/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2007 John-Mark Bell * Copyright 2009 Bo Yang */ #include #include #include #include #include "core/characterdata.h" #include "core/document.h" #include "core/text.h" #include "utils/utils.h" /* The virtual table for dom_text */ struct dom_text_vtable text_vtable = { { { DOM_NODE_VTABLE }, DOM_CHARACTERDATA_VTABLE }, DOM_TEXT_VTABLE }; static struct dom_node_protect_vtable text_protect_vtable = { DOM_TEXT_PROTECT_VTABLE }; /* Following comes helper functions */ typedef enum walk_operation { COLLECT, DELETE } walk_operation; typedef enum walk_order { LEFT, RIGHT } walk_order; /* Walk the logic-adjacent text in document order */ static dom_exception walk_logic_adjacent_text_in_order( dom_node_internal *node, walk_operation opt, walk_order order, dom_string **ret, bool *cont); /* Walk the logic-adjacent text */ static dom_exception walk_logic_adjacent_text(dom_text *text, walk_operation opt, dom_string **ret); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Constructor and Destructor */ /** * Create a text node * * \param doc The owning document * \param name The name of the node to create * \param value The text content of the node * \param result Pointer to location to receive created node * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_NO_MEM_ERR on memory exhaustion. * * ::doc, ::name and ::value will have their reference counts increased. * * The returned node will already be referenced. */ dom_exception _dom_text_create(struct dom_document *doc, struct lwc_string_s *name, struct dom_string *value, struct dom_text **result) { struct dom_text *t; dom_exception err; /* Allocate the text node */ t = _dom_document_alloc(doc, NULL, sizeof(struct dom_text)); if (t == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; /* And initialise the node */ err = _dom_text_initialise(t, doc, DOM_TEXT_NODE, name, value); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { _dom_document_alloc(doc, t, 0); return err; } /* Compose the vtable */ ((struct dom_node *) t)->vtable = &text_vtable; ((struct dom_node_internal *) t)->vtable = &text_protect_vtable; *result = t; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Destroy a text node * * \param doc The owning document * \param text The text node to destroy * * The contents of ::text will be destroyed and ::text will be freed. */ void _dom_text_destroy(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_text *text) { /* Finalise node */ _dom_text_finalise(doc, text); /* Free node */ _dom_document_alloc(doc, text, 0); } /** * Initialise a text node * * \param text The node to initialise * \param doc The owning document * \param type The type of the node * \param name The name of the node to create * \param value The text content of the node * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success. * * ::doc, ::name and ::value will have their reference counts increased. */ dom_exception _dom_text_initialise(struct dom_text *text, struct dom_document *doc, dom_node_type type, struct lwc_string_s *name, struct dom_string *value) { dom_exception err; /* Initialise the base class */ err = _dom_characterdata_initialise(&text->base, doc, type, name, value); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; /* Perform our type-specific initialisation */ text->element_content_whitespace = false; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Finalise a text node * * \param doc The owning document * \param text The text node to finalise * * The contents of ::text will be cleaned up. ::text will not be freed. */ void _dom_text_finalise(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_text *text) { _dom_characterdata_finalise(doc, &text->base); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The public virtual functions */ /** * Split a text node at a given character offset * * \param text The node to split * \param offset Character offset to split at * \param result Pointer to location to receive new node * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR if ::offset is greater than the * number of characters in ::text, * DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if ::text is readonly. * * The returned node will be referenced. The client should unref the node * once it has finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_text_split_text(struct dom_text *text, unsigned long offset, struct dom_text **result) { struct dom_node_internal *t = (struct dom_node_internal *) text; struct dom_string *value; struct dom_text *res; unsigned long len; dom_exception err; if (_dom_node_readonly(t)) { return DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR; } err = dom_characterdata_get_length(&text->base, &len); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { return err; } if (offset >= len) { return DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR; } /* Retrieve the data after the split point -- * this will be the new node's value. */ err = dom_characterdata_substring_data(&text->base, offset, len - offset, &value); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { return err; } /* Create new node */ err = _dom_text_create(t->owner, t->name, value, &res); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(value); return err; } /* Release our reference on the value (the new node has its own) */ dom_string_unref(value); /* Delete the data after the split point */ err = dom_characterdata_delete_data(&text->base, offset, len - offset); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_node_unref(res); return err; } *result = res; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Determine if a text node contains element content whitespace * * \param text The node to consider * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_text_get_is_element_content_whitespace( struct dom_text *text, bool *result) { *result = text->element_content_whitespace; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Retrieve all text in Text nodes logically adjacent to a Text node * * \param text Text node to consider * \param result Pointer to location to receive result * \return