/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2005 Richard Wilson */ /** \file * Central repository for URL data (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "netsurf/content/url_store.h" #include "netsurf/utils/url.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #define ITERATIONS_BEFORE_TEST 32 #define MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH 1024 struct hostname_data { char *hostname; /** Hostname (lowercase) */ int hostname_length; /** Length of hostname */ struct url_data *url; /** URLs for this host */ struct hostname_data *previous; /** Previous hostname */ struct hostname_data *next; /** Next hostname */ }; static struct hostname_data *url_store_hostnames = NULL; static struct hostname_data *url_store_find_hostname(const char *url); static struct hostname_data *url_store_match_hostname(const char *url, struct hostname_data *previous); static char *url_store_match_scheme = NULL; /** * Returns the hostname data for the specified URL. If no hostname * data is currently available then it is created. * * \param url the url to find hostname data for * \return the current hostname data, or NULL on error */ static struct hostname_data *url_store_find_hostname(const char *url) { struct hostname_data *search; struct hostname_data *result; url_func_result res; char *hostname; int hostname_length; int compare; int fast_exit_counter = ITERATIONS_BEFORE_TEST; assert(url); res = url_host(url, &hostname); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) return NULL; hostname_length = strlen(hostname); /* try to find a matching hostname fairly quickly */ for (search = url_store_hostnames; search; search = search->next) { if ((fast_exit_counter <= 0) || (search->hostname_length == hostname_length)) { compare = strcmp(hostname, search->hostname); if (compare == 0) { free(hostname); return search; } else if (compare < 0) break; fast_exit_counter = ITERATIONS_BEFORE_TEST; } else { fast_exit_counter--; } } /* no hostname is available: create a new one */ result = calloc(sizeof(struct hostname_data), 1); if (!result) return NULL; result->hostname = hostname; result->hostname_length = hostname_length; /* simple case: no current hostnames */ if (!url_store_hostnames) { url_store_hostnames = result; return result; } /* worst case scenario: the place we need to link is within the last * section of the hostname list so we have no reference to work back * from. rather than slowing with the very common case of searching, * we take a speed hit for this case and simply move to the very end * of the hostname list ready to work backwards. */ if (!search) for (search = url_store_hostnames; search->next; search = search->next); /* we can now simply scan backwards as we know roughly where we need * to link to (we either had an early exit from the searching so we * know we're in the block following where we need to link, or we're * at the very end of the list as we were in the last block.) */ while ((search) && (strcmp(hostname, search->hostname) < 0)) search = search->previous; /* simple case: our new hostname is the first in the list */ if (!search) { result->next = url_store_hostnames; url_store_hostnames->previous = result; url_store_hostnames = result; return result; } /* general case: link in after the found hostname */ result->previous = search; result->next = search->next; if (search->next) search->next->previous = result; search->next = result; return result; } /** * Returns the url data for the specified URL. If no url * data is currently available then it is created. * * \param url a normalized url to find hostname data for * \return the current hostname data, or NULL on error */ struct url_content *url_store_find(const char *url) { struct hostname_data *hostname_data; struct url_data *search; struct url_data *result; int url_length; int compare; int fast_exit_counter = ITERATIONS_BEFORE_TEST; assert(url); /* find the corresponding hostname data */ hostname_data = url_store_find_hostname(url); if (!hostname_data) return NULL; /* move to the start of the leafname */ url_length = strlen(url); /* try to find a matching url fairly quickly */ for (search = hostname_data->url; search; search = search->next) { if ((fast_exit_counter <= 0) || (search->data.url_length == url_length)) { compare = strcmp(url, search->data.url); if (compare == 0) return &search->data; else if (compare < 0) break; fast_exit_counter = ITERATIONS_BEFORE_TEST; } else { fast_exit_counter--; } } /* no URL is available: create a new one */ result = calloc(sizeof(struct url_data), 1); if (!result) return NULL; result->data.url = malloc(url_length + 1); if (!result->data.url) { free(result); return NULL; } strcpy(result->data.url, url); result->data.url_length = url_length; result->data.requests = 0; result->data.visits = 0; result->parent = hostname_data; /* simple case: no current URLs */ if (!hostname_data->url) { hostname_data->url = result; return &result->data; } /* worst case scenario: the place we need to link is within the last * section of the URL list so we have no reference to work back * from. rather than slowing with the very common case of searching, * we take a speed hit for this case and simply move to the very end * of the URL list ready to work backwards. */ if (!search) for (search = hostname_data->url; search->next; search = search->next); /* we can now simply scan backwards as we know roughly where we need * to link to (we either had an early exit from the searching so we * know we're in the block following where we need to link, or we're * at the very end of the list as we were in the last block.) */ while ((search) && (strcmp(url, search->data.url) < 0)) search = search->previous; /* simple case: our new hostname is the first in the list */ if (!search) { result->next = hostname_data->url; hostname_data->url->previous = result; hostname_data->url = result; return &result->data; } /* general case: link in after the found hostname */ result->previous = search; result->next = search->next; if (search->next) search->next->previous = result; search->next = result; return &result->data; } /** * Returns the next hostname that matches a part of the specified URL. * * \param url a normalized url to find the next match for * \param current the current hostname to search forward from, or NULL * \return the next matching hostname, or NULL */ static struct hostname_data *url_store_match_hostname(const char *url, struct hostname_data *current) { url_func_result res; char *hostname; int hostname_length; int compare; bool www_test; assert(url); res = url_host(url, &hostname); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) return NULL; hostname_length = strlen(hostname); www_test = strncmp(hostname, "www.", 4); /* advance to the next hostname */ if (!current) current = url_store_hostnames; else current = current->next; /* skip past hostname data without URLs */ for (; current && (!current->url); current = current->next); while (current) { if (current->hostname_length >= hostname_length) { compare = strncmp(hostname, current->hostname, hostname_length); if (compare == 0) { free(hostname); return current; } else if ((compare < 0) && !www_test) break; } /* special case: if hostname is not www then try it */ if (www_test && ((current->hostname_length - 4) >= hostname_length) && (!strncmp(current->hostname, "www.", 4)) && (!strncmp(hostname, current->hostname + 4, hostname_length))) { free(hostname); return current; } /* move to next hostname with URLs */ current = current->next; for (; current && (!current->url); current = current->next); } free(hostname); return NULL; } /** * Returns the complete URL for the next matched stored URL. * * \param url a normalized url to find the next match for * \param reference internal reference (NULL for first call) * \return the next URL that matches */ char *url_store_match(const char *url, struct url_data **reference) { struct hostname_data *hostname; struct url_data *search = NULL; int scheme_length; int url_length; url_func_result res; bool www_test; assert(url); if (!url_store_hostnames) return NULL; /* find the scheme and first URL, not necessarily matching */ if (!*reference) { hostname = url_store_match_hostname(url, NULL); if (!hostname) return NULL; if (url_store_match_scheme) { free(url_store_match_scheme); url_store_match_scheme = NULL; } res = url_scheme(url, &url_store_match_scheme); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) return NULL; } else { search = *reference; hostname = search->parent; } scheme_length = strlen(url_store_match_scheme); url_length = strlen(url); www_test = (!strcmp(url_store_match_scheme, "http") && strncmp(url + 4 + 3, "www.", 4)); /* 'http' + '://' */ /* work through all our strings, ignoring the scheme and 'www.' */ while (hostname) { /* get the next URL to test */ if (!search) search = hostname->url; else search = search->next; /* loop past end of list, or search */ if (!search) { hostname = url_store_match_hostname(url, hostname); if (!hostname) return NULL; } else if ((search->data.visits > 0) && (search->data.requests > 0)){ /* straight match */ if ((search->data.url_length >= url_length) && (!strncmp(search->data.url, url, url_length))) { *reference = search; return search->data.url; } /* try with 'www.' inserted after the scheme */ if (www_test && ((search->data.url_length - 4) >= url_length) && (!strncmp(search->data.url, url_store_match_scheme, scheme_length)) && (!strncmp(search->data.url + scheme_length + 