@database NetSurf.guide @author Chris Young @wordwrap @node Main "NetSurf" @{b}NetSurf@{ub} Amiga-specific documentation http://www.netsurf-browser.org @{"Command line options" link cli} @{"Options file " link options} @{"ARexx port " link arexx} @endnode @node cli "Command line options" NetSurf URL Where: URL = address of page to open on startup. @endnode @node options "Options file" The options file is stored in Resources/Options by default. The following options are specific to the Amiga version although there are other relevant options in the file: @{b}url_file@{ub} Path to URL database file @{b}hotlist_file@{ub} Path to Hotlist file @{b}use_workbench@{ub} Open NetSurf in a window on Workbench screen (default is to open a custom screen) @{b}screen_modeid@{ub} Mode ID for NetSurf's custom screen @{b}toolbar_images@{ub} Path to toolbar images (default is TBImages:, which is AISS - see http://www.masonicons.de) @{b}no_iframes@{ub} Disable IFrames @{b}clipboard_write_utf8@{ub} Write UTF-8 strings to the clipboard along with a charset identifier (when this option is 0, NetSurf will convert copied strings to local charset) @{b}throbber_frames@{ub} Number of frames in Resources/Throbber file (must be a flat image file with first image inactive) @{b}truecolour_mouse_pointers@{ub} Use 32-bit mouse pointers, when disabled NetSurf will use old-style 4 colour images (see Resources/Pointers) @{b}os_mouse_pointers@{ub} Don't override default and busy mouse pointers @{b}always_open_tabs@{ub} Force opening tabs instead of windows (actually swaps the functions so ctrl-click now opens windows and middle mouse button opens tabs) @{b}new_tab_is_active@{ub} Make new tab the active one @{b}kiosk_mode@{ub} No gadgets @{b}recent_file@{ub} Path to file to store recent history list @endnode @node arexx "ARexx port" NetSurf's ARexx port is called NETSURF. Commands are: @{b}OPEN URL/A@{ub} Opens URL in a new window @{b}QUIT@{ub} Quits NetSurf @endnode