path: root/javascript/WebIDL/html.idl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'javascript/WebIDL/html.idl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2288 deletions
diff --git a/javascript/WebIDL/html.idl b/javascript/WebIDL/html.idl
deleted file mode 100644
index 73112f002..000000000
--- a/javascript/WebIDL/html.idl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2288 +0,0 @@
-// HTML web IDL
-// Retrived from
-// Mon Oct 5 2015
-typedef (Int8Array or Uint8Array or Uint8ClampedArray or
- Int16Array or Uint16Array or
- Int32Array or Uint32Array or
- Float32Array or Float64Array or
- DataView) ArrayBufferView;
-interface HTMLAllCollection {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter Element? item(unsigned long index);
- (HTMLCollection or Element)? item(DOMString name);
- legacycaller getter (HTMLCollection or Element)? namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface HTMLFormControlsCollection : HTMLCollection {
- // inherits length and item()
- getter (RadioNodeList or Element)? namedItem(DOMString name); // shadows inherited namedItem()
-interface RadioNodeList : NodeList {
- attribute DOMString value;
-interface HTMLOptionsCollection : HTMLCollection {
- // inherits item(), namedItem()
- attribute unsigned long length; // shadows inherited length
- setter void (unsigned long index, HTMLOptionElement? option);
- void add((HTMLOptionElement or HTMLOptGroupElement) element, optional (HTMLElement or long)? before = null);
- void remove(long index);
- attribute long selectedIndex;
-[OverrideBuiltins, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface DOMStringMap {
- getter DOMString (DOMString name);
- setter void (DOMString name, DOMString value);
- deleter void (DOMString name);
-interface DOMElementMap {
- getter Element (DOMString name);
- setter void (DOMString name, Element value);
- deleter void (DOMString name);
-typedef (ArrayBuffer or CanvasProxy or MessagePort) Transferable;
-callback FileCallback = void (File file);
-enum DocumentReadyState { "loading", "interactive", "complete" };
-partial /*sealed*/ interface Document {
- // resource metadata management
- [PutForwards=href, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Location? location;
- attribute DOMString domain;
- readonly attribute DOMString referrer;
- attribute DOMString cookie;
- readonly attribute DOMString lastModified;
- readonly attribute DocumentReadyState readyState;
- // DOM tree accessors
- getter object (DOMString name);
- attribute DOMString title;
- attribute DOMString dir;
- attribute HTMLElement? body;
- readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement? head;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection images;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection links;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts;
- NodeList getElementsByName(DOMString elementName);
- [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMElementMap cssElementMap;
- readonly attribute HTMLScriptElement? currentScript;
- // dynamic markup insertion
- Document open(optional DOMString type = "text/html", optional DOMString replace = "");
- WindowProxy open(DOMString url, DOMString name, DOMString features, optional boolean replace = false);
- void close();
- void write(DOMString... text);
- void writeln(DOMString... text);
- // user interaction
- readonly attribute WindowProxy? defaultView;
- readonly attribute Element? activeElement;
- boolean hasFocus();
- attribute DOMString designMode;
- boolean execCommand(DOMString commandId, optional boolean showUI = false, optional DOMString value = "");
- boolean queryCommandEnabled(DOMString commandId);
- boolean queryCommandIndeterm(DOMString commandId);
- boolean queryCommandState(DOMString commandId);
- boolean queryCommandSupported(DOMString commandId);
- DOMString queryCommandValue(DOMString commandId);
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection commands;
- // special event handler IDL attributes that only apply to Document objects
- [LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onreadystatechange;
- // also has obsolete members
-Document implements GlobalEventHandlers;
-partial interface XMLDocument {
- boolean load(DOMString url);
-interface HTMLElement : Element {
- // metadata attributes
- attribute DOMString title;
- attribute DOMString lang;
- attribute boolean translate;
- attribute DOMString dir;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMStringMap dataset;
- // user interaction
- attribute boolean hidden;
- void click();
- attribute long tabIndex;
- void focus();
- void blur();
- attribute DOMString accessKey;
- readonly attribute DOMString accessKeyLabel;
- attribute boolean draggable;
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList dropzone;
- attribute HTMLMenuElement? contextMenu;
- attribute boolean spellcheck;
- void forceSpellCheck();
- // command API
- readonly attribute DOMString? commandType;
- readonly attribute DOMString? commandLabel;
- readonly attribute DOMString? commandIcon;
- readonly attribute boolean? commandHidden;
- readonly attribute boolean? commandDisabled;
- readonly attribute boolean? commandChecked;
-HTMLElement implements GlobalEventHandlers;
-HTMLElement implements ElementContentEditable;
-interface HTMLUnknownElement : HTMLElement { };
-interface HTMLHtmlElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLHeadElement : HTMLElement {};
-interface HTMLTitleElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString text;
-interface HTMLBaseElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString href;
- attribute DOMString target;
-interface HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString href;
- attribute DOMString? crossOrigin;
- attribute DOMString rel;
- readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList;
- attribute DOMString media;
- attribute DOMString hreflang;
- attribute DOMString type;
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList sizes;
- // also has obsolete members
-HTMLLinkElement implements LinkStyle;
-interface HTMLMetaElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString httpEquiv;
- attribute DOMString content;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLStyleElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString media;
- attribute DOMString nonce;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute boolean scoped;
-HTMLStyleElement implements LinkStyle;
-interface HTMLBodyElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-HTMLBodyElement implements WindowEventHandlers;
-interface HTMLHeadingElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLParagraphElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLHRElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLPreElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString cite;
-interface HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean reversed;
- attribute long start;
- attribute DOMString type;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLUListElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLLIElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute long value;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLDListElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLDivElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString target;
- attribute DOMString download;
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList ping;
- attribute DOMString rel;
- readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList;
- attribute DOMString hreflang;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString text;
- // also has obsolete members
-HTMLAnchorElement implements URLUtils;
-interface HTMLDataElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString value;
-interface HTMLTimeElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString dateTime;
-interface HTMLSpanElement : HTMLElement {};
-interface HTMLBRElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLModElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString cite;
- attribute DOMString dateTime;
-interface HTMLPictureElement : HTMLElement {};
-partial interface HTMLSourceElement {
- attribute DOMString srcset;
- attribute DOMString sizes;
- attribute DOMString media;
-[NamedConstructor=Image(optional unsigned long width, optional unsigned long height)]
-interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString alt;
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString srcset;
- attribute DOMString sizes;
- attribute DOMString? crossOrigin;
- attribute DOMString useMap;
- attribute boolean isMap;
- attribute unsigned long width;
- attribute unsigned long height;
- readonly attribute unsigned long naturalWidth;
- readonly attribute unsigned long naturalHeight;
- readonly attribute boolean complete;
