/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2004 James Bursa */ /** \file * Redraw of a CONTENT_HTML (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/plotters.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/form.h" #include "netsurf/render/layout.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" static bool html_redraw_box(struct box *box, int x, int y, int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1, float scale, colour current_background_color); static bool html_redraw_borders(struct box *box, int x, int y, int padding_width, int padding_height, float scale); static colour html_redraw_darker(colour c); static colour html_redraw_lighter(colour c); static colour html_redraw_aa(colour c0, colour c1); static bool html_redraw_checkbox(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected); static bool html_redraw_radio(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected); static bool html_redraw_file(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct box *box, float scale, colour background_colour); static bool html_redraw_background(int x, int y, struct box *box, float scale, colour background_colour); static bool html_redraw_scrollbars(struct box *box, float scale, int x, int y, int padding_width, int padding_height); bool html_redraw_debug = false; /** * Draw a CONTENT_HTML using the current set of plotters (plot). * * \param c content of type CONTENT_HTML * \param x coordinate for top-left of redraw * \param y coordinate for top-left of redraw * \param width available width (not used for HTML redraw) * \param height available height (not used for HTML redraw) * \param clip_x0 clip rectangle * \param clip_y0 clip rectangle * \param clip_x1 clip rectangle * \param clip_y1 clip rectangle * \param scale scale for redraw * \param background_colour the background colour * \return true if successful, false otherwise * * x, y, clip_[xy][01] are in target coordinates. */ bool html_redraw(struct content *c, int x, int y, int width, int height, int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1, float scale, unsigned long background_colour) { struct box *box; box = c->data.html.layout; assert(box); /* clear to background colour */ if (c->data.html.background_colour != TRANSPARENT) background_colour = c->data.html.background_colour; plot.clg(background_colour); return html_redraw_box(box, x, y, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1, scale, background_colour); } /** * Recursively draw a box. * * \param box box to draw * \param x coordinate of parent box * \param y coordinate of parent box * \param clip_x0 clip rectangle * \param clip_y0 clip rectangle * \param clip_x1 clip rectangle * \param clip_y1 clip rectangle * \param scale scale for redraw * \param current_background_color background colour under this box * \return true if successful, false otherwise * * x, y, clip_[xy][01] are in target coordinates. */ bool html_redraw_box(struct box *box, int x, int y, int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1, float scale, colour current_background_color) { struct box *c; int width, height; int padding_left, padding_top, padding_width, padding_height; int x0, y0, x1, y1; int colour; int x_scrolled, y_scrolled; x += box->x * scale; y += box->y * scale; width = box->width * scale; height = box->height * scale; padding_left = box->padding[LEFT] * scale; padding_top = box->padding[TOP] * scale; padding_width = (box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT]) * scale; padding_height = (box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM]) * scale; x_scrolled = x - box->scroll_x * scale; y_scrolled = y - box->scroll_y * scale; /* calculate clip rectangle for this box */ if (box->style && box->style->overflow != CSS_OVERFLOW_VISIBLE) { x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x + padding_width; y1 = y + padding_height; } else { x0 = x + box->descendant_x0 * scale; y0 = y + box->descendant_y0 * scale; x1 = x + box->descendant_x1 * scale + 1; y1 = y + box->descendant_y1 * scale + 1; } /* if visibility is hidden render children only */ if (box->style && box->style->visibility == CSS_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) { if (!plot.group_start("hidden box")) return false; for (c = box->children; c; c = c->next) if (!html_redraw_box(c, x_scrolled, y_scrolled, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale, current_background_color)) return false; return plot.group_end(); } if (!plot.group_start("vis box")) return false; /* dotted debug outlines */ if (html_redraw_debug) { if (!plot.rectangle(x, y, padding_width, padding_height, 0x0000ff, true)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(x + padding_left, y + padding_top, width, height, 0xff0000, true)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(x - (box->border[LEFT] + box->margin[LEFT]) * scale, y - (box->border[TOP] + box->margin[TOP]) * scale, padding_width + (box->border[LEFT] + box->margin[LEFT] + box->border[RIGHT] + box->margin[RIGHT]) * scale, padding_height + (box->border[TOP] + box->margin[TOP] + box->border[BOTTOM] + box->margin[BOTTOM]) * scale, 0x00ffff, true)) return false; } /* borders */ if (box->style) if (!html_redraw_borders(box, x, y, padding_width, padding_height, scale)) return false; /* return if the box is completely outside the clip rectangle */ if (clip_y1 < y0 || y1 < clip_y0 || clip_x1 < x0 || x1 < clip_x0) return plot.group_end(); if (box->type == BOX_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL || box->object) { /* find intersection of clip rectangle and box */ if (x0 < clip_x0) x0 = clip_x0; if (y0 < clip_y0) y0 = clip_y0; if (clip_x1 < x1) x1 = clip_x1; if (clip_y1 < y1) y1 = clip_y1; /* clip to it */ if (!plot.clip(x0, y0, x1, y1)) return false; } else { /* clip box unchanged */ x0 = clip_x0; y0 = clip_y0; x1 = clip_x1; y1 = clip_y1; } /* background colour and image */ if (box->style && box->type != BOX_BR && (box->type != BOX_INLINE || box->style != box->parent->parent->style)) { /* find intersection of clip box and padding box */ int px0 = x < x0 ? x0 : x; int py0 = y < y0 ? y0 : y; int px1 = x + padding_width < x1 ? x + padding_width : x1; int py1 = y + padding_height < y1 ? y + padding_height : y1; /* background colour */ if (box->style->background_color != TRANSPARENT && px0 < px1 && py0 < py1 && /* don't redraw background if there is an * image covering it */ ((box->style->background_repeat != CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT) || (box->background == NULL) || (box->background->bitmap == NULL) || /*(ro_gui_current_redraw_gui == NULL) || (!ro_gui_current_redraw_gui-> option.background_images) ||*/ (!bitmap_test_opaque(box->background-> bitmap)))) { if (!plot.fill(px0, py0, px1, py1, box->style->background_color)) return false; /* set current background color for font painting */ current_background_color = box->style->background_color; } if (box->background) { /* clip to padding box for everything but the main window */ if (box->parent) { if (!plot.clip(px0, py0, px1, py1)) return false; } else { if (!plot.clip(clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1)) return false; } /* plot background image */ if (!html_redraw_background(x, y, box, scale, current_background_color)) return false; /* restore previous graphics window */ if (!plot.clip(x0, y0, x1, y1)) return false; } /* scrollbars */ if (box->style->overflow == CSS_OVERFLOW_SCROLL) { if (!html_redraw_scrollbars(box, scale, x, y, padding_width, padding_height)) return false; } } if (box->object) { if (!content_redraw(box->object, x + padding_left, y + padding_top, width, height, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale, current_background_color)) return false; } else if (box->gadget && box->gadget->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX) { if (!html_redraw_checkbox(x + padding_left, y + padding_top, width, height, box->gadget->selected)) return false; } else if (box->gadget && box->gadget->type == GADGET_RADIO) { if (!html_redraw_radio(x + padding_left, y + padding_top, width, height, box->gadget->selected)) return false; } else if (box->gadget && box->gadget->type == GADGET_FILE) { if (!html_redraw_file(x + padding_left, y + padding_top, width, height, box, scale, current_background_color)) return false; } else if (box->text && box->font) { /* antialias colour for under/overline */ colour = html_redraw_aa(current_background_color, /*print_text_black ? 0 :*/ box->style->color); if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE) { if (!plot.line(x, y + (int) (box->height * 0.9 * scale), x + box->width * scale, y + (int) (box->height * 0.9 * scale), 0, colour, false, false)) return false; } if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE) { if (!plot.line(x, y + (int) (box->height * 0.1 * scale), x + box->width * scale, y + (int) (box->height * 0.1 * scale), 0, colour, false, false)) return false; } if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH) { if (!plot.line(x, y + (int) (box->height * 0.5 * scale), x + box->width * scale, y + (int) (box->height * 0.5 * scale), 0, colour, false, false)) return false; } if (!plot.text(x, y + (int) (box->height * 0.75 * scale), box->font, box->text, box->length, current_background_color, /*print_text_black ? 0 :*/ box->style->color)) return false; } else { for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) if (c->type != BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && c->type != BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT) if (!html_redraw_box(c, x_scrolled, y_scrolled, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale, current_background_color)) return false; for (c = box->float_children; c != 0; c = c->next_float) if (!html_redraw_box(c, x_scrolled, y_scrolled, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale, current_background_color)) return false; } if (box->type == BOX_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL || box->object) if (!plot.clip(clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1)) return false; return