#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/log.h" #include "atari/osspec.h" NS_ATARI_SYSINFO atari_sysinfo; unsigned short _systype_v; unsigned short _systype (void) { int32_t * cptr = NULL; _systype_v = SYS_TOS; cptr = Setexc(0x0168, -1L); if (cptr == NULL ) { return _systype_v; /* stone old TOS without any cookie support */ } while (*cptr) { if (*cptr == C_MgMc || *cptr == C_MgMx ) { _systype_v = (_systype_v & ~0xF) | SYS_MAGIC; } else if (*cptr == C_MiNT ) { _systype_v = (_systype_v & ~0xF) | SYS_MINT; } else if (*cptr == C_Gnva /* Gnva */ ) { _systype_v |= SYS_GENEVA; } else if (*cptr == C_nAES /* nAES */ ) { _systype_v |= SYS_NAES; } cptr += 2; } if (_systype_v & SYS_MINT) { /* check for XaAES */ short out = 0, u; if (wind_get (0, (((short)'X') <<8)|'A', &out, &u,&u,&u) && out) { _systype_v |= SYS_XAAES; } } return _systype_v; } void init_os_info(void) { int16_t out[4]; unsigned long cookie_FSMC = 0; atari_sysinfo.gemdos_version = Sversion(); if( tos_getcookie (C_FSMC, &cookie_FSMC ) == C_FOUND ) { atari_sysinfo.gdos_FSMC = 1; } else { atari_sysinfo.gdos_FSMC = 0; } atari_sysinfo.large_sfont_pxh = 13; atari_sysinfo.medium_sfont_pxh = 6; atari_sysinfo.small_sfont_pxh = 4; /* todo: detect if system font is monospaced */ atari_sysinfo.sfont_monospaced = true; if( appl_xgetinfo(AES_LARGEFONT, &out[0], &out[1], &out[2], &out[3] ) > 0 ){ atari_sysinfo.large_sfont_pxh = out[0]; } if( appl_xgetinfo(AES_SMALLFONT, &out[0], &out[1], &out[2], &out[3] ) > 0 ){ atari_sysinfo.small_sfont_pxh = out[0]; } atari_sysinfo.aes_max_win_title_len = 79; if (sys_type() & (SYS_MAGIC|SYS_NAES|SYS_XAAES)) { if (sys_NAES()) { atari_sysinfo.aes_max_win_title_len = 127; } if (sys_XAAES()) { atari_sysinfo.aes_max_win_title_len = 200; } } } int tos_getcookie(long tag, long * value) { COOKIE * cptr; long oldsp; if( atari_sysinfo.gemdos_version > TOS4VER ){ return( Getcookie(tag, value) ); } cptr = (COOKIE*)Setexc(0x0168, -1L); if(cptr != NULL) { do { if( cptr->c == tag ){ if(cptr->v != 0 ){ if( value != NULL ){ *value = cptr->v; } return( C_FOUND ); } } } while( (cptr++)->c != 0L ); } return( C_NOTFOUND ); } /* convert nonsense getcwd path (returned by mintlib getcwd on plain TOS) */ void fix_path(char * path) { char npath[PATH_MAX]; /* only apply fix to paths that contain /dev/ */ if( strlen(path) < 6 ){ return; } if( strncmp(path, "/dev/", 5) != 0 ) { /* path is okay, nothing to fix: */ return; } strncpy((char*)&npath, path, PATH_MAX); npath[0] = path[5]; npath[1] = ':'; npath[2] = 0; strcat((char*)&npath, &path[6]); strcpy(path, (char*)&npath); LOG(("fixed path: %s\n", path )); } /* a fixed version of realpath() which returns valid paths for TOS which have no root fs. (/ , U: ) */ char * gdos_realpath(const char * path, char * rpath) { size_t l; size_t i; char old = '/'; char fsep = 0x5C; if( rpath == NULL ){ return( NULL ); } if( sys_type() & SYS_MINT ){ return( realpath(path, rpath) ); } if( path[0] != '/' && path[0] != 0x5c && path[1] != ':') { /* it is not an absolute path */ char cwd[PATH_MAX]; getcwd((char*)&cwd, PATH_MAX); fix_path((char*)&cwd); strcpy(rpath, (char*)&cwd); l = strlen(rpath); /* append path seperator if needed: */ if(rpath[l-1] != 0x5C && rpath[l-1] != '/') { rpath[l] = fsep; rpath[l+1] = 0; } /* check if path is starting with: ./ */ if( (path[1] == '/' || path[1] == 0x5C ) ) { strcat(rpath, &path[2]); } else { /* otherwise just append it */ strcat(rpath, path); } } else { strcpy(rpath, path); } /* convert path seperator to configured value: */ l = strlen(rpath); for( i = 0; i