/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2003 James Bursa */ /** \file * Toolbar themes (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osspriteop.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" static wimp_window *theme_toolbar_template = 0; static osspriteop_area *theme_sprite_area = 0; unsigned int theme_throbs; /** * Load a theme from a directory. * * The directory must contain a Templates file containing the toolbar template, * and a Sprites file containing icons. */ void ro_theme_load(char *pathname) { char name[] = "toolbar"; int context, window_size, data_size, size, i; static char *data = 0; /** * \note * This is necessary as, when compiling with Norcroft 5.54, * linking fails due to it trying to use * __rt_allocauto and __rt_freeauto to allocate (and free) * the stack space used by the filename buffer. * These symbols are provided by the SCL but not by Unixlib * * \note * There are three possible ways around this \#ifdef nastiness: * - Allocate filename on the heap instead * - Get NetSurf to build and link against the SCL * - Implement __rt_allocauto and __rt_freeauto for Unixlib * */ #ifdef __GNUC__ char filename[strlen(pathname) + 12]; #else char *filename = xcalloc(strlen(pathname) + 12, sizeof(char)); #endif fileswitch_object_type obj_type; /* free old theme data */ free(theme_toolbar_template); free(data); free(theme_sprite_area); /* load template */ sprintf(filename, "%s.Templates", pathname); wimp_open_template(filename); /* find required buffer sizes */ context = wimp_load_template(wimp_GET_SIZE, 0, 0, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, &window_size, &data_size); assert(context != 0); theme_toolbar_template = xcalloc((unsigned int) window_size, 1); data = xcalloc((unsigned int) data_size, 1); /* load */ wimp_load_template(theme_toolbar_template, data, data + data_size, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, 0, 0); wimp_close_template(); assert(ICON_TOOLBAR_RELOAD < theme_toolbar_template->icon_count); theme_toolbar_template->flags |= wimp_WINDOW_FURNITURE_WINDOW; theme_toolbar_template->icons[ICON_TOOLBAR_URL].data.indirected_text.size = 256; theme_toolbar_template->icons[ICON_TOOLBAR_STATUS].data.indirected_text.size = 256; /* load sprites */ sprintf(filename, "%s.Sprites", pathname); obj_type = osfile_read_no_path(filename, 0, 0, &size, 0); assert(obj_type & fileswitch_IS_FILE); theme_sprite_area = xcalloc((unsigned int)(size + 16), 1); theme_sprite_area->size = size + 16; theme_sprite_area->sprite_count = 0; theme_sprite_area->first = 16; theme_sprite_area->used = 16; osspriteop_clear_sprites(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme_sprite_area); osspriteop_load_sprite_file(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme_sprite_area, filename); theme_toolbar_template->sprite_area = theme_sprite_area; theme_toolbar_template->icons[ICON_TOOLBAR_THROBBER].data.indirected_sprite.area = theme_sprite_area; /* find the highest sprite called throbber%i */ theme_throbs = 0; for (i = 1; i <= theme_sprite_area->sprite_count; i++) { char name[32]; osspriteop_return_name(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme_sprite_area, name, 32, i); if (strncmp(name, "throbber", 8) == 0) { unsigned int n = atoi(name + 8); if (theme_throbs < n) theme_throbs = n; } } #ifndef __GNUC__ xfree(filename); #endif } /** * Create a toolbar from the current theme. * * The buffers url_buffer and status_buffer must be at least 256 bytes each, * throbber_buffer at least 12 bytes; */ wimp_w ro_theme_create_toolbar(char *url_buffer, char *status_buffer, char *throbber_buffer) { wimp_w w; theme_toolbar_template->icons[ICON_TOOLBAR_URL].data.indirected_text.text = url_buffer; theme_toolbar_template->icons[ICON_TOOLBAR_STATUS].data.indirected_text.text = status_buffer; theme_toolbar_template->icons[ICON_TOOLBAR_THROBBER].data.indirected_sprite.id = (osspriteop_id) throbber_buffer; w = wimp_create_window(theme_toolbar_template); return w; } /** * Return the height of the current toolbar. */ int ro_theme_toolbar_height(void) { return abs(theme_toolbar_template->extent.y1 - theme_toolbar_template->extent.y0) + 2; } /** * Resize the URL icon in a toolbar. */ void ro_theme_resize_toolbar(wimp_w w, int width, int height) { wimp_icon_state ic; ic.w = w; ic.i = ICON_TOOLBAR_URL; wimp_get_icon_state(&ic); wimp_resize_icon(w, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL, ic.icon.extent.x0, ic.icon.extent.y0, width - 8, ic.icon.extent.y1); wimp_force_redraw(w, ic.icon.extent.x0, ic.icon.extent.y0, width, ic.icon.extent.y1); }