/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2003 James Bursa * Copyright 2003 John M Bell */ #include #include #include "oslib/colourtrans.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osgbpb.h" #include "oslib/osspriteop.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/options.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #define GESTURES_URL "file:///%3CNetSurf$Dir%3E/Resources/gestures" #define THEMES_URL "http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/themes/" wimp_w dialog_info, dialog_saveas, dialog_config, dialog_config_br, dialog_config_prox, dialog_config_th, download_template; wimp_menu* theme_menu = NULL; static struct ro_choices choices; static struct browser_choices browser_choices; static struct proxy_choices proxy_choices; static struct theme_choices theme_choices; static wimp_w ro_gui_dialog_create(const char *template_name); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_br(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_prox(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void set_browser_choices(struct browser_choices* newchoices); static void get_browser_choices(struct browser_choices* newchoices); static void set_proxy_choices(struct proxy_choices* newchoices); static void get_proxy_choices(struct proxy_choices* newchoices); static void load_theme_preview(char* thname); static void set_theme_choices(struct theme_choices* newchoices); static void get_theme_choices(struct theme_choices* newchoices); static void ro_gui_destroy_theme_menu(void); static void ro_gui_build_theme_menu(void); static int file_exists(const char* base, const char* dir, const char* leaf, bits ftype); static void set_icon_state(wimp_w w, wimp_i i, int state); static int get_icon_state(wimp_w w, wimp_i i); static void set_icon_string(wimp_w w, wimp_i i, char* text); static char* get_icon_string(wimp_w w, wimp_i i); static void set_icon_string_i(wimp_w w, wimp_i i, int num); /** * Load and create dialogs from template file. */ void ro_gui_dialog_init(void) { dialog_info = ro_gui_dialog_create("info"); dialog_saveas = ro_gui_dialog_create("saveas"); dialog_config = ro_gui_dialog_create("config"); dialog_config_br = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_br"); dialog_config_prox = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_prox"); dialog_config_th = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_th"); options_to_ro(&OPTIONS, &choices); set_browser_choices(&choices.browser); set_proxy_choices(&choices.proxy); set_theme_choices(&choices.theme); } /** * Create a window from a template. */ wimp_w ro_gui_dialog_create(const char *template_name) { char name[20]; int context, window_size, data_size; char *data; wimp_window *window; wimp_w w; /* wimp_load_template won't accept a const char * */ strncpy(name, template_name, 20); /* find required buffer sizes */ context = wimp_load_template(wimp_GET_SIZE, 0, 0, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, &window_size, &data_size); assert(context != 0); window = xcalloc((unsigned int) window_size, 1); data = xcalloc((unsigned int) data_size, 1); /* load and create */ wimp_load_template(window, data, data + data_size, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, 0, 0); w = wimp_create_window(window); /* the window definition is copied by the wimp and may be freed */ xfree(window); return w; } /** * Open a dialog box, centered on the screen. */ void ro_gui_dialog_open(wimp_w w) { int xeig_factor, yeig_factor, xwind_limit, ywind_limit, screen_x, screen_y, dx, dy; wimp_window_state open; /* find screen centre in os units */ os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_XEIG_FACTOR, &xeig_factor); os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_YEIG_FACTOR, &yeig_factor); os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_XWIND_LIMIT, &xwind_limit); os_read_mode_variable(os_CURRENT_MODE, os_MODEVAR_YWIND_LIMIT, &ywind_limit); screen_x = (xwind_limit + 1) << (xeig_factor - 1); screen_y = (ywind_limit + 1) << (yeig_factor - 1); /* centre and open */ open.w = w; wimp_get_window_state(&open); dx = (open.visible.x1 - open.visible.x0) / 2; dy = (open.visible.y1 - open.visible.y0) / 2; open.visible.x0 = screen_x - dx; open.visible.x1 = screen_x + dx; open.visible.y0 = screen_y - dy; open.visible.y1 = screen_y + dy; open.next = wimp_TOP; wimp_open_window((wimp_open *) &open); } /** * Handle clicks in one of the dialog boxes. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click(wimp_pointer *pointer) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) return; if (pointer->w == dialog_config) ro_gui_dialog_click_config(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_br) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_br(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_prox) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_prox(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_th) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th(pointer); } /** * Handle clicks in the main Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config(wimp_pointer *pointer) { switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_SAVE: ro_to_options(&choices, &OPTIONS); options_write(&OPTIONS, NULL); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config); } break; case ICON_CONFIG_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config); } else { options_to_ro(&OPTIONS, &choices); } break; case