/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2004 John M Bell * Copyright 2004 John Tytgat */ #include #include #include #include #include "oslib/drawfile.h" #include "oslib/jpeg.h" #include "oslib/osgbpb.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osfind.h" #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/plotters.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/form.h" #include "netsurf/render/layout.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/bitmap.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/save_draw.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #ifdef WITH_DRAW_EXPORT /* in browser units = OS/2 = draw/512 */ /* note that all coordinates passed into draw_plot_* are in browser units */ #define A4PAGEWIDTH (744) #define A4PAGEHEIGHT (1052) /* Must be a power of 2 */ #define DRAWBUF_INITIAL_SIZE (1<<14) typedef enum { DrawBuf_eHeader, DrawBuf_eFontTable, DrawBuf_eBody } drawbuf_type_e; typedef struct { byte *bufP; size_t currentSize; size_t maxSize; } drawbuf_part_t; typedef struct { size_t offset; } drawbuf_group_t; typedef struct { drawbuf_part_t header; drawbuf_part_t fontTable; drawbuf_part_t body; drawbuf_group_t *groupsP; size_t currentNumGroups; size_t maxNumGroups; void **fontNamesP; /**< 256 element malloc() pointer array */ size_t numFonts; } drawbuf_t; static void *drawbuf_claim(size_t size, drawbuf_type_e type); static void drawbuf_free(void); static bool drawbuf_add_font(const char *fontNameP, byte *fontIndex); static bool drawbuf_save_file(const char *drawfilename); static bool drawbuf_group_begin(const char *name); static bool drawbuf_group_end(void); static bool add_options(void); static bool draw_plot_clg(colour c); static bool draw_plot_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, colour c, bool dotted); static bool draw_plot_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed); static bool draw_plot_polygon(int *p, unsigned int n, colour fill); static bool draw_plot_fill(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, colour c); static bool draw_plot_clip(int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1); static bool draw_plot_text(int x, int y, struct css_style *style, const char *text, size_t length, colour bc, colour colour); static bool draw_plot_disc(int x, int y, int radius, colour colour); static bool draw_plot_bitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bc); static bool draw_plot_bitmap_tile(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, bool repeat_x, bool repeat_y); static drawbuf_t oDrawBuf; /* static -> complete struct inited to 0 */ /* our plotters */ const struct plotter_table draw_plotters = { draw_plot_clg, draw_plot_rectangle, draw_plot_line, draw_plot_polygon, draw_plot_fill, draw_plot_clip, draw_plot_text, draw_plot_disc, draw_plot_bitmap, draw_plot_bitmap_tile, drawbuf_group_begin, drawbuf_group_end }; static int draw_plot_origin_y = 0; /* plot origin, in browser units */ static int draw_clip_x0, draw_clip_y0, draw_clip_x1, draw_clip_y1; /** * Export a content as a Drawfile. * * \param c content to export * \param path path to save Drawfile as * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ bool save_as_draw(struct content *c, const char *path) { struct box *box; int current_width; drawfile_diagram_base *diagram; if (c->type != CONTENT_HTML) return false; box = c->data.html.layout; current_width = c->available_width; if ((diagram = (drawfile_diagram_base *)drawbuf_claim(sizeof(drawfile_diagram_base), DrawBuf_eHeader)) == NULL) goto draw_save_error; /* write the Draw diagram */ memcpy(diagram->tag, "Draw", 4); diagram->major_version = 201; diagram->minor_version = 0; memcpy(diagram->source, "NetSurf ", 12); /* recalculate box widths for an A4 page */ if (!layout_document(box, A4PAGEWIDTH, c->data.html.box_pool)) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); goto draw_save_error; } diagram->bbox.x0 = 0; diagram->bbox.y0 = 0; diagram->bbox.x1 = A4PAGEWIDTH*512; diagram->bbox.y1 = A4PAGEHEIGHT*512; if (!add_options()) goto draw_save_error; /* set up plotters */ plot = draw_plotters; draw_plot_origin_y = A4PAGEHEIGHT; draw_clip_x0 = 0; draw_clip_y0 = draw_plot_origin_y - c->height; draw_clip_x1 = A4PAGEWIDTH; draw_clip_y1 = draw_plot_origin_y; if (!drawbuf_group_begin("page")) goto draw_save_error; /* redraw page at 100% and a stupidly large clipping rectangle */ content_redraw(c, 0, 0, c->width, c->height, 0, 0, INT_MAX, INT_MAX, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF); if (!drawbuf_group_end()) goto draw_save_error; if (!drawbuf_save_file(path)) goto draw_save_error; drawbuf_free(); /* reset layout to current window width */ if (!layout_document(box, current_width, c->data.html.box_pool)) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } return true; draw_save_error: drawbuf_free(); /* attempt to reflow back on failure */ (void)layout_document(box, current_width, c->data.html.box_pool); return false; } /** * Claim size number of bytes available in that * particular buffer. * * \param size number of bytes to claim * \param type defines which Draw buffer needs its size to be ensured * \return non NULL when buffer size got correctly claimed, NULL on failure */ static void *drawbuf_claim(size_t size, drawbuf_type_e type) { drawbuf_part_t *drawBufPartP; switch (type) { case DrawBuf_eHeader: drawBufPartP = &oDrawBuf.header; break; case DrawBuf_eFontTable: drawBufPartP = &oDrawBuf.fontTable; break; case DrawBuf_eBody: drawBufPartP = &oDrawBuf.body; break; default: assert(0); } if (drawBufPartP->bufP == NULL) { const size_t sizeNeeded = (size > DRAWBUF_INITIAL_SIZE) ? size : DRAWBUF_INITIAL_SIZE; if ((drawBufPartP->bufP = malloc(sizeNeeded)) == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return NULL; } drawBufPartP->currentSize = size; drawBufPartP->maxSize = sizeNeeded; } else if (drawBufPartP->maxSize < drawBufPartP->currentSize + size) { size_t sizeNeeded = drawBufPartP->maxSize; while ((sizeNeeded *= 2) < drawBufPartP->currentSize + size) ; if ((drawBufPartP->bufP = realloc(drawBufPartP->bufP, sizeNeeded)) == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return NULL; } drawBufPartP->currentSize += size; drawBufPartP->maxSize = sizeNeeded; } else { drawBufPartP->currentSize += size; } return drawBufPartP->bufP + drawBufPartP->currentSize - size; } /** * Frees all the Draw buffers. */ static void drawbuf_free(void) { free(oDrawBuf.header.bufP); oDrawBuf.header.bufP = NULL; free(oDrawBuf.fontTable.bufP); oDrawBuf.fontTable.bufP = NULL; free(oDrawBuf.body.bufP); oDrawBuf.body.bufP = NULL; free(oDrawBuf.groupsP); oDrawBuf.groupsP = NULL; if (oDrawBuf.fontNamesP != NULL) { while (oDrawBuf.numFonts > 0) free(oDrawBuf.fontNamesP[--oDrawBuf.numFonts]); free(oDrawBuf.fontNamesP); oDrawBuf.fontNamesP = NULL; } oDrawBuf.numFonts = 0; } /** * Return a font index for given RISC OS font name. * * \param fontNameP NUL terminated RISC OS font name. * \param fontIndex Returned font index 0 - 255 for given font name. * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ static bool drawbuf_add_font(const char *fontNameP, byte *fontIndex) { size_t index; for (index = 0; index < oDrawBuf.numFonts; ++index) { if (!strcmp(oDrawBuf.fontNamesP[index], fontNameP)) { *fontIndex = (byte)index + 1; return true; } } /* Only max 255 RISC OS outline fonts can be stored in a Draw * file. */ if (oDrawBuf.numFonts == 255) return false; /** \todo: report GUI error */ if (oDrawBuf.fontNamesP == NULL && ((oDrawBuf.fontNamesP = malloc(255 * sizeof(void *))) == NULL)) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } *fontIndex = (byte)oDrawBuf.numFonts + 1; if ((oDrawBuf.fontNamesP[oDrawBuf.numFonts++] = strdup(fontNameP)) == NULL) return false; return true; } /** * Save the Draw file from memory to disk. * * \param drawfilename RISC OS filename where to save the Draw file. * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ static bool drawbuf_save_file(const char *drawfilename) { size_t index; os_fw handle = 0; os_error *error = NULL; /* create font table (if needed). */ if (oDrawBuf.numFonts > 0) { drawfile_object *dro; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8, DrawBuf_eFontTable)) == NULL) goto file_save_error; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_FONT_TABLE; /* we can't write dro->size yet. */ for (index = 0; index < oDrawBuf.numFonts; ++index) { const char *fontNameP = oDrawBuf.fontNamesP[index]; size_t len = 1 + strlen(fontNameP) + 1; byte *bufP; if ((bufP = (byte *)drawbuf_claim(len, DrawBuf_eFontTable)) == NULL) goto file_save_error; *bufP++ = (byte)index + 1; memcpy(bufP, fontNameP, len + 1); } /* align to next word boundary */ if (oDrawBuf.fontTable.currentSize % 4) { size_t wordpad = 4 - (oDrawBuf.fontTable.currentSize & 3); byte *bufP; if ((bufP = (byte *)drawbuf_claim(wordpad, DrawBuf_eFontTable)) == NULL) goto file_save_error; memset(bufP, '\0', wordpad); } /* note that at the point it can be that * dro != oDrawBuf.fontTable.bufP */ ((drawfile_object *)oDrawBuf.fontTable.bufP)->size = oDrawBuf.fontTable.currentSize; } if ((error = xosfind_openoutw(osfind_NO_PATH, drawfilename, NULL, &handle)) != NULL) goto file_save_error; /* write Draw header */ if ((error = xosgbpb_writew(handle, oDrawBuf.header.bufP, oDrawBuf.header.currentSize, NULL)) != NULL) goto file_save_error; /* write font table (if needed) */ if (oDrawBuf.fontTable.bufP != NULL && (error = xosgbpb_writew(handle, oDrawBuf.fontTable.bufP, oDrawBuf.fontTable.currentSize, NULL)) != NULL) goto file_save_error; /* write Draw body */ if ((error = xosgbpb_writew(handle, oDrawBuf.body.bufP, oDrawBuf.body.currentSize, NULL)) != NULL) goto file_save_error; if ((error = xosfind_closew(handle)) != NULL) goto file_save_error; handle = 0; if ((error = xosfile_set_type(drawfilename, osfile_TYPE_DRAW)) != NULL) goto file_save_error; return true; file_save_error: LOG(("drawbuf_save_file() error: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("SaveError", error->errmess); if (handle != 0) (void)xosfind_closew(handle); return false; } /** * Create a new Draw group. Successful call needs to be matched with * drawbuf_group_end(). * * \param name name of the Draw group (max 12 printable chars long) * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ static bool drawbuf_group_begin(const char *name) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_group_base *dgb; size_t offsetGroup, nameLen; if (oDrawBuf.groupsP == NULL) { if ((oDrawBuf.groupsP = (drawbuf_group_t *)malloc(4 * sizeof(drawbuf_group_t))) == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } oDrawBuf.currentNumGroups = 0; oDrawBuf.maxNumGroups = 4; } else if (oDrawBuf.currentNumGroups == oDrawBuf.maxNumGroups) { if ((oDrawBuf.groupsP = (drawbuf_group_t *)realloc(oDrawBuf.groupsP, 2*oDrawBuf.maxNumGroups * sizeof(drawbuf_group_t))) == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } oDrawBuf.maxNumGroups *= 2; } offsetGroup = oDrawBuf.body.currentSize; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + sizeof(drawfile_group_base), DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; oDrawBuf.groupsP[oDrawBuf.currentNumGroups++].offset = offsetGroup; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_GROUP; dro->size = 8 + sizeof(drawfile_group_base); /* will be correctly filled in during drawbuf_group_end() */ dgb = (drawfile_group_base *)&dro->data.group; dgb->bbox.x0 = dgb->bbox.y0 = dgb->bbox.x1 = dgb->bbox.y1 = 0; /* will be filled in during drawbuf_group_end() */ nameLen = strlen(name); if (nameLen >= sizeof(dgb->name)) memcpy(dgb->name, name, sizeof(dgb->name)); else { memcpy(dgb->name, name, nameLen); memset(&dgb->name[nameLen], ' ', sizeof(dgb->name) - nameLen); } return true; } /** * Ends an outstanding Draw group instance. * * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ static bool drawbuf_group_end(void) { size_t bgOffset, egOffset, offset; drawfile_object *dro; os_box bbox; if (oDrawBuf.currentNumGroups == 0) return false; /** \todo: add GUI error */ offset = bgOffset = oDrawBuf.groupsP[--oDrawBuf.currentNumGroups].offset; egOffset = oDrawBuf.body.currentSize; bbox.y0 = bbox.x0 = INT_MAX; bbox.y1 = bbox.y0 = INT_MIN; while (offset < egOffset) { dro = (drawfile_object *)&oDrawBuf.body.bufP[offset]; if (dro->type != drawfile_TYPE_FONT_TABLE && dro->type != drawfile_TYPE_OPTIONS) { /* we assume there is a bbox. */ if (dro->data.path.bbox.x0 < bbox.x0) bbox.x0 = dro->data.path.bbox.x0; if (dro->data.path.bbox.x1 > bbox.x1) bbox.x1 = dro->data.path.bbox.x1; if (dro->data.path.bbox.y0 < bbox.y0) bbox.y0 = dro->data.path.bbox.y0; if (dro->data.path.bbox.y1 > bbox.y1) bbox.y1 = dro->data.path.bbox.y1; } assert(dro->size != 0); offset += dro->size; } if (offset != egOffset) return false; /** \todo: add GUI error */ dro = (drawfile_object *)&oDrawBuf.body.bufP[bgOffset]; dro->size = egOffset - bgOffset; if (bbox.x0 != INT_MAX && bbox.y0 != INT_MAX && bbox.x1 != INT_MIN && bbox.y1 != INT_MIN) dro->data.group.bbox = bbox; return true; } /** * Add options object * * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ static bool add_options(void) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_options *dfo; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + sizeof(drawfile_options), DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_OPTIONS; dro->size = 8 + sizeof(drawfile_options); dfo = &dro->data.options; dfo->bbox.x0 = dfo->bbox.y0 = dfo->bbox.x1 = dfo->bbox.y1 = 0; dfo->paper_size = 0x500; /* A4 */ dfo->paper_options = (drawfile_paper_options)0; dfo->grid_spacing = 1; dfo->grid_division = 2; dfo->isometric = false; dfo->auto_adjust = false; dfo->show = false; dfo->lock = false; dfo->cm = true; dfo->zoom_mul = 1; dfo->zoom_div = 1; dfo->zoom_lock = false; dfo->toolbox = true; dfo->entry_mode = drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_SELECT; dfo->undo_size = 5000; return true; } /** * Simulate clearing the graphics window. * * \param c the colour to clear to * \return true on success, false otherwise. */ bool draw_plot_clg(colour c) { return draw_plot_fill(draw_clip_x0, draw_clip_y0, draw_clip_x1, draw_clip_y1, c); } /** * Draw