/* * Copyright 2010 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/errors.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "content/urldb.h" #include "content/fetch.h" #include "atari/res/netsurf.rsh" #include "atari/verify_ssl.h" /* todo: this file need to use the treeview api - complete rework, current implementation is not used in any way. */ extern void * h_gem_rsrc; extern short vdih; #define CERT_INF_LINES 8 static struct ssl_info_draw_param { struct ssl_cert_info * cert_infos_n; unsigned long num_certs; int current; int scrollx; int cols; int scrolly; int rows; /* assumed to be 8 */ OBJECT * tree; } dp; static int cert_display_width( struct ssl_cert_info * cert_info ) { int l1, l2; int max=0; int i; int add = 16; /* strlen("Issuer: "); */ l1 = strlen(cert_info->issuer) + add; l2 = strlen(cert_info->subject) + add; return( MAX(l1, l2) ); } static void __CDECL cert_info_draw( WINDOW * win, short buf[8], void * data) { struct ssl_info_draw_param * dp = (struct ssl_info_draw_param *)data; GRECT work; short pxy[4]; int maxchars; short d, cbh, cbw; int i = 0; short x,y,w,h; int px_ypos, px_xpos; char * line = malloc(512); if( line == NULL ) return; LOG(("Cert info draw, win: %p, data: %p, scrollx: %d", win, data, dp->scrollx )); WindGet( win, WF_WORKXYWH, &x, &y, &w, &h ); /*using static values here, as RsrcUserDraw has mem leaks & a very small stack */ pxy[0] = work.g_x = x + 8; pxy[1] = work.g_y = y + 80; pxy[2] = x + 8 + 272; pxy[3] = y + 80 + 176; work.g_w = 272; work.g_h = 176; maxchars = (work.g_w / 8)+1; vs_clip( vdih, 1,(short*) &pxy ); vswr_mode( vdih, MD_REPLACE ); vsf_interior( vdih, 1 ); vsf_color( vdih, LWHITE ); v_bar( vdih, (short*)&pxy ); vst_height( vdih, 16, &d, &d, &cbw, &cbh ); vst_alignment(vdih, 0, 5, &d, &d ); vst_color( vdih, BLACK ); vst_effects( vdih, 0 ); px_ypos = px_xpos = 0; for(i=0; icert_infos_n[dp->current].version ); break; case 1: sprintf(line, "Invalid before: %s", &dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].not_before ); break; case 2: sprintf(line, "Invalid after: %s", &dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].not_after ); break; case 3: sprintf(line, "Signature type: %d", dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].sig_type ); break; case 4: sprintf(line, "Serial: %d", dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].serial ); break; case 5: sprintf(line, "Issuer: %s", &dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].issuer ); break; case 6: sprintf(line, "Subject: %s", &dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].subject ); break; case 7: sprintf(line, "Cert type: %d", dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current].cert_type ); break; default: break; } if( (int)strlen(line) > dp->scrollx ) { if( dp->scrollx + maxchars < 511 && ( (signed int)strlen(line) - dp->scrollx) > maxchars ) line[dp->scrollx + maxchars] = 0; v_gtext(vdih, work.g_x + 1, work.g_y + px_ypos, &line[dp->scrollx]); } px_ypos += cbh; } vst_alignment(vdih, 0, 0, &d, &d ); vs_clip( vdih, 0, (short*)&pxy ); free( line ); } static void do_popup( WINDOW *win, int index, int mode, void *data) { struct ssl_info_draw_param * dp = (struct ssl_info_draw_param *)data; char * items[dp->num_certs]; short x, y; unsigned int i; int dispw; LOG(("do_popup: num certs: %d", dp->num_certs)); for( i = 0; inum_certs; i++) { items[i] = malloc( 48 ); strncpy(items[i], (char*)&dp->cert_infos_n[i].issuer, 46 ); } objc_offset( FORM(win), index, &x, &y ); dp->current = MenuPopUp( items, x, y, dp->num_certs, MIN( 3, dp->num_certs), 0, P_LIST + P_WNDW + P_CHCK ); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE ); dp->cols = cert_display_width( &dp->cert_infos_n[dp->current] ); dp->rows = 8; dp->scrollx = 0; dp->scrolly = 0; /* Send (!) redraw ( OC_MSG ) */ ObjcDrawParent( OC_FORM, FORM(win), VERIFY_BOX_DETAILS, 1, 7 | OC_MSG ); for( i = 0; inum_certs; i++) { free( items[i] ); } } bool verify_ssl_form_do( const char * url, const struct ssl_cert_info * cert_infos_n , unsigned long num_certs ) { OBJECT *tree; WINDOW * form; bool bres = false; bool cont = true; int res = 0; dp.cert_infos_n = (struct ssl_cert_info *)cert_infos_n; dp.num_certs = num_certs; dp.scrollx = 0; dp.scrolly = 0; dp.current = 0; dp.cols = cert_display_width( &dp.cert_infos_n[dp.current] ); dp.rows = 8; dp.tree = tree; RsrcGaddr (h_gem_rsrc , R_TREE, VERIFY, &tree); ObjcString( tree, VERIFY_LBL_HOST, (char*)url ); ObjcChange( OC_OBJC, tree, VERIFY_BT_ACCEPT, 0, 0 ); ObjcChange( OC_OBJC, tree, VERIFY_BT_REJECT, 0, 0 ); form = FormWindBegin( tree, (char*)"SSL Verify failed" ); EvntDataAdd( form, WM_REDRAW, cert_info_draw, (void*)&dp, EV_BOT ); /* this results in some extended objects which can not be freed: :( */ /* RsrcUserDraw( OC_FORM, tree, VERIFY_BOX_DETAILS, cert_info_draw,(void*)&dp ) ; */ ObjcAttachFormFunc( form, VERIFY_BT_NEXT_CERT, do_popup, &dp ); /* ObjcAttachFormFunc( form, VERIFY_BT_NEXT_CERT, do_popup, &dp ); ObjcAttachFormFunc( form, VERIFY_BT_NEXT_CERT, do_popup, &dp ); */ while( cont ) { res = FormWindDo( MU_MESAG ); cont = false; switch( res ){ case VERIFY_BT_ACCEPT: bres = true; break; case VERIFY_BT_NEXT_CERT: /* select box clicked or dragged... */ cont = true; break; case VERIFY_BT_REJECT: bres = false; break; case VERIFY_BT_SCROLL_D: cont = true; dp.scrolly += 1; ObjcDrawParent( OC_FORM, form, VERIFY_BOX_DETAILS, 1, 7 | OC_MSG ); break; case VERIFY_BT_SCROLL_U: cont = true; dp.scrolly -= 1; ObjcDrawParent( OC_FORM, form, VERIFY_BOX_DETAILS, 1, 7 | OC_MSG ); break; case VERIFY_BT_SCROLL_R: LOG(( "scroll r!" )); cont = true; dp.scrollx += 1; if( dp.scrollx > (dp.cols - (272 / 8 )) ) dp.scrollx -= 1; ObjcDrawParent( OC_FORM, form, VERIFY_BOX_DETAILS, 1, 7 | OC_MSG); break; case VERIFY_BT_SCROLL_L: cont = true; dp.scrollx -= 1; if( dp.scrollx < 0 ) dp.scrollx = 0; ObjcDrawParent( OC_FORM, form, VERIFY_BOX_DETAILS, 1, 7 | OC_MSG ); break; default: break; } } FormWindEnd( ); return( bres ); }