ICON_CONFIG_BROWSER: ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_br); break; case ICON_CONFIG_PROXY: ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_prox); break; case ICON_CONFIG_THEME: ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_th); break; } } /** * Handle clicks in the Browser Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_br(wimp_pointer *pointer) { struct browser_window* bw; switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_BR_OK: get_browser_choices(&choices.browser); get_browser_choices(&browser_choices); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); else set_browser_choices(&choices.browser); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_EXPLAIN: bw = create_browser_window(browser_TITLE | browser_TOOLBAR | browser_SCROLL_X_ALWAYS | browser_SCROLL_Y_ALWAYS, 320, 256); gui_window_show(bw->window); browser_window_open_location(bw, GESTURES_URL); break; } } /** * Handle clicks in the Proxy Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_prox(wimp_pointer *pointer) { switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_PROX_OK: get_proxy_choices(&choices.proxy); get_proxy_choices(&proxy_choices); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); break; case ICON_CONFIG_PROX_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); else set_proxy_choices(&choices.proxy); break; } } /** * Handle clicks in the Theme Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th(wimp_pointer *pointer) { struct browser_window* bw; switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_TH_OK: get_theme_choices(&choices.theme); get_theme_choices(&theme_choices); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); else set_theme_choices(&choices.theme); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_PICK: ro_gui_build_theme_menu(); ro_gui_create_menu(theme_menu, pointer->pos.x - 64, pointer->pos.y, NULL); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_MANAGE: os_cli("Filer_OpenDir " THEMES_DIR); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_GET: bw = create_browser_window(browser_TITLE | browser_TOOLBAR | browser_SCROLL_X_ALWAYS | browser_SCROLL_Y_ALWAYS, 480, 320); gui_window_show(bw->window); browser_window_open_location(bw, THEMES_URL); break; } } /** * Close a dialog box. */ void ro_gui_dialog_close(wimp_w close) { wimp_close_window(close); } void set_browser_choices(struct browser_choices* newchoices) { memcpy(&browser_choices, newchoices, sizeof(struct browser_choices)); set_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_GESTURES, browser_choices.use_mouse_gestures); set_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_FORM, browser_choices.use_riscos_elements); set_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_TEXT, browser_choices.allow_text_selection); set_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_TOOLBAR, browser_choices.show_toolbar); set_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_PREVIEW, browser_choices.show_print_preview); } void get_browser_choices(struct browser_choices* newchoices) { newchoices->use_mouse_gestures = get_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_GESTURES); newchoices->use_riscos_elements = get_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_FORM); newchoices->allow_text_selection = get_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_TEXT); newchoices->show_toolbar = get_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_TOOLBAR); newchoices->show_print_preview = get_icon_state(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_PREVIEW); } void set_proxy_choices(struct proxy_choices* newchoices) { memcpy(&proxy_choices, newchoices, sizeof(struct proxy_choices)); set_icon_state(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTP, proxy_choices.http); set_icon_string(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPHOST, proxy_choices.http_proxy); set_icon_string_i(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPPORT, proxy_choices.http_port); } void get_proxy_choices(struct proxy_choices* newchoices) { newchoices->http = get_icon_state(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTP); strncpy(newchoices->http_proxy, get_icon_string(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPHOST), 255); newchoices->http_port = atoi(get_icon_string(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPPORT)); } osspriteop_area* theme_preview = NULL; void load_theme_preview(char* thname) { if (theme_preview != NULL) xfree(theme_preview); theme_preview = NULL; if (file_exists(THEMES_DIR, thname, "Preview", 0xff9)) { char filename[256]; FILE* fp; int size; sprintf(filename, "%s.%s.Preview", THEMES_DIR, thname); fp = fopen(filename, "rb"); if (fp == 0) return; if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) die("fseek() failed"); if ((size = (int) ftell(fp)) == -1) die("ftell() failed"); fclose(fp); theme_preview = xcalloc(size + 16, 1); if (theme_preview == NULL) return; theme_preview->size = size + 16; theme_preview->sprite_count = 0; theme_preview->first = 16; theme_preview->used = 16; osspriteop_clear_sprites(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme_preview); osspriteop_load_sprite_file(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme_preview, filename); } } void ro_gui_redraw_config_th(wimp_draw* redraw) { int x, y, size; osbool more; wimp_icon_state preview; wimp_window_state win; osspriteop_trans_tab* trans_tab; win.w = dialog_config_th; wimp_get_window_state(&win); preview.w = dialog_config_th; preview.i = ICON_CONFIG_TH_PREVIEW; wimp_get_icon_state(&preview); if (theme_preview != NULL) { x = preview.icon.extent.x0 + win.visible.x0 + 4; y = preview.icon.extent.y0 + win.visible.y1 + 4; xcolourtrans_generate_table_for_sprite(theme_preview, "preview", -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, &size); trans_tab = malloc(size + 32); xcolourtrans_generate_table_for_sprite(theme_preview, "preview", -1, -1, trans_tab, 0, 0, 0, &size); more = wimp_redraw_window(redraw); while (more) { xosspriteop_put_sprite_scaled(osspriteop_NAME, theme_preview, "preview", x, y, 0, 0, trans_tab); more = wimp_get_rectangle(redraw); } xfree(trans_tab); } else { preview.