- readonly attribute DOMString currentSrc;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLIFrameElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString srcdoc;
- attribute DOMString name;
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList sandbox;
- attribute boolean seamless;
- attribute boolean allowFullscreen;
- attribute DOMString width;
- attribute DOMString height;
- readonly attribute Document? contentDocument;
- readonly attribute WindowProxy? contentWindow;
- Document? getSVGDocument();
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLEmbedElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString width;
- attribute DOMString height;
- Document? getSVGDocument();
- legacycaller any (any... arguments);
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLObjectElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString data;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute boolean typeMustMatch;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString useMap;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString width;
- attribute DOMString height;
- readonly attribute Document? contentDocument;
- readonly attribute WindowProxy? contentWindow;
- Document? getSVGDocument();
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- legacycaller any (any... arguments);
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLParamElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString value;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement {
- attribute unsigned long width;
- attribute unsigned long height;
- readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth;
- readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight;
- attribute DOMString poster;
-[NamedConstructor=Audio(optional DOMString src)]
-interface HTMLAudioElement : HTMLMediaElement {};
-interface HTMLSourceElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString type;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTrackElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString kind;
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString srclang;
- attribute DOMString label;
- attribute boolean default;
- const unsigned short NONE = 0;
- const unsigned short LOADING = 1;
- const unsigned short LOADED = 2;
- const unsigned short ERROR = 3;
- readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
- readonly attribute TextTrack track;
-enum CanPlayTypeResult { "" /* empty string */, "maybe", "probably" };
-typedef (MediaStream or MediaSource or Blob) MediaProvider;
-interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
- // error state
- readonly attribute MediaError? error;
- // network state
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute MediaProvider? srcObject;
- readonly attribute DOMString currentSrc;
- attribute DOMString? crossOrigin;
- const unsigned short NETWORK_EMPTY = 0;
- const unsigned short NETWORK_IDLE = 1;
- const unsigned short NETWORK_LOADING = 2;
- const unsigned short NETWORK_NO_SOURCE = 3;
- readonly attribute unsigned short networkState;
- attribute DOMString preload;
- readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered;
- void load();
- CanPlayTypeResult canPlayType(DOMString type);
- // ready state
- const unsigned short HAVE_NOTHING = 0;
- const unsigned short HAVE_METADATA = 1;
- const unsigned short HAVE_CURRENT_DATA = 2;
- const unsigned short HAVE_FUTURE_DATA = 3;
- const unsigned short HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA = 4;
- readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
- readonly attribute boolean seeking;
- // playback state
- attribute double currentTime;
- void fastSeek(double time);
- readonly attribute unrestricted double duration;
- Date getStartDate();
- readonly attribute boolean paused;
- attribute double defaultPlaybackRate;
- attribute double playbackRate;
- readonly attribute TimeRanges played;
- readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable;
- readonly attribute boolean ended;
- attribute boolean autoplay;
- attribute boolean loop;
- void play();
- void pause();
- // media controller
- attribute DOMString mediaGroup;
- attribute MediaController? controller;
- // controls
- attribute boolean controls;
- attribute double volume;
- attribute boolean muted;
- attribute boolean defaultMuted;
- // tracks
- [SameObject] readonly attribute AudioTrackList audioTracks;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute VideoTrackList videoTracks;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute TextTrackList textTracks;
- TextTrack addTextTrack(TextTrackKind kind, optional DOMString label = "", optional DOMString language = "");
-interface MediaError {
- const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1;
- const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2;
- const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3;
- const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED = 4;
- readonly attribute unsigned short code;
-interface AudioTrackList : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter AudioTrack (unsigned long index);
- AudioTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);
- attribute EventHandler onchange;
- attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
- attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;
-interface AudioTrack {
- readonly attribute DOMString id;
- readonly attribute DOMString kind;
- readonly attribute DOMString label;
- readonly attribute DOMString language;
- attribute boolean enabled;
-interface VideoTrackList : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter VideoTrack (unsigned long index);
- VideoTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);
- readonly attribute long selectedIndex;
- attribute EventHandler onchange;
- attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
- attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;
-interface VideoTrack {
- readonly attribute DOMString id;
- readonly attribute DOMString kind;
- readonly attribute DOMString label;
- readonly attribute DOMString language;
- attribute boolean selected;
-enum MediaControllerPlaybackState { "waiting", "playing", "ended" };
-interface MediaController : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute unsigned short readyState; // uses HTMLMediaElement.readyState's values
- readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered;
- readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable;
- readonly attribute unrestricted double duration;
- attribute double currentTime;
- readonly attribute boolean paused;
- readonly attribute MediaControllerPlaybackState playbackState;
- readonly attribute TimeRanges played;
- void pause();
- void unpause();
- void play(); // calls play() on all media elements as well
- attribute double defaultPlaybackRate;
- attribute double playbackRate;
- attribute double volume;
- attribute boolean muted;
- attribute EventHandler onemptied;
- attribute EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
- attribute EventHandler onloadeddata;
- attribute EventHandler oncanplay;
- attribute EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
- attribute EventHandler onplaying;
- attribute EventHandler onended;
- attribute EventHandler onwaiting;
- attribute EventHandler ondurationchange;
- attribute EventHandler ontimeupdate;
- attribute EventHandler onplay;
- attribute EventHandler onpause;
- attribute EventHandler onratechange;
- attribute EventHandler onvolumechange;
-interface TextTrackList : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter TextTrack (unsigned long index);
- TextTrack? getTrackById(DOMString id);
- attribute EventHandler onchange;
- attribute EventHandler onaddtrack;
- attribute EventHandler onremovetrack;
-enum TextTrackMode { "disabled", "hidden", "showing" };
-enum TextTrackKind { "subtitles", "captions", "descriptions", "chapters", "metadata" };
-interface TextTrack : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute TextTrackKind kind;
- readonly attribute DOMString label;
- readonly attribute DOMString language;
- readonly attribute DOMString id;
- readonly attribute DOMString inBandMetadataTrackDispatchType;
- attribute TextTrackMode mode;
- readonly attribute TextTrackCueList? cues;
- readonly attribute TextTrackCueList? activeCues;
- void addCue(TextTrackCue cue);
- void removeCue(TextTrackCue cue);
- attribute EventHandler oncuechange;
-interface TextTrackCueList {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter TextTrackCue (unsigned long index);
- TextTrackCue? getCueById(DOMString id);
-interface TextTrackCue : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute TextTrack? track;
- attribute DOMString id;
- attribute double startTime;
- attribute double endTime;
- attribute boolean pauseOnExit;
- attribute EventHandler onenter;
- attribute EventHandler onexit;
-interface TimeRanges {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- double start(unsigned long index);
