/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2004 John M Bell */ /** \file * Free text search (implementation) */ #include #include #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/html.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/menus.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #ifdef WITH_SEARCH #ifndef NOF_ELEMENTS #define NOF_ELEMENTS(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(*(array))) #endif struct list_entry { struct box *box; struct list_entry *prev; struct list_entry *next; }; static struct gui_window *search_current_window = 0; static char *search_string = 0; static struct list_entry search_head = { 0, 0, 0 }; static struct list_entry *search_found = &search_head; static struct list_entry *search_current = 0; static struct content *search_content = 0; static bool search_prev_from_top = false; static bool search_prev_case_sens = false; static void start_search(void); static void end_search(void); static void do_search(char *string, bool from_top, bool case_sens, bool forwards); static const char *find_pattern(const char *string, int s_len, const char *pattern, int p_len, bool case_sens); static bool find_occurrences(const char *pattern, int p_len, struct box *cur, bool case_sens); /** * Open the search dialog * * \param g the gui window to search */ void ro_gui_search_prepare(struct gui_window *g) { assert(g != NULL); search_current_window = g; ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_TEXT, ""); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_FORWARDS, true); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_BACKWARDS, false); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_START, false); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE, false); } /** * Handle clicks in the search dialog * * \param pointer wimp_pointer block * \param parent The parent window of this persistent dialog */ void ro_gui_search_click(wimp_pointer *pointer) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) return; switch(pointer->i) { case ICON_SEARCH_FORWARDS: case ICON_SEARCH_BACKWARDS: /* prevent deselection on adjust clicking */ if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST) ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, pointer->i, true); break; case ICON_SEARCH_FIND: start_search(); break; case ICON_SEARCH_CANCEL: end_search(); break; } } /** * Handle keypresses in the search dialog * * \param key wimp_key block * \return true if keypress handled, false otherwise */ bool ro_gui_search_keypress(wimp_key *key) { bool state; switch (key->c) { case 2: /* ctrl b */ ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_FORWARDS, false); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_BACKWARDS, true); return true; case 6: /* ctrl f */ ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_FORWARDS, true); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_BACKWARDS, false); return true; case 9: /* ctrl i */ state = ro_gui_get_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE, !state); return true; case 19: /* ctrl s */ state = ro_gui_get_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_START); ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_START, !state); return true; case wimp_KEY_RETURN: start_search(); return true; case wimp_KEY_ESCAPE: end_search(); return true; } return false; } /** * Begins the search process */ void start_search(void) { char *string; string = ro_gui_get_icon_string(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_TEXT); if (strlen(string) == 0) return; do_search(string, ro_gui_get_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_START), ro_gui_get_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_CASE_SENSITIVE), ro_gui_get_icon_selected_state(dialog_search, ICON_SEARCH_FORWARDS)); } /** * Ends the search process, invalidating all global state and * freeing the list of found boxes */ void end_search(void) { struct list_entry *a, *b; search_current_window = 0; if (search_string) free(search_string); search_string = 0; for (a = search_found->next; a; a = b) { b = a->next; free(a); } search_found->prev = 0; search_found->next = 0; search_current = 0; search_content = 0; search_prev_from_top = false; search_prev_case_sens = false; /* and close the window */ ro_gui_menu_closed(); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_search); } /** * Search for a string in the box tree * * \param string the string to search for * \param from_top whether to display results from the top of the page, or * the current scroll position * \param case_sens whether to perform a case sensitive search * \param forwards direction to search in */ void do_search(char *string, bool from_top, bool case_sens, bool forwards) { struct content *c; struct box *box; struct list_entry *a, *b; int x,y; bool new = false; if (!search_current_window) return; c = search_current_window->bw->current_content; if (!c) return; /* only handle html contents */ if (c->type != CONTENT_HTML) return; box = c->data.html.layout; if (!box) return; // LOG(("'%s' - '%s' (%p, %p) %p (%d, %d) (%d, %d) %d", search_string, string, search_content, c, search_found->next, search_prev_from_top, from_top, search_prev_case_sens, case_sens, forwards)); /* check