%{ /* This is a bison parser for Web IDL * * This file is part of nsgenbind. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2012 Vincent Sanders * * Derived from the the grammar in apendix A of W3C WEB IDL * http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/ */ #include #include #include #include #include "webidl-ast.h" #include "webidl-parser.h" #include "webidl-lexer.h" char *errtxt; static void webidl_error(YYLTYPE *locp, struct webidl_node **winbind_ast, const char *str) { locp = locp; winbind_ast = winbind_ast; errtxt = strdup(str); } %} %locations %define api.pure %error-verbose %parse-param { struct webidl_node **webidl_ast } %union { int attr; long value; bool isit; char* text; struct webidl_node *node; } %token TOK_ANY %token TOK_ATTRIBUTE %token TOK_BOOLEAN %token TOK_BYTE %token TOK_CALLBACK %token TOK_LEGACYCALLER %token TOK_CONST %token TOK_CREATOR %token TOK_DATE %token TOK_DELETER %token TOK_DICTIONARY %token TOK_DOUBLE %token TOK_ELLIPSIS %token TOK_ENUM %token TOK_EOL %token TOK_EXCEPTION %token TOK_FALSE %token TOK_FLOAT %token TOK_GETRAISES %token TOK_GETTER %token TOK_IMPLEMENTS %token TOK_IN %token TOK_INFINITY %token TOK_INHERIT %token TOK_INTERFACE %token TOK_LONG %token TOK_MODULE %token TOK_NAN %token TOK_NATIVE %token TOK_NULL_LITERAL %token TOK_OBJECT %token TOK_OCTET %token TOK_OMITTABLE %token TOK_OPTIONAL %token TOK_OR %token TOK_PARTIAL %token TOK_RAISES %token TOK_READONLY %token TOK_SETRAISES %token TOK_SETTER %token TOK_SEQUENCE %token TOK_SHORT %token TOK_STATIC %token TOK_STRING %token TOK_STRINGIFIER %token TOK_TRUE %token TOK_TYPEDEF %token TOK_UNRESTRICTED %token TOK_UNSIGNED %token TOK_VOID %token TOK_POUND_SIGN %token TOK_IDENTIFIER %token TOK_INT_LITERAL %token TOK_FLOAT_LITERAL %token TOK_STRING_LITERAL %token TOK_OTHER_LITERAL %token TOK_JAVADOC %type Inheritance %type Definitions %type Definition %type Partial %type PartialDefinition %type Dictionary %type PartialDictionary %type Exception %type Enum %type Typedef %type ImplementsStatement %type Interface %type InterfaceMembers %type InterfaceMember %type PartialInterface %type CallbackOrInterface %type CallbackRest %type CallbackRestOrInterface %type Attribute %type AttributeOrOperation %type StringifierAttributeOrOperation %type Const %type Operation %type OperationRest %type OptionalIdentifier %type ArgumentList %type Arguments %type Argument %type OptionalOrRequiredArgument %type ArgumentName %type ArgumentNameKeyword %type Ellipsis %type Type %type ReturnType %type SingleType %type UnionType %type NonAnyType %type PrimitiveType %type UnrestrictedFloatType %type FloatType %type UnsignedIntegerType %type IntegerType %type ReadOnly %type OptionalLong %type Inherit %% /* [1] default rule to add built AST to passed in one, altered from * original grammar to be left recusive, */ Definitions: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | Definitions ExtendedAttributeList Definition { $$ = *webidl_ast = webidl_node_prepend(*webidl_ast, $3); } | error { fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", yylloc.first_line, errtxt); free(errtxt); YYABORT ; } ; /* [2] */ Definition: CallbackOrInterface | Partial | Dictionary | Exception | Enum | Typedef | ImplementsStatement ; /* [3] */ CallbackOrInterface : TOK_CALLBACK CallbackRestOrInterface { $$ = $2; } | Interface ; /* [4] */ CallbackRestOrInterface: CallbackRest | Interface ; /* [5] */ Interface: TOK_INTERFACE TOK_IDENTIFIER Inheritance '{' InterfaceMembers '}' ';' { /* extend interface with additional members */ struct webidl_node *interface_node; struct webidl_node *members = NULL; if ($3 != NULL) { members = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE_INHERITANCE, members, $3); } members = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_LIST, members, $5); interface_node = webidl_node_find_type_ident(*webidl_ast, WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE, $2); if (interface_node == NULL) { /* no existing interface - create one with ident */ members = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, members, $2); $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE, NULL, members); } else { /* update the existing interface */ /* link member node into interfaces_node */ webidl_node_add(interface_node, members); $$ = NULL; /* updating so no need to add a new node */ } } ; /* [6] */ Partial: TOK_PARTIAL PartialDefinition { $$ = $2; } ; /* [7] */ PartialDefinition: PartialInterface | PartialDictionary ; /* [8] */ PartialInterface: TOK_INTERFACE TOK_IDENTIFIER '{' InterfaceMembers '}' ';' { /* extend interface with additional members */ struct webidl_node *members; struct webidl_node *interface_node; interface_node = webidl_node_find_type_ident(*webidl_ast, WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE, $2); members = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_LIST, NULL, $4); if (interface_node == NULL) { /* doesnt already exist so create it */ members = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, members, $2); $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE, NULL, members); } else { /* update the existing interface */ /* link member node into interfaces_node */ webidl_node_add(interface_node, members); $$ = NULL; /* updating so no need to add a new node */ } } ; /* [9] slightly altered from original grammar to be left recursive */ InterfaceMembers: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | InterfaceMembers ExtendedAttributeList InterfaceMember /* This needs to deal with members with the same identifier which * indicate polymorphism. this is handled in the AST by adding the * argument lists for each polymorphism to the same * WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_OPERATION * * @todo need to consider qualifer/stringifier compatibility */ { struct webidl_node *member_node; struct webidl_node *ident_node; struct webidl_node *list_node; ident_node = webidl_node_find(webidl_node_getnode($3), NULL, webidl_cmp_node_type, (void *)WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT); list_node = webidl_node_find(webidl_node_getnode($3), NULL, webidl_cmp_node_type, (void *)WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_LIST); if (ident_node == NULL) { /* something with no ident - possibly constructors? */ /* @todo understand this abtter */ $$ = webidl_node_prepend($1, $3); } else if (list_node == NULL) { /* something with no argument list - cannot be polymorphic */ $$ = webidl_node_prepend($1, $3); } else { /* has an arguemnt list so can be polymorphic */ member_node = webidl_node_find_type_ident($1, webidl_node_gettype($3), webidl_node_gettext(ident_node)); if (member_node == NULL) { /* not a member with that ident already present */ $$ = webidl_node_prepend($1, $3); } else { webidl_node_add(member_node, list_node); $$ = $1; /* updated existing node do not add new one */ } } } ; /* [10] */ InterfaceMember: Const | AttributeOrOperation ; /* [11] */ Dictionary: TOK_DICTIONARY TOK_IDENTIFIER Inheritance '{' DictionaryMembers '}' ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; /* [12] */ DictionaryMembers: /* empty */ | ExtendedAttributeList DictionaryMember DictionaryMembers ; /* [13] */ DictionaryMember: Type TOK_IDENTIFIER Default ';' ; /* [14] */ PartialDictionary: TOK_DICTIONARY TOK_IDENTIFIER '{' DictionaryMembers '}' ';' { $$ = NULL; } /* [15] */ Default: /* empty */ | '=' DefaultValue ; /* [16] */ DefaultValue: ConstValue | TOK_STRING_LITERAL ; /* [17] */ Exception: TOK_EXCEPTION