#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "charset/detect.h" #include "lex/lex.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "testutils.h" typedef struct exp_entry { css_token_type type; #define EXP_ENTRY_TEXT_LEN (128) char text[EXP_ENTRY_TEXT_LEN]; size_t textLen; bool hasText; } exp_entry; typedef struct line_ctx { size_t buflen; size_t bufused; uint8_t *buf; size_t explen; size_t expused; exp_entry *exp; bool indata; bool inexp; } line_ctx; static bool handle_line(const char *data, size_t datalen, void *pw); static void parse_expected(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len); static const char *string_from_type(css_token_type type); static css_token_type string_to_type(const char *data, size_t len); static void run_test(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, exp_entry *exp, size_t explen); static void *myrealloc(void *data, size_t len, void *pw) { UNUSED(pw); return realloc(data, len); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { line_ctx ctx; if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } ctx.buflen = parse_filesize(argv[1]); if (ctx.buflen == 0) return 1; ctx.buf = malloc(ctx.buflen); if (ctx.buf == NULL) { printf("Failed allocating %u bytes\n", (unsigned int) ctx.buflen); return 1; } ctx.buf[0] = '\0'; ctx.bufused = 0; ctx.explen = 0; ctx.expused = 0; ctx.exp = NULL; ctx.indata = false; ctx.inexp = false; assert(parse_testfile(argv[1], handle_line, &ctx) == true); /* and run final test */ if (ctx.bufused > 0) run_test(ctx.buf, ctx.bufused, ctx.exp, ctx.expused); free(ctx.buf); free(ctx.exp); printf("PASS\n"); return 0; } bool handle_line(const char *data, size_t datalen, void *pw) { line_ctx *ctx = (line_ctx *) pw; if (data[0] == '#') { if (ctx->inexp) { /* This marks end of testcase, so run it */ run_test(ctx->buf, ctx->bufused, ctx->exp, ctx->expused); ctx->buf[0] = '\0'; ctx->bufused = 0; ctx->expused = 0; } if (ctx->indata && strncasecmp(data+1, "expected", 8) == 0) { ctx->indata = false; ctx->inexp = true; } else if (!ctx->indata) { ctx->indata = (strncasecmp(data+1, "data", 4) == 0); ctx->inexp = (strncasecmp(data+1, "expected", 8) == 0); } else { memcpy(ctx->buf + ctx->bufused, data, datalen); ctx->bufused += datalen; } } else { if (ctx->indata) { memcpy(ctx->buf + ctx->bufused, data, datalen); ctx->bufused += datalen; } if (ctx->inexp) { if (data[datalen - 1] == '\n') datalen -= 1; parse_expected(ctx, data, datalen); } } return true; } void parse_expected(line_ctx *ctx, const char *data, size_t len) { css_token_type type; const char *colon = parse_strnchr(data, len, ':'); if (colon == NULL) colon = data + len; type = string_to_type(data, colon - data); /* Append to list of expected tokens */ if (ctx->expused == ctx->explen) { size_t num = ctx->explen == 0 ? 4 : ctx->explen; exp_entry *temp = realloc(ctx->exp, num * 2 * sizeof(exp_entry)); if (temp == NULL) { assert(0 && "No memory for expected tokens"); } ctx->exp = temp; ctx->explen = num * 2; } ctx->exp[ctx->expused].type = type; ctx->exp[ctx->expused].textLen = 0; ctx->exp[ctx->expused].hasText = (colon != data + len); if (colon != data + len) { const char *p = colon + 1; bool escape = false; for (len = len - (colon + 1 - data); len > 0; len--, p++) { char c; if (escape == false && *p == '\\') { escape = true; continue; } if (escape) { switch (*p) { case 'n': c = 0xa; break; case 't': c = 0x9; break; default: c = *p; break; } escape = false; } else { c = *p; } ctx->exp[ctx->expused].text[ ctx->exp[ctx->expused].textLen] = c; ctx->exp[ctx->expused].textLen++; assert(ctx->exp[ctx->expused].textLen < EXP_ENTRY_TEXT_LEN); } } ctx->expused++; } const char *string_from_type(css_token_type type) { const char *names[] = { "IDENT", "ATKEYWORD", "STRING", "INVALID", "HASH", "NUMBER", "PERCENTAGE", "DIMENSION", "URI", "UNICODE-RANGE", "CDO", "CDC", "S", "COMMENT", "FUNCTION", "INCLUDES", "DASHMATCH", "PREFIXMATCH", "SUFFIXMATCH", "SUBSTRINGMATCH", "CHAR", "EOF" }; return