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); preview.icon.data.indirected_text.text = "No preview available"; preview.icon.data.indirected_text.size = 21; more = wimp_redraw_window(redraw); while (more) { wimp_plot_icon(&preview.icon); more = wimp_get_rectangle(redraw); } } return; } void set_theme_choices(struct theme_choices* newchoices) { memcpy(&theme_choices, newchoices, sizeof(struct theme_choices)); set_icon_string(dialog_config_th, ICON_CONFIG_TH_NAME, theme_choices.name); load_theme_preview(theme_choices.name); } void get_theme_choices(struct theme_choices* newchoices) { strncpy(newchoices->name, get_icon_string(dialog_config_th, ICON_CONFIG_TH_NAME), 255); } void ro_gui_destroy_theme_menu(void) { int i = 0; LOG(("destroy?")); if (theme_menu == NULL) return; LOG(("enumerating")); while ((theme_menu->entries[i].menu_flags & wimp_MENU_LAST) == 0) { xfree(theme_menu->entries[i].data.indirected_text.text); LOG(("freed")); i++; } LOG(("freeing menu")); xfree(theme_menu); theme_menu = NULL; LOG(("destroyed")); } void ro_gui_build_theme_menu(void) { wimp_menu* m; int num = 0; int i; char* name[256]; char buffer[256]; osgbpb_system_info* info; int context = 0, count = 1; LOG(("check for destroy")); if (theme_menu != NULL) ro_gui_destroy_theme_menu(); LOG(("enumerate themes")); context = osgbpb_dir_entries_system_info(THEMES_DIR, buffer, 1, context, 256, 0, &count); while (context != -1) { LOG(("called")); info = (osgbpb_system_info*) buffer; if (info->obj_type == 2 /* directory */) { if (file_exists(THEMES_DIR, info->name, "Templates", 0xfec) && file_exists(THEMES_DIR, info->name, "Sprites", 0xff9) && file_exists(THEMES_DIR, info->name, "IconNames", 0xfff) && file_exists(THEMES_DIR, info->name, "IconSizes", 0xfff)) { LOG(("found")); name[num] = malloc(strlen(info->name) + 2); strcpy(name[num], info->name); num++; } } context = osgbpb_dir_entries_system_info(THEMES_DIR, buffer, 1, context, 256, 0, &count); } LOG(("mallocing")); m = malloc(sizeof(wimp_menu_base) + (num*2) * sizeof(wimp_menu_entry)); strcpy(m->title_data.text, "Themes"); m->title_fg = wimp_COLOUR_BLACK; m->title_bg = wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY; m->work_fg = wimp_COLOUR_BLACK; m->work_bg = wimp_COLOUR_WHITE; m->width = 256; m->height = 44; m->gap = 0; LOG(("building entries")); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (i < num - 1) m->entries[i].menu_flags = 0; else { LOG(("last one")); m->entries[i].menu_flags = wimp_MENU_LAST; } if (strcmp(name[i], theme_choices.name) == 0) m->entries[i].menu_flags |= wimp_MENU_TICKED; m->entries[i].sub_menu = wimp_NO_SUB_MENU; m->entries[i].icon_flags = (wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_FILLED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_WHITE << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT)); m->entries[i].data.indirected_text.text = name[i]; m->entries[i].data.indirected_text.validation = -1; m->entries[i].data.indirected_text.size = strlen(name[i]) + 1; LOG(("entry %d", i)); } LOG(("done")); theme_menu = m; } void ro_gui_theme_menu_selection(char *theme) { strcpy(theme_choices.name, theme); set_icon_string(dialog_config_th, ICON_CONFIG_TH_NAME, theme_choices.name); load_theme_preview(theme_choices.name); wimp_set_icon_state(dialog_config_th, ICON_CONFIG_TH_NAME, 0, 0); wimp_set_icon_state(dialog_config_th, ICON_CONFIG_TH_PREVIEW, 0, 0); } int file_exists(const char* base, const char* dir, const char* leaf, bits ftype) { char buffer[256]; fileswitch_object_type type; bits load, exec; int size; fileswitch_attr attr; bits file_type; snprintf(buffer, 255, "%s.%s.%s", base, dir, leaf); LOG(("checking %s", buffer)); if (xosfile_read_stamped_no_path(buffer, &type, &load, &exec, &size, &attr, &file_type) == NULL) { return (type == 1 && ftype == file_type); } return 0; } void set_icon_state(wimp_w w, wimp_i i, int state) { if (state) wimp_set_icon_state(w,i, wimp_ICON_SELECTED, wimp_ICON_SELECTED); else wimp_set_icon_state(w,i, 0, wimp_ICON_SELECTED); } int get_icon_state(wimp_w w, wimp_i i) { wimp_icon_state ic; ic.w = w; ic.i = i; wimp_get_icon_state(&ic); return (ic.icon.flags & wimp_ICON_SELECTED) != 0; } void set_icon_string(wimp_w w, wimp_i i, char* text) { wimp_icon_state ic; ic.w = w; ic.i = i; wimp_get_icon_state(&ic); strncpy(ic.icon.data.indirected_text.text, text, ic.icon.data.indirected_text.size); } char* get_icon_string(wimp_w w, wimp_i i) { wimp_icon_state ic; ic.w = w; ic.i = i; wimp_get_icon_state(&ic); return ic.icon.data.indirected_text.text; } void set_icon_string_i(wimp_w w, wimp_i i, int num) { char buffer[255]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", num); set_icon_string(w, i, buffer); }