- double end(unsigned long index);
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional TrackEventInit eventInitDict)]
-interface TrackEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute (VideoTrack or AudioTrack or TextTrack)? track;
-dictionary TrackEventInit : EventInit {
- (VideoTrack or AudioTrack or TextTrack)? track;
-interface HTMLMapElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString name;
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection areas;
-interface HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString alt;
- attribute DOMString coords;
- attribute DOMString shape;
- attribute DOMString target;
- attribute DOMString download;
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList ping;
- attribute DOMString rel;
- readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList;
- attribute DOMString hreflang;
- attribute DOMString type;
- // also has obsolete members
-HTMLAreaElement implements URLUtils;
-interface HTMLTableElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute HTMLTableCaptionElement? caption;
- HTMLElement createCaption();
- void deleteCaption();
- attribute HTMLTableSectionElement? tHead;
- HTMLElement createTHead();
- void deleteTHead();
- attribute HTMLTableSectionElement? tFoot;
- HTMLElement createTFoot();
- void deleteTFoot();
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection tBodies;
- HTMLElement createTBody();
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection rows;
- HTMLElement insertRow(optional long index = -1);
- void deleteRow(long index);
- attribute boolean sortable;
- void stopSorting();
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTableCaptionElement : HTMLElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTableColElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute unsigned long span;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTableSectionElement : HTMLElement {
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection rows;
- HTMLElement insertRow(optional long index = -1);
- void deleteRow(long index);
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTableRowElement : HTMLElement {
- readonly attribute long rowIndex;
- readonly attribute long sectionRowIndex;
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection cells;
- HTMLElement insertCell(optional long index = -1);
- void deleteCell(long index);
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTableDataCellElement : HTMLTableCellElement {
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTableHeaderCellElement : HTMLTableCellElement {
- attribute DOMString scope;
- attribute DOMString abbr;
- attribute DOMString sorted;
- void sort();
-interface HTMLTableCellElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute unsigned long colSpan;
- attribute unsigned long rowSpan;
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList headers;
- readonly attribute long cellIndex;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLFormElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString acceptCharset;
- attribute DOMString action;
- attribute DOMString autocomplete;
- attribute DOMString enctype;
- attribute DOMString encoding;
- attribute DOMString method;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute boolean noValidate;
- attribute DOMString target;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormControlsCollection elements;
- readonly attribute long length;
- getter Element (unsigned long index);
- getter (RadioNodeList or Element) (DOMString name);
- void submit();
- void reset();
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void requestAutocomplete();
-interface HTMLLabelElement : HTMLElement {
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString htmlFor;
- readonly attribute HTMLElement? control;
-interface HTMLInputElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString accept;
- attribute DOMString alt;
- attribute DOMString autocomplete;
- attribute boolean autofocus;
- attribute boolean defaultChecked;
- attribute boolean checked;
- attribute DOMString dirName;
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- readonly attribute FileList? files;
- attribute DOMString formAction;
- attribute DOMString formEnctype;
- attribute DOMString formMethod;
- attribute boolean formNoValidate;
- attribute DOMString formTarget;
- attribute unsigned long height;
- attribute boolean indeterminate;
- attribute DOMString inputMode;
- readonly attribute HTMLElement? list;
- attribute DOMString max;
- attribute long maxLength;
- attribute DOMString min;
- attribute long minLength;
- attribute boolean multiple;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString pattern;
- attribute DOMString placeholder;
- attribute boolean readOnly;
- attribute boolean required;
- attribute unsigned long size;
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString step;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString defaultValue;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString value;
- attribute Date? valueAsDate;
- attribute unrestricted double valueAsNumber;
- attribute double valueLow;
- attribute double valueHigh;
- attribute unsigned long width;
- void stepUp(optional long n = 1);
- void stepDown(optional long n = 1);
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
- void select();
- attribute unsigned long selectionStart;
- attribute unsigned long selectionEnd;
- attribute DOMString selectionDirection;
- void setRangeText(DOMString replacement);
- void setRangeText(DOMString replacement, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional SelectionMode selectionMode = "preserve");
- void setSelectionRange(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional DOMString direction);
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLButtonElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean autofocus;
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString formAction;
- attribute DOMString formEnctype;
- attribute DOMString formMethod;
- attribute boolean formNoValidate;
- attribute DOMString formTarget;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString value;
- attribute HTMLMenuElement? menu;
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
-interface HTMLSelectElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString autocomplete;
- attribute boolean autofocus;
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute boolean multiple;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute boolean required;
- attribute unsigned long size;
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- readonly attribute HTMLOptionsCollection options;
- attribute unsigned long length;
- getter Element? item(unsigned long index);
- HTMLOptionElement? namedItem(DOMString name);
- void add((HTMLOptionElement or HTMLOptGroupElement) element, optional (HTMLElement or long)? before = null);
- void remove(); // ChildNode overload
- void remove(long index);
- setter void (unsigned long index, HTMLOptionElement? option);
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection selectedOptions;
- attribute long selectedIndex;
- attribute DOMString value;
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
-interface HTMLDataListElement : HTMLElement {
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection options;
-interface HTMLOptGroupElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean disabled;
- attribute DOMString label;
-[NamedConstructor=Option(optional DOMString text = "", optional DOMString value, optional boolean defaultSelected = false, optional boolean selected = false)]
-interface HTMLOptionElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString label;
- attribute boolean defaultSelected;
- attribute boolean selected;
- attribute DOMString value;
- attribute DOMString text;
- readonly attribute long index;
-interface HTMLTextAreaElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString autocomplete;
- attribute boolean autofocus;
- attribute unsigned long cols;
- attribute DOMString dirName;
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString inputMode;
- attribute long maxLength;
- attribute long minLength;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString placeholder;
- attribute boolean readOnly;
- attribute boolean required;
- attribute unsigned long rows;
- attribute DOMString wrap;
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString defaultValue;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString value;
- readonly attribute unsigned long textLength;
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
- void select();
- attribute unsigned long selectionStart;
- attribute unsigned long selectionEnd;
- attribute DOMString selectionDirection;
- void setRangeText(DOMString replacement);