names[type]; } css_token_type string_to_type(const char *data, size_t len) { if (len == 5 && strncasecmp(data, "IDENT", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_IDENT; else if (len == 9 && strncasecmp(data, "ATKEYWORD", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_ATKEYWORD; else if (len == 6 && strncasecmp(data, "STRING", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_STRING; else if (len == 7 && strncasecmp(data, "INVALID", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_INVALID_STRING; else if (len == 4 && strncasecmp(data, "HASH", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_HASH; else if (len == 6 && strncasecmp(data, "NUMBER", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_NUMBER; else if (len == 10 && strncasecmp(data, "PERCENTAGE", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_PERCENTAGE; else if (len == 9 && strncasecmp(data, "DIMENSION", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_DIMENSION; else if (len == 3 && strncasecmp(data, "URI", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_URI; else if (len == 13 && strncasecmp(data, "UNICODE-RANGE", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_UNICODE_RANGE; else if (len == 3 && strncasecmp(data, "CDO", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_CDO; else if (len == 3 && strncasecmp(data, "CDC", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_CDC; else if (len == 1 && strncasecmp(data, "S", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_S; else if (len == 7 && strncasecmp(data, "COMMENT", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_COMMENT; else if (len == 8 && strncasecmp(data, "FUNCTION", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_FUNCTION; else if (len == 8 && strncasecmp(data, "INCLUDES", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_INCLUDES; else if (len == 9 && strncasecmp(data, "DASHMATCH", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_DASHMATCH; else if (len == 11 && strncasecmp(data, "PREFIXMATCH", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_PREFIXMATCH; else if (len == 11 && strncasecmp(data, "SUFFIXMATCH", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_SUFFIXMATCH; else if (len == 14 && strncasecmp(data, "SUBSTRINGMATCH", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_SUBSTRINGMATCH; else if (len == 4 && strncasecmp(data, "CHAR", len) == 0) return CSS_TOKEN_CHAR; else return CSS_TOKEN_EOF; } void run_test(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, exp_entry *exp, size_t explen) { parserutils_inputstream *input; css_lexer *lexer; css_error error; css_token *tok; size_t e; static int testnum; assert(parserutils_inputstream_create("UTF-8", CSS_CHARSET_DICTATED, css_charset_extract, myrealloc, NULL, &input) == PARSERUTILS_OK); assert(css_lexer_create(input, myrealloc, NULL, &lexer) == CSS_OK); assert(parserutils_inputstream_append(input, data, len) == PARSERUTILS_OK); assert(parserutils_inputstream_append(input, NULL, 0) == PARSERUTILS_OK); e = 0; testnum++; while ((error = css_lexer_get_token(lexer, &tok)) == CSS_OK) { if (tok->type != exp[e].type) { printf("%d: Got token %s, Expected %s [%d, %d]\n", testnum, string_from_type(tok->type), string_from_type(exp[e].type), tok->line, tok->col); assert(0 && "Types differ"); } if (exp[e].hasText) { if (tok->data.len != exp[e].textLen) { printf("%d: Got length %d, Expected %d\n", testnum, (int) tok->data.len, (int) exp[e].textLen); assert(0 && "Text lengths differ"); } if (strncmp((char *) tok->data.data, exp[e].text, tok->data.len) != 0) { printf("%d: Got data '%.*s', Expected '%.*s'\n", testnum, (int) tok->data.len, tok->data.data, (int) exp[e].textLen, exp[e].text); assert(0 && "Text differs"); } } e++; if (tok->type == CSS_TOKEN_EOF) break; } assert(e == explen); css_lexer_destroy(lexer); parserutils_inputstream_destroy(input); printf("Test %d: PASS\n", testnum); }