/* * This file is part of LibCSS. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include "bytecode/bytecode.h" #include "bytecode/opcodes.h" #include "parse/properties/properties.h" #include "parse/properties/utils.h" css_error parse_display(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (inline, block, list-item, run-in, inline-block, table, * inline-table, table-row-group, table-header-group, * table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group, table-column, * table-cell, table-caption, none, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INLINE]) { value = DISPLAY_INLINE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[BLOCK]) { value = DISPLAY_BLOCK; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LIST_ITEM]) { value = DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RUN_IN]) { value = DISPLAY_RUN_IN; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INLINE_BLOCK]) { value = DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INLINE_TABLE]) { value = DISPLAY_INLINE_TABLE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_ROW_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_HEADER_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_ROW]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_COLUMN]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_CELL]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_CAPTION]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = DISPLAY_NONE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_DISPLAY, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = HEIGHT_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative height is illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = HEIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == HEIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == HEIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_line_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* number | length | percentage | IDENT(normal, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NORMAL]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = LINE_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { size_t consumed = 0; length = number_from_lwc_string(token->ilower, false, &consumed); if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->ilower)) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_LINE_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER) required_size += sizeof(length); else if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && (value == LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER || value == LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION)) memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_max_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(none, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = MAX_HEIGHT_NONE; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MAX_HEIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_HEIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_HEIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_max_width(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(none, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = MAX_WIDTH_NONE; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MAX_WIDTH_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_WIDTH_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags && FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_WIDTH_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_min_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MIN_HEIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MIN_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_HEIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_HEIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_min_width(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MIN_WIDTH_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MIN_WIDTH, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_WIDTH_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_WIDTH_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_width(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = WIDTH_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Must be positive */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = WIDTH_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_WIDTH, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WIDTH_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WIDTH_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; }