/* * Copyright 2008 - 2010 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include "css/css.h" #include "render/font.h" #include "amiga/gui.h" #include #include #include #include "amiga/font.h" #include "desktop/options.h" #include "amiga/utf8.h" #include "utils/utf8.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef __amigaos4__ #include #endif #include "amiga/options.h" #include #include "utils/utils.h" #define NSA_UNICODE_FONT PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_COUNT static struct OutlineFont *of[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_COUNT+1]; static struct OutlineFont *ofb[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_COUNT+1]; static struct OutlineFont *ofi[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_COUNT+1]; static struct OutlineFont *ofbi[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_COUNT+1]; int32 ami_font_plot_glyph(struct OutlineFont *ofont, struct RastPort *rp, uint16 char1, uint16 char2, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 emwidth); struct OutlineFont *ami_open_outline_font(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, BOOL fallback); static bool nsfont_width(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int *width); static bool nsfont_position_in_string(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x); static bool nsfont_split(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x); const struct font_functions nsfont = { nsfont_width, nsfont_position_in_string, nsfont_split }; bool nsfont_width(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int *width) { *width = ami_unicode_text(NULL,string,length,fstyle,0,0); if(*width <= 0) *width == length; // fudge return true; } /** * Find the position in a string where an x coordinate falls. * * \param fstyle style for this text * \param string UTF-8 string to measure * \param length length of string * \param x x coordinate to search for * \param char_offset updated to offset in string of actual_x, [0..length] * \param actual_x updated to x coordinate of character closest to x * \return true on success, false on error and error reported */ bool nsfont_position_in_string(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x) { struct TextExtent extent; struct TextFont *tfont; uint16 *utf16 = NULL, *outf16 = NULL; uint16 utf16next = NULL; FIXED kern = 0; struct OutlineFont *ofont, *ufont = NULL; struct GlyphMap *glyph; uint32 tx=0,i=0; size_t len, utf8len = 0; uint8 *utf8; uint32 co = 0; int utf16charlen; ULONG emwidth = (ULONG)(fstyle->size / FONT_SIZE_SCALE); int32 tempx; len = utf8_bounded_length(string, length); if(utf8_to_enc(string,"UTF-16",length,(char **)&utf16) != UTF8_CONVERT_OK) return false; outf16 = utf16; if(!(ofont = ami_open_outline_font(fstyle, FALSE))) return false; *char_offset = length; for(i=0;i= (length)) { *actual_x = tx; co = length; } *char_offset = co; free(outf16); return true; } /** * Find where to split a string to make it fit a width. * * \param fstyle style for this text * \param string UTF-8 string to measure * \param length length of string * \param x width available * \param char_offset updated to offset in string of actual_x, [0..length] * \param actual_x updated to x coordinate of character closest to x * \return true on success, false on error and error reported * * On exit, [char_offset == 0 || * string[char_offset] == ' ' || * char_offset == length] */ bool nsfont_split(const plot_font_style_t *fstyle, const char *string, size_t length, int x, size_t *char_offset, int *actual_x) { struct TextExtent extent; ULONG co; char *ostr = string; struct TextFont *tfont; uint16 *utf16 = NULL,*outf16 = NULL; uint16 utf16next = 0; FIXED kern = 0; int utf16charlen = 0; struct OutlineFont *ofont, *ufont = NULL; struct GlyphMap *glyph; uint32 tx=0,i=0; size_t len; int utf8len, utf8clen = 0; int32 tempx = 0; ULONG emwidth = (ULONG)(fstyle->size / FONT_SIZE_SCALE); len = utf8_bounded_length(string, length); if(utf8_to_enc((char *)string,"UTF-16",length,(char **)&utf16) != UTF8_CONVERT_OK) return false; outf16 = utf16; if(!(ofont = ami_open_outline_font(fstyle, FALSE))) return false; *char_offset = 0; *actual_x = 0; for(i=0;ifamily; if ((fstyle->flags & FONTF_ITALIC) || (fstyle->flags & FONTF_OBLIQUE)) tstyle += NSA_ITALIC; if (fstyle->weight >= 700) tstyle += NSA_BOLD; switch(tstyle) { case NSA_ITALIC: if(ofi[fontfamily]) ofont = ofi[fontfamily]; else ofont = of[fontfamily]; break; case NSA_BOLD: if(ofb[fontfamily]) { ofont = ofb[fontfamily]; } else { ofont = of[fontfamily]; embolden = (1 << 12); } break; case NSA_BOLDITALIC: if(ofbi[fontfamily]) { ofont = ofbi[fontfamily]; } else { ofont = of[fontfamily]; embolden = (1 << 12); } break; default: ofont = of[fontfamily]; break; } /* Scale to 16.16 fixed point */ ysize = fstyle->size * ((1 << 16) / FONT_SIZE_SCALE); if(ESetInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_DeviceDPI, (72<<16) | 72, OT_PointHeight, ysize, OT_EmboldenX, embolden, OT_EmboldenY, embolden, TAG_END) == OTERR_Success) return ofont; return NULL; } int32 ami_font_plot_glyph(struct OutlineFont *ofont, struct RastPort *rp, uint16 char1, uint16 char2, uint32 x, uint32 y, uint32 emwidth) { struct GlyphMap *glyph; UBYTE *glyphbm; int32 char_advance = 