DOM_NO_ERR. */ dom_exception _dom_text_get_whole_text(struct dom_text *text, struct dom_string **result) { return walk_logic_adjacent_text(text, COLLECT, result); } /** * Replace the text of a Text node and all logically adjacent Text nodes * * \param text Text node to consider * \param content Replacement content * \param result Pointer to location to receive Text node * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, * DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR if one of the Text nodes being * replaced is readonly. * * The returned node will be referenced. The client should unref the node * once it has finished with it. */ dom_exception _dom_text_replace_whole_text(struct dom_text *text, struct dom_string *content, struct dom_text **result) { dom_exception err; dom_string *ret; err = walk_logic_adjacent_text(text, DELETE, &ret); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; err = dom_characterdata_set_data(text, content); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; *result = text; dom_node_ref(text); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The protected virtual functions */ /* The destroy function of this class */ void __dom_text_destroy(struct dom_node_internal *node) { struct dom_document *doc; doc = dom_node_get_owner(node); _dom_text_destroy(doc, (struct dom_text *) node); } /* The memory allocator for this class */ dom_exception _dom_text_alloc(struct dom_document *doc, struct dom_node_internal *n, struct dom_node_internal **ret) { UNUSED(n); dom_text *a; a = _dom_document_alloc(doc, NULL, sizeof(struct dom_text)); if (a == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; *ret = (dom_node_internal *) a; dom_node_set_owner(*ret, doc); return DOM_NO_ERR; } /* The copy constructor of this class */ dom_exception _dom_text_copy(struct dom_node_internal *new, struct dom_node_internal *old) { dom_text *ot = (dom_text *) old; dom_text *nt = (dom_text *) new; nt->element_content_whitespace = ot->element_content_whitespace; return _dom_characterdata_copy(new, old); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Helper functions */ /** * Walk the logic adjacent text in certain order * * \param node The start Text node * \param opt The operation on each Text Node * \param order The order * \param ret The string of the logic adjacent text * \param cont Whether the logic adjacent text is interrupt here * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception walk_logic_adjacent_text_in_order( dom_node_internal *node, walk_operation opt, walk_order order, dom_string **ret, bool *cont) { dom_exception err; dom_string *data, *tmp; dom_node_internal *parent = dom_node_get_parent(node); /* If we reach the leaf of the DOM tree, just return to continue * to next sibling of our parent */ if (node == NULL) { *cont = true; return DOM_NO_ERR; } while (node != NULL) { /* If we reach the boundary of logical-adjacent text, we stop */ if (node->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE || node->type == DOM_COMMENT_NODE || node->type == DOM_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) { *cont = false; return DOM_NO_ERR; } if (node->type == DOM_TEXT_NODE) { /* According the DOM spec, text node never have child */ assert(node->first_child == NULL); assert(node->last_child == NULL); if (opt == COLLECT) { err = dom_characterdata_get_data(node, &data); if (err == DOM_NO_ERR) return err; tmp = *ret; if (order == LEFT) { err = dom_string_concat(data, tmp, ret); if (err == DOM_NO_ERR) return err; } else if (order == RIGHT) { err = dom_string_concat(tmp, data, ret); if (err == DOM_NO_ERR) return err; } dom_string_unref(tmp); dom_string_unref(data); *cont = true; return DOM_NO_ERR; } if (opt == DELETE) { dom_node_internal *tn; err = dom_node_remove_child(node->parent, node, (void *) &tn); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; *cont = true; dom_node_unref(tn); return DOM_NO_ERR; } } dom_node_internal *p = dom_node_get_parent(node); if (order == LEFT) { if (node->last_child != NULL) { node = node->last_child; } else if (node->previous != NULL) { node = node->previous; } else { while (p != parent && node == p->last_child) { node = p; p = dom_node_get_parent(p); } node = node->previous; } } else { if (node->first_child != NULL) { node = node->first_child; } else if (node->next != NULL) { node = node->next; } else { while (p != parent && node == p->first_child) { node = p; p = dom_node_get_parent(p); } node = node->next; } } } return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Traverse the logic adjacent text. * * \param text The Text Node from which we start traversal * \param opt The operation code * \param ret The returned string if the opt is COLLECT * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception walk_logic_adjacent_text(dom_text *text, walk_operation opt, dom_string **ret) { dom_node_internal *node = (dom_node_internal *) text; dom_node_internal *parent = node->parent; dom_node_internal *left = node->previous; dom_node_internal *right = node->next; dom_exception err; bool cont; if (parent->type == DOM_ENTITY_NODE) { return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /* Firstly, we look our left */ err = walk_logic_adjacent_text_in_order(left, opt, LEFT, ret, &cont); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(*ret); *ret = NULL; return err; } /* Ourself */ if (opt == COLLECT) { dom_string *data = NULL, *tmp = NULL; err = dom_characterdata_get_data(text, &data); if (err == DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(*ret); return err; } err = dom_string_concat(*ret, data, &tmp); if (err == DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(*ret); return err; } dom_string_unref(*ret); dom_string_unref(data); *ret = tmp; } else { dom_node_internal *tn; err = dom_node_remove_child(node->parent, node, (void *) &tn); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; dom_node_unref(tn); } /* Now, look right */ err = walk_logic_adjacent_text_in_order(right, opt, RIGHT, ret, &cont); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) { dom_string_unref(*ret); *ret = NULL; return err; } return DOM_NO_ERR; }