/* * This file is part of libdom. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2012 John-Mark Bell */ #include #include #include #include #include "html/html_document.h" #include "html/html_option_element.h" #include "core/node.h" #include "core/attr.h" #include "utils/utils.h" static struct dom_element_protected_vtable _protect_vtable = { { DOM_NODE_PROTECT_VTABLE_HTML_OPTION_ELEMENT }, DOM_HTML_OPTION_ELEMENT_PROTECT_VTABLE }; /** * Create a dom_html_option_element object * * \param doc The document object * \param ele The returned element object * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_html_option_element_create(struct dom_html_document *doc, dom_string *namespace, dom_string *prefix, struct dom_html_option_element **ele) { struct dom_node_internal *node; *ele = malloc(sizeof(dom_html_option_element)); if (*ele == NULL) return DOM_NO_MEM_ERR; /* Set up vtables */ node = (struct dom_node_internal *) *ele; node->base.vtable = &_dom_html_element_vtable; node->vtable = &_protect_vtable; return _dom_html_option_element_initialise(doc, namespace, prefix, *ele); } /** * Initialise a dom_html_option_element object * * \param doc The document object * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception _dom_html_option_element_initialise(struct dom_html_document *doc, dom_string *namespace, dom_string *prefix, struct dom_html_option_element *ele) { ele->default_selected = false; ele->default_selected_set = false; return _dom_html_element_initialise(doc, &ele->base, doc->memoised[hds_OPTION], namespace, prefix); } /** * Finalise a dom_html_option_element object * * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object */ void _dom_html_option_element_finalise(struct dom_html_option_element *ele) { _dom_html_element_finalise(&ele->base); } /** * Destroy a dom_html_option_element object * * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object */ void _dom_html_option_element_destroy(struct dom_html_option_element *ele) { _dom_html_option_element_finalise(ele); free(ele); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Public APIs */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_form( dom_html_option_element *option, dom_html_form_element **form) { dom_html_document *doc; dom_node_internal *select = ((dom_node_internal *) option)->parent; doc = (dom_html_document *) ((dom_node_internal *) option)->owner; /* Search ancestor chain for SELECT element */ while (select != NULL) { if (select->type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE && dom_string_caseless_isequal(select->name, doc->memoised[hds_SELECT])) break; select = select->parent; } if (select != NULL) { return dom_html_select_element_get_form((dom_html_select_element *) select, form); } *form = NULL; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Get the defaultSelected property * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param default_selected Pointer to location to receive value * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_default_selected( dom_html_option_element *option, bool *default_selected) { *default_selected = option->default_selected; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Set the defaultSelected property * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param default_selected New value for property * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_set_default_selected( dom_html_option_element *option, bool default_selected) { option->default_selected = default_selected; option->default_selected_set = true; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /** * Get the text contained in the option * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param text Pointer to location to receive text * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_text( dom_html_option_element *option, dom_string **text) { return dom_node_get_text_content(option, text); } /** * Obtain the index of this option in its parent * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param index Pointer to receive zero-based index * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_index( dom_html_option_element *option, unsigned long *index) { UNUSED(option); UNUSED(index); /** \todo Implement */ return DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR; } /** * Get the disabled property * * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object * \param disabled The returned status * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_disabled(dom_html_option_element *ele, bool *disabled) { return dom_html_element_get_bool_property(&ele->base, "disabled", SLEN("disabled"), disabled); } /** * Set the disabled property * * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object * \param disabled The status * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_set_disabled(dom_html_option_element *ele, bool disabled) { return dom_html_element_set_bool_property(&ele->base, "disabled", SLEN("disabled"), disabled); } /** * Get the label property * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param label Pointer to location to receive label * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_label( dom_html_option_element *option, dom_string **label) { dom_html_document *doc; doc = (dom_html_document *) ((dom_node_internal *) option)->owner; return dom_element_get_attribute(option, doc->memoised[hds_label], label); } /** * Set the label property * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param label Label value * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_set_label( dom_html_option_element *option, dom_string *label) { dom_html_document *doc; doc = (dom_html_document *) ((dom_node_internal *) option)->owner; return dom_element_set_attribute(option, doc->memoised[hds_label], label); } /** * Get the selected property * * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object * \param selected The returned status * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_selected(dom_html_option_element *ele, bool *selected) { return dom_html_element_get_bool_property(&ele->base, "selected", SLEN("selected"), selected); } /** * Set the selected property * * \param ele The dom_html_option_element object * \param selected The status * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate dom_exception on failure. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_set_selected(dom_html_option_element *ele, bool selected) { return dom_html_element_set_bool_property(&ele->base, "selected", SLEN("selected"), selected); } /** * Get the value property * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param value Pointer to location to receive property value * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_get_value( dom_html_option_element *option, dom_string **value) { dom_html_document *doc; bool has_value = false; dom_exception err; doc = (dom_html_document *) ((dom_node_internal *) option)->owner; err = dom_element_has_attribute(option, doc->memoised[hds_value], &has_value); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return err; if (has_value) { return dom_element_get_attribute(option, doc->memoised[hds_value], value); } return dom_html_option_element_get_text(option, value); } /** * Set the value property * * \param option The dom_html_option_element object * \param value Property value * \return DOM_NO_ERR on success, appropriate error otherwise. */ dom_exception dom_html_option_element_set_value( dom_html_option_element *option, dom_string *value) { dom_html_document *doc; doc = (dom_html_document *) ((dom_node_internal *) option)->owner; return dom_element_set_attribute(option, doc->memoised[hds_value], value); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* The protected virtual functions */ /* The virtual function used to parse attribute value, see src/core/element.c * for detail */ dom_exception _dom_html_option_element_parse_attribute(dom_element *ele, dom_string *name, dom_string *value, dom_string **parsed) { dom_html_option_element *option = (dom_html_option_element *)ele; dom_html_document *html = (dom_html_document *)(ele->base.owner); /** \todo Find some way to do the equiv for default_selected to be * false instead of true. Some end-tag hook in the binding perhaps? */ if (dom_string_caseless_isequal(name, html->memoised[hds_selected])) { if (option->default_selected_set == false) { option->default_selected = true; option->default_selected_set = true; } } dom_string_ref(value); *parsed = value; return DOM_NO_ERR; } /* The virtual destroy function, see src/core/node.c for detail */ void _dom_virtual_html_option_element_destroy(dom_node_internal *node) { _dom_html_option_element_destroy((struct dom_html_option_element *) node); } /* The virtual copy function, see src/core/node.c for detail */ dom_exception _dom_html_option_element_copy(dom_node_internal *old, dom_node_internal **copy) { return _dom_html_element_copy(old, copy); }