/* * This file is part of LibCSS. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2009 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include #include "bytecode/bytecode.h" #include "bytecode/opcodes.h" #include "parse/properties/properties.h" #include "parse/properties/utils.h" /** * Parse list-style * * \param c Parsing context * \param vector Vector of tokens to process * \param ctx Pointer to vector iteration context * \param result Pointer to location to receive resulting style * \return CSS_OK on success, * CSS_NOMEM on memory exhaustion, * CSS_INVALID if the input is not valid * * Post condition: \a *ctx is updated with the next token to process * If the input is invalid, then \a *ctx remains unchanged. */ css_error css__parse_list_style(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style *result) { int orig_ctx = *ctx; int prev_ctx; const css_token *token; css_error error; bool image = true; bool position = true; bool type = true; css_style *image_style; css_style *position_style; css_style *type_style; enum flag_value flag_value; /* Firstly, handle inherit */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; flag_value = get_css_flag_value(c, token); if (flag_value != FLAG_VALUE__NONE) { error = css_stylesheet_style_flag_value(result, flag_value, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_IMAGE); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; error = css_stylesheet_style_flag_value(result, flag_value, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_POSITION); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; error = css_stylesheet_style_flag_value(result, flag_value, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE); if (error == CSS_OK) parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); return error; } /* allocate styles */ error = css__stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, &image_style); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; error = css__stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, &position_style); if (error != CSS_OK) { css__stylesheet_style_destroy(image_style); return error; } error = css__stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, &type_style); if (error != CSS_OK) { css__stylesheet_style_destroy(image_style); css__stylesheet_style_destroy(position_style); return error; } /* Attempt to parse the various longhand properties */ do { prev_ctx = *ctx; error = CSS_OK; /* Ensure that we're not about to parse another inherit */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token != NULL && is_css_inherit(c, token)) { error = CSS_INVALID; goto css__parse_list_style_cleanup; } if ((type) && (error = css__parse_list_style_type(c, vector, ctx, type_style)) == CSS_OK) { type = false; } else if ((position) && (error = css__parse_list_style_position(c, vector, ctx, position_style)) == CSS_OK) { position = false; } else if ((image) && (error = css__parse_list_style_image(c, vector, ctx, image_style)) == CSS_OK) { image = false; } if (error == CSS_OK) { consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); } else { /* Forcibly cause loop to exit */ token = NULL; } } while (*ctx != prev_ctx && token != NULL); /* defaults */ if (image) { error = css__stylesheet_style_appendOPV(image_style, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_IMAGE, 0, LIST_STYLE_IMAGE_NONE); if (error != CSS_OK) { goto css__parse_list_style_cleanup; } } if (position) { error = css__stylesheet_style_appendOPV(position_style, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_POSITION, 0, LIST_STYLE_POSITION_OUTSIDE); if (error != CSS_OK) { goto css__parse_list_style_cleanup; } } if (type) { error = css__stylesheet_style_appendOPV(type_style, CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE, 0, LIST_STYLE_TYPE_DISC); if (error != CSS_OK) { goto css__parse_list_style_cleanup; } } error = css__stylesheet_merge_style(result, image_style); if (error != CSS_OK) goto css__parse_list_style_cleanup; error = css__stylesheet_merge_style(result, position_style); if (error != CSS_OK) goto css__parse_list_style_cleanup; error = css__stylesheet_merge_style(result, type_style); css__parse_list_style_cleanup: css__stylesheet_style_destroy(type_style); css__stylesheet_style_destroy(position_style); css__stylesheet_style_destroy(image_style); if (error != CSS_OK) *ctx = orig_ctx; return error; }