/* * This file is part of LibCSS. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2008 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include #include "bytecode/bytecode.h" #include "bytecode/opcodes.h" #include "parse/properties/properties.h" #include "parse/properties/utils.h" /** * Dispatch table of property handlers, indexed by property enum */ const css_prop_handler property_handlers[LAST_PROP + 1 - FIRST_PROP] = { parse_azimuth, parse_background_attachment, parse_background_color, parse_background_image, parse_background_position, parse_background_repeat, parse_border_bottom_color, parse_border_bottom_style, parse_border_bottom_width, parse_border_collapse, parse_border_left_color, parse_border_left_style, parse_border_left_width, parse_border_right_color, parse_border_right_style, parse_border_right_width, parse_border_spacing, parse_border_top_color, parse_border_top_style, parse_border_top_width, parse_bottom, parse_caption_side, parse_clear, parse_clip, parse_color, parse_content, parse_counter_increment, parse_counter_reset, parse_cue_after, parse_cue_before, parse_cursor, parse_direction, parse_display, parse_elevation, parse_empty_cells, parse_float, parse_font_family, parse_font_size, parse_font_style, parse_font_variant, parse_font_weight, parse_height, parse_left, parse_letter_spacing, parse_line_height, parse_list_style_image, parse_list_style_position, parse_list_style_type, parse_margin_bottom, parse_margin_left, parse_margin_right, parse_margin_top, parse_max_height, parse_max_width, parse_min_height, parse_min_width, parse_orphans, parse_outline_color, parse_outline_style, parse_outline_width, parse_overflow, parse_padding_bottom, parse_padding_left, parse_padding_right, parse_padding_top, parse_page_break_after, parse_page_break_before, parse_page_break_inside, parse_pause_after, parse_pause_before, parse_pitch_range, parse_pitch, parse_play_during, parse_position, parse_quotes, parse_richness, parse_right, parse_speak_header, parse_speak_numeral, parse_speak_punctuation, parse_speak, parse_speech_rate, parse_stress, parse_table_layout, parse_text_align, parse_text_decoration, parse_text_indent, parse_text_transform, parse_top, parse_unicode_bidi, parse_vertical_align, parse_visibility, parse_voice_family, parse_volume, parse_white_space, parse_widows, parse_width, parse_word_spacing, parse_z_index, }; static inline css_error parse_margin_side(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint16_t op, css_style **result); static inline css_error parse_padding_side(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint16_t op, css_style **result); css_error parse_bottom(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = BOTTOM_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = BOTTOM_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_BOTTOM, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == BOTTOM_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == BOTTOM_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_caption_side(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (top, bottom, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TOP]) { value = CAPTION_SIDE_TOP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[BOTTOM]) { value = CAPTION_SIDE_BOTTOM; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_CAPTION_SIDE, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_clear(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (left, right, both, none, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RIGHT]) { value = CLEAR_RIGHT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LEFT]) { value = CLEAR_LEFT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[BOTH]) { value = CLEAR_BOTH; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = CLEAR_NONE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_CLEAR, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_clip(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; int num_lengths = 0; css_fixed length[4] = { 0 }; uint32_t unit[4] = { 0 }; uint32_t required_size; /* FUNCTION(rect) [ [ IDENT(auto) | length ] CHAR(,)? ]{3} * [ IDENT(auto) | length ] CHAR{)} | * IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = CLIP_AUTO; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_FUNCTION && token->ilower == c->strings[RECT]) { int i; value = CLIP_SHAPE_RECT; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { /* Slightly magical way of generating the auto * values. These are bits 3-6 of the value. */ if (token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) value |= 1 << (i + 3); else return CSS_INVALID; parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length[num_lengths], &unit[num_lengths]); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit[num_lengths] & UNIT_ANGLE || unit[num_lengths] & UNIT_TIME || unit[num_lengths] & UNIT_FREQ || unit[num_lengths] & UNIT_PCT) return CSS_INVALID; num_lengths++; } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Consume optional comma after first 3 parameters */ if (i < 3) { token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (tokenIsChar(token, ',')) parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); } } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Finally, consume closing parenthesis */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, ')') == false) return CSS_INVALID; } else { return CSS_INVALID; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_CLIP, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && (value & CLIP_SHAPE_MASK) == CLIP_SHAPE_RECT) { required_size += num_lengths * (sizeof(length[0]) + sizeof(unit[0])); } /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && (value & CLIP_SHAPE_MASK) == CLIP_SHAPE_RECT) { int i; uint8_t *ptr = ((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv); for (i = 0; i < num_lengths; i++) { memcpy(ptr, &length[i], sizeof(length[i])); ptr += sizeof(length[i]); memcpy(ptr, &unit[i], sizeof(unit[i])); ptr += sizeof(unit[i]); } } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_color(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; uint32_t colour = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* colour | IDENT (inherit) */ token= parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_colour_specifier(c, vector, ctx, &colour); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; value = COLOR_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_COLOR, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == COLOR_SET) required_size += sizeof(colour); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == COLOR_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &colour, sizeof(colour)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_cursor(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; uint32_t required_size = sizeof(opv); int temp_ctx = *ctx; uint8_t *ptr; /* [ (URI ',')* IDENT(auto, crosshair, default, pointer, move, e-resize, * ne-resize, nw-resize, n-resize, se-resize, sw-resize, * s-resize, w-resize, text, wait, help, progress) ] * | IDENT(inherit) */ /* Pass 1: validate input and calculate bytecode size */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_URI)) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { bool first = true; /* URI* */ while (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_URI) { lwc_string *uri = token->idata; if (first == false) { required_size += sizeof(opv); } else { value = CURSOR_URI; } required_size += sizeof(uri); consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); /* Expect ',' */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) return CSS_INVALID; consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); /* Expect either URI or IDENT */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_URI)) return CSS_INVALID; first = false; } /* IDENT */ if (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { if (token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_AUTO; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[CROSSHAIR]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_CROSSHAIR; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[DEFAULT]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_DEFAULT; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[POINTER]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_POINTER; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[MOVE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_MOVE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[E_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_E_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[NE_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_NE_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[NW_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_NW_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[N_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_N_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[SE_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_SE_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[SW_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_SW_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[S_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_S_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[W_RESIZE]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_W_RESIZE; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[TEXT]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_TEXT; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[WAIT]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_WAIT; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[HELP]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_HELP; } } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[PROGRESS]) { if (first) { value = CURSOR_PROGRESS; } } else { return CSS_INVALID; } if (first == false) { required_size += sizeof(opv); } } consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, temp_ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, '!') == false) return CSS_INVALID; } error = parse_important(c, vector, &temp_ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_CURSOR, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy OPV to bytecode */ ptr = (*result)->bytecode; memcpy(ptr, &opv, sizeof(opv)); ptr += sizeof(opv); /* Pass 2: construct bytecode */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_URI)) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { /* Nothing to do */ } else { bool first = true; /* URI* */ while (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_URI) { lwc_string *uri = token->idata; if (first == false) { opv = CURSOR_URI; memcpy(ptr, &opv, sizeof(opv)); ptr += sizeof(opv); } lwc_context_string_ref(c->sheet->dictionary, uri); memcpy(ptr, &uri, sizeof(uri)); ptr += sizeof(uri); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Expect ',' */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || tokenIsChar(token, ',') == false) return CSS_INVALID; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); /* Expect either URI or IDENT */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_URI)) return CSS_INVALID; first = false; } /* IDENT */ if (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { if (token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { opv = CURSOR_AUTO; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[CROSSHAIR]) { opv = CURSOR_CROSSHAIR; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[DEFAULT]) { opv = CURSOR_DEFAULT; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[POINTER]) { opv = CURSOR_POINTER; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[MOVE]) { opv = CURSOR_MOVE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[E_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_E_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[NE_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_NE_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[NW_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_NW_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[N_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_N_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[SE_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_SE_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[SW_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_SW_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[S_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_S_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[W_RESIZE]) { opv = CURSOR_W_RESIZE; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[TEXT]) { opv = CURSOR_TEXT; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[WAIT]) { opv = CURSOR_WAIT; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[HELP]) { opv = CURSOR_HELP; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[PROGRESS]) { opv = CURSOR_PROGRESS; } else { return CSS_INVALID; } if (first == false) { memcpy(ptr, &opv, sizeof(opv)); ptr += sizeof(opv); } } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, '!') == false) return CSS_INVALID; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_direction(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (ltr, rtl, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LTR]) { value = DIRECTION_LTR; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RTL]) { value = DIRECTION_RTL; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_DIRECTION, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_display(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (inline, block, list-item, run-in, inline-block, table, * inline-table, table-row-group, table-header-group, * table-footer-group, table-row, table-column-group, table-column, * table-cell, table-caption, none, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INLINE]) { value = DISPLAY_INLINE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[BLOCK]) { value = DISPLAY_BLOCK; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LIST_ITEM]) { value = DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RUN_IN]) { value = DISPLAY_RUN_IN; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INLINE_BLOCK]) { value = DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INLINE_TABLE]) { value = DISPLAY_INLINE_TABLE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_ROW_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_HEADER_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_ROW]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_COLUMN]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_CELL]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[TABLE_CAPTION]) { value = DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = DISPLAY_NONE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_DISPLAY, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_empty_cells(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (show, hide, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[SHOW]) { value = EMPTY_CELLS_SHOW; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[HIDE]) { value = EMPTY_CELLS_HIDE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_EMPTY_CELLS, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_float(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (left, right, none, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LEFT]) { value = FLOAT_LEFT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RIGHT]) { value = FLOAT_RIGHT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = FLOAT_NONE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_FLOAT, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = HEIGHT_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative height is illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = HEIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == HEIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == HEIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_left(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = LEFT_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = LEFT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_LEFT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LEFT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LEFT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_letter_spacing(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | IDENT(normal, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NORMAL]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = LETTER_SPACING_NORMAL; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ || unit & UNIT_PCT) return CSS_INVALID; value = LETTER_SPACING_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_LETTER_SPACING, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LETTER_SPACING_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LETTER_SPACING_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_line_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* number | length | percentage | IDENT(normal, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NORMAL]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = LINE_HEIGHT_NORMAL; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { size_t consumed = 0; length = number_from_lwc_string(token->ilower, false, &consumed); if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->ilower)) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_LINE_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER) required_size += sizeof(length); else if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && (value == LINE_HEIGHT_NUMBER || value == LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION)) memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == LINE_HEIGHT_DIMENSION) memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_margin_bottom(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_margin_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM, result); } css_error parse_margin_left(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_margin_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT, result); } css_error parse_margin_right(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_margin_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT, result); } css_error parse_margin_top(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_margin_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP, result); } css_error parse_max_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(none, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = MAX_HEIGHT_NONE; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MAX_HEIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_HEIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_HEIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_max_width(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(none, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = MAX_WIDTH_NONE; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MAX_WIDTH_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_WIDTH_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags && FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MAX_WIDTH_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_min_height(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MIN_HEIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MIN_HEIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_HEIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_HEIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_min_width(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are illegal */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = MIN_WIDTH_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_MIN_WIDTH, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_WIDTH_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MIN_WIDTH_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_orphans(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed num = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* | IDENT (inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER)) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { size_t consumed = 0; num = number_from_lwc_string(token->ilower, true, &consumed); /* Invalid if there are trailing characters */ if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->ilower)) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are nonsensical */ if (num < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = ORPHANS_SET; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_ORPHANS, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == ORPHANS_SET) required_size += sizeof(num); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == ORPHANS_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &num, sizeof(num)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_overflow(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (visible, hidden, scroll, auto, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[VISIBLE]) { value = OVERFLOW_VISIBLE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[HIDDEN]) { value = OVERFLOW_HIDDEN; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[SCROLL]) { value = OVERFLOW_SCROLL; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = OVERFLOW_AUTO; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_OVERFLOW, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_padding_bottom(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_padding_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM, result); } css_error parse_padding_left(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_padding_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT, result); } css_error parse_padding_right(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_padding_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT, result); } css_error parse_padding_top(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { return parse_padding_side(c, vector, ctx, CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP, result); } css_error parse_page_break_after(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (auto, always, avoid, left, right, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_AFTER_AUTO; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[ALWAYS]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_AFTER_ALWAYS; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AVOID]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_AFTER_AVOID; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LEFT]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_AFTER_LEFT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RIGHT]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_AFTER_RIGHT; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_PAGE_BREAK_AFTER, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_page_break_before(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (auto, always, avoid, left, right, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE_AUTO; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[ALWAYS]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE_ALWAYS; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AVOID]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE_AVOID; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LEFT]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE_LEFT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RIGHT]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE_RIGHT; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_page_break_inside(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (auto, avoid, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE_AUTO; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AVOID]) { value = PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE_AVOID; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_position(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (static, relative, absolute, fixed, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[STATIC]) { value = POSITION_STATIC; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RELATIVE]) { value = POSITION_RELATIVE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[ABSOLUTE]) { value = POSITION_ABSOLUTE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[FIXED]) { value = POSITION_FIXED; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_POSITION, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_quotes(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; uint32_t required_size = sizeof(opv); int temp_ctx = *ctx; uint8_t *ptr; /* [ STRING STRING ]+ | IDENT(none,inherit) */ /* Pass 1: validate input and calculate bytecode size */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_STRING)) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { if (token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = QUOTES_NONE; } else return CSS_INVALID; } else { bool first = true; /* [ STRING STRING ] + */ while (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_STRING) { lwc_string *open = token->idata; lwc_string *close; consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, temp_ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_STRING) return CSS_INVALID; close = token->idata; token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); if (first == false) { required_size += sizeof(opv); } else { value = QUOTES_STRING; } required_size += sizeof(open) + sizeof(close); first = false; token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, temp_ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_STRING) break; token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, &temp_ctx); } consumeWhitespace(vector, &temp_ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, temp_ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, '!') == false) return CSS_INVALID; /* Terminator */ required_size += sizeof(opv); } error = parse_important(c, vector, &temp_ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_QUOTES, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy OPV to bytecode */ ptr = (*result)->bytecode; memcpy(ptr, &opv, sizeof(opv)); ptr += sizeof(opv); /* Pass 2: construct bytecode */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_STRING)) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) { /* Nothing to do */ } else { bool first = true; /* [ STRING STRING ]+ */ while (token != NULL && token->type == CSS_TOKEN_STRING) { lwc_string *open = token->idata; lwc_string *close; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_STRING) return CSS_INVALID; close = token->idata; token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); if (first == false) { opv = QUOTES_STRING; memcpy(ptr, &opv, sizeof(opv)); ptr += sizeof(opv); } lwc_context_string_ref(c->sheet->dictionary, open); memcpy(ptr, &open, sizeof(open)); ptr += sizeof(open); lwc_context_string_ref(c->sheet->dictionary, close); memcpy(ptr, &close, sizeof(close)); ptr += sizeof(close); first = false; token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL || token->type != CSS_TOKEN_STRING) break; token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); } consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token != NULL && tokenIsChar(token, '!') == false) return CSS_INVALID; /* Terminator */ opv = QUOTES_NONE; memcpy(ptr, &opv, sizeof(opv)); ptr += sizeof(opv); } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_right(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = RIGHT_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = RIGHT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_RIGHT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == RIGHT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == RIGHT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_table_layout(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (auto, fixed, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = TABLE_LAYOUT_AUTO; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[FIXED]) { value = TABLE_LAYOUT_FIXED; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_TABLE_LAYOUT, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_text_align(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (left, right, center, justify, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LEFT]) { value = TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[RIGHT]) { value = TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[CENTER]) { value = TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[JUSTIFY]) { value = TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_TEXT_ALIGN, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_text_decoration(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT([ underline || overline || line-through || blink ]) * | IDENT (none, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = TEXT_DECORATION_NONE; } else { while (ident != NULL) { if (ident->ilower == c->strings[UNDERLINE]) { if ((value & TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE) == 0) value |= TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[OVERLINE]) { if ((value & TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE) == 0) value |= TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LINE_THROUGH]) { if ((value & TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH) == 0) value |= TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH; else return CSS_INVALID; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[BLINK]) { if ((value & TEXT_DECORATION_BLINK) == 0) value |= TEXT_DECORATION_BLINK; else return CSS_INVALID; } else return CSS_INVALID; consumeWhitespace(vector, ctx); ident = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (ident != NULL && ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) break; ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); } } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_TEXT_DECORATION, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_text_indent(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = TEXT_INDENT_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_TEXT_INDENT, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == TEXT_INDENT_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == TEXT_INDENT_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_text_transform(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (capitalize, uppercase, lowercase, none, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[CAPITALIZE]) { value = TEXT_TRANSFORM_CAPITALIZE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[UPPERCASE]) { value = TEXT_TRANSFORM_UPPERCASE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[LOWERCASE]) { value = TEXT_TRANSFORM_LOWERCASE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NONE]) { value = TEXT_TRANSFORM_NONE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_TEXT_TRANSFORM, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_top(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = TOP_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = TOP_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_TOP, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == TOP_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == TOP_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_unicode_bidi(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (normal, embed, bidi-override, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NORMAL]) { value = UNICODE_BIDI_NORMAL; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[EMBED]) { value = UNICODE_BIDI_EMBED; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[BIDI_OVERRIDE]) { value = UNICODE_BIDI_BIDI_OVERRIDE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_UNICODE_BIDI, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_vertical_align(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, * middle, bottom, text-bottom, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[BASELINE]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_BASELINE; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[SUB]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUB; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[SUPER]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_SUPER; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[TOP]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[TEXT_TOP]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_TOP; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[MIDDLE]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_MIDDLE; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[BOTTOM]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[TEXT_BOTTOM]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_TEXT_BOTTOM; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = VERTICAL_ALIGN_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_VERTICAL_ALIGN, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == VERTICAL_ALIGN_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == VERTICAL_ALIGN_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_visibility(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (visible, hidden, collapse, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[VISIBLE]) { value = VISIBILITY_VISIBLE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[HIDDEN]) { value = VISIBILITY_HIDDEN; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[COLLAPSE]) { value = VISIBILITY_COLLAPSE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_VISIBILITY, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_white_space(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *ident; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; /* IDENT (normal, pre, nowrap, pre-wrap, pre-line, inherit) */ ident = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (ident == NULL || ident->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (ident->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NORMAL]) { value = WHITE_SPACE_NORMAL; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[PRE]) { value = WHITE_SPACE_PRE; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[NOWRAP]) { value = WHITE_SPACE_NOWRAP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[PRE_WRAP]) { value = WHITE_SPACE_PRE_WRAP; } else if (ident->ilower == c->strings[PRE_LINE]) { value = WHITE_SPACE_PRE_LINE; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_WHITE_SPACE, flags, value); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, sizeof(opv), result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_widows(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed num = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* | IDENT (inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER)) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { size_t consumed = 0; num = number_from_lwc_string(token->ilower, true, &consumed); /* Invalid if there are trailing characters */ if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->ilower)) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative values are nonsensical */ if (num < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = WIDOWS_SET; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_WIDOWS, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WIDOWS_SET) required_size += sizeof(num); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WIDOWS_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &num, sizeof(num)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_width(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = WIDTH_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Must be positive */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = WIDTH_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_WIDTH, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WIDTH_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WIDTH_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_word_spacing(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | IDENT(normal, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[NORMAL]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = WORD_SPACING_NORMAL; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ || unit & UNIT_PCT) return CSS_INVALID; value = WORD_SPACING_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_WORD_SPACING, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WORD_SPACING_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == WORD_SPACING_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_z_index(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed num = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* | IDENT (auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); if (token == NULL || (token->type != CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->type != CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER)) return CSS_INVALID; error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { flags |= FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { value = Z_INDEX_AUTO; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER) { size_t consumed = 0; num = number_from_lwc_string(token->ilower, true, &consumed); /* Invalid if there are trailing characters */ if (consumed != lwc_string_length(token->ilower)) return CSS_INVALID; value = Z_INDEX_SET; } else return CSS_INVALID; opv = buildOPV(CSS_PROP_Z_INDEX, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == Z_INDEX_SET) required_size += sizeof(num); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == Z_INDEX_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &num, sizeof(num)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_margin_side(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint16_t op, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(auto, inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[AUTO]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); value = MARGIN_AUTO; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; value = MARGIN_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(op, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MARGIN_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == MARGIN_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; } css_error parse_padding_side(css_language *c, const parserutils_vector *vector, int *ctx, uint16_t op, css_style **result) { css_error error; const css_token *token; uint8_t flags = 0; uint16_t value = 0; uint32_t opv; css_fixed length = 0; uint32_t unit = 0; uint32_t required_size; /* length | percentage | IDENT(inherit) */ token = parserutils_vector_peek(vector, *ctx); if (token == NULL) return CSS_INVALID; if (token->type == CSS_TOKEN_IDENT && token->ilower == c->strings[INHERIT]) { parserutils_vector_iterate(vector, ctx); flags = FLAG_INHERIT; } else { error = parse_unit_specifier(c, vector, ctx, UNIT_PX, &length, &unit); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; if (unit & UNIT_ANGLE || unit & UNIT_TIME || unit & UNIT_FREQ) return CSS_INVALID; /* Negative lengths are invalid */ if (length < 0) return CSS_INVALID; value = PADDING_SET; } error = parse_important(c, vector, ctx, &flags); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; opv = buildOPV(op, flags, value); required_size = sizeof(opv); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == PADDING_SET) required_size += sizeof(length) + sizeof(unit); /* Allocate result */ error = css_stylesheet_style_create(c->sheet, required_size, result); if (error != CSS_OK) return error; /* Copy the bytecode to it */ memcpy((*result)->bytecode, &opv, sizeof(opv)); if ((flags & FLAG_INHERIT) == false && value == PADDING_SET) { memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv), &length, sizeof(length)); memcpy(((uint8_t *) (*result)->bytecode) + sizeof(opv) + sizeof(length), &unit, sizeof(unit)); } return CSS_OK; }