if we need to start a new search or continue an old one */ if (!search_string || c != search_content || !search_found->next || search_prev_from_top != from_top || search_prev_case_sens != case_sens || (case_sens && strcmp(string, search_string) != 0) || (!case_sens && strcasecmp(string, search_string) != 0)) { if (search_string) free(search_string); search_string = strdup(string); search_current = 0; for (a = search_found->next; a; a = b) { b = a->next; free(a); } search_found->prev = 0; search_found->next = 0; if (!find_occurrences(string, strlen(string), box, case_sens)) { for (a = search_found->next; a; a = b) { b = a->next; free(a); } search_found->prev = 0; search_found->next = 0; return; } new = true; search_content = c; search_prev_from_top = from_top; search_prev_case_sens = case_sens; } // LOG(("%d %p %p (%p, %p)", new, search_found->next, search_current, search_current->prev, search_current->next)); if (!search_found->next) return; if (new && from_top) { /* new search, beginning at the top of the page */ search_current = search_found->next; } else if (new) { /* new search, beginning from user's current scroll * position */ wimp_window_state state; os_error *error; state.w = search_current_window->window; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } for (a = search_found->next; a; a = a->next) { box_coords(a->box, &x, &y); LOG(("%d, %d", y, state.yscroll / 2)); if (forwards && -y <= state.yscroll / 2) break; if (!forwards && -y >= state.yscroll / 2) break; } if (a) search_current = a; else return; } else { /* continued search in the direction specified */ if (forwards && search_current && search_current->next) { search_current = search_current->next; } else if (!forwards && search_current && search_current->prev) { search_current = search_current->prev; } } if (!search_current) return; /* get box position and jump to it */ box_coords(search_current->box, &x, &y); // LOG(("%p (%d, %d)", search_current, x, y)); gui_window_set_scroll(search_current_window, x, y); } /** * Find the first occurrence of 'match' in 'string' and return its index * * /param string the string to be searched (unterminated) * /param s_len length of the string to be searched * /param match the pattern for which we are searching (unterminated) * /param m_len length of pattern * /return pointer to first match, NULL if none */ const char *find_pattern(const char *string, int s_len, const char *pattern, int p_len, bool case_sens) { struct { const char *ss, *s, *p; } context[16]; const char *ep = pattern + p_len; const char *es = string + s_len; const char *p = pattern - 1; /* a virtual '*' before the pattern */ const char *ss = string; const char *s = string; int top = 0; while (p < ep) { bool matches; if (p < pattern || *p == '*') { char ch; /* skip any further asterisks; one is the same as many */ do p++; while (p < ep && *p == '*'); /* if we're at the end of the pattern, yes, it matches */ if (p >= ep) return ss; /* anything matches a # so continue matching from here, and stack a context that will try to match the wildcard against the next character */ ch = *p; if (ch != '#') { /* scan forwards until we find a match for this char */ if (!case_sens) ch = toupper(ch); while (s < es) { if (case_sens) { if (*s == ch) break; } else if (toupper(*s) == ch) break; s++; } } if (s < es) { /* remember where we are in case the match fails; we can then resume */ if (top < (int)NOF_ELEMENTS(context)) { context[top].ss = ss; context[top].s = s + 1; context[top].p = p - 1; /* ptr to last asterisk */ top++; } matches = true; } else matches = false; } else if (s < es) { char ch = *p; if (ch == '#') matches = true; else { if (case_sens) matches = (*s == ch); else matches = (toupper(*s) == toupper(ch)); } } else matches = false; if (matches) { p++; s++; } else { /* doesn't match, resume with stacked context if we have one */ if (--top < 0) return NULL; /* no match, give up */ ss = context[top].ss; s = context[top].s; p = context[top].p; } } /* end of pattern reached */ return ss; } /** * Finds all occurrences of a given string in the box tree * * \param pattern the string pattern to search for * \param p_len pattern length * \param cur pointer to the current box * \param case_sens whether to perform a case sensitive search * \return true on success, false on memory allocation failure */ bool find_occurrences(const char *pattern, int p_len, struct box *cur, bool case_sens) { struct box *a; /* ignore this box, if there's no visible text */ if (!cur->object && cur->text) { const char *pos = find_pattern(cur->text, cur->length, pattern, p_len, case_sens); if (pos) { /* found string in box => add to list */ struct list_entry *entry = calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)); if (!entry) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } entry->box = cur; entry->next = 0; entry->prev = search_found->prev; if (!search_found->prev) search_found->next = entry; else search_found->prev->next = entry; search_found->prev = entry; } } /* and recurse */ for (a = cur->children; a; a = a->next) { if (!find_occurrences(pattern, p_len, a, case_sens)) return false; } return true; } #endif