a rectangle outline, optionally dotted. * * \param x0 Left edge of rectangle * \param y0 Top edge of rectangle * \param width Width of rectangle * \param height Height of rectangle * \param c colour of outline * \param dotted whether outline should be plotted as a dotted line * \return true on success, false otherwise. */ bool draw_plot_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, colour c, bool dotted) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_path *dp; draw_path_element *dpe; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 96, DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8 + 96; dp = &dro->data.path; dp->bbox.x0 = x0 * 512; dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0 - height) * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = (x0 + width) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0) * 512; /* If saving with the debug rectangles visible, some bbox y * coordinates end up in the wrong order, due to the box height * being negative. we correct that here. */ if (height < 0) { dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0 - height) * 512; } dp->fill = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* not filled */ dp->outline = c<<8; dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = 0; /**\todo dotted rectangles */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 0 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.move_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.move_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 12 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 24 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 36 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 48 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 60 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; return true; } /** * Add a line to the diagram * * \param x0,y0 top left coordinate of line * \param x1,y1 bottom right coordinate of line * \param width width of line * \param c the line's colour * \param dotted whether to plot dotted * \param dashed whether to plot dashed * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ bool draw_plot_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_path *dp; draw_path_element *dpe; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 60, DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8 + 60; dp = &dro->data.path; if (x0 < x1) { dp->bbox.x0 = x0 * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = x1 * 512; } else { dp->bbox.x0 = x1 * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = x0 * 512; } if (y0 < y1) { dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y1) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0) * 512; } else { dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y1) * 512; } dp->fill = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* do not fill */ dp->outline = c<<8; dp->width = width * 512; dp->style.flags = 0; /**\todo dashed/dotted lines*/ dp->style.reserved = 0; dp->style.cap_width = 0; dp->style.cap_length = 0; /* left end */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 0 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.move_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.move_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; /* right end */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 12 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; /* end */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 24 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; return true; } /** * Add a filled polygon to the diagram * * \param p array of coordinate pairs (x,y) * \param n number of points * \param the fill colour * \return true on success, false otherwise */ bool draw_plot_polygon(int *p, unsigned int n, colour fill) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_path *dp; draw_path_element *dpe; int xmin = A4PAGEWIDTH, ymin = draw_plot_origin_y, xmax = 0, ymax = 0; unsigned int i; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 36 + n * 12, DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8 + 36 + n * 12; dp = &dro->data.path; /* bbox filled in at end (as we need to calculate it first) */ dp->fill = fill<<8; dp->outline = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* no outline */ dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = 0; dp->style.reserved = 0; dp->style.cap_width = 0; dp->style.cap_length = 0; for (i = 0; i != n; i++) { dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + (12 * i) / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = p[i*2+0] * 512; dpe->data.line_to.y = (draw_plot_origin_y - p[i*2+1]) * 512; if (p[i*2+0] < xmin) xmin = p[i*2+0]; if (p[i*2+0] > xmax) xmax = p[i*2+0]; if ((draw_plot_origin_y - p[i*2+1]) < ymin) ymin = draw_plot_origin_y - p[i*2+1]; if ((draw_plot_origin_y - p[i*2+1]) > ymax) ymax = draw_plot_origin_y - p[i*2+1]; } dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 0 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + (12 * i) / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; /* fill in bounding box */ dp->bbox.x0 = xmin * 512; dp->bbox.y0 = ymin * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = xmax * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = ymax * 512; return true; } /** * Add a filled, borderless rectangle to the diagram * * \param x0,y0 top left coordinate of rectangle * \param x1,y1 bottom right coordinate of rectangle * \param c the rectangle's colour * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ bool draw_plot_fill(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, colour c) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_path *dp; draw_path_element *dpe; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 96, DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8 + 96; dp = &dro->data.path; if (x0 < x1) { dp->bbox.x0 = x0 * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = x1 * 512; } else { dp->bbox.x0 = x1 * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = x0 * 512; } if (y0 < y1) { dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y1) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0) * 512; } else { dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y0) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y1) * 512; } dp->fill = c<<8; dp->outline = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* no stroke */ dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = 0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 0 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.move_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.move_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 12 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 24 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 36 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 48 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 60 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; return true; } bool draw_plot_clip(int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1) { draw_clip_x0 = clip_x0; draw_clip_y0 = clip_y0; draw_clip_x1 = clip_x1; draw_clip_y1 = clip_y1; return true; } /** * Add the text line to the diagram. * * \param x,y top left of area containing text * \param font the font data * \param text the text to plot * \param length the length of the text * \param bc the background colour to blend to * \param colour the text colour * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ bool draw_plot_text(int x, int y, struct css_style *style, const char *text, size_t length, colour bc, colour colour) { #if 0 while (length != 0) { size_t width, rolength, consumed; const char *rofontname, *rotext; byte fontIndex; drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_text *dt; nsfont_txtenum(font, text, length, &width, &rofontname, &rotext, &rolength, &consumed); /* Error happened ? */ if (rotext == NULL) return false; if (!drawbuf_add_font(rofontname, &fontIndex)) return false; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 44 + ((rolength + 1 + 3) & -4), DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_TEXT; dro->size = 8 + 44 + ((rolength + 1 + 3) & -4); dt = &dro->data.text; dt->bbox.x0 = x * 512; dt->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512 - font->size*40; dt->bbox.x1 = (x + width) * 512; dt->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512; dt->fill = colour<<8; dt->bg_hint = bc<<8; dt->style.font_index = fontIndex; dt->style.reserved[0] = dt->style.reserved[1] = dt->style.reserved[2] = 0; dt->xsize = font->size * 40; dt->ysize = font->size * 40; dt->base.x = x * 512; dt->base.y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512; strncpy(dt->text, rotext, rolength); do { dt->text[rolength++] = 0; } while (rolength % 4); free((void *)rotext); /* Go to next chunk : */ x += width; text += consumed; length -= consumed; } #endif return true; } /** * Add a filled circle to the diagram. * * \param x,y the centre of the circle * \param radius the circle's radius * \param colour the colour of the circle * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ bool draw_plot_disc(int x, int y, int radius, colour colour) { int kappa; drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_path *dp; draw_path_element *dpe; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 160, DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8 + 160; dp = &dro->data.path; dp->bbox.x0 = (x - radius) * 512; dp->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - radius) * 512; dp->bbox.x1 = (x + radius) * 512; dp->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y + radius) * 512; kappa = (int)(radius * 4. * (sqrt(2.) - 1.) / 3.); /* ~= 0.5522847498 */ dp->fill = colour<<8; dp->outline = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* do not stroke */ dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = drawfile_PATH_ROUND; /* * Z b Y * * a X c * * V d W * * V = (x0,y0) * W = (x1,y0) * Y = (x1,y1) * Z = (x0,y1) * * X = centre of circle (x0+cx, y0+cx) * * The points a,b,c,d are where the circle intersects * the bounding box. at these points, the bounding box is * tangental to the circle. */ /* start at a */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 0 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.move_to.x = (x - radius) * 512; dpe->data.move_to.y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512; /* point1->point2 : (point1)(ctrl1)(ctrl2)(point2) */ /* a->b : (x-r, y)(x-r, y+k)(x-k, y+r)(x, y+r) */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 12 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (x - radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y + kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (x - kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y + radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = x * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y + radius) * 512; /* b->c : (x, y+r)(x+k, y+r)(x+r, y+k)(x+r, y)*/ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 40 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (x + kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y + radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (x + radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y + kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = (x + radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512; /* c->d : (x+r, y)(x+r, y-k)(x+k, y-r)(x, y-r) */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 68 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (x + radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (x + kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = x * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - radius) * 512; /* d->a : (x, y-r)(x-k, y-r)(x-r, y-k)(x-r, y)*/ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 96 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (x - kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (x - radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - kappa) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = (x - radius) * 512; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512; /* end */ dpe = (draw_path_element *) (((int *) &dp->path) + 124 / sizeof (int)); dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; dpe->reserved[0] = dpe->reserved[1] = dpe->reserved[2] = 0; return true; } /** * Add images to the drawfile. * * \param x,y top left coordinate of image * \param width image width * \param height image height * \param bitmap the data area containing the image * \param bc the background colour behind the image (unused) * \return true on success, false on error (error got reported) */ bool draw_plot_bitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bc) { int sprite_length; drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_sprite *ds; sprite_length = ((osspriteop_header*)((char*)&bitmap->sprite_area+bitmap->sprite_area.first))->size; if ((dro = (drawfile_object *)drawbuf_claim(8 + 16 + sprite_length, DrawBuf_eBody)) == NULL) return false; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_SPRITE; dro->size = 8 + 16 + sprite_length; ds = &dro->data.sprite; ds->bbox.x0 = x * 512; ds->bbox.y0 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y - height) * 512; ds->bbox.x1 = (x + width) * 512; ds->bbox.y1 = (draw_plot_origin_y - y) * 512; memcpy((char*)ds+16, (char*)&bitmap->sprite_area+bitmap->sprite_area.first, (unsigned)sprite_length); return true; } bool draw_plot_bitmap_tile(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, bool repeat_x, bool repeat_y) { #if 0 /* this doesn't work particularly well (needs clipping support in * drawfiles) */ int cy, cx; if (!drawbuf_group_begin("background")) return false; cy = draw_clip_y1; for (; cy >= draw_clip_y0; cy -= height) { cx = (x < draw_clip_x0) ? draw_clip_x0 : x; for (; cx <= draw_clip_x1; cx += width) { if (!draw_plot_bitmap(cx, cy, width, height, bitmap, bg)) return false; if (!repeat_x) break; } if (!repeat_y) break; } if (!drawbuf_group_end()) return false; #endif return true; } #endif