- void setRangeText(DOMString replacement, unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional SelectionMode selectionMode = "preserve");
- void setSelectionRange(unsigned long start, unsigned long end, optional DOMString direction);
-interface HTMLKeygenElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean autofocus;
- attribute DOMString challenge;
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString keytype;
- attribute DOMString name;
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
-interface HTMLOutputElement : HTMLElement {
- [PutForwards=value] readonly attribute DOMSettableTokenList htmlFor;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString name;
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString defaultValue;
- attribute DOMString value;
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
-interface HTMLProgressElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute double value;
- attribute double max;
- readonly attribute double position;
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
-interface HTMLMeterElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute double value;
- attribute double min;
- attribute double max;
- attribute double low;
- attribute double high;
- attribute double optimum;
- readonly attribute NodeList labels;
-interface HTMLFieldSetElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean disabled;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- attribute DOMString name;
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- readonly attribute HTMLFormControlsCollection elements;
- readonly attribute boolean willValidate;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute ValidityState validity;
- readonly attribute DOMString validationMessage;
- boolean checkValidity();
- boolean reportValidity();
- void setCustomValidity(DOMString error);
-interface HTMLLegendElement : HTMLElement {
- readonly attribute HTMLFormElement? form;
- // also has obsolete members
-enum AutocompleteErrorReason { "" /* empty string */, "cancel", "disabled", "invalid" };
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional AutocompleteErrorEventInit eventInitDict)]
-interface AutocompleteErrorEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute AutocompleteErrorReason reason;
-dictionary AutocompleteErrorEventInit : EventInit {
- AutocompleteErrorReason reason;
-enum SelectionMode {
- "select",
- "start",
- "end",
- "preserve", // default
-interface ValidityState {
- readonly attribute boolean valueMissing;
- readonly attribute boolean typeMismatch;
- readonly attribute boolean patternMismatch;
- readonly attribute boolean tooLong;
- readonly attribute boolean tooShort;
- readonly attribute boolean rangeUnderflow;
- readonly attribute boolean rangeOverflow;
- readonly attribute boolean stepMismatch;
- readonly attribute boolean badInput;
- readonly attribute boolean customError;
- readonly attribute boolean valid;
-interface HTMLDetailsElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean open;
-interface HTMLMenuElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString label;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLMenuItemElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString label;
- attribute DOMString icon;
- attribute boolean disabled;
- attribute boolean checked;
- attribute DOMString radiogroup;
- attribute boolean default;
- readonly attribute HTMLElement? command;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional RelatedEventInit eventInitDict)]
-interface RelatedEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute EventTarget? relatedTarget;
-dictionary RelatedEventInit : EventInit {
- EventTarget? relatedTarget;
-interface HTMLDialogElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean open;
- attribute DOMString returnValue;
- void show(optional (MouseEvent or Element) anchor);
- void showModal(optional (MouseEvent or Element) anchor);
- void close(optional DOMString returnValue);
-interface HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString charset;
- attribute boolean async;
- attribute boolean defer;
- attribute DOMString? crossOrigin;
- attribute DOMString text;
- attribute DOMString nonce;
- // also has obsolete members
-interface HTMLTemplateElement : HTMLElement {
- readonly attribute DocumentFragment content;
-typedef (CanvasRenderingContext2D or WebGLRenderingContext) RenderingContext;
-interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute unsigned long width;
- attribute unsigned long height;
- RenderingContext? getContext(DOMString contextId, any... arguments);
- boolean probablySupportsContext(DOMString contextId, any... arguments);
- void setContext(RenderingContext context);
- CanvasProxy transferControlToProxy();
- DOMString toDataURL(optional DOMString type, any... arguments);
- void toBlob(FileCallback? _callback, optional DOMString type, any... arguments);
-interface CanvasProxy {
- void setContext(RenderingContext context);
-// CanvasProxy implements Transferable;
-typedef (HTMLImageElement or
- HTMLVideoElement or
- HTMLCanvasElement or
- CanvasRenderingContext2D or
- ImageBitmap) CanvasImageSource;
-enum CanvasFillRule { "nonzero", "evenodd" };
-dictionary CanvasRenderingContext2DSettings {
- boolean alpha = true;
-enum ImageSmoothingQuality { "low", "medium", "high" };
- Constructor(unsigned long width, unsigned long height),
- Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface CanvasRenderingContext2D {
- // back-reference to the canvas
- readonly attribute HTMLCanvasElement canvas;
- // canvas dimensions
- attribute unsigned long width;
- attribute unsigned long height;
- // for contexts that aren't directly fixed to a specific canvas
- void commit(); // push the image to the output bitmap
- // state
- void save(); // push state on state stack
- void restore(); // pop state stack and restore state
- // transformations (default transform is the identity matrix)
- attribute DOMMatrix currentTransform;
- void scale(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- void rotate(unrestricted double angle);
- void translate(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- void transform(unrestricted double a, unrestricted double b, unrestricted double c, unrestricted double d, unrestricted double e, unrestricted double f);
- void setTransform(unrestricted double a, unrestricted double b, unrestricted double c, unrestricted double d, unrestricted double e, unrestricted double f);
- void resetTransform();
- // compositing
- attribute unrestricted double globalAlpha; // (default 1.0)
- attribute DOMString globalCompositeOperation; // (default source-over)
- // image smoothing
- attribute boolean imageSmoothingEnabled; // (default true)
- attribute ImageSmoothingQuality imageSmoothingQuality; // (default low)
- // colours and styles (see also the CanvasDrawingStyles interface)
- attribute (DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern) strokeStyle; // (default black)
- attribute (DOMString or CanvasGradient or CanvasPattern) fillStyle; // (default black)
- CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1);
- CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(double x0, double y0, double r0, double x1, double y1, double r1);
- CanvasPattern createPattern(CanvasImageSource image, [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] DOMString repetition);
- // shadows
- attribute unrestricted double shadowOffsetX; // (default 0)
- attribute unrestricted double shadowOffsetY; // (default 0)
- attribute unrestricted double shadowBlur; // (default 0)
- attribute DOMString shadowColor; // (default transparent black)
- // rects
- void clearRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double w, unrestricted double h);
- void fillRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double w, unrestricted double h);
- void strokeRect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double w, unrestricted double h);
- // path API (see also CanvasPathMethods)
- void beginPath();
- void fill(optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
- void fill(Path2D path, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
- void stroke();
- void stroke(Path2D path);
- void drawFocusIfNeeded(Element element);
- void drawFocusIfNeeded(Path2D path, Element element);
- void scrollPathIntoView();
- void scrollPathIntoView(Path2D path);
- void clip(optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
- void clip(Path2D path, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
- void resetClip();
- boolean isPointInPath(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
- boolean isPointInPath(Path2D path, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero");
- boolean isPointInStroke(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- boolean isPointInStroke(Path2D path, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- // text (see also the CanvasDrawingStyles interface)