plot.group_end(); } /** * Draw borders for a box. * * \param box box to draw * \param x coordinate of left padding edge * \param y coordinate of top padding edge * \param padding_width width of padding box * \param padding_height height of padding box * \param scale scale for redraw * \return true if successful, false otherwise */ bool html_redraw_borders(struct box *box, int x, int y, int padding_width, int padding_height, float scale) { unsigned int i; int top = box->border[TOP] * scale; int right = box->border[RIGHT] * scale; int bottom = box->border[BOTTOM] * scale; int left = box->border[LEFT] * scale; int p[20] = { x, y, x - left, y - top, x + padding_width + right, y - top, x + padding_width, y, x + padding_width, y + padding_height, x + padding_width + right, y + padding_height + bottom, x - left, y + padding_height + bottom, x, y + padding_height, x, y, x - left, y - top }; int z[8]; colour c; bool dotted; unsigned int light; assert(box->style); for (i = 0; i != 4; i++) { if (box->border[i] == 0) continue; c = box->style->border[i].color; dotted = false; light = i; switch (box->style->border[i].style) { case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_DOTTED: dotted = true; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_DASHED: if (!plot.line((p[i * 4 + 0] + p[i * 4 + 2]) / 2, (p[i * 4 + 1] + p[i * 4 + 3]) / 2, (p[i * 4 + 4] + p[i * 4 + 6]) / 2, (p[i * 4 + 5] + p[i * 4 + 7]) / 2, box->border[i] * scale, c, dotted, !dotted)) return false; continue; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_SOLID: break; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_DOUBLE: z[0] = p[i * 4 + 0]; z[1] = p[i * 4 + 1]; z[2] = (p[i * 4 + 0] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 2]) / 3; z[3] = (p[i * 4 + 1] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 3]) / 3; z[4] = (p[i * 4 + 6] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 4]) / 3; z[5] = (p[i * 4 + 7] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 5]) / 3; z[6] = p[i * 4 + 6]; z[7] = p[i * 4 + 7]; if (!plot.polygon(z, 4, c)) return false; z[0] = p[i * 4 + 2]; z[1] = p[i * 4 + 3]; z[2] = (p[i * 4 + 2] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 0]) / 3; z[3] = (p[i * 4 + 3] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 1]) / 3; z[4] = (p[i * 4 + 4] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 6]) / 3; z[5] = (p[i * 4 + 5] * 2 + p[i * 4 + 7]) / 3; z[6] = p[i * 4 + 4]; z[7] = p[i * 4 + 5]; if (!plot.polygon(z, 4, c)) return false; continue; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_GROOVE: light = 3 - light; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_RIDGE: z[0] = p[i * 4 + 0]; z[1] = p[i * 4 + 1]; z[2] = (p[i * 4 + 0] + p[i * 4 + 2]) / 2; z[3] = (p[i * 4 + 1] + p[i * 4 + 3]) / 2; z[4] = (p[i * 4 + 6] + p[i * 4 + 4]) / 2; z[5] = (p[i * 4 + 7] + p[i * 4 + 5]) / 2; z[6] = p[i * 4 + 6]; z[7] = p[i * 4 + 7]; if (!plot.polygon(z, 4, light == 0 || light == 1 ? html_redraw_darker(c) : html_redraw_lighter(c))) return false; z[0] = p[i * 4 + 2]; z[1] = p[i * 4 + 3]; z[6] = p[i * 4 + 4]; z[7] = p[i * 4 + 5]; if (!plot.polygon(z, 4, light == 0 || light == 1 ? html_redraw_lighter(c) : html_redraw_darker(c))) return false;; continue; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_INSET: if (i == 0 || i == 3) c = html_redraw_darker(c); else c = html_redraw_lighter(c); break; case CSS_BORDER_STYLE_OUTSET: if (i == 0 || i == 3) c = html_redraw_lighter(c); else c = html_redraw_darker(c); break; default: break; } if (!plot.polygon(p + i * 4, 4, c)) return false; } return true; } /** * Make a colour darker. * * \param c colour * \return a darker shade of c */ colour html_redraw_darker(colour c) { int b = c >> 16, g = (c >> 8) & 0xff, r = c & 0xff; b = b * 3 / 4; g = g * 3 / 4; r = r * 3 / 4; return (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } /** * Make a colour lighter. * * \param c colour * \return a lighter shade of c */ colour html_redraw_lighter(colour c) { int b = 0xff - (c >> 16), g = 0xff - ((c >> 8) & 0xff), r = 0xff - (c & 0xff); b = b * 3 / 4; g = g * 3 / 4; r = r * 3 / 4; return ((0xff - b) << 16) | ((0xff - g) << 8) | (0xff - r); } /** * Mix two colours to produce a colour suitable for anti-aliasing. * * \param c0 first colour * \param c1 second colour * \return a colour half way between c0 and c1 */ colour html_redraw_aa(colour c0, colour c1) { return ((((c0 >> 16) + (c1 >> 16)) / 2) << 16) | (((((c0 >> 8) & 0xff) + ((c1 >> 8) & 0xff)) / 2) << 8) | ((((c0 & 0xff) + (c1 & 0xff)) / 2) << 0); } /** * Plot a checkbox. * * \param x left coordinate * \param y top coordinate * \param width dimensions of checkbox * \param height dimensions of checkbox * \param selected the checkbox is selected * \return true if successful, false otherwise */ bool html_redraw_checkbox(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected) { int z = width * 0.15; if (z == 0) z = 1; if (!plot.fill(x, y, x + width, y + height, 0x000000)) return false; if (!plot.fill(x + z, y + z, x + width - z, y + height - z, 0xffffff)) return false; if (selected) if (!plot.fill(x + z + z, y + z + z, x + width - z - z, y + height - z - z, 0x0000ff)) return false; return true; } /** * Plot a radio icon. * * \param x left coordinate * \param y top coordinate * \param width dimensions of radio icon * \param height dimensions of radio icon * \param selected the radio icon is selected * \return true if successful, false otherwise */ bool html_redraw_radio(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected) { if (!plot.disc(x + width * 0.5, y + height * 0.5, width * 0.5 - 1, 0x000000)) return false; if (!plot.disc(x + width * 0.5, y + height * 0.5, width * 0.4 - 1, 0xffffff)) return false; if (selected) if (!plot.disc(x + width * 0.5, y + height * 0.5, width * 0.3 - 1, 0x0000ff)) return false; return true; } /** * Plot a file upload input. * * \param x left coordinate * \param y top coordinate * \param width dimensions of input * \param height dimensions of input * \param box box of input * \param scale scale for redraw * \param background_colour current background colour * \return true if successful, false otherwise */ bool html_redraw_file(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct box *box, float scale, colour background_colour) { int text_width; const char *text; size_t length; if (box->gadget->value) text = box->gadget->value; else text = messages_get("Form_Drop"); length = strlen(text); text_width = nsfont_width(box->font, text, length) * scale; if (width < text_width + 8) x = x + width - text_width - 4; else x = x + 4; return plot.text(x, y + height * 0.75, box->font, text, length, background_colour, /*print_text_black ? 0 :*/ box->style->color); } /** * Plot background images. * * \param x coordinate of box * \param y coordinate of box * \param box box to draw background image of * \param scale scale for redraw * \param background_colour current background colour * \return true if successful, false otherwise */ bool html_redraw_background(int x, int y, struct box *box, float scale, colour background_colour) { int image_width, image_height; bool repeat_x = false; bool repeat_y = false; assert(box->background); /* only bitmaps handled currently */ if (!box->background->bitmap) return true; /* exit if background images aren't wanted */ /*if (ro_gui_current_redraw_gui) if (!ro_gui_current_redraw_gui->option.background_images) return true; else if (!option_background_images) return true;*/ /* get the image dimensions for our positioning and scaling */ image_width = box->background->width * scale; image_height = box->background->height * scale; /* handle background-repeat */ switch (box->style->background_repeat) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT: repeat_x = repeat_y = true; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT_X: repeat_x = true; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT_Y: repeat_y = true; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_NO_REPEAT: break; default: break; } /* handle background-position */ switch (box->style->background_position.horz.pos) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_PERCENT: x += (box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT] - image_width) * box->style->background_position.horz. value.percent / 100; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_LENGTH: x += (int) (css_len2px(&box->style->background_position. horz.value.length, box->style) * scale); break; default: break; } switch (box->style->background_position.vert.pos) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_PERCENT: y += (box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM] - image_height) * box->style->background_position.vert. value.percent / 100; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_LENGTH: y -= (int) (css_len2px(&box->style->background_position. vert.value.length, box->style) * scale); break; default: break; } /* and plot the image */ return plot.bitmap_tile(x, y, image_width, image_height, box->background->bitmap, background_colour, repeat_x, repeat_y); } /** * Plot scrollbars for a scrolling box. * * \param box scrolling box * \param scale scale for redraw * \param x coordinate of box * \param y coordinate of box * \param padding_width width of padding box * \param padding_height height of padding box * \return true if successful, false otherwise */ bool html_redraw_scrollbars(struct box *box, float scale, int x, int y, int padding_width, int padding_height) { int w = SCROLLBAR_WIDTH * scale; /* vertical scrollbar */ if (box->descendant_y0 < box->descendant_y1) { int bar_top = (float) padding_height * (float) box->scroll_y / (float) (box->descendant_y1 - box->descendant_y0); int bar_height = (float) padding_height * (float) box->height / (float) (box->descendant_y1 - box->descendant_y0); if (!plot.fill(x + padding_width - w, y, x + padding_width, y + padding_height, 0x777777)) return false; if (!plot.fill(x + padding_width - w + 4, y + bar_top, x + padding_width - 4, y + bar_top + bar_height, 0xbbbbbb)) return false; } return true; }