path: root/test/data/html/section-tree-construction.html
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+<html lang="en-GB-hixie">
+ <head>
+ <title>HTML 5</title>
+ <link href="/style/specification" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
+ <link href="/images/icon" rel="icon">
+ <style type="text/css">
+ h4 + .element { margin-top: -2.5em; padding-top: 2em; }
+ h4 + p + .element { margin-top: -5em; padding-top: 4em; }
+ .element { background: #EEFFEE; color: black; margin: 0 0 1em -1em; padding: 0 1em 0.25em 0.75em; border-left: solid #99FF99 0.25em; -padding: 0; /* that last decl is for IE6. Try removing it, it's hilarious! */ }
+ .proposal { border: blue solid; padding: 1em; }
+ table.matrix, table.matrix td { border: none; text-align: right; }
+ table.matrix { margin-left: 2em; }
+ </style>
+ <link href="section-tokenisation.html#nav-bar" rel="prev" title="8.2.3. Tokenisation"><link href="index.html#contents" rel="index" title="Table of contents"><link href="section-namespaces.html#nav-bar" rel="next" title="8.3. Namespaces"></head><body class="draft"><div class="head">
+ <p><a href="" class="logo" rel="home"><img src="/images/logo" alt="WHATWG"></a></p>
+ <h1 id="html-5">HTML 5</h1>
+ <h2 id="working" class="no-num no-toc">Working Draft — 12 June 2007</h2></div><nav id="nav-bar"><a href="section-tokenisation.html#nav-bar">&lt; 8.2.3. Tokenisation</a> – <a href="index.html#contents">Table of contents</a> – <a href="section-namespaces.html#nav-bar">8.3. Namespaces &gt;</a></nav><h4 id="tree-construction"><span class="secno">8.2.4. </span><dfn id="tree-construction0">Tree construction</dfn></h4>
+ <p>The input to the tree construction stage is a sequence of tokens from
+ the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#tokenisation0">tokenisation</a> stage. The tree construction
+ stage is associated with a DOM <code>Document</code> object when a parser
+ is created. The &quot;output&quot; of this stage consists of dynamically modifying
+ or extending that document's DOM tree.
+ </p><p>Tree construction passes through several phases. Initially, UAs must act
+ according to the steps described as being those of <a href="#the-initial0">the initial phase</a>.
+ </p><p>This specification does not define when an interactive user agent has to
+ render the <code>Document</code> available to the user, or when it has to
+ begin accepting user input.
+ </p><p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="append">append a
+ character</dfn> to a node, the UA must collect it and all subsequent
+ consecutive characters that would be appended to that node, and insert one
+ <code>Text</code> node whose data is the concatenation of all those
+ characters.
+ </p><p id="mutation-during-parsing">DOM mutation events must not fire for changes
+ caused by the UA parsing the document. (Conceptually, the parser is not
+ mutating the DOM, it is constructing it.) This includes the parsing of any
+ content inserted using <code title="dom-document-write-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> and <code title="dom-document-writeln"><a href="section-dynamic.html#document.writeln">document.writeln()</a></code> calls.<!--
+ XXX xref -->
+ <a href="#refsDOM3EVENTS">[DOM3EVENTS]</a></p>
+ <!-- XXX
+ what abotu innerHTML? -->
+ <p class="note">Not all of the tag names mentioned below are conformant tag
+ names in this specification; many are included to handle legacy content.
+ They still form part of the algorithm that implementations are required to
+ implement to claim conformance.
+ </p><p class="note">The algorithm described below places no limit on the depth of
+ the DOM tree generated, or on the length of tag names, attribute names,
+ attribute values, text nodes, etc. While implementators are encouraged to
+ avoid arbitrary limits, it is recognised that <a href="section-conformance.html#hardwareLimitations">practical concerns</a> will likely force user
+ agents to impose nesting depths.
+ </p><h5 id="the-initial"><span class="secno"> </span><dfn id="the-initial0">The initial phase</dfn></h5>
+ <p>Initially, the tree construction stage must handle each token emitted
+ from the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#tokenisation0">tokenisation</a> stage as follows:
+ </p><dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A DOCTYPE token that is marked as being in error
+ </dt><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dt>A start tag token
+ </dt><dt>An end tag token
+ </dt><dt>A character token that is not one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dt>An end-of-file token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>This specification does not define how to handle this case. In
+ particular, user agents may ignore the entirety of this specification
+ altogether for such documents, and instead invoke special parse modes
+ with a greater emphasis on backwards compatibility.</p>
+ <div class="note">
+ <p>Browsers in particular have generally used DOCTYPE-based sniffing to
+ invoke an &quot;alternative conformance mode&quot; known as <em>quirks mode</em>
+ on certain documents. In this mode, emphasis is put on legacy
+ compatibility rather than on standards compliance. This specification
+ takes no position on this behaviour; documents without DOCTYPEs or with
+ DOCTYPEs that do not conform to the syntax allowed by this
+ specification are considered to be out of scope of this specification.</p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="big-issue">
+ <p>As far as parsing goes, the quirks I know of are:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Comment parsing is different.
+ </li><li>The following is considered one script block (!):
+ <pre>&lt;script&gt;&lt;!-- document.write('&lt;/script&gt;'); --&gt;&lt;/script&gt;</pre>
+ </li><li><code title="">&lt;/br&gt;</code> and <code title="">&lt;/p&gt;</code> do
+ magical things.
+ </li><li><code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> can contain <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code>
+ </li><li>Safari and IE have special parsing rules for &lt;% ... %&gt; (even
+ in standards mode, though clearly this should be quirks-only).