TOK_IDENTIFIER Inheritance '{' ExceptionMembers '}' ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; /* [18] */ ExceptionMembers: /* empty */ | ExtendedAttributeList ExceptionMember ExceptionMembers ; /* [19] returns a string */ Inheritance: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | ':' TOK_IDENTIFIER { $$ = $2; } ; /* [20] */ Enum: TOK_ENUM TOK_IDENTIFIER '{' EnumValueList '}' ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; /* [21] */ EnumValueList: TOK_STRING_LITERAL EnumValues ; /* [22] */ EnumValues: /* empty */ | ',' TOK_STRING_LITERAL EnumValues ; /* [23] - bug in w3c grammar? it doesnt list the equals as a terminal */ CallbackRest: TOK_IDENTIFIER '=' ReturnType '(' ArgumentList ')' ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; /* [24] */ Typedef: TOK_TYPEDEF ExtendedAttributeList Type TOK_IDENTIFIER ';' { $$ = NULL; } ; /* [25] */ ImplementsStatement: TOK_IDENTIFIER TOK_IMPLEMENTS TOK_IDENTIFIER ';' { /* extend interface with implements members */ struct webidl_node *implements; struct webidl_node *interface_node; interface_node = webidl_node_find_type_ident(*webidl_ast, WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE, $1); implements = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE_IMPLEMENTS, NULL, $3); if (interface_node == NULL) { /* interface doesnt already exist so create it */ implements = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, implements, $1); $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_INTERFACE, NULL, implements); } else { /* update the existing interface */ /* link implements node into interfaces_node */ webidl_node_add(interface_node, implements); $$ = NULL; /* updating so no need to add a new node */ } } ; /* [26] */ Const: TOK_CONST ConstType TOK_IDENTIFIER '=' ConstValue ';' { struct webidl_node *constant; constant = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $3); /* add constant type */ //constant = webidl_node_prepend(constant, $2); /* add constant value */ //constant = webidl_node_prepend(constant, $5); $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_CONST, NULL, constant); } ; /* [27] */ ConstValue: BooleanLiteral | FloatLiteral | TOK_INT_LITERAL | TOK_NULL_LITERAL ; /* [28] */ BooleanLiteral: TOK_TRUE | TOK_FALSE ; /* [29] */ FloatLiteral: TOK_FLOAT_LITERAL | '-' TOK_INFINITY | TOK_INFINITY | TOK_NAN ; /* [30] */ AttributeOrOperation: TOK_STRINGIFIER StringifierAttributeOrOperation { $$ = $2; } | Attribute | Operation ; /* [31] */ StringifierAttributeOrOperation: Attribute | OperationRest { /* @todo deal with stringifier */ $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_OPERATION, NULL, $1); } | ';' { $$=NULL; } ; /* [32] */ Attribute: Inherit ReadOnly TOK_ATTRIBUTE Type TOK_IDENTIFIER ';' { struct webidl_node *attribute; attribute = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $5); /* add attributes type */ attribute = webidl_node_prepend(attribute, $4); /* deal with readonly modifier */ if ($2) { attribute = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_MODIFIER, attribute, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_READONLY); } $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, NULL, attribute); } ; /* [33] */ Inherit: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | TOK_INHERIT { $$ = true; } ; /* [34] */ ReadOnly: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | TOK_READONLY { $$ = true; } ; /* [35] */ Operation: Qualifiers OperationRest { /* @todo fix qualifiers */ $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_OPERATION, NULL, $2); } ; /* [36] */ Qualifiers: TOK_STATIC | Specials ; /* [37] */ Specials: /* empty */ | Special Specials ; /* [38] */ Special: TOK_GETTER | TOK_SETTER | TOK_CREATOR | TOK_DELETER | TOK_LEGACYCALLER ; /* [39] */ OperationRest: ReturnType OptionalIdentifier '(' ArgumentList ')' ';' { struct webidl_node *arglist; /* put return type in argument list */ arglist = webidl_node_prepend($4, $1); /* argument list */ $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_LIST, NULL, arglist); $$ = webidl_node_prepend($$, $2); /* identifier */ } ; /* [40] */ OptionalIdentifier: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | TOK_IDENTIFIER { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $1); } ; /* [41] an empty list or a list of non empty comma separated arguments, note * this is right associative so the tree build is ass backwards */ ArgumentList: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | Argument Arguments { $$ = webidl_node_append($2, $1); } ; /* [42] */ Arguments: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | ',' Argument Arguments { $$ = webidl_node_append($3, $2); } ; /* [43] */ Argument: ExtendedAttributeList OptionalOrRequiredArgument { $$ = $2; } ; /* [44] */ OptionalOrRequiredArgument: TOK_OPTIONAL Type ArgumentName Default { struct webidl_node *argument; argument = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $3); argument = webidl_node_prepend(argument, $2); /* add type node */ $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT, NULL, argument); } | Type Ellipsis ArgumentName { struct webidl_node *argument; argument = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, NULL, $3); argument = webidl_node_prepend(argument, $2); /* ellipsis node */ argument = webidl_node_prepend(argument, $1); /* add type node */ $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_ARGUMENT, NULL, argument); } ; /* [45] */ ArgumentName: ArgumentNameKeyword | TOK_IDENTIFIER ; /* [46] */ Ellipsis: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | TOK_ELLIPSIS { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_ELLIPSIS, NULL, NULL); } ; /* [47] */ ExceptionMember: Const | ExceptionField ; /* [48] */ ExceptionField: Type TOK_IDENTIFIER ';' ; /* [49] extended attribute list inside square brackets */ ExtendedAttributeList: /* empty */ | '[' ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes ']' ; /* [50] extended attributes are separated with a comma */ ExtendedAttributes: /* empty */ | ',' ExtendedAttribute ExtendedAttributes ; /* [51] extended attributes are nested with normal, square and curly braces */ ExtendedAttribute: '(' ExtendedAttributeInner ')' ExtendedAttributeRest | '[' ExtendedAttributeInner ']' ExtendedAttributeRest | '{' ExtendedAttributeInner '}' ExtendedAttributeRest | Other ExtendedAttributeRest ; /* [52] extended attributes can be space separated too */ ExtendedAttributeRest: /* empty */ | ExtendedAttribute ; /* [53] extended attributes are nested with normal, square and curly braces */ ExtendedAttributeInner: /* empty */ | '(' ExtendedAttributeInner ')' ExtendedAttributeInner | '[' ExtendedAttributeInner ']' ExtendedAttributeInner | '{' ExtendedAttributeInner '}' ExtendedAttributeInner | OtherOrComma ExtendedAttributeInner ; /* [54] */ Other: TOK_INT_LITERAL | TOK_FLOAT_LITERAL | TOK_IDENTIFIER | TOK_STRING_LITERAL | TOK_OTHER_LITERAL | '-' | '.' | TOK_ELLIPSIS | ':' | ';' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '?' | TOK_DATE | TOK_STRING | TOK_INFINITY | TOK_NAN | TOK_ANY | TOK_BOOLEAN | TOK_BYTE | TOK_DOUBLE | TOK_FALSE | TOK_FLOAT | TOK_LONG | TOK_NULL_LITERAL | TOK_OBJECT | TOK_OCTET | TOK_OR | TOK_OPTIONAL | TOK_SEQUENCE | TOK_SHORT | TOK_TRUE | TOK_UNSIGNED | TOK_VOID | ArgumentNameKeyword ; /* [55] */ ArgumentNameKeyword: TOK_ATTRIBUTE { $$ = strdup("attribute"); } | TOK_CALLBACK { $$ = strdup("callback"); } | TOK_CONST { $$ = strdup("const"); } | TOK_CREATOR { $$ = strdup("creator"); } | TOK_DELETER { $$ = strdup("deleter"); } | TOK_DICTIONARY { $$ = strdup("dictionary"); } | TOK_ENUM { $$ = strdup("enum"); } | TOK_EXCEPTION { $$ = strdup("exception"); } | TOK_GETTER { $$ = strdup("getter"); } | TOK_IMPLEMENTS { $$ = strdup("implements"); } | TOK_INHERIT { $$ = strdup("inherit"); } | TOK_INTERFACE { $$ = strdup("interface"); } | TOK_LEGACYCALLER { $$ = strdup("legacycaller"); } | TOK_PARTIAL { $$ = strdup("partial"); } | TOK_SETTER { $$ = strdup("setter"); } | TOK_STATIC { $$ = strdup("static"); } | TOK_STRINGIFIER { $$ = strdup("stringifier"); } | TOK_TYPEDEF { $$ = strdup("typedef"); } | TOK_UNRESTRICTED { $$ = strdup("unrestricted"); } ; /* [56] as it says an other element or a comma */ OtherOrComma: Other | ',' ; /* [57] */ Type: SingleType { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE, NULL, $1); } | UnionType TypeSuffix { /* todo handle suffix */ $$ = $1; } ; /* [58] */ SingleType: NonAnyType | TOK_ANY TypeSuffixStartingWithArray { $$ = NULL; /* todo implement */ } ; /* [59] */ UnionType: '(' UnionMemberType TOK_OR UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes ')' { $$ = NULL; } ; /* [60] */ UnionMemberType: NonAnyType | UnionType TypeSuffix | TOK_ANY '[' ']' TypeSuffix ; /* [61] */ UnionMemberTypes: /* empty */ | TOK_OR UnionMemberType UnionMemberTypes ; /* [62] */ NonAnyType: PrimitiveType TypeSuffix | TOK_STRING TypeSuffix { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_STRING); } | TOK_IDENTIFIER TypeSuffix { struct webidl_node *type; type = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_USER); $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_IDENT, type, $1); } | TOK_SEQUENCE '<' Type '>' Null { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, $3, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_SEQUENCE); } | TOK_OBJECT TypeSuffix { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_OBJECT); } | TOK_DATE TypeSuffix { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_DATE); } ; /* [63] */ ConstType: PrimitiveType Null | TOK_IDENTIFIER Null ; /* [64] */ PrimitiveType: UnsignedIntegerType | UnrestrictedFloatType | TOK_BOOLEAN { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_BOOL); } | TOK_BYTE { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_BYTE); } | TOK_OCTET { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_OCTET); } ; /* [65] */ UnrestrictedFloatType: TOK_UNRESTRICTED FloatType { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_MODIFIER, $2, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_MODIFIER_UNRESTRICTED); } | FloatType ; /* [66] */ FloatType: TOK_FLOAT { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_FLOAT); } | TOK_DOUBLE { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_DOUBLE); } ; /* [67] */ UnsignedIntegerType: TOK_UNSIGNED IntegerType { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_MODIFIER, $2, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_MODIFIER_UNSIGNED); } | IntegerType ; /* [68] */ IntegerType: TOK_SHORT { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_SHORT); } | TOK_LONG OptionalLong { if ($2) { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_LONGLONG); } else { $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_LONG); } } ; /* [69] */ OptionalLong: /* empty */ { $$ = false; } | TOK_LONG { $$ = true; } ; /* [70] */ TypeSuffix: /* empty */ | '[' ']' TypeSuffix | '?' TypeSuffixStartingWithArray ; /* [71] */ TypeSuffixStartingWithArray: /* empty */ | '[' ']' TypeSuffix ; /* [72] */ Null: /* empty */ | '?' ; /* [73] */ ReturnType: Type | TOK_VOID { struct webidl_node *type; type = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE_BASE, NULL, (void *)WEBIDL_TYPE_VOID); $$ = webidl_node_new(WEBIDL_NODE_TYPE_TYPE, NULL, type); } ; %%