3, "www.", 4)) && (!strncmp(search->data.url + scheme_length + 7, url + scheme_length + 3, url_length - scheme_length - 3))) { *reference = search; return search->data.url; } } } return NULL; } /** * Converts a text string into one suitable for URL matching. * * \param text the text to search with * \return URL matching string allocated on heap, or NULL on error */ char *url_store_match_string(const char *text) { url_func_result res; char *url; assert(text); res = url_normalize(text, &url); if (res != URL_FUNC_OK) return NULL; /* drop the '/' from the end if it was added when normalizing */ if ((url[strlen(url) - 1] == '/') && (text[strlen(text) - 1] != '/')) url[strlen(url) - 1] = '\0'; return url; } /** * Loads the current contents of the URL store to disk * * \param file the file to load options from */ void url_store_load(const char *file) { struct url_content *url; char s[MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH]; struct hostname_data *hostname; struct url_data *result; int urls; int i; int version; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(file, "r"); if (!fp) { LOG(("Failed to open file '%s' for reading", file)); return; } if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) return; version = atoi(s); if ((version != 100) && (version != 101)) return; /* version 100 file is sequences of */ if (version == 100) { while (fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) { if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n') s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; url = url_store_find(s); if (!url) break; if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) break; url->visits = atoi(s); if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) break; url->requests = atoi(s); } } else if (version == 101) { /* version 101 is as 100, but in hostname chunks, pre-sorted * in reverse alphabetical order */ while (fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) { if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n') s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; hostname = url_store_find_hostname(s); if (!hostname) break; if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) break; urls = atoi(s); for (i = 0; i < urls; i++) { if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) break; if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n') s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; result = calloc(sizeof(struct url_data), 1); if (!result) break; result->data.url_length = strlen(s); result->data.url = malloc(result-> data.url_length + 1); if (!result->data.url) { free(result); break; } strcpy(result->data.url, s); result->parent = hostname; result->next = hostname->url; if (hostname->url) hostname->url->previous = result; hostname->url = result; if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) break; result->data.visits = atoi(s); if (!fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) break; result->data.requests = atoi(s); } } } fclose(fp); } /** * Saves the current contents of the URL store to disk * * \param file the file to load options from */ void url_store_save(const char *file) { struct hostname_data *search; struct url_data *url; int url_count; char *normal = NULL; FILE *fp; fp = fopen(file, "w"); if (!fp) { LOG(("Failed to open file '%s' for writing", file)); return; } /* file format version number */ fprintf(fp, "101\n"); for (search = url_store_hostnames; search && search->next; search = search->next); for (; search; search = search->previous) { url_count = 0; for (url = search->url; url; url = url->next) if ((url->data.requests > 0) && (strlen(url->data.url) < MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH)) url_count++; free(normal); normal = url_store_match_string(search->hostname); if ((url_count > 0) && (normal)) { fprintf(fp, "%s\n%i\n", normal, url_count); for (url = search->url; url->next; url = url->next); for (; url; url = url->previous) if ((url->data.requests > 0) && (strlen(url->data.url) < MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH)) fprintf(fp, "%s\n%i\n%i\n", url->data.url, url->data.visits, url->data.requests); } } fclose(fp); } /** * Dumps the currently stored URLs and hostnames to stderr. */ void url_store_dump(void) { struct hostname_data *search; struct url_data *url; fprintf(stderr, "\nDumping hostname data:\n"); for (search = url_store_hostnames; search; search = search->next) { fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s", search->hostname); fprintf(stderr, ":\n"); for (url = search->url; url; url = url->next) { fprintf(stderr, " - "); fprintf(stderr, "%s", url->data.url); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } fprintf(stderr, "\nEnd of hostname data.\n\n"); }