- void fillText(DOMString text, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
- void strokeText(DOMString text, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
- TextMetrics measureText(DOMString text);
- // drawing images
- void drawImage(CanvasImageSource image, unrestricted double dx, unrestricted double dy);
- void drawImage(CanvasImageSource image, unrestricted double dx, unrestricted double dy, unrestricted double dw, unrestricted double dh);
- void drawImage(CanvasImageSource image, unrestricted double sx, unrestricted double sy, unrestricted double sw, unrestricted double sh, unrestricted double dx, unrestricted double dy, unrestricted double dw, unrestricted double dh);
- // hit regions
- void addHitRegion(optional HitRegionOptions options);
- void removeHitRegion(DOMString id);
- void clearHitRegions();
- // pixel manipulation
- ImageData createImageData(double sw, double sh);
- ImageData createImageData(ImageData imagedata);
- ImageData getImageData(double sx, double sy, double sw, double sh);
- void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, double dx, double dy);
- void putImageData(ImageData imagedata, double dx, double dy, double dirtyX, double dirtyY, double dirtyWidth, double dirtyHeight);
-CanvasRenderingContext2D implements CanvasDrawingStyles;
-CanvasRenderingContext2D implements CanvasPathMethods;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface CanvasDrawingStyles {
- // line caps/joins
- attribute unrestricted double lineWidth; // (default 1)
- attribute DOMString lineCap; // "butt", "round", "square" (default "butt")
- attribute DOMString lineJoin; // "round", "bevel", "miter" (default "miter")
- attribute unrestricted double miterLimit; // (default 10)
- // dashed lines
- void setLineDash(sequence<unrestricted double> segments); // default empty
- sequence<unrestricted double> getLineDash();
- attribute unrestricted double lineDashOffset;
- // text
- attribute DOMString font; // (default 10px sans-serif)
- attribute DOMString textAlign; // "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start")
- attribute DOMString textBaseline; // "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic")
- attribute DOMString direction; // "ltr", "rtl", "inherit" (default: "inherit")
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface CanvasPathMethods {
- // shared path API methods
- void closePath();
- void moveTo(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- void lineTo(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- void quadraticCurveTo(unrestricted double cpx, unrestricted double cpy, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- void bezierCurveTo(unrestricted double cp1x, unrestricted double cp1y, unrestricted double cp2x, unrestricted double cp2y, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y);
- void arcTo(unrestricted double x1, unrestricted double y1, unrestricted double x2, unrestricted double y2, unrestricted double radius);
- void arcTo(unrestricted double x1, unrestricted double y1, unrestricted double x2, unrestricted double y2, unrestricted double radiusX, unrestricted double radiusY, unrestricted double rotation);
- void rect(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double w, unrestricted double h);
- void arc(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double radius, unrestricted double startAngle, unrestricted double endAngle, optional boolean anticlockwise = false);
- void ellipse(unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, unrestricted double radiusX, unrestricted double radiusY, unrestricted double rotation, unrestricted double startAngle, unrestricted double endAngle, optional boolean anticlockwise = false);
-interface CanvasGradient {
- // opaque object
- void addColorStop(double offset, DOMString color);
-interface CanvasPattern {
- // opaque object
- void setTransform(DOMMatrix transform);
-interface TextMetrics {
- // x-direction
- readonly attribute double width; // advance width
- readonly attribute double actualBoundingBoxLeft;
- readonly attribute double actualBoundingBoxRight;
- // y-direction
- readonly attribute double fontBoundingBoxAscent;
- readonly attribute double fontBoundingBoxDescent;
- readonly attribute double actualBoundingBoxAscent;
- readonly attribute double actualBoundingBoxDescent;
- readonly attribute double emHeightAscent;
- readonly attribute double emHeightDescent;
- readonly attribute double hangingBaseline;
- readonly attribute double alphabeticBaseline;
- readonly attribute double ideographicBaseline;
-dictionary HitRegionOptions {
- Path2D? path = null;
- CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero";
- DOMString id = "";
- DOMString? parentID = null;
- DOMString cursor = "inherit";
- // for control-backed regions:
- Element? control = null;
- // for unbacked regions:
- DOMString? label = null;
- DOMString? role = null;
-[Constructor(unsigned long sw, unsigned long sh),
- Constructor(Uint8ClampedArray data, unsigned long sw, optional unsigned long sh),
- Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface ImageData {
- readonly attribute unsigned long width;
- readonly attribute unsigned long height;
- readonly attribute Uint8ClampedArray data;
-[Constructor(optional Element scope), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface DrawingStyle { };
-DrawingStyle implements CanvasDrawingStyles;
- Constructor(Path2D path),
- Constructor(sequence<Path2D> paths, optional CanvasFillRule fillRule = "nonzero"),
- Constructor(DOMString d), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface Path2D {
- void addPath(Path2D path, optional DOMMatrix? transformation = null);
- void addPathByStrokingPath(Path2D path, CanvasDrawingStyles styles, optional DOMMatrix? transformation = null);
- void addText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles, DOMMatrix? transformation, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
- void addPathByStrokingText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles, DOMMatrix? transformation, unrestricted double x, unrestricted double y, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
- void addText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles, DOMMatrix? transformation, Path2D path, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
- void addPathByStrokingText(DOMString text, CanvasDrawingStyles styles, DOMMatrix? transformation, Path2D path, optional unrestricted double maxWidth);
-Path2D implements CanvasPathMethods;
-partial interface MouseEvent {
- readonly attribute DOMString? region;
-partial dictionary MouseEventInit {
- DOMString? region;
-partial interface Touch {
- readonly attribute DOMString? region;
-interface ElementContentEditable {
- attribute DOMString contentEditable;
- readonly attribute boolean isContentEditable;
-interface DataTransfer {
- attribute DOMString dropEffect;
- attribute DOMString effectAllowed;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute DataTransferItemList items;
- void setDragImage(Element image, long x, long y);
- /* old interface */
- [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMString[] types;
- DOMString getData(DOMString format);
- void setData(DOMString format, DOMString data);
- void clearData(optional DOMString format);
- [SameObject] readonly attribute FileList files;
-interface DataTransferItemList {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter DataTransferItem (unsigned long index);
- DataTransferItem? add(DOMString data, DOMString type);
- DataTransferItem? add(File data);
- void remove(unsigned long index);
- void clear();
-interface DataTransferItem {
- readonly attribute DOMString kind;
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- void getAsString(FunctionStringCallback? _callback);
- File? getAsFile();
-callback FunctionStringCallback = void (DOMString data);
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional DragEventInit eventInitDict)]
-interface DragEvent : MouseEvent {
- readonly attribute DataTransfer? dataTransfer;
-dictionary DragEventInit : MouseEventInit {
- DataTransfer? dataTransfer = null;
-/*sealed*/ interface Window : EventTarget {
- // the current browsing context
- [Unforgeable] readonly attribute WindowProxy window;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute WindowProxy self;
- [Unforgeable] readonly attribute Document document;
- attribute DOMString name;
- [PutForwards=href, Unforgeable] readonly attribute Location location;
- readonly attribute History history;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp locationbar;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp menubar;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp personalbar;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp scrollbars;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp statusbar;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute BarProp toolbar;
