/* * Copyright 2015 Adrián Arroyo Calle * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #define __STDBOOL_H__ 1 #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "netsurf/mouse.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "desktop/cookie_manager.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "desktop/tree.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "content/urldb.h" } #include "beos/cookies.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static std::vector cookieJar; class CookieWindow : public BWindow { public: CookieWindow(BRect frame); virtual void MessageReceived(BMessage* message); virtual void Show(); virtual bool QuitRequested(); private: void _BuildDomainList(); BStringItem* _AddDomain(BString domain, bool fake); void _ShowCookiesForDomain(BString domain); void _DeleteCookies(); private: BOutlineListView* fDomains; BColumnListView* fCookies; BStringView* fHeaderView; }; enum { COOKIE_IMPORT = 'cimp', COOKIE_EXPORT = 'cexp', COOKIE_DELETE = 'cdel', COOKIE_REFRESH = 'rfsh', DOMAIN_SELECTED = 'dmsl' }; class CookieDateColumn: public BDateColumn { public: CookieDateColumn(const char* title, float width) : BDateColumn(title, width, width / 2, width * 2) { } void DrawField(BField* field, BRect rect, BView* parent) { BDateField* dateField = (BDateField*)field; if (dateField->UnixTime() == -1) { DrawString("Session cookie", parent, rect); } else { BDateColumn::DrawField(field, rect, parent); } } }; class CookieRow: public BRow { public: CookieRow(BColumnListView* list, struct cookie_data& cookie) : BRow(), fCookie(cookie) { list->AddRow(this); SetField(new BStringField(cookie.name), 0); SetField(new BStringField(cookie.path), 1); time_t expiration = cookie.expires; SetField(new BDateField(&expiration), 2); SetField(new BStringField(cookie.value), 3); BString flags; if (cookie.secure) flags = "https "; if (cookie.http_only) flags = "http "; SetField(new BStringField(flags.String()), 4); } public: struct cookie_data fCookie; }; class DomainItem: public BStringItem { public: DomainItem(BString text, bool empty) : BStringItem(text), fEmpty(empty) { } public: bool fEmpty; }; CookieWindow::CookieWindow(BRect frame) : BWindow(frame,"Cookie manager", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_NORMAL_WINDOW_FEEL, B_AUTO_UPDATE_SIZE_LIMITS | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS) { BGroupLayout* root = new BGroupLayout(B_HORIZONTAL, 0.0); SetLayout(root); fDomains = new BOutlineListView("domain list"); root->AddView(new BScrollView("scroll", fDomains, 0, false, true), 1); fHeaderView = new BStringView("label","The cookie jar is empty!"); fCookies = new BColumnListView("cookie list", B_WILL_DRAW, B_FANCY_BORDER, false); float em = fCookies->StringWidth("M"); float flagsLength = fCookies->StringWidth("Mhttps hostOnly" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS); fCookies->AddColumn(new BStringColumn("Name", 20 * em, 10 * em, 50 * em, 0), 0); fCookies->AddColumn(new BStringColumn("Path", 10 * em, 10 * em, 50 * em, 0), 1); fCookies->AddColumn(new CookieDateColumn("Expiration", fCookies->StringWidth("88/88/8888 88:88:88 AM")), 2); fCookies->AddColumn(new BStringColumn("Value", 20 * em, 10 * em, 50 * em, 0), 3); fCookies->AddColumn(new BStringColumn("Flags", flagsLength, flagsLength, flagsLength, 0), 4); root->AddItem(BGroupLayoutBuilder(B_VERTICAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .SetInsets(5, 5, 5, 5) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .Add(fHeaderView) .AddGlue() .End() .Add(fCookies) .AddGroup(B_HORIZONTAL, B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) .SetInsets(5, 5, 5, 5) .AddGlue() .Add(new BButton("delete", "Delete", new BMessage(COOKIE_DELETE))), 3); fDomains->SetSelectionMessage(new BMessage(DOMAIN_SELECTED)); } void CookieWindow::MessageReceived(BMessage* message) { switch(message->what) { case DOMAIN_SELECTED: { int32 index = message->FindInt32("index"); BStringItem* item = (BStringItem*)fDomains->ItemAt(index); if (item != NULL) { BString domain = item->Text(); _ShowCookiesForDomain(domain); } return; } case COOKIE_REFRESH: _BuildDomainList(); return; case COOKIE_DELETE: _DeleteCookies(); return; } BWindow::MessageReceived(message); } void CookieWindow::Show() { BWindow::Show(); if (IsHidden()) return; PostMessage(COOKIE_REFRESH); } bool CookieWindow::QuitRequested() { if (!IsHidden()) Hide(); cookieJar.clear(); return false; } void CookieWindow::_BuildDomainList() { // Empty the domain list (TODO should we do this when hiding instead?) for (int i = fDomains->FullListCountItems() - 1; i >= 1; i--) { delete fDomains->FullListItemAt(i); } fDomains->MakeEmpty(); // BOutlineListView does not handle parent = NULL in many methods, so let's // make sure everything always has a parent. DomainItem* rootItem = new DomainItem("", true); fDomains->AddItem(rootItem); // Populate the domain list - TODO USE STL VECTOR for(std::vector::iterator it = cookieJar.begin(); it != cookieJar.end(); ++it) { _AddDomain((*it)->domain, false); } int i = 1; while (i < fDomains->FullListCountItems()) { DomainItem* item = (DomainItem*)fDomains->FullListItemAt(i); // Detach items from the fake root item->SetOutlineLevel(item->OutlineLevel() - 1); i++; } fDomains->RemoveItem(rootItem); delete rootItem; i = 0; int firstNotEmpty = i; // Collapse empty items to keep the list short while (i < fDomains->FullListCountItems()) { DomainItem* item = (DomainItem*)fDomains->FullListItemAt(i); if (item->fEmpty == true) { if (fDomains->CountItemsUnder(item, true) == 1) { // The item has no cookies, and only a single child. We can // remove it and move its child one level up in the tree. int count = fDomains->CountItemsUnder(item, false); int index = fDomains->FullListIndexOf(item) + 1; for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { BListItem* child = fDomains->FullListItemAt(index + j); child->SetOutlineLevel(child->OutlineLevel() - 1); } fDomains->RemoveItem(item); delete item; // The moved child is at the same index the removed item was. // We continue the loop without incrementing i to process it. continue; } else { // The item has no cookies, but has multiple children. Mark it // as disabled so it is not selectable. item->SetEnabled(false); if (i == firstNotEmpty) firstNotEmpty++; } } i++; } fDomains->Select(firstNotEmpty); } BStringItem* CookieWindow::_AddDomain(BString domain, bool fake) { BStringItem* parent = NULL; int firstDot = domain.FindFirst('.'); if (firstDot >= 0) { BString parentDomain(domain); parentDomain.Remove(0, firstDot + 1); parent = _AddDomain(parentDomain, true); } else { parent = (BStringItem*)fDomains->FullListItemAt(0); } BListItem* existing; int i = 0; // check that we aren't already there while ((existing = fDomains->ItemUnderAt(parent, true, i++)) != NULL) { DomainItem* stringItem = (DomainItem*)existing; if (stringItem->Text() == domain) { if (fake == false) stringItem->fEmpty = false; return stringItem; } } // Insert the new item, keeping the list alphabetically sorted BStringItem* domainItem = new DomainItem(domain, fake); domainItem->SetOutlineLevel(parent->OutlineLevel() + 1); BStringItem* sibling = NULL; int siblingCount = fDomains->CountItemsUnder(parent, true); for (i = 0; i < siblingCount; i++) { sibling = (BStringItem*)fDomains->ItemUnderAt(parent, true, i); if (strcmp(sibling->Text(), domainItem->Text()) > 0) { fDomains->AddItem(domainItem, fDomains->FullListIndexOf(sibling)); return domainItem; } } if (sibling) { // There were siblings, but all smaller than what we try to insert. // Insert after the last one (and its subitems) fDomains->AddItem(domainItem, fDomains->FullListIndexOf(sibling) + fDomains->CountItemsUnder(sibling, false) + 1); } else { // There were no siblings, insert right after the parent fDomains->AddItem(domainItem, fDomains->FullListIndexOf(parent) + 1); } return domainItem; } void CookieWindow::_ShowCookiesForDomain(BString domain) { BString label; label.SetToFormat("Cookies for %s", domain.String()); fHeaderView->SetText(label); // Empty the cookie list fCookies->Clear(); // Populate the domain list for(std::vector::iterator it = cookieJar.begin(); it != cookieJar.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->domain == domain) { new CookieRow(fCookies,**it); } } } static bool nsbeos_cookie_parser(const struct cookie_data* data) { cookieJar.push_back((struct cookie_data*)data); return true; } void CookieWindow::_DeleteCookies() { // TODO shall we handle multiple selection here? CookieRow* row = (CookieRow*)fCookies->CurrentSelection(); if (row == NULL) { // TODO see if a domain is selected in the domain list, and delete all // cookies for that domain return; } fCookies->RemoveRow(row); urldb_delete_cookie(row->fCookie.domain, row->fCookie.path, row->fCookie.name); cookieJar.clear(); urldb_iterate_cookies(&nsbeos_cookie_parser); delete row; } /** * Creates the Cookie Manager */ void nsbeos_cookies_init(void) { CookieWindow* cookWin=new CookieWindow(BRect(100,100,700,500)); cookWin->Show(); cookWin->Activate(); urldb_iterate_cookies(&nsbeos_cookie_parser); }