= #user "") (set #user "Default"))
-(set #user-dir (tackon (tackon @default-dest "Users") #user))
-(set #user-options (tackon #user-dir "Choices"))
-(set #options-exist (exists #user-options))
-(set #searchengines-exist (exists (tackon @default-dest "Resources/SearchEngines")))
-(set #user-hotlist (tackon #user-dir "Hotlist"))
-(set #hotlist-exist (exists #user-hotlist))
-(set #old-hotlist (tackon @default-dest "Resources/Hotlist"))
-(set #old-hotlist-exist (exists #old-hotlist))
-(set #aiss-theme "")
-(if (= #options-exist 0)
- (
- (if (exists "TBimages:" (noreq))
- (set #aiss-theme "AISS")
- )
- (set #themename
- (askchoice
- (prompt "Please select theme")
- (help "AISS theme requires AISS (and def_pointers for 32-bit "
- "pointers), and will only be shown as an option if "
- "AISS is installed.\n\n"
- @askchoice-help)
- (choices "Default" #aiss-theme)
- (default 0)
- )
- )
- (select #themename
- (set #themeshort "Default")
- (set #themeshort "AISS")
- )
- (set #theme (tackon "PROGDIR:Resources/Themes/" #themeshort))
- )
-(complete 15)
-(if (>= osver 53)
- (
- (if (= #AutoInstall 1)
- (
- (set #addlaunchhandler 0)
- )
- ;else
- (
- (set #addlaunchhandler
- (askbool
- (prompt "Add NetSurf to launch-handler? (recommended)")
- (help "launch-handler is part of OS4.1 which opens URLs "
- " by launching a web browser.\n\n"
- "The installation will update the configuration of "
- "OS4.1 to allow URLs to be opened by NetSurf.")
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ;else
- (
- (set #addlaunchhandler 0)
- )
-(complete 20)
-(set #runfixfonts
- (askbool
- (prompt "Installer will run FixFonts after NetSurf is installed. "
- "Unless you have a *very* good reason you should not skip this step.")
- (help "FixFonts corrects inconsistencies in the Amiga FONTS: structure. "
- "Running it will prevent NetSurf hitting problems when the fonts are scanned.")
- (default 1)
- (choices "Run FixFonts" "Skip")
- )
-(complete 25)
-(working "Installing NetSurf")
-(if (= #AutoInstall 0)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying NetSurf...")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "NetSurf")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (newname "NetSurf")
- (optional "askuser" "force" "oknodelete")
- (confirm "expert")
- )
- )
- (
- (run "CopyStore NetSurf" @default-dest)
- )
-(complete 40)
-(if #searchengines-exist
- (rename (tackon @default-dest "Resources/SearchEngines") (tackon @default-dest "Resources/SearchEngines.backup"))
-(run "c:filenote Rexx/CloseTabs.nsrx \"Close other tabs\"")
-(run "c:filenote Rexx/ViewSource.nsrx \"View source\"")
-(complete 50)
- (prompt "Copying files")
- (source "")
- (choices "Resources" "Rexx" "" #netsurf-readme)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos)
- (optional "nofail")
-; (all)
-(complete 65)
- (prompt "Copying additional documentation")
- (source "")
- (pattern "(COPYING|ChangeLog)")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos)
- (optional "nofail")
-(complete 70)
-(if #themeshort
- (
- (set #theme-icon
- (tackon "Resources/Themes"
- (tackon #themeshort "")
- )
- )
- (if (exists #theme-icon)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying theme icon")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source #theme-icon)
- (dest @default-dest)
- )
- )
- )
- (makedir #user-dir)
- (textfile
- (prompt "Setting default options")
- (help @textfile-help)
- (dest #user-options)
- (append "theme:" #theme "\n")
- (append "pubscreen_name:Workbench\n")
- )
- (if (= #hotlist-exist 0)
- (if (= #old-hotlist-exist 1)
- (
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Migrating NetSurf 2.x Hotlist")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source #old-hotlist)
- (dest #user-dir)
- (optional "askuser" "force" "oknodelete")
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
-(complete 75)
-(if (= (exists "ENVARC:Sys/") 0)
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Copying default CSS icon")
- (source "Resources/")
- (newname "")
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (dest "ENVARC:Sys")
- (optional "nofail")
- )
-(complete 80)
-(if (>= osver 53)
- (if (= (exists "Rexx:NetSurf") 0)
- (
- (textfile
- (prompt "Creating NetSurf launch helper")
- (help @textfile-help)
- (dest "Rexx:NetSurf")
- (append "/*\n"
-" * Copyright 2013 Chris Young <>\n"
-" *\n"
-" * This file is part of NetSurf,\n"
-" *\n"
-" * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
-" * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
-" * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.\n"
-" *\n"
-" * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
-" * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
-" * GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
-" *\n"
-" * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
-" * along with this program. If not, see <>.\n"
-" */\n"
-"/* This is a convenience script for launching NetSurf from the Shell.\n"
-" * If NetSurf is already running it will open the supplied URL in a new tab.\n"
-" * This can be used in URL Prefs in place of directly calling APPDIR:NetSurf.\n"
-" */\n"
-"options results\n"
-"parse arg url\n"
-"if show('P', 'NETSURF') then do\n"
-" address NETSURF 'OPEN' url 'NEWTAB'\n"
-" address NETSURF 'TOFRONT'\n"
-"else do\n"
-" address command 'APPDIR:NetSurf URL' url\n"
- )
- (protect "Rexx:NetSurf" "+se")
- )
- )
-(complete 85)
-(if (= #addlaunchhandler 1)
- (
- (working "Adding NetSurf to launch-handler config")
- (if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "FILE.LH") 0)
- (p_append "FILE.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"Rexx:NetSurf\" CMDFORMAT=\"*\"file:///%s*\"\"")
- )
- (if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "HTTP.LH") 0)
- (p_append "HTTP.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"Rexx:NetSurf\" CMDFORMAT=\"*\"http://%s*\"\"")
- )
- (if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "HTTPS.LH") 0)
- (p_append "HTTPS.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"Rexx:NetSurf\" CMDFORMAT=\"*\"https://%s*\"\"")
- )
- (if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "WWW.LH") 0)
- (p_append "WWW.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"Rexx:NetSurf\" CMDFORMAT=\"*\"http://www.%s*\"\"")
- )
-; (if (= (p_chk_launch-handler "FTP.LH") 0)
-; (p_append "FTP.LH" "ClientName=\"NETSURF\" ClientPath=\"Rexx:NetSurf\" CMDFORMAT=\"*\"ftp://%s*\"\"")
-; )
- )
-(complete 90)
-(working "Running FixFonts")
-(if #runfixfonts
- (
- (run "SYS:System/FixFonts")
- )
-(complete 100)
-(if (= #AutoInstall 1)
- (
- (exit (quiet))
- )
- (
- (exit)
- )