+ </li></ul>
+ <p>Maybe we should just adopt all those and be done with it. One parsing
+ mode to rule them all. Or legitimise/codify the quirks mode parsing in
+ some way.</p>
+ <p>Would be interesting to do a search to see how many pages hit each of
+ the above.</p>
+ <!-- biased by page rank? --></div>
+ </dd><dt>A DOCTYPE token marked as being correct
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>DocumentType</code> node to the <code>Document</code>
+ node, with the <code title="">name</code> attribute set to the name
+ given in the DOCTYPE token (which will be &quot;HTML&quot;), and the other
+ attributes specific to <code>DocumentType</code> objects set to null,
+ empty lists, or the empty string as appropriate.</p>
+ <p>Then, switch to <a href="#the-root1">the root element phase</a> of the
+ tree construction stage.</p>
+ <!-- XXX should set doctype on the Document object, too, unless
+ spec is defined to already point to it if you append -->
+ </dd><dt>A character token that <em>is</em> one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append that character</a>
+ to the <code>Document</code> node.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <h5 id="the-root0"><span class="secno"> </span><dfn id="the-root1">The
+ root element phase</dfn></h5>
+ <p>After <a href="#the-initial0">the initial phase</a>, as each token is
+ emitted from the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#tokenisation0">tokenisation</a> stage, it must
+ be processed as described in this section.
+ </p><dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A DOCTYPE token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <code>Document</code> object
+ with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in
+ the comment token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append that character</a>
+ to the <code>Document</code> node.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A character token that is <em>not</em> one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dt>A start tag token
+ </dt><dt>An end tag token
+ </dt><dt>An end-of-file token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Create an <code><a href="section-elements.html#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> node
+ with the tag name <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code>, in the <a href="section-namespaces.html#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>. Append it to the
+ <code>Document</code> object. Switch to <a href="#the-main0">the main
+ phase</a> and reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="big-issue">Should probably make end tags be ignored, so that
+ &quot;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;!-- --&gt;&lt;html&gt;&quot; puts the comment befor the root node
+ (or should we?)</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <p>The root element can end up being removed from the <code>Document</code>
+ object, e.g. by scripts; nothing in particular happens in such cases,
+ content continues being appended to the nodes as described in the next
+ section.
+ </p><h5 id="the-main"><span class="secno"> </span><dfn id="the-main0">The
+ main phase</dfn></h5>
+ <p>After <a href="#the-root1">the root element phase</a>, each token
+ emitted from the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#tokenisation0">tokenisation</a> stage must be
+ processed as described in <em>this</em> section. This is by far the most
+ involved part of parsing an HTML document.
+ </p><p>The tree construction stage in this phase has several pieces of state: a
+ <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, a <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a>, a <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>, a <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element pointer</a>, and an <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>.
+ </p><p class="big-issue">We could just fold insertion modes and phases into one
+ concept (and duplicate the two rules common to all insertion modes into
+ all of them).
+ </p><h6 id="the-stack"><span class="secno"> </span>The stack of open
+ elements</h6>
+ <p>Initially the <dfn id="stack">stack of open elements</dfn> contains just
+ the <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> root element node created in the
+ <a href="#the-root1" title="the root element phase">last phase</a> before
+ switching to <em>this</em> phase (or, in the <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>, the <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element created to represent the element
+ whose <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute is being set). That's
+ the topmost node of the stack. It never gets popped off the stack. (This
+ stack grows downwards.)
+ </p><p>The <dfn id="current4">current node</dfn> is the bottommost node in this
+ stack.
+ </p><p>Elements in the stack fall into the following categories:
+ </p><dl>
+ <dt><dfn id="special">Special</dfn>
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>The following HTML elements have varying levels of special parsing
+ rules: <code><a href="section-sections.html#address">address</a></code>, <code><a href="section-the-canvas.html#area">area</a></code>, <code><a href="section-document.html#base">base</a></code>,
+ <code>basefont</code>, <code>bgsound</code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#blockquote">blockquote</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code>, <code><a href="section-prose.html#br">br</a></code>,
+ <code>center</code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#col">col</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#colgroup">colgroup</a></code>, <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dd">dd</a></code>,
+ <code>dir</code>, <code><a href="section-miscellaneous.html#div">div</a></code>, <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dl">dl</a></code>, <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dt">dt</a></code>, <code><a href="section-embedded.html#embed">embed</a></code>, <code>fieldset</code>,
+ <code>form</code>, <code>frame</code>, <code>frameset</code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#h1">h1</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#h2">h2</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#h3">h3</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#h4">h4</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#h5">h5</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#h6">h6</a></code>, <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code>, <code><a href="section-prose.html#hr">hr</a></code>,
+ <code><a href="section-embedded.html#iframe">iframe</a></code>,
+ <code>image</code><!-- XXX ? this isn't an element that can end up
+ on the stack-->,
+ <code><a href="section-embedded.html#img">img</a></code>, <code>input</code>,
+ <code>isindex</code>, <code><a href="section-lists0.html#li">li</a></code>, <code><a href="section-document.html#link">link</a></code>, <code>listing</code>, <code><a href="section-the-command.html#menu">menu</a></code>, <code><a href="section-document.html#meta0">meta</a></code>,
+ <code>noembed</code>, <code>noframes</code>, <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#noscript">noscript</a></code>, <code><a href="section-lists0.html#ol">ol</a></code>,
+ <code>optgroup</code>, <code>option</code>, <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code>, <code><a href="section-embedded.html#param">param</a></code>,
+ <code>plaintext</code>, <code><a href="section-preformatted.html#pre">pre</a></code>, <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code>, <code>select</code>,
+ <code>spacer</code>, <code><a href="section-document.html#style">style</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tbody">tbody</a></code>, <code>textarea</code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tfoot0">tfoot</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#thead0">thead</a></code>, <code><a href="section-document.html#title1">title</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code>,
+ <code><a href="section-lists0.html#ul">ul</a></code>, and <code>wbr</code>.
+ </p></dd><dt><dfn id="scoping">Scoping</dfn>
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>The following HTML elements introduce new <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">scopes</a> for various parts of the
+ parsing: <code>button</code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#caption0">caption</a></code>, <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code>, <code>marquee</code>, <code><a href="section-embedded.html#object">object</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#td">td</a></code> and
+ <code><a href="section-tabular.html#th">th</a></code>.
+ </p></dd><dt><dfn id="formatting">Formatting</dfn>
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>The following HTML elements are those that end up in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>: <code><a href="section-phrase.html#a">a</a></code>, <code><a href="section-phrase.html#b">b</a></code>,
+ <code>big</code>, <code><a href="section-phrase.html#em">em</a></code>, <code><a href="section-presentational.html#font">font</a></code>, <code><a href="section-phrase.html#i">i</a></code>,
+ <code>nobr</code>, <code>s</code>, <code><a href="section-phrase.html#small">small</a></code>, <code>strike</code>, <code><a href="section-phrase.html#strong">strong</a></code>, <code>tt</code>, and <code>u</code>.
