path: root/amiga
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'amiga')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/amiga/dist/ b/amiga/dist/
index 41f117637..bf36383db 100755
--- a/amiga/dist/
+++ b/amiga/dist/
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ The options file is stored in @{"Resources/Options" link Resources/Options/Main}
@{b}url_file@{ub} Path to URL database file
@{b}hotlist_file@{ub} Path to Hotlist file
-@{b}use_workbench@{ub} Open NetSurf in a window on Workbench screen (default is to open a custom screen)
-@{b}screen_modeid@{ub} Mode ID for NetSurf's custom screen. If not specified, NetSurf will use @{b}window_screen_width@{ub} and @{b}window_screen_height@{ub} to find the best mode.
+@{b}use_pubscreen@{ub} Open NetSurf on the named public screen
+@{b}screen_modeid@{ub} Mode ID for NetSurf's custom screen. If not specified, NetSurf will prompt on startup. Choose Settings=>Save settings to make permanent.
@{b}theme@{ub} Path to theme (default is Resources/Themes/Default - an alternative included theme is Resources/Themes/AISS)
@{b}no_iframes@{ub} Disable IFrames
@{b}clipboard_write_utf8@{ub} Write UTF-8 strings to the clipboard along with a charset identifier (when this option is 0, NetSurf will convert copied strings to local charset)
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ The options file is stored in @{"Resources/Options" link Resources/Options/Main}
@{b}arexx_dir@{ub} Path to ARexx scripts dir
@{b}download_dir@{ub} default download destination
@{b}quick_text@{ub} disable for experimental Unicode display
+@{b}delay_redraw@{ub} slows down redraw interval
@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ NetSurf's ARexx port is called NETSURF.
Commands are:
@{b}OPEN URL/A,NEW=NEWWINDOW/S@{ub} Opens URL in current window or a new window if NEWWINDOW is specified.
+@{b}SAVE FILENAME/A@{ub} (2.6027) Saves current page source to FILENAME
@{b}QUIT@{ub} Quits NetSurf
@{b}TOFRONT@{ub} Brings NetSurf's screen to the front
@{b}GETURL@{ub} Puts the URL displayed in the current window/tab into RESULT