/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2005 Richard Wilson */ /** \file * Global history (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "oslib/wimpspriteop.h" #include "netsurf/content/url_store.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/tree.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/global_history.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/menus.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/treeview.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/wimp_event.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/url.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #define MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH 1024 #define MAXIMUM_BASE_NODES 16 #define GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_READ "Choices:WWW.NetSurf.Recent" #define GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_WRITE ".WWW.NetSurf.Recent" static struct node *global_history_base_node[MAXIMUM_BASE_NODES]; static int global_history_base_node_time[MAXIMUM_BASE_NODES]; static int global_history_base_node_count = 0; static char *global_history_recent_url[GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_URLS]; static int global_history_recent_count = 0; static bool global_history_init; static bool ro_gui_global_history_click(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_global_history_initialise_nodes(void); static void ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(const char *title, time_t base, int days_back); struct node *ro_gui_global_history_find(const char *url); /* A basic window for the history */ static wimp_window history_window_definition = { {0, 0, 600, 800}, 0, 0, wimp_TOP, wimp_WINDOW_NEW_FORMAT | wimp_WINDOW_MOVEABLE | wimp_WINDOW_BACK_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_CLOSE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_TITLE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_TOGGLE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_SIZE_ICON | wimp_WINDOW_VSCROLL | wimp_WINDOW_IGNORE_XEXTENT | wimp_WINDOW_IGNORE_YEXTENT, wimp_COLOUR_BLACK, wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_WHITE, wimp_COLOUR_DARK_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_MID_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_CREAM, 0, {0, -16384, 16384, 0}, wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED, wimp_BUTTON_DOUBLE_CLICK_DRAG << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT, wimpspriteop_AREA, 1, 1, {""}, 0, {} }; /* The history window, toolbar and plot origins */ static wimp_w global_history_window; struct tree *global_history_tree; void ro_gui_global_history_initialise(void) { char s[MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH]; FILE *fp; const char *title; os_error *error; struct hostname_data *hostname; struct url_data *url; int url_count = 0; struct url_content **url_block; int i = 0; /* Create our window */ title = messages_get("GlobalHistory"); history_window_definition.title_data.indirected_text.text = strdup(title); history_window_definition.title_data.indirected_text.validation = (char *) -1; history_window_definition.title_data.indirected_text.size = strlen(title); error = xwimp_create_window(&history_window_definition, &global_history_window); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); die(error->errmess); } ro_gui_wimp_event_register_redraw_window(global_history_window, ro_gui_tree_redraw); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_open_window(global_history_window, ro_gui_tree_open); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_mouse_click(global_history_window, ro_gui_global_history_click); /* Create an empty tree */ global_history_tree = calloc(sizeof(struct tree), 1); if (!global_history_tree) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return; } global_history_tree->root = tree_create_folder_node(NULL, "Root"); if (!global_history_tree->root) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); free(global_history_tree); global_history_tree = NULL; } global_history_tree->root->expanded = true; ro_gui_global_history_initialise_nodes(); tree_initialise(global_history_tree); global_history_tree->handle = (int)global_history_window; global_history_tree->movable = false; ro_gui_wimp_event_set_user_data(global_history_window, global_history_tree); ro_gui_wimp_event_register_keypress(global_history_window, ro_gui_tree_keypress); /* Create our toolbar */ global_history_tree->toolbar = ro_gui_theme_create_toolbar(NULL, THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR); if (global_history_tree->toolbar) ro_gui_theme_attach_toolbar(global_history_tree->toolbar, global_history_window); /* load recent URLs */ fp = fopen(GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_READ, "r"); if (!fp) LOG(("Failed to open file '%s' for reading", GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_READ)); else { while (fgets(s, MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH, fp)) { if (s[strlen(s) - 1] == '\n') s[strlen(s) - 1] = '\0'; global_history_add_recent(s); } fclose(fp); } /* count the number of URLs to add */ for (hostname = url_store_hostnames; hostname; hostname = hostname->next) for (url = hostname->url; url; url = url->next) url_count++; if (url_count == 0) return; /* place pointers to the URL data in a single block of memory so * they can be quickly sorted */ url_block = (struct url_content **)malloc( url_count * sizeof(struct url_content *)); if (!url_block) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); LOG(("Insufficient memory for malloc()")); return; } for (hostname = url_store_hostnames; hostname; hostname = hostname->next) for (url = hostname->url; url; url = url->next) url_block[i++] = &url->data; assert(i == url_count); /* sort information by the last_visit information */ qsort(url_block, url_count, sizeof(struct url_content *), url_store_compare_last_visit); /* add URLs to the global history */ global_history_init = true; for (i = 0; i < url_count; i++) global_history_add(url_block[i]); global_history_init = false; free(url_block); } /** * Initialises the base nodes */ static void ro_gui_global_history_initialise_nodes(void) { struct tm *full_time; time_t t; int weekday; int i; /* get the current time */ t = time(NULL); if (t == -1) return; /* get the time at the start of today */ full_time = localtime(&t); weekday = full_time->tm_wday; full_time->tm_sec = 0; full_time->tm_min = 0; full_time->tm_hour = 0; t = mktime(full_time); if (t == -1) return; ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(messages_get("DateToday"), t, 0); if (weekday > 0) ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node( messages_get("DateYesterday"), t, -1); for (i = 2; i <= weekday; i++) ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(NULL, t, -i); ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(messages_get("Date1Week"), t, -weekday - 7); ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(messages_get("Date2Week"), t, -weekday - 14); ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(messages_get("Date3Week"), t, -weekday - 21); } static void ro_gui_global_history_initialise_node(const char *title, time_t base, int days_back) { struct tm *full_time; char buffer[64]; struct node *node; base += days_back * 60 * 60 * 24; if (!title) { full_time = localtime(&base); strftime((char *)&buffer, (size_t)64, "%A", full_time); node = tree_create_folder_node(NULL, buffer); } else node = tree_create_folder_node(NULL, title); if (!node) return; node->retain_in_memory = true; node->deleted = true; node->editable = false; global_history_base_node[global_history_base_node_count] = node; global_history_base_node_time[global_history_base_node_count] = base; global_history_base_node_count++; } /** * Saves the global history's recent URL data. */ void ro_gui_global_history_save(void) { FILE *fp; int i; /* save recent URLs */ fp = fopen(GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_WRITE, "w"); if (!fp) LOG(("Failed to open file '%s' for writing", GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_WRITE)); else { for (i = global_history_recent_count - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (strlen(global_history_recent_url[i]) < MAXIMUM_URL_LENGTH) fprintf(fp, "%s\n", global_history_recent_url[i]); fclose(fp); } } /** * Respond to a mouse click * * \param pointer the pointer state */ bool ro_gui_global_history_click(wimp_pointer *pointer) { ro_gui_tree_click(pointer, global_history_tree); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) ro_gui_menu_create(global_history_menu, pointer->pos.x, pointer->pos.y, pointer->w); else ro_gui_menu_prepare_action(pointer->w, TREE_SELECTION, false); return true; } /** * Attempts to process an interactive help message request * * \param x the x co-ordinate to give help for * \param y the x co-ordinate to give help for * \return the message code index */ int ro_gui_global_history_help(int x, int y) { return -1; } /** * Adds to the global history */ void global_history_add(struct url_content *data) { int i, j; struct node *parent = NULL; struct node *link; struct node *node; bool before = false; int visit_date; assert(data); visit_date = data->last_visit; for (i = 0; i < global_history_base_node_count; i++) { if (global_history_base_node_time[i] <= visit_date) { parent = global_history_base_node[i]; if (!parent->deleted) break; link = global_history_tree->root; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (!global_history_base_node[j]->deleted) { link = global_history_base_node[j]; before = true; break; } } tree_link_node(link, parent, before); if (!global_history_init) { tree_recalculate_node_positions( global_history_tree->root); tree_redraw_area(global_history_tree, 0, 0, 16384, 16384); } break; } } /* the entry is too old to care about */ if (!parent) return; /* find any previous occurance */ if (!global_history_init) { node = ro_gui_global_history_find(data->url); if (node) { /* \todo: calculate old/new positions and redraw * only the relevant portion */ tree_redraw_area(global_history_tree, 0, 0, 16384, 16384); tree_update_URL_node(node); tree_delink_node(node); tree_link_node(parent, node, false); tree_handle_node_changed(global_history_tree, node, false, true); /* ro_gui_tree_scroll_visible(hotlist_tree, &node->data); */ return; } } /* Add the node at the bottom */ node = tree_create_URL_node_shared(parent, data); if ((!global_history_init) && (node)) { tree_redraw_area(global_history_tree, node->box.x - NODE_INSTEP, 0, NODE_INSTEP, 16384); tree_handle_node_changed(global_history_tree, node, true, false); } } struct node *ro_gui_global_history_find(const char *url) { int i; struct node *node; struct node_element *element; for (i = 0; i < global_history_base_node_count; i++) { if (!global_history_base_node[i]->deleted) { for (node = global_history_base_node[i]->child; node; node = node->next) { element = tree_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_URL); if ((element) && (url == element->text)) return node; } } } return NULL; } /** * Adds a URL to the recently used list * * \param url the URL to add */ void global_history_add_recent(const char *url) { struct url_content *data; int i; int j = -1; char *current; /* by using the url_store, we get a central char* of the string that * isn't going anywhere unless we tell it to */ data = url_store_find(url); if (!data) return; /* try to find a string already there */ for (i = 0; i < global_history_recent_count; i++) if (global_history_recent_url[i] == data->url) j = i; /* already at head of list */ if (j == 0) return; /* add to head of list */ if (j < 0) { memmove(&global_history_recent_url[1], &global_history_recent_url[0], (GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_URLS - 1) * sizeof(char *)); global_history_recent_url[0] = data->url; global_history_recent_count++; if (global_history_recent_count > GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_URLS) global_history_recent_count = GLOBAL_HISTORY_RECENT_URLS; if (global_history_recent_count == 1) ro_gui_window_prepare_navigate_all(); } else { /* move to head of list */ current = global_history_recent_url[j]; for (i = j; i > 0; i--) global_history_recent_url[i] = global_history_recent_url[i - 1]; global_history_recent_url[0] = current; } } /** * Gets details of the currently used URL list. * * \param count set to the current number of entries in the URL array on exit * \return the current URL array */ char **global_history_get_recent(int *count) { *count = global_history_recent_count; return global_history_recent_url; }