+ </p></dd><dt><dfn id="phrasing">Phrasing</dfn>
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>All other elements found while parsing an HTML document.
+ </p></dd></dl>
+ <p class="big-issue">Still need to add these new elements to the lists:
+ <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#event-source">event-source</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#section">section</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#nav">nav</a></code>,
+ <code><a href="section-sections.html#article">article</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#aside">aside</a></code>, <code><a href="section-sections.html#header">header</a></code>,
+ <code><a href="section-sections.html#footer">footer</a></code>, <code><a href="section-interactive.html#datagrid0">datagrid</a></code>, <code><a href="section-the-command.html#command0">command</a></code>
+ </p><p>The <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> is said to <dfn id="have-an" title="has an element in scope">have an element in scope</dfn>
+ or <dfn id="have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an element
+ in <em>table scope</em></dfn> when the following algorithm terminates in a
+ match state:
+ </p><ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the stack).
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If <var title="">node</var> is the target node, terminate in a match
+ state.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element, terminate in a failure state.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Otherwise, if the algorithm is the &quot;has an element in scope&quot; variant
+ (rather than the &quot;has an element in table scope&quot; variant), and <var title="">node</var> is one of the following, terminate in a failure
+ state:</p>
+ <ul class="brief">
+ <li><code><a href="section-tabular.html#caption0">caption</a></code>
+ </li><li><code><a href="section-tabular.html#td">td</a></code>
+ </li><li><code><a href="section-tabular.html#th">th</a></code>
+ </li><li><code>button</code>
+ </li><li><code>marquee</code>
+ </li><li><code><a href="section-embedded.html#object">object</a></code>
+ </li></ul>
+ </li><li>
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, terminate in a failure state.
+ (This can only happen if the <var title="">node</var> is the topmost
+ node of the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, and prevents
+ the next step from being invoked if there are no more elements in the
+ stack.)
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Otherwise, set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in the
+ <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> and return to step 2. (This
+ will never fail, since the loop will always terminate in the previous
+ step if the top of the stack is reached.)
+ </p></li></ol>
+ <p>Nothing happens if at any time any of the elements in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> are moved to a new location in,
+ or removed from, the <code>Document</code> tree. In particular, the stack
+ is not changed in this situation. This can cause, amongst other strange
+ effects, content to be appended to nodes that are no longer in the DOM.
+ </p><p class="note">In some cases (namely, when <a href="#adoptionAgency">closing
+ misnested formatting elements</a>), the stack is manipulated in a
+ random-access fashion.
+ </p><h6 id="the-list"><span class="secno"> </span>The list of active
+ formatting elements</h6>
+ <p>Initially the <dfn id="list-of4">list of active formatting elements</dfn>
+ is empty. It is used to handle mis-nested <a href="#formatting" title="formatting">formatting element tags</a>.
+ </p><p>The list contains elements in the <a href="#formatting">formatting</a>
+ category, and scope markers. The scope markers are inserted when entering
+ buttons, <code><a href="section-embedded.html#object">object</a></code> elements, marquees,
+ table cells, and table captions, and are used to prevent formatting from
+ &quot;leaking&quot; into tables, buttons, <code><a href="section-embedded.html#object">object</a></code>
+ elements, and marquees.
+ </p><p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="reconstruct">reconstruct
+ the active formatting elements</dfn>, the UA must perform the following
+ steps:
+ </p><ol>
+ <li>If there are no entries in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active
+ formatting elements</a>, then there is nothing to reconstruct; stop this
+ algorithm.
+ </li><li>If the last (most recently added) entry in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a> is a marker, or
+ if it is an element that is in the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a>, then there is nothing to reconstruct; stop this algorithm.
+ </li><li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the last (most recently added)
+ element in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting
+ elements</a>.
+ </li><li>If there are no entries before <var title="">entry</var> in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>, then jump to
+ step 8.
+ </li><li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the entry one earlier than <var title="">entry</var> in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting
+ elements</a>.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">entry</var> is neither a marker nor an element that
+ is also in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, go to step 4.
+ </li><li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the element one later than <var title="">entry</var> in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting
+ elements</a>.
+ </li><li>Perform a shallow clone of the element <var title="">entry</var> to
+ obtain <var title="">clone</var>. <a href="#refsDOM3CORE">[DOM3CORE]</a>
+ </li><li>Append <var title="">clone</var> to the <a href="#current4">current
+ node</a> and push it onto the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>
+ so that it is the new <a href="#current4">current node</a>.
+ </li><li>Replace the entry for <var title="">entry</var> in the list with an
+ entry for <var title="">clone</var>.
+ </li><li>If the entry for <var title="">clone</var> in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a> is not the last
+ entry in the list, return to step 7.
+ </li></ol>
+ <p>This has the effect of reopening all the formatting elements that were
+ opened in the current body, cell, or caption (whichever is youngest) that
+ haven't been explicitly closed.
+ </p><p class="note">The way this specification is written, the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a> always consists of
+ elements in chronological order with the least recently added element
+ first and the most recently added element last (except for while steps 8
+ to 11 of the above algorithm are being executed, of course).
+ </p><p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="clear0">clear the list of
+ active formatting elements up to the last marker</dfn>, the UA must
+ perform the following steps:
+ </p><ol>
+ <li>Let <var title="">entry</var> be the last (most recently added) entry
+ in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>.
+ </li><li>Remove <var title="">entry</var> from the <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a>.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">entry</var> was a marker, then stop the algorithm at
+ this point. The list has been cleared up to the last marker.
+ </li><li>Go to step 1.