0; FIXED kern = 0; if(ESetInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_GlyphCode, char1, OT_GlyphCode2, char2, TAG_END) == OTERR_Success) { if(EObtainInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_GlyphMap8Bit,&glyph, TAG_END) == 0) { glyphbm = glyph->glm_BitMap; if(!glyphbm) return 0; if(rp) { BltBitMapTags(BLITA_SrcX, glyph->glm_BlackLeft, BLITA_SrcY, glyph->glm_BlackTop, BLITA_DestX, x - glyph->glm_X0 + glyph->glm_BlackLeft, BLITA_DestY, y - glyph->glm_Y0 + glyph->glm_BlackTop, BLITA_Width, glyph->glm_BlackWidth, BLITA_Height, glyph->glm_BlackHeight, BLITA_Source, glyphbm, BLITA_SrcType, BLITT_ALPHATEMPLATE, BLITA_Dest, rp, BLITA_DestType, BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_SrcBytesPerRow, glyph->glm_BMModulo, TAG_DONE); } kern = 0; if(char2) EObtainInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_TextKernPair, &kern, TAG_END); char_advance = (ULONG)(((glyph->glm_Width - kern) * emwidth) / 65536); EReleaseInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_GlyphMap8Bit,glyph, TAG_END); } } return char_advance; } ULONG ami_unicode_text(struct RastPort *rp,const char *string,ULONG length,const plot_font_style_t *fstyle,ULONG dx, ULONG dy) { uint16 *utf16 = NULL, *outf16 = NULL; uint16 utf16next = 0; int utf16charlen; struct OutlineFont *ofont, *ufont = NULL; ULONG i,gx,gy; UWORD posn; uint32 x=0; uint8 co = 0; int32 tempx = 0; ULONG emwidth = (ULONG)(fstyle->size / FONT_SIZE_SCALE); if(!string || string[0]=='\0') return 0; if(!length) return 0; if(utf8_to_enc(string,"UTF-16",length,(char **)&utf16) != UTF8_CONVERT_OK) return 0; outf16 = utf16; if(!(ofont = ami_open_outline_font(fstyle, FALSE))) return 0; if(rp) SetRPAttrs(rp,RPTAG_APenColor,p96EncodeColor(RGBFB_A8B8G8R8,fstyle->foreground),TAG_DONE); while(*utf16 != 0) { if (*utf16 < 0xD800 || 0xDFFF < *utf16) utf16charlen = 1; else utf16charlen = 2; utf16next = utf16[utf16charlen]; tempx = ami_font_plot_glyph(ofont, rp, *utf16, utf16next, dx + x, dy, emwidth); if(tempx == 0) { if(ufont == NULL) { ufont = ami_open_outline_font(fstyle, TRUE); } if(ufont) { tempx = ami_font_plot_glyph(ufont, rp, *utf16, utf16next, dx + x, dy, emwidth); } /* if(tempx == 0) { tempx = ami_font_plot_glyph(ofont, rp, 0xfffd, utf16next, dx + x, dy, emwidth); } */ } x += tempx; utf16 += utf16charlen; } free(outf16); return x; } void ami_init_fonts(void) { int i; char *bname,*iname,*biname; char *deffont; switch(option_font_default) { case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF: deffont = strdup(option_font_sans); break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF: deffont = strdup(option_font_serif); break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_MONOSPACE: deffont = strdup(option_font_mono); break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_CURSIVE: deffont = strdup(option_font_cursive); break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_FANTASY: deffont = strdup(option_font_fantasy); break; default: deffont = strdup(option_font_sans); break; } of[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF] = OpenOutlineFont(option_font_sans,NULL,OFF_OPEN); of[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF] = OpenOutlineFont(option_font_serif,NULL,OFF_OPEN); of[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_MONOSPACE] = OpenOutlineFont(option_font_mono,NULL,OFF_OPEN); of[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_CURSIVE] = OpenOutlineFont(option_font_cursive,NULL,OFF_OPEN); of[PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_FANTASY] = OpenOutlineFont(option_font_fantasy,NULL,OFF_OPEN); of[NSA_UNICODE_FONT] = OpenOutlineFont(option_font_unicode,NULL,OFF_OPEN); for(i=PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF;i<=NSA_UNICODE_FONT;i++) { if(!of[i]) { char *tmpfontname = NULL; switch(i) { case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF: tmpfontname = option_font_sans; break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SERIF: tmpfontname = option_font_serif; break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_MONOSPACE: tmpfontname = option_font_mono; break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_CURSIVE: tmpfontname = option_font_cursive; break; case PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_FANTASY: tmpfontname = option_font_fantasy; break; case NSA_UNICODE_FONT: tmpfontname = option_font_unicode; break; default: /* should never get here, but just in case */ tmpfontname = strdup("{unknown font}"); break; } warn_user("CompError",tmpfontname); } if(bname = (char *)GetTagData(OT_BName,0,of[i]->olf_OTagList)) { ofb[i] = OpenOutlineFont(bname,NULL,OFF_OPEN); } else { ofb[i] = NULL; } if(iname = (char *)GetTagData(OT_IName,0,of[i]->olf_OTagList)) { ofi[i] = OpenOutlineFont(iname,NULL,OFF_OPEN); } else { ofi[i] = NULL; } if(biname = (char *)GetTagData(OT_BIName,0,of[i]->olf_OTagList)) { ofbi[i] = OpenOutlineFont(biname,NULL,OFF_OPEN); } else { ofbi[i] = NULL; } } if(deffont) free(deffont); } void ami_close_fonts(void) { int i=0; for(i=PLOT_FONT_FAMILY_SANS_SERIF;i<=NSA_UNICODE_FONT;i++) { if(of[i]) CloseOutlineFont(of[i],NULL); if(ofb[i]) CloseOutlineFont(ofb[i],NULL); if(ofi[i]) CloseOutlineFont(ofi[i],NULL); if(ofbi[i]) CloseOutlineFont(ofbi[i],NULL); } }