/* * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders * * Framebuffer windowing toolkit scrollbar widgets * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/log.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "framebuffer/gui.h" #include "framebuffer/fbtk.h" #include "framebuffer/fbtk_widget.h" #include "framebuffer/bitmap.h" #include "framebuffer/image_data.h" /** Vertical scroll widget */ static int vscroll_redraw(fbtk_widget_t *root, fbtk_widget_t *widget, void *pw) { int vscroll; int vpos; nsfb_bbox_t bbox; nsfb_bbox_t rect; fbtk_get_bbox(widget, &bbox); nsfb_claim(root->u.root.fb, &bbox); rect = bbox; /* background */ nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(root->u.root.fb, &rect, widget->bg); rect.x0 = bbox.x0 + 2; rect.y0 = bbox.y0 + 1; rect.x1 = bbox.x1 - 3; rect.y1 = bbox.y1 - 2; nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(root->u.root.fb, &rect, widget->fg); /* scroll well */ nsfb_plot_rectangle(root->u.root.fb, &rect, 1, 0xFF999999, false, false); /* scroll well outline */ vscroll = ((widget->height - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pct) / 100 ; vpos = ((widget->height - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pos) / 100 ; LOG(("scroll %d",vscroll)); rect.x0 = bbox.x0 + 5; rect.y0 = bbox.y0 + 3 + vpos; rect.x1 = bbox.x0 + widget->width - 5; rect.y1 = bbox.y0 + vscroll + vpos; nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(root->u.root.fb, &rect, widget->bg); nsfb_update(root->u.root.fb, &bbox); return 0; } static int vscrollu_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *scrollw = pw; fbtk_callback_info cbi; if (event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) return 0; cbi.type = FBTK_CBIT_SCROLLY; cbi.context = scrollw->callback_context; cbi.y = -1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } static int vscrolld_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *scrollw = pw; fbtk_callback_info cbi; if (event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) return 0; cbi.type = FBTK_CBIT_SCROLLY; cbi.context = scrollw->callback_context; cbi.y = 1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } static int vscrollarea_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *scrollw = pw; fbtk_callback_info cbi; int vscroll; int vpos; if (event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) return 0; vscroll = ((widget->height - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pct) / 100 ; vpos = ((widget->height - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pos) / 100 ; cbi.type = FBTK_CBIT_SCROLLY; cbi.context = scrollw->callback_context; if (y < vpos) { /* above bar */ cbi.y = -1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } else if (y > (vpos+vscroll)) { /* below bar */ cbi.y = 1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } return 0; } static int set_ptr_hand_move(fbtk_widget_t *widget, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *root = get_root_widget(widget); nsfb_cursor_set(root->u.root.fb, (nsfb_colour_t *)hand_image.pixdata, hand_image.width, hand_image.height, hand_image.width); return 0; } fbtk_widget_t * fbtk_create_vscroll(fbtk_widget_t *window, int x, int y, int width, int height, colour fg, colour bg, fbtk_callback callback, void *context) { fbtk_widget_t *neww = new_widget(FB_WIDGET_TYPE_VSCROLL); neww->x = x; neww->y = y + scrollu.height; neww->width = width; neww->height = height - scrollu.height - scrolld.height; neww->fg = fg; neww->bg = bg; neww->redraw = vscroll_redraw; neww->click = vscrollarea_click; neww->clickpw = neww; neww->callback = callback; neww->callback_context = context; neww->u.scroll.btnul = fbtk_create_button(window, x + (width - scrollu.width) / 2, y, fg, &scrollu, vscrollu_click, neww); fbtk_set_handler_move(neww->u.scroll.btnul, set_ptr_hand_move, NULL); neww->u.scroll.btndr = fbtk_create_button(window, x + (width - scrolld.width) / 2, y + height - scrolld.height, fg, &scrolld, vscrolld_click, neww); fbtk_set_handler_move(neww->u.scroll.btndr, set_ptr_hand_move, NULL); return add_widget_to_window(window, neww); } /* Horizontal scroll widget */ static int hscroll_redraw(fbtk_widget_t *root, fbtk_widget_t *widget, void *pw) { int hscroll; int hpos; nsfb_bbox_t bbox; nsfb_bbox_t rect; fbtk_get_bbox(widget, &bbox); nsfb_claim(root->u.root.fb, &bbox); rect = bbox; /* background */ nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(root->u.root.fb, &rect, widget->bg); /* scroll well */ rect.x0 = bbox.x0 + 1; rect.y0 = bbox.y0 + 2; rect.x1 = bbox.x1 - 2; rect.y1 = bbox.y1 - 3; nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(root->u.root.fb, &rect, widget->fg); /* scroll well outline */ nsfb_plot_rectangle(root->u.root.fb, &rect, 1, 0xFF999999, false, false); hscroll = ((widget->width - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pct) / 100 ; hpos = ((widget->width - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pos) / 100 ; LOG(("hscroll %d",hscroll)); rect.x0 = bbox.x0 + 3 + hpos; rect.y0 = bbox.y0 + 5; rect.x1 = bbox.x0 + hscroll + hpos; rect.y1 = bbox.y0 + widget->height - 5; nsfb_plot_rectangle_fill(root->u.root.fb, &rect, widget->bg); nsfb_update(root->u.root.fb, &bbox); return 0; } static int hscrolll_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *scrollw = pw; fbtk_callback_info cbi; if (event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) return 0; cbi.type = FBTK_CBIT_SCROLLX; cbi.context = scrollw->callback_context; cbi.x = -1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } static int hscrollr_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *scrollw = pw; fbtk_callback_info cbi; if (event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) return 0; cbi.type = FBTK_CBIT_SCROLLX; cbi.context = scrollw->callback_context; cbi.x = 1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } static int hscrollarea_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, nsfb_event_t *event, int x, int y, void *pw) { fbtk_widget_t *scrollw = pw; fbtk_callback_info cbi; int hscroll; int hpos; if (event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) return 0; hscroll = ((widget->width - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pct) / 100 ; hpos = ((widget->width - 4) * widget->u.scroll.pos) / 100 ; cbi.type = FBTK_CBIT_SCROLLX; cbi.context = scrollw->callback_context; if (x < hpos) { /* above bar */ cbi.x = -1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } else if (x > (hpos + hscroll)) { /* below bar */ cbi.x = 1; return (scrollw->callback)(scrollw, &cbi); } return 0; } fbtk_widget_t * fbtk_create_hscroll(fbtk_widget_t *window, int x, int y, int width, int height, colour fg, colour bg, fbtk_callback callback, void *context) { fbtk_widget_t *neww = new_widget(FB_WIDGET_TYPE_HSCROLL); neww->x = x + scrolll.width; neww->y = y; neww->width = width - scrolll.width - scrollr.width; neww->height = height; neww->fg = fg; neww->bg = bg; neww->redraw = hscroll_redraw; neww->click = hscrollarea_click; neww->clickpw = neww; neww->callback = callback; neww->callback_context = context; neww->u.scroll.btnul = fbtk_create_button(window, x, y + ((height - scrolll.height) / 2), fg, &scrolll, hscrolll_click, neww); neww->u.scroll.btndr = fbtk_create_button(window, x + width - scrollr.width, y + ((height - scrolll.height) / 2), fg, &scrollr, hscrollr_click, neww); return add_widget_to_window(window, neww); } void fbtk_set_scroll(fbtk_widget_t *widget, int pct) { if (widget == NULL) return; if ((widget->type == FB_WIDGET_TYPE_HSCROLL) || (widget->type == FB_WIDGET_TYPE_VSCROLL)) { widget->u.scroll.pct = pct; fbtk_request_redraw(widget); } } void fbtk_set_scroll_pos(fbtk_widget_t *widget, int pos) { if (widget == NULL) return; if ((widget->type == FB_WIDGET_TYPE_HSCROLL) || (widget->type == FB_WIDGET_TYPE_VSCROLL)) { widget->u.scroll.pos = pos; fbtk_request_redraw(widget); } }