+ </li></ol>
+ <h6 id="creating"><span class="secno"> </span>Creating and inserting
+ HTML elements</h6>
+ <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="create" title="create an
+ element for the token">create an element for a token</dfn>, the UA must
+ create a node implementing the interface appropriate for the element type
+ corresponding to the tag name of the token (as given in the section of
+ this specification that defines that element, e.g. for an <code><a href="section-phrase.html#a">a</a></code> element it would be the <code><a href="section-phrase.html#htmlanchorelement">HTMLAnchorElement</a></code> interface), with
+ the tag name being the name of that element, with the node being in the <a href="section-namespaces.html#html-namespace0">HTML namespace</a>, and with the attributes on the
+ node being those given in the given token.
+ </p><p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="insert">insert an HTML
+ element</dfn> for a token, the UA must first <a href="#create">create an
+ element for the token</a>, and then append this node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>, and push it onto the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> so that it is the new <a href="#current4">current node</a>.
+ </p><p>The steps below may also require that the UA insert an HTML element in a
+ particular place, in which case the UA must <a href="#create">create an
+ element for the token</a> and then insert or append the new node in the
+ location specified. (This happens in particular during the parsing of
+ tables with invalid content.)
+ </p><p>The interface appropriate for an element that is not defined in this
+ specification is <code><a href="section-elements.html#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code>.
+ </p><h6 id="closing"><span class="secno"> </span>Closing elements that
+ have implied end tags</h6>
+ <p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="generate">generate implied
+ end tags</dfn>, then, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is a
+ <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dd">dd</a></code> element, a <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dt">dt</a></code> element, an <code><a href="section-lists0.html#li">li</a></code>
+ element, a <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> element, a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#td">td</a></code> element, a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#th">th</a></code>
+ element, or a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code> element, the UA must act
+ as if an end tag with the respective tag name had been seen and then <a href="#generate">generate implied end tags</a> again.
+ </p><p>The step that requires the UA to generate implied end tags but lists an
+ element to exclude from the process, then the UA must perform the above
+ steps as if that element was not in the above list.
+ </p><h6 id="the-element"><span class="secno"> </span>The element pointers</h6>
+ <p>Initially the <dfn id="head-element"><code title="">head</code> element
+ pointer</dfn> and the <dfn id="form-element"><code title="">form</code>
+ element pointer</dfn> are both null.
+ </p><p>Once a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> element has been parsed
+ (whether implicitly or explicitly) the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a> gets set to point to this node.
+ </p><p>The <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element
+ pointer</a> points to the last <code>form</code> element that was opened
+ and whose end tag has not yet been seen. It is used to make form controls
+ associate with forms in the face of dramatically bad markup, for
+ historical reasons.
+ </p><h6 id="the-insertion"><span class="secno"> </span>The insertion mode</h6>
+ <p>Initially the <dfn id="insertion0">insertion mode</dfn> is &quot;<a href="#before2" title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>&quot;. It
+ can change to &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in
+ head</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after
+ head</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in
+ body</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in
+ table</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-caption" title="insertion mode: in caption">in
+ caption</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-column" title="insertion mode: in column
+ group">in column group</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-table0" title="insertion mode:
+ in table body">in table body</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-row" title="insertion
+ mode: in row">in row</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-cell" title="insertion mode: in
+ cell">in cell</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-select" title="insertion mode: in
+ select">in select</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#after2" title="insertion mode: after
+ body">after body</a>&quot;, &quot;<a href="#in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in
+ frameset">in frameset</a>&quot;, and &quot;<a href="#after3" title="insertion mode:
+ after frameset">after frameset</a>&quot; during the course of the parsing, as
+ described below. It affects how certain tokens are processed.
+ </p><p>If the tree construction stage is switched from <a href="#the-main0">the
+ main phase</a> to <a href="#the-trailing0">the trailing end phase</a> and
+ back again, the various pieces of state are not reset; the UA must act as
+ if the state was maintained.
+ </p><p>When the steps below require the UA to <dfn id="reset">reset the insertion
+ mode appropriately</dfn>, it means the UA must follow these steps:
+ </p><ol>
+ <li>Let <var title="">last</var> be false.
+ </li><li>Let <var title="">node</var> be the last node in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is the first node in the stack of open
+ elements, then set <var title="">last</var> to true. If the element whose
+ <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>
+ attribute is being set is neither a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#td">td</a></code>
+ element nor a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#th">th</a></code> element, then set <var title="">node</var> to the element whose <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>
+ attribute is being set. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>)
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code>select</code> element, then
+ switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-select" title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>&quot; and
+ abort these steps. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>)
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#td">td</a></code> or
+ <code><a href="section-tabular.html#th">th</a></code> element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-cell" title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</a>&quot; and abort these steps.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code>
+ element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-row" title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>&quot; and abort these
+ steps.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tbody">tbody</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#thead0">thead</a></code>,
+ or <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tfoot0">tfoot</a></code> element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table0" title="insertion mode: in table body">in table body</a>&quot; and abort these
+ steps.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#caption0">caption</a></code> element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-caption" title="insertion mode: in caption">in caption</a>&quot; and abort these steps.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#colgroup">colgroup</a></code> element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-column" title="insertion mode: in column group">in column group</a>&quot; and abort
+ these steps. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>&quot; and abort these steps.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code>
+ element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot; (&quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot;! <em> not
+ &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot;</em>!)
+ and abort these steps. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>)
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code> element, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot; and abort these steps.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code>frameset</code> element, then
+ switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in frameset">in frameset</a>&quot;
+ and abort these steps. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>)
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, then: if the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a> is
+ null, switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#before2" title="insertion mode: before head">before head</a>&quot;,
+ otherwise, switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>&quot;. In
+ either case, abort these steps. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</li>
+ <!-- XXX can the head element pointer ever be
+ non-null when we're going through these steps? -->
+ <li>If <var title="">last</var> is true, then set the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot; and abort these steps. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)
+ </li><li>Let <var title="">node</var> now be the node before <var title="">node</var> in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.
+ </li><li>Return to step 3.
