dom1-interfaces.xml ctypes.xml Unrecognized element #include <string.h> #include <dom/dom.h> #include "testutils.h" int main(int argc, char **argv) { dom_exception err; return 0; } /* This source file was generated by test-to-c.xsl and is a derived work from the source document. The source document contained the following notice: */ /** */ TestObject *testObject = test_object_create(argc, argv, ".xml", false); assert(testObject != NULL); = test_object_get_doc(testObject); assert( != NULL); strcmp(test_object_get_mimetype(testObject), "") == 0 ; if () { } else { } err = _set_ _get_ ( , & ); assert(err == DOM_NO_ERR); domString_ err = _ ( , , & ); assert(err == DOM_NO_ERR); domString_ DOMString ( ) assert( != NULL); assert( == NULL); struct * * struct dom_string * ; err = dom_string_create_from_const_ptr( , (uint8_t *) , SLEN( ), & ); assert(err == DOM_NO_ERR); * *