/** * $Id: cache.c,v 1.3 2003/04/15 17:53:00 bursa Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include "netsurf/content/cache.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #ifndef TEST #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #else #include struct content { char *url; struct cache_entry *cache; unsigned long size; }; void content_destroy(struct content *c); #endif /** * internal structures and declarations */ struct cache_entry { struct content *content; unsigned int use_count; time_t t; struct cache_entry *next, *prev; }; /* doubly-linked lists using a sentinel */ /* TODO: replace with a structure which can be searched faster */ static struct cache_entry inuse_list_sentinel = {0, 0, 0, &inuse_list_sentinel, &inuse_list_sentinel}; static struct cache_entry unused_list_sentinel = {0, 0, 0, &unused_list_sentinel, &unused_list_sentinel}; static struct cache_entry *inuse_list = &inuse_list_sentinel; static struct cache_entry *unused_list = &unused_list_sentinel; static unsigned long max_size = 1024*1024; /* TODO: make this configurable */ static unsigned long current_size = 0; /** * cache_init -- initialise the cache manager */ void cache_init(void) { } /** * cache_quit -- terminate the cache manager */ void cache_quit(void) { } /** * cache_get -- retrieve url from memory cache or disc cache */ struct content * cache_get(const char * const url) { struct cache_entry *e; /* search inuse_list first */ for (e = inuse_list->next; e != inuse_list && strcmp(e->content->url, url) != 0; e = e->next) ; if (e != inuse_list) { LOG(("'%s' in inuse_list, content %p, use_count %u", url, e->content, e->use_count)); e->use_count++; return e->content; } /* search unused_list if not found */ for (e = unused_list->next; e != unused_list && strcmp(e->content->url, url) != 0; e = e->next) ; if (e != unused_list) { LOG(("'%s' in unused_list, content %p", url, e->content)); /* move to inuse_list */ e->use_count = 1; e->prev->next = e->next; e->next->prev = e->prev; e->prev = inuse_list->prev; e->next = inuse_list; inuse_list->prev->next = e; inuse_list->prev = e; return e->content; } LOG(("'%s' not in cache", url)); return 0; } /** * cache_put -- place content in the memory cache */ void cache_put(struct content * content) { struct cache_entry * e; LOG(("content %p, url '%s', size %lu", content, content->url, content->size)); current_size += content->size; /* clear old data from the usused_list until the size drops below max_size */ while (max_size < current_size && unused_list->next != unused_list) { e = unused_list->next; LOG(("size %lu, removing %p '%s'", current_size, e->content, e->content->url)); /* TODO: move to disc cache */ current_size -= e->content->size; content_destroy(e->content); unused_list->next = e->next; e->next->prev = e->prev; xfree(e); } /* add the new content to the inuse_list */ e = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct cache_entry)); e->content = content; e->use_count = 1; e->prev = inuse_list->prev; e->next = inuse_list; inuse_list->prev->next = e; inuse_list->prev = e; content->cache = e; } /** * cache_free -- free a cache object if it is no longer used */ void cache_free(struct content * content) { struct cache_entry * e = content->cache; assert(e != 0); LOG(("content %p, url '%s', use_count %u", content, content->url, e->use_count)); assert(e->use_count != 0); e->use_count--; if (e->use_count == 0) { /* move to unused_list or destroy if insufficient space */ e->use_count = 0; e->t = time(0); e->prev->next = e->next; e->next->prev = e->prev; if (max_size < current_size) { LOG(("size %lu, removing", current_size)); /* TODO: move to disc cache */ current_size -= e->content->size; content_destroy(e->content); xfree(e); } else { LOG(("size %lu, moving to unused_list", current_size)); e->prev = unused_list->prev; e->next = unused_list; unused_list->prev->next = e; unused_list->prev = e; } } } /** * cache_dump -- dump contents of cache */ void cache_dump(void) { struct cache_entry * e; LOG(("size %lu", current_size)); LOG(("inuse_list:")); for (e = inuse_list->next; e != inuse_list; e = e->next) LOG((" content %p, url '%s', use_count %u", e->content, e->content->url, e->use_count)); LOG(("unused_list (time now %lu):", time(0))); for (e = unused_list->next; e != unused_list; e = e->next) LOG((" content %p, url '%s', t %lu", e->content, e->content->url, e->t)); LOG(("end")); } /** * testing framework */ #ifdef TEST struct content test[] = { {"aaa", 0, 200 * 1024}, {"bbb", 0, 100 * 1024}, {"ccc", 0, 400 * 1024}, {"ddd", 0, 600 * 1024}, {"eee", 0, 300 * 1024}, {"fff", 0, 500 * 1024}, }; #define TEST_COUNT (sizeof(test) / sizeof(test[0])) unsigned int test_state[TEST_COUNT]; void content_destroy(struct content *c) { } int main(void) { int i; struct content *c; for (i = 0; i != TEST_COUNT; i++) test_state[i] = 0; cache_init(); for (i = 0; i != 100; i++) { int x = rand() % TEST_COUNT; switch (rand() % 2) { case 0: c = cache_get(test[x].url); if (c == 0) { assert(test_state[x] == 0); cache_put(&test[x]); } else assert(c == &test[x]); test_state[x]++; break; case 1: if (test_state[x] != 0) { cache_free(&test[x]); test_state[x]--; } break; } } cache_dump(); return 0; } #endif