+ </li></ol>
+ <!--When you don't have to handle innerHTML, you can use this
+simplified explanation instead:
+ <ol>
+ <li><p>If the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span title="has
+ an element in table scope">has a <code>td</code> or <code>th</code>
+ element in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion
+ mode</span> to "<span title="insertion mode: in cell">in
+ cell</span>".</p></li>
+ <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span
+ title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>tr</code> element
+ in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion mode</span>
+ to "<span title="insertion mode: in row">in row</span>".</p></li>
+ <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span
+ title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>tbody</code>,
+ <code>tfoot</code>, or <code>thead</code> element in table
+ scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<span
+ title="insertion mode: in table body">in table
+ body</span>".</p></li>
+ <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span
+ title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>caption</code>
+ element in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion
+ mode</span> to "<span title="insertion mode: in caption">in
+ caption</span>".</p></li>
+ ( you can't reach this point with a colgroup element on the
+ stack )
+ <li><p>Otherwise, if the <span>stack of open elements</span> <span
+ title="has an element in table scope">has a <code>table</code>
+ element in table scope</span>, then switch the <span>insertion
+ mode</span> to "<span title="insertion mode: in table">in
+ table</span>".</p></li>
+ <li><p>Otherwise, switch the <span>insertion mode</span> to "<span
+ title="insertion mode: in body">in body</span>".</p></li>
+ </ol>
+ <h6 id="how-to0"><span class="secno"> </span>How to handle tokens in
+ the main phase</h6>
+ <p>Tokens in the main phase must be handled as follows:
+ </p><dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A DOCTYPE token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token with the tag name &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If this start tag token was not the first start tag token, then it is
+ a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>For each attribute on the token, check to see if the attribute is
+ already present on the top element of the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a>. If it is not, add the attribute and its corresponding
+ value to that element.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end-of-file token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags.</a></p>
+ <p>If there are more than two nodes on the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a>, or if there are two nodes but the second node is not a
+ <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code> node, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, if the parser was originally created in order to handle the
+ setting of an element's <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute, and there's more than
+ one element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, and the
+ second node on the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> is not a
+ <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code> node, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p><a href="#stops">Stop parsing.</a></p>
+ <p class="big-issue">This fails because it doesn't imply HEAD and BODY
+ tags. We should probably expand out the insertion modes and merge them
+ with phases and then put the three things here into each insertion mode
+ instead of trying to factor them out so carefully.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Depends on the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="before2" title="insertion mode: before head">before head</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token with the tag name &quot;head&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>Set the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element
+ pointer</a> to this new element node.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>
+ and push it onto the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: &quot;base&quot;, &quot;link&quot;,
+ &quot;meta&quot;, &quot;script&quot;, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;title&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;head&quot; and no
+ attributes had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">This will result in a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> element being generated, and with the
+ current token being reprocessed in the &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot; <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;head&quot; and no
+ attributes had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Any other end tag
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A character token that is <em>not</em> one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dt>Any other start tag token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;head&quot; and no
+ attributes had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">This will result in an empty <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> element being generated, with the
+ current token being reprocessed in the &quot;<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>&quot; <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-inhead">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in
+ head</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows.</p>
+ <p class="note">The rules for handling &quot;title&quot;, &quot;style&quot;, and &quot;script&quot;
+ start tags are similar, but not identical.</p>
+ <p class="note">It is possible for the <a href="#tree-construction0">tree
+ construction</a> stage's <a href="#the-main0" title="the main
+ phase">main phase</a> to be in the &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot; <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> without the <a href="#current4">current node</a> being a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> element, e.g. if a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> end tag is immediately followed by a
+ <code><a href="section-document.html#meta0">meta</a></code> start tag.</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;title&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the node pointed to by the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>,
+ or, if that is null (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>), to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a>
+ to the RCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns
+ until it returns a token that is not a character token.</p>
+ <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,
+ append a single <code>Text</code> node to the <code><a href="section-document.html#title1">title</a></code> element node whose contents is the
+ concatenation of all those tokens' characters.</p>
+ <p>The tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> will
+ have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the tag name &quot;title&quot;,
+ ignore it. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;style&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current4">current
+ node</a>, unless the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot; and the
+ <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element
+ pointer</a> is not null, in which case append it to the node pointed
+ to by the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element
+ pointer</a>. <!--
+ <head></head><style><body> should put the style block in the
+ head, and does so by switching back to in head, but the head
+ isn't the current node at that point (comments should go
+ between the head and the body) -->.</p>
+ <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a>
+ to the CDATA state.</p>
+ <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns
+ until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it
+ stops tokenising.</p>
+ <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,
+ append a single <code>Text</code> node to the <code><a href="section-document.html#style">style</a></code> element node whose contents is the
+ concatenation of all those tokens' characters.</p>
+ <p>The tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> will
+ have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the tag name &quot;style&quot;,
+ ignore it. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="scriptTag">A start tag with the tag name &quot;script&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>Mark the element as being <a href="section-scripting0.html#parser-inserted">&quot;parser-inserted&quot;</a>. This ensures that, if
+ the script is external, any <code title="dom-document-write-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#document.write0">document.write()</a></code> calls in the
+ script will execute in-line, instead of blowing the document away,
+ as would happen in most other cases.</p>
+ <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a>
+ to the CDATA state.</p>
+ <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns
+ until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it
+ stops tokenising.</p>
+ <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,
+ append a single <code>Text</code> node to the <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code> element node whose contents is the
+ concatenation of all those tokens' characters.</p>
+ <p>The tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> will
+ have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is not an end tag token with the tag name
+ &quot;script&quot;, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; mark the
+ <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code> element as <a href="section-scripting0.html#already">&quot;already executed&quot;</a>. Otherwise, the token is the
+ <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code> element's end tag, so
+ ignore it.</p>
+ <p>If the parser was originally created in order to handle the
+ setting of a node's <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute, then mark the
+ <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code> element as <a href="section-scripting0.html#already">&quot;already executed&quot;</a>, and skip the rest of the
+ processing described for this token (including the part below where
