path: root/src/select/autogenerated_computed.h
diff options
authorMichael Drake <>2018-07-28 15:23:25 +0100
committerMichael Drake <>2018-07-28 15:25:16 +0100
commit2f7718d8de04be49dead46665489585cc2a323cb (patch)
tree3873a6780bb665f2cedba0219b65bfcf811f5828 /src/select/autogenerated_computed.h
parent80f96ea547babcee8057f9747fd874081225182c (diff)
Select generator: Squash undefined behaviour in generated code.
uint8_t is promoted to int instead of unsigned, so it can't hold the values we try to store. Reran `make select_generator` to update generated code.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/select/autogenerated_computed.h')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/src/select/autogenerated_computed.h b/src/select/autogenerated_computed.h
index 11f4808..0c2dff1 100644
--- a/src/select/autogenerated_computed.h
+++ b/src/select/autogenerated_computed.h
@@ -55,19 +55,18 @@ struct css_computed_uncommon_i {
* Bit allocations:
- * 0 bbbbbbbbbbbccccccccoooooooouuuuu
- * border_spacing; column_rule_width; outline_width; cursor
+ * 0 bbbbbbbbbbbooooooooccccccccuuuuu
+ * border_spacing; outline_width; column_rule_width; cursor
- * 1 lllllllcccccccooooooowwwwwwwbbbb
- * letter_spacing; column_gap; column_width; word_spacing; break_after
+ * 1 cccccccooooooolllllllwwwwwwwbbbb
+ * column_width; column_gap; letter_spacing; word_spacing; break_before
- * 2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccbbbboo
- * clip; break_before; column_count
+ * 2 ccccccccccccccccccccccccccooooll
+ * clip; column_rule_style; column_rule_color
- * 3 bbbbccccwwoolluunnmmte..........
- * break_inside; column_rule_style; writing_mode; column_span;
- * column_rule_color; outline_color; content; column_fill; counter_increment;
- * counter_reset
+ * 3 bbbbrrrrccwwoolluuttne..........
+ * break_after; break_inside; content; writing_mode; column_fill; column_span;
+ * column_count; outline_color; counter_increment; counter_reset
uint32_t bits[4];
@@ -227,44 +226,45 @@ struct css_computed_style_i {
* Bit allocations:
* 0 bbbbbbbboooooooorrrrrrrrdddddddd
- * border_bottom_width; border_left_width; border_top_width; border_right_width
+ * border_top_width; border_bottom_width; border_right_width; border_left_width
- * 1 mmmmmmmaaaaaaawwwwwwwfffffffbbbb
- * margin_right; max_width; width; flex_basis; border_top_style
+ * 1 lllllllrrrrrrrmmmmmmmaaaaaaaoooo
+ * line_height; right; min_width; margin_left; outline_style
- * 2 mmmmmmmiiiiiiilllllllhhhhhhhbbbb
- * margin_bottom; min_width; line_height; height; border_right_style
+ * 2 mmmmmmmaaaaaaafffffffxxxxxxxtttt
+ * max_width; margin_right; flex_basis; max_height; text_align
- * 3 lllllllbbbbbbbmmmmmmmiiiiiiissss
- * left; bottom; max_height; min_height; list_style_type
+ * 3 tttttttmmmmmmmiiiiiiiaaaaaaaffff
+ * top; margin_top; min_height; margin_bottom; font_weight
- * 4 rrrrrrrmmmmmmmtttttttaaaaaaaffff
- * right; margin_top; top; margin_left; font_weight
+ * 4 lllllllwwwwwwwbbbbbbbhhhhhhhoooo
+ * left; width; bottom; height; border_left_style
- * 5 bbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvvvvvfffffffffwww
- * background_position; vertical_align; font_size; white_space
+ * 5 bbbbbbbbbbbvvvvvvvvvfffffffffppp
+ * background_position; vertical_align; font_size; position
- * 6 dddddtttttbbbbooooeeeeuuuuaaafff
- * display; text_decoration; border_bottom_style; border_left_style;
- * text_align; outline_style; background_repeat; flex_direction
+ * 6 dddddtttttllllbbbboooorrrreeewww
+ * display; text_decoration; list_style_type; border_right_style;
+ * border_top_style; border_bottom_style; text_transform; white_space
- * 7 ppppppaaaaaaddddddttttttiiiiiibb
- * padding_top; padding_left; padding_right; text_indent; padding_bottom;
- * background_color
+ * 7 ppppppaaaaaaddddddiiiiiittttttff
+ * padding_left; padding_bottom; padding_top; padding_right; text_indent;
+ * font_style
- * 8 tttfffoooaaalllpppccciiijjjvvvdd
- * text_transform; font_family; overflow_y; align_self; align_items; position;
- * clear; align_content; justify_content; overflow_x; direction
+ * 8 ooofffaaalllbbbiiieeejjjvvvcccrr
+ * overflow_y; font_family; align_items; align_self; background_repeat;
+ * align_content; flex_direction; justify_content; overflow_x; clear;
+ * border_top_color
- * 9 ttbbaazzffllvvooFFeeccrrnnuuxxii
- * table_layout; border_right_color; background_attachment; z_index;
- * font_style; flex_wrap; visibility; border_top_color; float; empty_cells;
- * caption_side; border_bottom_color; font_variant; unicode_bidi; box_sizing;
- * list_style_position
+ * 9 bbffoorrddcceeuuaaxxnnllkkttiiyy
+ * border_right_color; flex_wrap; border_collapse; border_left_color;
+ * direction; caption_side; empty_cells; unicode_bidi; background_color;
+ * box_sizing; font_variant; float; background_attachment; border_bottom_color;
+ * list_style_position; table_layout
- * 10 bbooaclqfrpe....................
- * border_left_color; border_collapse; background_image; color;
- * list_style_image; quotes; flex_grow; order; opacity; flex_shrink
+ * 10 zzvvolbcfpeq....................
+ * z_index; visibility; order; list_style_image; background_image; color;
+ * flex_shrink; opacity; flex_grow; quotes
uint32_t bits[11];