- attribute DOMString status;
- void close();
- readonly attribute boolean closed;
- void stop();
- void focus();
- void blur();
- // other browsing contexts
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute WindowProxy frames;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- [Unforgeable] readonly attribute WindowProxy top;
- attribute any opener;
- [Replaceable] readonly attribute WindowProxy parent;
- readonly attribute Element? frameElement;
- WindowProxy open(optional DOMString url = "about:blank", optional DOMString target = "_blank", [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] optional DOMString features = "", optional boolean replace = false);
- getter WindowProxy (unsigned long index);
- getter object (DOMString name);
- // the user agent
- readonly attribute Navigator navigator;
- [Replaceable, SameObject] readonly attribute External external;
- readonly attribute ApplicationCache applicationCache;
- // user prompts
- void alert();
- void alert(DOMString message);
- boolean confirm(optional DOMString message = "");
- DOMString? prompt(optional DOMString message = "", optional DOMString default = "");
- void print();
- any showModalDialog(DOMString url, optional any argument); // deprecated
- unsigned long requestAnimationFrame(FrameRequestCallback callback);
- void cancelAnimationFrame(unsigned long handle);
- void postMessage(any message, DOMString targetOrigin, optional sequence<Transferable> transfer);
- // also has obsolete members
-Window implements GlobalEventHandlers;
-Window implements WindowEventHandlers;
-callback FrameRequestCallback = void (DOMHighResTimeStamp time);
-interface BarProp {
- readonly attribute boolean visible;
-interface History {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- readonly attribute any state;
- void go(optional long delta = 0);
- void back();
- void forward();
- void pushState(any data, DOMString title, optional DOMString? url = null);
- void replaceState(any data, DOMString title, optional DOMString? url = null);
-[Unforgeable] interface Location {
- void assign(DOMString url);
- void replace(DOMString url);
- void reload();
- [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMString[] ancestorOrigins;
-Location implements URLUtils;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional PopStateEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface PopStateEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute any state;
-dictionary PopStateEventInit : EventInit {
- any state;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional HashChangeEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface HashChangeEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute DOMString oldURL;
- readonly attribute DOMString newURL;
-dictionary HashChangeEventInit : EventInit {
- DOMString oldURL;
- DOMString newURL;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional PageTransitionEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface PageTransitionEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute boolean persisted;
-dictionary PageTransitionEventInit : EventInit {
- boolean persisted;
-interface BeforeUnloadEvent : Event {
- attribute DOMString returnValue;
-interface ApplicationCache : EventTarget {
- // update status
- const unsigned short UNCACHED = 0;
- const unsigned short IDLE = 1;
- const unsigned short CHECKING = 2;
- const unsigned short DOWNLOADING = 3;
- const unsigned short UPDATEREADY = 4;
- const unsigned short OBSOLETE = 5;
- readonly attribute unsigned short status;
- // updates
- void update();
- void abort();
- void swapCache();
- // events
- attribute EventHandler onchecking;
- attribute EventHandler onerror;
- attribute EventHandler onnoupdate;
- attribute EventHandler ondownloading;
- attribute EventHandler onprogress;
- attribute EventHandler onupdateready;
- attribute EventHandler oncached;
- attribute EventHandler onobsolete;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface NavigatorOnLine {
- readonly attribute boolean onLine;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional ErrorEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface ErrorEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute DOMString message;
- readonly attribute DOMString filename;
- readonly attribute unsigned long lineno;
- readonly attribute unsigned long colno;
- readonly attribute any error;
-dictionary ErrorEventInit : EventInit {
- DOMString message;
- DOMString filename;
- unsigned long lineno;
- unsigned long colno;
- any error;
-callback EventHandlerNonNull = any (Event event);
-typedef EventHandlerNonNull? EventHandler;
-callback OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull = any ((Event or DOMString) event, optional DOMString source, optional unsigned long lineno, optional unsigned long column, optional any error);
-typedef OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull? OnErrorEventHandler;
-callback OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull = DOMString? (Event event);
-typedef OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull? OnBeforeUnloadEventHandler;
-interface GlobalEventHandlers {
- attribute EventHandler onabort;
- attribute EventHandler onautocomplete;
- attribute EventHandler onautocompleteerror;
- attribute EventHandler onblur;
- attribute EventHandler oncancel;
- attribute EventHandler oncanplay;
- attribute EventHandler oncanplaythrough;
- attribute EventHandler onchange;
- attribute EventHandler onclick;
- attribute EventHandler onclose;
- attribute EventHandler oncontextmenu;
- attribute EventHandler oncuechange;
- attribute EventHandler ondblclick;
- attribute EventHandler ondrag;
- attribute EventHandler ondragend;
- attribute EventHandler ondragenter;
- attribute EventHandler ondragexit;
- attribute EventHandler ondragleave;
- attribute EventHandler ondragover;
- attribute EventHandler ondragstart;
- attribute EventHandler ondrop;
- attribute EventHandler ondurationchange;
- attribute EventHandler onemptied;
- attribute EventHandler onended;
- attribute OnErrorEventHandler onerror;
- attribute EventHandler onfocus;
- attribute EventHandler oninput;
- attribute EventHandler oninvalid;
- attribute EventHandler onkeydown;
- attribute EventHandler onkeypress;
- attribute EventHandler onkeyup;
- attribute EventHandler onload;
- attribute EventHandler onloadeddata;
- attribute EventHandler onloadedmetadata;
- attribute EventHandler onloadstart;
- attribute EventHandler onmousedown;
- [LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onmouseenter;
- [LenientThis] attribute EventHandler onmouseleave;
- attribute EventHandler onmousemove;
- attribute EventHandler onmouseout;
- attribute EventHandler onmouseover;
- attribute EventHandler onmouseup;
- attribute EventHandler onwheel;
- attribute EventHandler onpause;
- attribute EventHandler onplay;
- attribute EventHandler onplaying;
- attribute EventHandler onprogress;
- attribute EventHandler onratechange;
- attribute EventHandler onreset;
- attribute EventHandler onresize;
- attribute EventHandler onscroll;
- attribute EventHandler onseeked;
- attribute EventHandler onseeking;
- attribute EventHandler onselect;
- attribute EventHandler onshow;
- attribute EventHandler onsort;
- attribute EventHandler onstalled;
- attribute EventHandler onsubmit;
- attribute EventHandler onsuspend;
- attribute EventHandler ontimeupdate;
- attribute EventHandler ontoggle;
- attribute EventHandler onvolumechange;
- attribute EventHandler onwaiting;
-interface WindowEventHandlers {
- attribute EventHandler onafterprint;
- attribute EventHandler onbeforeprint;
- attribute OnBeforeUnloadEventHandler onbeforeunload;
- attribute EventHandler onhashchange;
- attribute EventHandler onlanguagechange;
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
- attribute EventHandler onoffline;
- attribute EventHandler ononline;
- attribute EventHandler onpagehide;
- attribute EventHandler onpageshow;
- attribute EventHandler onpopstate;
- attribute EventHandler onstorage;
- attribute EventHandler onunload;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface WindowBase64 {
- DOMString btoa(DOMString btoa);
- DOMString atob(DOMString atob);
-Window implements WindowBase64;
-WorkerGlobalScope implements WindowBase64;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface WindowTimers {
- long setTimeout(Function handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... arguments);
- long setTimeout(DOMString handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... arguments);
- void clearTimeout(optional long handle = 0);
- long setInterval(Function handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... arguments);
- long setInterval(DOMString handler, optional long timeout = 0, any... arguments);
- void clearInterval(optional long handle = 0);
-Window implements WindowTimers;