+ &quot;<a href="section-scripting0.html#the-script" title="the script that will execute as soon
+ as the parser resumes">scripts that will execute as soon as the
+ parser resumes</a>&quot; are executed). (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p class="note">Marking the <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code>
+ element as &quot;already executed&quot; prevents it from executing when it is
+ inserted into the document a few paragraphs below. Scripts missing
+ their end tags and scripts that were inserted using <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code>
+ aren't executed.</p>
+ <p>Let the <var title="">old insertion point</var> have the same
+ value as the current <a href="section-parsing.html#insertion">insertion point</a>. Let
+ the <a href="section-parsing.html#insertion">insertion point</a> be just before the <a href="section-parsing.html#next-input">next input character</a>.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current4">current
+ node</a>, unless the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot; and the
+ <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element
+ pointer</a> is not null, in which case append it to the node pointed
+ to by the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element
+ pointer</a>. <!--
+ <head></head><script><body> should put the script in the head,
+ and does so by switching back to in head, but the head isn't
+ the current node at that point (comments should go between the
+ head and the body) -->
+ <a href="section-scripting0.html#running0" title="running a script">Special processing
+ occurs when a <code>script</code> element is inserted into a
+ document</a> that might cause some script to execute, which might
+ cause <a href="section-dynamic.html#document.write0" title="dom-document-write-HTML">new
+ characters to be inserted into the tokeniser</a>.</p>
+ <p>Let the <a href="section-parsing.html#insertion">insertion point</a> have the value of
+ the <var title="">old insertion point</var>. (In other words,
+ restore the <a href="section-parsing.html#insertion">insertion point</a> to the value it
+ had before the previous paragraph. This value might be the
+ &quot;undefined&quot; value.)</p>
+ <p id="scriptTagParserResumes">At this stage, if there is <a href="section-scripting0.html#the-script" title="the script that will execute as soon as
+ the parser resumes">a script that will execute as soon as the parser
+ resumes</a>, then:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>If the tree construction stage is <a href="section-parsing.html#nestedParsing">being
+ called reentrantly</a>, say from a call to <code title="dom-document-write-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#document.write0">document.write()</a></code>:
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Abort the processing of any nested invokations of the tokeniser,
+ yielding control back to the caller. (Tokenisation will resume
+ when the caller returns to the &quot;outer&quot; tree construction stage.)
+ </p></dd><dt>Otherwise:
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Follow these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>Let <var title="">the script</var> be <a href="section-scripting0.html#the-script">the script that will execute as soon as the
+ parser resumes</a>. There is no longer <a href="section-scripting0.html#the-script" title="the script that will execute as soon as the parser
+ resumes">a script that will execute as soon as the parser
+ resumes</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p><a href="section-terminology.html#pause">Pause</a> until the script has
+ <span>completed loading</span><!-- XXX xref -->.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Let the <a href="section-parsing.html#insertion">insertion point</a> be just
+ before the <a href="section-parsing.html#next-input">next input character</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p><a href="section-scripting0.html#executing0" title="executing a script block">Execute
+ the script</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Let the <a href="section-parsing.html#insertion">insertion point</a> be undefined
+ again.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If there is once again <a href="section-scripting0.html#the-script" title="the script
+ that will execute as soon as the parser resumes">a script that
+ will execute as soon as the parser resumes</a>, then repeat
+ these steps from step 1.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;base&quot;, &quot;link&quot;, or &quot;meta&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the node pointed to by the <a href="#head-element"><code title="">head</code> element pointer</a>,
+ or, if that is null (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>), to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;head&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> element, pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of
+ open elements</a>. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse
+ error</a>.</p>
+ <!-- might happen if you see two </head>s
+ and something in between the two sends you from "after head"
+ back to "in head" -->
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after head</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as described in the &quot;anything else&quot; entry below.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;head&quot;
+ </dt><dt>Any other end tag
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is a <code><a href="section-document.html#head">head</a></code> element, act as if an end tag token
+ with the tag name &quot;head&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to
+ &quot;<a href="#after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after
+ head</a>&quot;.</p>
+ <p>Then, reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="big-issue">In certain UAs, <a href=";action=view">some
+ elements</a> don't trigger the &quot;in body&quot; mode straight away, but
+ instead get put into the head. Do we want to copy that?</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt>If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="after1" title="insertion mode: after head">after head</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token with the tag name &quot;body&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a
+ <code>body</code> element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token with the tag name &quot;frameset&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a
+ <code>frameset</code> element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in frameset">in
+ frameset</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: &quot;base&quot;, &quot;link&quot;,
+ &quot;meta&quot;, &quot;script&quot;, &quot;style&quot;, &quot;title&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> back to &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot; and reprocess the
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;body&quot; and no
+ attributes had been seen, and then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-inbody">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in
+ body</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the token's
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: &quot;script&quot;, &quot;style&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> had been &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in
+ head">in head</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: &quot;base&quot;, &quot;link&quot;,
+ &quot;meta&quot;, &quot;title&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> had been &quot;<a href="#in-head" title="insertion mode: in head">in head</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token with the tag name &quot;body&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the second element on the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a> is not a <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code>
+ element, or, if the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> has
+ only one node on it, then ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, for each attribute on the token, check to see if the
+ attribute is already present on the <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code> element (the second element) on the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If it is not, add the
+ attribute and its corresponding value to that element.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;body&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the second element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a> is not a <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code>
+ element, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the
+ token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p class="big-issue">this needs to handle closing of implied elements,
+ but without closing them</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not the <code><a href="section-sections.html#body0">body</a></code> element, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#after2" title="insertion mode: after body">after body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag with tag name &quot;body&quot; had been seen, then, if
+ that token wasn't ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;address&quot;, &quot;blockquote&quot;,
+ &quot;center&quot;, &quot;dir&quot;, &quot;div&quot;, &quot;dl&quot;, &quot;fieldset&quot;, &quot;listing&quot;, &quot;menu&quot;, &quot;ol&quot;,
+ &quot;p&quot;, &quot;ul&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;pre&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character token, then
+ ignore that token and move on to the next one. (Newlines at the
+ start of <code><a href="section-preformatted.html#pre">pre</a></code> blocks are ignored as
+ an authoring convenience.)</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;form&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="form">form</code>
+ element pointer</a> is not null, ignore the token with a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html Element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token, and set the <code title="form">form</code>
+ element pointer to point to the element created.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;li&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Run the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the
+ stack).
