/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 John M Bell */ #include #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/frames.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" /*#ifndef TEST # define NDEBUG #endif*/ #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #include "oslib/os.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #ifdef WITH_FRAMES void frame_add_instance_to_list(struct content *c, struct browser_window *parent, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state, struct browser_window *bw, gui_window *g); void frame_remove_instance_from_list(struct content *c); struct frame_list *frame_get_instance_from_list(struct content *c); void frame_add_instance(struct content *c, struct browser_window *parent, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { wimp_window w; struct browser_window *bw = NULL; os_error *e; gui_window *g = (gui_window*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(gui_window)); bw = create_browser_window(parent->flags, (int)parent->format_width, (int)parent->format_height, parent); w.visible.x0 = 346; w.visible.x1 = 370; w.visible.y0 = 664; w.visible.y1 = 610; w.xscroll = w.yscroll = 0; w.next = wimp_TOP; w.flags = wimp_WINDOW_NEW_FORMAT | wimp_WINDOW_MOVEABLE; w.title_fg = wimp_COLOUR_TRANSPARENT; w.title_bg = wimp_COLOUR_WHITE; w.work_fg = wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY; w.work_bg = wimp_COLOUR_RED; w.scroll_outer = wimp_COLOUR_DARK_GREY; w.scroll_inner = wimp_COLOUR_MID_LIGHT_GREY; w.highlight_bg = wimp_COLOUR_CREAM; w.extra_flags = 0; w.extent.x0 = 0; w.extent.y0 = -8192; w.extent.x1 = 8192; w.extent.y1 = 0; w.title_flags = wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED; w.work_flags = wimp_BUTTON_CLICK << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT; w.xmin = 1; w.ymin = 0; w.icon_count = 0; LOG(("Creating frame")); e = xwimp_create_window(&w, &g->window); if (e) { LOG(("%s", e->errmess)); return; } g->type = GUI_BROWSER_WINDOW; g->data.browser.bw = bw; g->data.browser.toolbar = 0; g->redraw_safety = SAFE; g->data.browser.reformat_pending = false; g->data.browser.old_width = 0; bw->current_content = c; bw->window = g; LOG(("Adding to list")); frame_add_instance_to_list(c, parent, page, box, params, state, bw, g); LOG(("Done")); } void frame_remove_instance(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { struct frame_list *f; f = frame_get_instance_from_list(c); wimp_close_window(f->g->window); wimp_delete_window(f->g->window); frame_remove_instance_from_list(c); } void frame_reshape_instance(struct content *c, struct browser_window *bw, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state) { struct frame_list *f; unsigned long x, y; int x0, y1; os_box b; wimp_window_state s; LOG(("Reshaping frame")); f = frame_get_instance_from_list(c); if (f == NULL) { LOG(("Couldn't find frame")); return; } s.w = bw->window->window; wimp_get_window_state(&s); LOG(("ParentWindow: [(%d,%d),(%d,%d)]", s.visible.x0, s.visible.y0, s.visible.x1, s.visible.y1)); x0 = s.visible.x0 - s.xscroll; y1 = s.visible.y1 - s.yscroll; LOG(("%d,%d", x0, y1)); box_coords(box, &x, &y); b.x0 = x0 + ((int)x << 1); b.y1 = y1 - (((int)y << 1)); b.x1 = (b.x0 + (box->width << 1)); b.y0 = (b.y1 - (box->height << 1)); /*if(b.x1 > (s.visible.x1-s.xscroll)) { b.x1 -= 16; }*/ s.w = f->g->window; s.visible = b; LOG(("Opening frame window : [(%d,%d),(%d,%d)]",b.x0,b.y0,b.x1,b.y1)); xwimp_open_window_nested((wimp_open*)&s, bw->window->window, 0); } static struct frame_list pl = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pl, &pl}; static struct frame_list *plist = &pl; /** * Adds a plugin instance to the list of plugin instances. */ void frame_add_instance_to_list(struct content *c, struct browser_window *parent, struct content *page, struct box *box, struct object_params *params, void **state, struct browser_window *bw, gui_window *g) { struct frame_list *npl = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*npl)); npl->c = c; npl->parent = parent; npl->page = page; npl->box = box; npl->params = params; npl->state = state; npl->bw = bw; npl->g = g; npl->prev = plist->prev; npl->next = plist; plist->prev->next = npl; plist->prev = npl; LOG(("Added Frame %p", npl)); } /** * Removes a plugin instance from the list of plugin instances */ void frame_remove_instance_from_list(struct content *c) { struct frame_list *temp = frame_get_instance_from_list(c); if(temp != NULL) { LOG(("Removed Frame %p", temp)); temp->prev->next = temp->next; temp->next->prev = temp->prev; xfree(temp); } } /** * Retrieves an instance of a plugin from the list of plugin instances * returns NULL if no instance is found */ struct frame_list *frame_get_instance_from_list(struct content *c) { struct frame_list *npl; for(npl = plist->next; (npl != plist) && (npl->c != c); npl = npl->next) ; if(npl != plist) return npl; return NULL; } #endif