/* * Copyright 2003 John M Bell * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "utils/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/nsurl.h" #include "content/urldb.h" #include "riscos/gui.h" #include "riscos/dialog.h" #include "riscos/wimp_event.h" #define ICON_401LOGIN_LOGIN 0 #define ICON_401LOGIN_CANCEL 1 #define ICON_401LOGIN_HOST 2 #define ICON_401LOGIN_REALM 3 #define ICON_401LOGIN_USERNAME 4 #define ICON_401LOGIN_PASSWORD 5 static void ro_gui_401login_close(wimp_w w); static bool ro_gui_401login_apply(wimp_w w); static void ro_gui_401login_open(nsurl *url, lwc_string *host, const char *realm, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw); static wimp_window *dialog_401_template; struct session_401 { lwc_string *host; /**< Host for user display */ char *realm; /**< Authentication realm */ char uname[256]; /**< Buffer for username */ nsurl *url; /**< URL being fetched */ char pwd[256]; /**< Buffer for password */ nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw); /**< Continuation callback */ void *cbpw; /**< Continuation callback data */ }; /** * Load the 401 login window template. */ void ro_gui_401login_init(void) { dialog_401_template = ro_gui_dialog_load_template("login"); } /** * Open the login dialog */ void gui_401login_open(nsurl *url, const char *realm, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { lwc_string *host = nsurl_get_component(url, NSURL_HOST); assert(host != NULL); ro_gui_401login_open(url, host, realm, cb, cbpw); lwc_string_unref(host); } /** * Open a 401 login window. */ void ro_gui_401login_open(nsurl *url, lwc_string *host, const char *realm, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { struct session_401 *session; wimp_w w; const char *auth; session = calloc(1, sizeof(struct session_401)); if (!session) { ro_warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } session->url = nsurl_ref(url); if (realm == NULL) realm = "Secure Area"; auth = urldb_get_auth_details(session->url, realm); if (auth == NULL) { session->uname[0] = '\0'; session->pwd[0] = '\0'; } else { const char *pwd; size_t pwd_len; pwd = strchr(auth, ':'); assert(pwd && pwd < auth + sizeof(session->uname)); memcpy(session->uname, auth, pwd - auth); session->uname[pwd - auth] = '\0'; ++pwd; pwd_len = strlen(pwd); assert(pwd_len < sizeof(session->pwd)); memcpy(session->pwd, pwd, pwd_len); session->pwd[pwd_len] = '\0'; } session->host = lwc_string_ref(host); session->realm = strdup(realm); session->cb = cb; session->cbpw = cbpw; if (!session->realm) { nsurl_unref(session->url); lwc_string_unref(session->host); free(session); ro_warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } /* fill in download window icons */ dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_HOST].data. indirected_text.text = (char *)lwc_string_data(session->host); dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_HOST].data. indirected_text.size = lwc_string_length(session->host) + 1; dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_REALM].data. indirected_text.text = session->realm; dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_REALM].data. indirected_text.size = strlen(session->realm) + 1; dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_USERNAME].data. indirected_text.text = session->uname; dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_USERNAME].data. indirected_text.size = sizeof(session->uname); dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_PASSWORD].data. indirected_text.text = session->pwd; dialog_401_template->icons[ICON_401LOGIN_PASSWORD].data. indirected_text.size = sizeof(session->pwd); /* create and open the window */ w = wimp_create_window(dialog_401_template); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_text_field(w, ICON_401LOGIN_USERNAME); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_text_field(w, ICON_401LOGIN_PASSWORD); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_cancel(w, ICON_401LOGIN_CANCEL); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_ok(w, ICON_401LOGIN_LOGIN, ro_gui_401login_apply); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_close_window(w, ro_gui_401login_close); ro_gui_wimp_event_set_user_data(w, session); ro_gui_dialog_open_persistent(NULL, w, false); } /** * Handle closing of login dialog */ void ro_gui_401login_close(wimp_w w) { os_error *error; struct session_401 *session; session = (struct session_401 *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(w); assert(session); /* If ok didn't happen, send failure response */ if (session->cb != NULL) session->cb(false, session->cbpw); nsurl_unref(session->url); lwc_string_unref(session->host); free(session->realm); free(session); error = xwimp_delete_window(w); if (error) { LOG("xwimp_delete_window: 0x%x:%s", error->errnum, error->errmess); ro_warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); } ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise(w); } /* Login Clicked -> create a new fetch request, specifying uname & pwd * CURLOPT_USERPWD takes a string "username:password" */ bool ro_gui_401login_apply(wimp_w w) { struct session_401 *session; char *auth; session = (struct session_401 *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(w); assert(session); auth = malloc(strlen(session->uname) + strlen(session->pwd) + 2); if (!auth) { LOG("calloc failed"); ro_warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } sprintf(auth, "%s:%s", session->uname, session->pwd); urldb_set_auth_details(session->url, session->realm, auth); free(auth); session->cb(true, session->cbpw); /* Flag that we sent response by invalidating callback details */ session->cb = NULL; session->cbpw = NULL; return true; }