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If <var title="">node</var> is an <code><a href="section-lists0.html#li">li</a></code> element, then pop all the nodes from the
+ <a href="#current4">current node</a> up to <var title="">node</var>, including <var title="">node</var>, then stop
+ this algorithm. If more than one node is popped, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If <var title="">node</var> is not in the <a href="#formatting">formatting</a> category, and is not in the <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> category, and is not an <code><a href="section-sections.html#address">address</a></code> or <code><a href="section-miscellaneous.html#div">div</a></code> element, then stop this algorithm.
+ </p></li>
+ <!-- an element <foo> is in this
+ list if the following markup:
+ <!DOCTYPE html><body><ol><li><foo><li>
+ ...results in the second <li> not being (in any way) a
+ descendant of the first <li>, or if <foo> is a formatting
+ element that gets reopened later. -->
+ <li>
+ <p>Otherwise, set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in
+ the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> and return to step
+ 2.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ <p>Finally, <a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">insert
+ an <code>li</code> element</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;dd&quot; or &quot;dt&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Run the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the
+ stack).
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If <var title="">node</var> is a <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dd">dd</a></code> or <code><a href="section-lists0.html#dt">dt</a></code>
+ element, then pop all the nodes from the <a href="#current4">current node</a> up to <var title="">node</var>,
+ including <var title="">node</var>, then stop this algorithm. If
+ more than one node is popped, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If <var title="">node</var> is not in the <a href="#formatting">formatting</a> category, and is not in the <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> category, and is not an <code><a href="section-sections.html#address">address</a></code> or <code><a href="section-miscellaneous.html#div">div</a></code> element, then stop this algorithm.
+ </p></li>
+ <!-- an element <foo> is in this
+ list if the following markup:
+ <!DOCTYPE html><body><ol><dt><foo><dt>
+ ...results in the second <li> not being (in any way) a
+ descendant of the first <li>, or if <foo> is a formatting
+ element that gets reopened later. -->
+ <li>
+ <p>Otherwise, set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in
+ the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> and return to step
+ 2.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ <p>Finally, <a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">insert
+ an HTML element</a> with the same tag name as the token's.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is &quot;plaintext&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Switch the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> to the
+ PLAINTEXT state.</p>
+ <p class="note">Once a start tag with the tag name &quot;plaintext&quot; has been
+ seen, that will be the last token ever seen other than character
+ tokens (and the end-of-file token), because there is no way to
+ switch the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> out of the
+ PLAINTEXT state.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;address&quot;, &quot;blockquote&quot;,
+ &quot;center&quot;, &quot;dir&quot;, &quot;div&quot;, &quot;dl&quot;, &quot;fieldset&quot;, &quot;listing&quot;, &quot;menu&quot;, &quot;ol&quot;,
+ &quot;pre&quot;, &quot;ul&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name
+ as that of the token, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end
+ tags</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not an element
+ with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name
+ as that of the token, then pop elements from this stack until an
+ element with that tag name has been popped from the stack.</p>
+ <!-- XXX quirk (except for in certain cases?):
+ <p>Otherwise, act as if a start tag with the tag name given in
+ the token had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ -->
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;form&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> with the same tag name
+ as that of the token, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end
+ tags</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not an element
+ with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ element with the same tag name as that of the token pop that element
+ from the stack.</p>
+ <p>In any case, set the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element pointer</a> to null.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;p&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end
+ tags</a>, except for <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> elements.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not a <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> element, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then pop elements from this stack until the
+ stack no longer <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in
+ scope">has a <code>p</code> element in scope</a>.</p>
+ <!-- XXX quirk:
+ <p>Otherwise, act as if a start tag with the tag name
+ <code>p</code> had been seen, then reprocess the current
+ token.</p>
+ -->
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;dd&quot;, &quot;dt&quot;, or &quot;li&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> whose tag name matches
+ the tag name of the token, then <a href="#generate">generate implied
+ end tags</a>, except for elements with the same tag name as the
+ token.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not an element with
+ the same tag name as the token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> whose tag name matches
+ the tag name of the token, then pop elements from this stack until
+ an element with that tag name has been popped from the stack.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;h1&quot;, &quot;h2&quot;, &quot;h3&quot;, &quot;h4&quot;,
+ &quot;h5&quot;, &quot;h6&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an
+ element whose tag name is one of &quot;h1&quot;, &quot;h2&quot;, &quot;h3&quot;, &quot;h4&quot;, &quot;h5&quot;, or
+ &quot;h6&quot;, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; pop elements
+ from the stack until an element with one of those tag names has been
+ popped from the stack.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;h1&quot;, &quot;h2&quot;, &quot;h3&quot;, &quot;h4&quot;, &quot;h5&quot;,
+ &quot;h6&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an
+ element whose tag name is one of &quot;h1&quot;, &quot;h2&quot;, &quot;h3&quot;, &quot;h4&quot;, &quot;h5&quot;, or
+ &quot;h6&quot;, then <a href="#generate">generate implied end tags</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not an element
+ with the same tag name as that of the token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an
+ element whose tag name is one of &quot;h1&quot;, &quot;h2&quot;, &quot;h3&quot;, &quot;h4&quot;, &quot;h5&quot;, or
+ &quot;h6&quot;, then pop elements from the stack until an element with one of
+ those tag names has been popped from the stack.</p>
+ <!-- XXX quirk:
+ <p>Otherwise, act as if a start tag with the tag name given in
+ the token had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ -->
+ </dd>
+ Mozilla-only: bdo blink del ins sub sup q
+ Safari-only: code dfn kbd nobr samp var wbr
+ Both: a b big em font i s small strike strong tt u -->
+ <dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;a&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>
+ contains an element whose tag name is &quot;a&quot; between the end of the
+ list and the last marker on the list (or the start of the list if
+ there is no marker on the list), then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; act as if an end tag with the tag
+ name &quot;a&quot; had been seen, then remove that element from the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a> and the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> if the end tag didn't
+ already remove it (it might not have if the element is not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">in table
+ scope</a>).</p>
+ <p class="example">In the non-conforming stream
+ <code>&lt;a href=&quot;a&quot;&gt;a&lt;table&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;b&quot;&gt;b&lt;/table&gt;x</code>,
+ the first <code><a href="section-phrase.html#a">a</a></code> element would be closed
+ upon seeing the second one, and the &quot;x&quot; character would be inside a
+ link to &quot;b&quot;, not to &quot;a&quot;. This is despite the fact that the outer
+ <code><a href="section-phrase.html#a">a</a></code> element is not in table scope
+ (meaning that a regular <code>&lt;/a&gt;</code> end tag at the start of
+ the table wouldn't close the outer <code><a href="section-phrase.html#a">a</a></code>
+ element).</p>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token. Add that element to the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;b&quot;, &quot;big&quot;, &quot;em&quot;, &quot;font&quot;,
+ &quot;i&quot;, &quot;nobr&quot;, &quot;s&quot;, &quot;small&quot;, &quot;strike&quot;, &quot;strong&quot;, &quot;tt&quot;, &quot;u&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token. Add that element to the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="adoptionAgency">An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;a&quot;, &quot;b&quot;,
+ &quot;big&quot;, &quot;em&quot;, &quot;font&quot;, &quot;i&quot;, &quot;nobr&quot;, &quot;s&quot;, &quot;small&quot;, &quot;strike&quot;, &quot;strong&quot;,
+ &quot;tt&quot;, &quot;u&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Follow these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>Let the <var title="">formatting element</var> be the last
+ element in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting
+ elements</a> that:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>is between the end of the list and the last scope marker in
+ the list, if any, or the start of the list otherwise, and
+ </li><li>has the same tag name as the token.