-WorkerGlobalScope implements WindowTimers;
-interface WindowModal {
- readonly attribute any dialogArguments;
- attribute any returnValue;
-interface Navigator {
- // objects implementing this interface also implement the interfaces given below
-Navigator implements NavigatorID;
-Navigator implements NavigatorLanguage;
-Navigator implements NavigatorOnLine;
-Navigator implements NavigatorContentUtils;
-Navigator implements NavigatorStorageUtils;
-Navigator implements NavigatorPlugins;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface NavigatorID {
- [Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString appCodeName; // constant "Mozilla"
- readonly attribute DOMString appName; // constant "Netscape"
- readonly attribute DOMString appVersion;
- readonly attribute DOMString platform;
- [Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString product; // constant "Gecko"
- [Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString productSub;
- readonly attribute DOMString userAgent;
- [Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString vendor;
- [Exposed=Window] readonly attribute DOMString vendorSub; // constant ""
- // also has obsolete members
-partial interface NavigatorID {
- [Exposed=Window] boolean taintEnabled(); // constant false
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface NavigatorLanguage {
- readonly attribute DOMString? language;
- readonly attribute DOMString[] languages;
-interface NavigatorContentUtils {
- // content handler registration
- void registerProtocolHandler(DOMString scheme, DOMString url, DOMString title);
- void registerContentHandler(DOMString mimeType, DOMString url, DOMString title);
- DOMString isProtocolHandlerRegistered(DOMString scheme, DOMString url);
- DOMString isContentHandlerRegistered(DOMString mimeType, DOMString url);
- void unregisterProtocolHandler(DOMString scheme, DOMString url);
- void unregisterContentHandler(DOMString mimeType, DOMString url);
-interface NavigatorStorageUtils {
- readonly attribute boolean cookieEnabled;
- void yieldForStorageUpdates();
-interface NavigatorPlugins {
- [SameObject] readonly attribute PluginArray plugins;
- [SameObject] readonly attribute MimeTypeArray mimeTypes;
- readonly attribute boolean javaEnabled;
-interface PluginArray {
- void refresh(optional boolean reload = false);
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter Plugin? item(unsigned long index);
- getter Plugin? namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface MimeTypeArray {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter MimeType? item(unsigned long index);
- getter MimeType? namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface Plugin {
- readonly attribute DOMString name;
- readonly attribute DOMString description;
- readonly attribute DOMString filename;
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- getter MimeType? item(unsigned long index);
- getter MimeType? namedItem(DOMString name);
-interface MimeType {
- readonly attribute DOMString type;
- readonly attribute DOMString description;
- readonly attribute DOMString suffixes; // comma-separated
- readonly attribute Plugin enabledPlugin;
-interface External {
- void AddSearchProvider(DOMString engineURL);
- unsigned long IsSearchProviderInstalled(DOMString engineURL);
-interface ImageBitmap {
- readonly attribute unsigned long width;
- readonly attribute unsigned long height;
-typedef (HTMLImageElement or
- HTMLVideoElement or
- HTMLCanvasElement or
- Blob or
- ImageData or
- CanvasRenderingContext2D or
- ImageBitmap) ImageBitmapSource;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface ImageBitmapFactories {
- Promise<ImageBitmap> createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource image);
- Promise<ImageBitmap> createImageBitmap(ImageBitmapSource image, long sx, long sy, long sw, long sh);
-Window implements ImageBitmapFactories;
-WorkerGlobalScope implements ImageBitmapFactories;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional MessageEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface MessageEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute any data;
- readonly attribute DOMString origin;
- readonly attribute DOMString lastEventId;
- readonly attribute (WindowProxy or MessagePort)? source;
- readonly attribute MessagePort[]? ports;
- void initMessageEvent(DOMString type, boolean bubbles, boolean cancelable, any data, DOMString origin, DOMString lastEventId, (WindowProxy or MessagePort)? source, sequence<MessagePort>? ports);
-dictionary MessageEventInit : EventInit {
- any data;
- DOMString origin;
- DOMString lastEventId;
- (WindowProxy or MessagePort)? source;
- sequence<MessagePort>? ports;
-[Constructor(DOMString url, optional EventSourceInit eventSourceInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface EventSource : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute DOMString url;
- readonly attribute boolean withCredentials;
- // ready state
- const unsigned short CONNECTING = 0;
- const unsigned short OPEN = 1;
- const unsigned short CLOSED = 2;
- readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
- // networking
- attribute EventHandler onopen;
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
- attribute EventHandler onerror;
- void close();
-dictionary EventSourceInit {
- boolean withCredentials = false;
-enum BinaryType { "blob", "arraybuffer" };
-[Constructor(DOMString url, optional (DOMString or sequence<DOMString>) protocols), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface WebSocket : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute DOMString url;
- // ready state
- const unsigned short CONNECTING = 0;
- const unsigned short OPEN = 1;
- const unsigned short CLOSING = 2;
- const unsigned short CLOSED = 3;
- readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
- readonly attribute unsigned long bufferedAmount;
- // networking
- attribute EventHandler onopen;
- attribute EventHandler onerror;
- attribute EventHandler onclose;
- readonly attribute DOMString extensions;
- readonly attribute DOMString protocol;
- void close([Clamp] optional unsigned short code, optional USVString reason);
- // messaging
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
- attribute BinaryType binaryType;
- void send(USVString data);
- void send(Blob data);
- void send(ArrayBuffer data);
- void send(ArrayBufferView data);
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional CloseEventInit eventInitDict), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface CloseEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute boolean wasClean;
- readonly attribute unsigned short code;
- readonly attribute DOMString reason;
-dictionary CloseEventInit : EventInit {
- boolean wasClean;
- unsigned short code;
- DOMString reason;
-[Constructor, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface MessageChannel {
- readonly attribute MessagePort port1;
- readonly attribute MessagePort port2;
-interface MessagePort : EventTarget {
- void postMessage(any message, optional sequence<Transferable> transfer);
- void start();
- void close();
- // event handlers
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
-// MessagePort implements Transferable;
-[Constructor(DOMString name), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface BroadcastChannel : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute DOMString name;
- void postMessage(any message);
- void close();
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
-interface WorkerGlobalScope : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute WorkerGlobalScope self;
- readonly attribute WorkerLocation location;
- readonly attribute WorkerNavigator navigator;
- void importScripts(DOMString... urls);
- void close();
- attribute OnErrorEventHandler onerror;
- attribute EventHandler onlanguagechange;
- attribute EventHandler onoffline;
- attribute EventHandler ononline;
-/*sealed*/ interface DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
- void postMessage(any message, optional sequence<Transferable> transfer);
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
-/*sealed*/ interface SharedWorkerGlobalScope : WorkerGlobalScope {
- readonly attribute DOMString name;
- readonly attribute ApplicationCache applicationCache;
- attribute EventHandler onconnect;
-[NoInterfaceObject, Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface AbstractWorker {
- attribute EventHandler onerror;
-[Constructor(DOMString scriptURL), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface Worker : EventTarget {
- void terminate();
- void postMessage(any message, optional sequence<Transferable> transfer);
- attribute EventHandler onmessage;
-Worker implements AbstractWorker;
-[Constructor(DOMString scriptURL, optional DOMString name = ""), Exposed=(Window,Worker)]
-interface SharedWorker : EventTarget {
- readonly attribute MessagePort port;
-SharedWorker implements AbstractWorker;
-interface WorkerNavigator {};
-WorkerNavigator implements NavigatorID;
-WorkerNavigator implements NavigatorLanguage;
-WorkerNavigator implements NavigatorOnLine;
-interface WorkerLocation {
- stringifier readonly attribute USVString href;
- readonly attribute USVString origin;
- readonly attribute USVString protocol;
- readonly attribute USVString host;
- readonly attribute USVString hostname;
- readonly attribute USVString port;
- readonly attribute USVString pathname;
- readonly attribute USVString search;
- readonly attribute USVString hash;
-interface Storage {
- readonly attribute unsigned long length;
- DOMString? key(unsigned long index);
- getter DOMString? getItem(DOMString key);
- setter void setItem(DOMString key, DOMString value);
- deleter void removeItem(DOMString key);
- void clear();
-interface WindowSessionStorage {
- readonly attribute Storage sessionStorage;
-Window implements WindowSessionStorage;
-interface WindowLocalStorage {
- readonly attribute Storage localStorage;
-Window implements WindowLocalStorage;
-[Constructor(DOMString type, optional StorageEventInit eventInitDict)]
-interface StorageEvent : Event {
- readonly attribute DOMString? key;
- readonly attribute DOMString? oldValue;
- readonly attribute DOMString? newValue;
- readonly attribute DOMString url;
- readonly attribute Storage? storageArea;
-dictionary StorageEventInit : EventInit {
- DOMString? key;
- DOMString? oldValue;
- DOMString? newValue;
- DOMString url;
- Storage? storageArea;
-interface HTMLAppletElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString alt;
- attribute DOMString archive;
- attribute DOMString code;
- attribute DOMString codeBase;
- attribute DOMString height;
- attribute unsigned long hspace;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString _object; // the underscore is not part of the identifier
- attribute unsigned long vspace;
- attribute DOMString width;
-interface HTMLMarqueeElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString behavior;
- attribute DOMString bgColor;
- attribute DOMString direction;
- attribute DOMString height;
- attribute unsigned long hspace;
- attribute long loop;
- attribute unsigned long scrollAmount;
- attribute unsigned long scrollDelay;
- attribute boolean trueSpeed;
- attribute unsigned long vspace;
- attribute DOMString width;
- attribute EventHandler onbounce;
- attribute EventHandler onfinish;
- attribute EventHandler onstart;
- void start();
- void stop();
-interface HTMLFrameSetElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString cols;
- attribute DOMString rows;
-HTMLFrameSetElement implements WindowEventHandlers;
-interface HTMLFrameElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString scrolling;
- attribute DOMString src;
- attribute DOMString frameBorder;
- attribute DOMString longDesc;
- attribute boolean noResize;
- readonly attribute Document? contentDocument;
- readonly attribute WindowProxy? contentWindow;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString marginHeight;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString marginWidth;
-partial interface HTMLAnchorElement {
- attribute DOMString coords;
- attribute DOMString charset;
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString rev;
- attribute DOMString shape;
-partial interface HTMLAreaElement {
- attribute boolean noHref;
-partial interface HTMLBodyElement {
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString text;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString link;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString vLink;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString aLink;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString bgColor;
- attribute DOMString background;
-partial interface HTMLBRElement {
- attribute DOMString clear;
-partial interface HTMLTableCaptionElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
-partial interface HTMLTableColElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString ch;
- attribute DOMString chOff;
- attribute DOMString vAlign;
- attribute DOMString width;
-interface HTMLDirectoryElement : HTMLElement {
- attribute boolean compact;
-partial interface HTMLDivElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
-partial interface HTMLDListElement {
- attribute boolean compact;
-partial interface HTMLEmbedElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString name;
-interface HTMLFontElement : HTMLElement {
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString color;
- attribute DOMString face;
- attribute DOMString size;
-partial interface HTMLHeadingElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
-partial interface HTMLHRElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString color;
- attribute boolean noShade;
- attribute DOMString size;
- attribute DOMString width;
-partial interface HTMLHtmlElement {
- attribute DOMString version;
-partial interface HTMLIFrameElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString scrolling;
- attribute DOMString frameBorder;
- attribute DOMString longDesc;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString marginHeight;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString marginWidth;
-partial interface HTMLImageElement {
- attribute DOMString name;
- attribute DOMString lowsrc;
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute unsigned long hspace;
- attribute unsigned long vspace;
- attribute DOMString longDesc;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString border;
-partial interface HTMLInputElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString useMap;
-partial interface HTMLLegendElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
-partial interface HTMLLIElement {
- attribute DOMString type;
-partial interface HTMLLinkElement {
- attribute DOMString charset;
- attribute DOMString rev;
- attribute DOMString target;
-partial interface HTMLMenuElement {
- attribute boolean compact;
-partial interface HTMLMetaElement {
- attribute DOMString scheme;
-partial interface HTMLObjectElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString archive;
- attribute DOMString code;
- attribute boolean declare;
- attribute unsigned long hspace;
- attribute DOMString standby;
- attribute unsigned long vspace;
- attribute DOMString codeBase;
- attribute DOMString codeType;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString border;
-partial interface HTMLOListElement {
- attribute boolean compact;
-partial interface HTMLParagraphElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
-partial interface HTMLParamElement {
- attribute DOMString type;
- attribute DOMString valueType;
-partial interface HTMLPreElement {
- attribute long width;
-partial interface HTMLScriptElement {
- attribute DOMString event;
- attribute DOMString htmlFor;
-partial interface HTMLTableElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString border;
- attribute DOMString frame;
- attribute DOMString rules;
- attribute DOMString summary;
- attribute DOMString width;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString bgColor;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString cellPadding;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString cellSpacing;
-partial interface HTMLTableSectionElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString ch;
- attribute DOMString chOff;
- attribute DOMString vAlign;
-partial interface HTMLTableCellElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString axis;
- attribute DOMString height;
- attribute DOMString width;
- attribute DOMString ch;
- attribute DOMString chOff;
- attribute boolean noWrap;
- attribute DOMString vAlign;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString bgColor;
-partial interface HTMLTableDataCellElement {
- attribute DOMString abbr;
-partial interface HTMLTableRowElement {
- attribute DOMString align;
- attribute DOMString ch;
- attribute DOMString chOff;
- attribute DOMString vAlign;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString bgColor;
-partial interface HTMLUListElement {
- attribute boolean compact;
- attribute DOMString type;
-partial interface Document {
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString fgColor;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString linkColor;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString vlinkColor;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString alinkColor;
- [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] attribute DOMString bgColor;
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors;
- readonly attribute HTMLCollection applets;
- void clear();
- void captureEvents();
- void releaseEvents();
- readonly attribute HTMLAllCollection all;
-partial interface Window {
- void captureEvents();
- void releaseEvents();