+ </li></ul>
+ <p>If there is no such node, or, if that node is also in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> but the element is not <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">in scope</a>, then
+ this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Abort these steps. The
+ token is ignored.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, if there is such a node, but that node is not in the
+ <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; remove the element from the list,
+ and abort these steps.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, there is a <var title="">formatting element</var> and
+ that element is in <a href="#stack" title="stack of open
+ elements">the stack</a> and is <a href="#have-an" title="has an
+ element in scope">in scope</a>. If the element is not the <a href="#current4">current node</a>, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. In any case, proceed with the
+ algorithm as written in the following steps.</p>
+ </li><li>
+ <p>Let the <var title="">furthest block</var> be the topmost node
+ in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> that is lower
+ in the stack than the <var title="">formatting element</var>, and
+ is not an element in the <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> or <a href="#formatting">formatting</a> categories. There might not be
+ one.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If there is no <var title="">furthest block</var>, then the UA
+ must skip the subsequent steps and instead just pop all the nodes
+ from the bottom of the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a>, from the <a href="#current4">current node</a> up to
+ the <var title="">formatting element</var>, and remove the <var title="">formatting element</var> from the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Let the <var title="">common ancestor</var> be the element
+ immediately above the <var title="">formatting element</var> in
+ the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If the <var title="">furthest block</var> has a parent node,
+ then remove the <var title="">furthest block</var> from its parent
+ node.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Let a bookmark note the position of the <var title="">formatting
+ element</var> in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting
+ elements</a> relative to the elements on either side of it in the
+ list.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Let <var title="">node</var> and <var title="">last node</var>
+ be the <var title="">furthest block</var>. Follow these steps:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Let <var title="">node</var> be the element immediately prior
+ to <var title="">node</var> in the <a href="#stack">stack of open
+ elements</a>.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> is not in the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>, then
+ remove <var title="">node</var> from the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a> and then go back to step 1.
+ </li><li>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is the <var title="">formatting element</var>, then go to the next step in
+ the overall algorithm.
+ </li><li>Otherwise, if <var title="">last node</var> is the <var title="">furthest block</var>, then move the aforementioned
+ bookmark to be immediately after the <var title="">node</var> in
+ the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>.
+ </li><li>If <var title="">node</var> has any children, perform a
+ shallow clone of <var title="">node</var>, replace the entry for
+ <var title="">node</var> in the <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a> with an entry for the clone,
+ replace the entry for <var title="">node</var> in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> with an entry for the
+ clone, and let <var title="">node</var> be the clone.
+ </li><li>Insert <var title="">last node</var> into <var title="">node</var>, first removing it from its previous parent
+ node if any.
+ </li><li>Let <var title="">last node</var> be <var title="">node</var>.
+ </li><li>Return to step 1 of this inner set of steps.
+ </li></ol>
+ </li><li>
+ <p>Insert whatever <var title="">last node</var> ended up being in
+ the previous step into the <var title="">common ancestor</var>
+ node, first removing it from its previous parent node if any.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Perform a shallow clone of the <var title="">formatting
+ element</var>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Take all of the child nodes of the <var title="">furthest
+ block</var> and append them to the clone created in the last step.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Append that clone to the <var title="">furthest block</var>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Remove the <var title="">formatting element</var> from the <a href="#list-of4">list of active formatting elements</a>, and
+ insert the clone into the <a href="#list-of4">list of active
+ formatting elements</a> at the position of the aforementioned
+ bookmark.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Remove the <var title="">formatting element</var> from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, and insert the clone
+ into the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> immediately
+ after (i.e. in a more deeply nested position than) the position of
+ the <var title="">furthest block</var> in that stack.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Jump back to step 1 in this series of steps.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ <p class="note">The way these steps are defined, only elements in the
+ <a href="#formatting">formatting</a> category ever get cloned by
+ this algorithm.</p>
+ <!--XXX
+ <div class="example">
+ <p class="big-issue">Need an example.</p>
+ </div>
+ <p class="note">Because of the way this algorithm causes elements to
+ change parents, it has been dubbed the &quot;adoption agency algorithm&quot;
+ (in contrast with other possibly algorithms for dealing with
+ misnested content, which included the &quot;incest algorithm&quot;, the
+ &quot;secret affair algorithm&quot;, and the &quot;Heisenberg algorithm&quot;).</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is &quot;button&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a
+ <code>button</code> element in scope</a>, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; act as if an end tag with the tag
+ name &quot;button&quot; had been seen, then reprocess the token.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is one of: &quot;marquee&quot;, &quot;object&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag token whose tag name is one of: &quot;button&quot;, &quot;marquee&quot;,
+ &quot;object&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has in scope</a> an
+ element whose tag name is the same as the tag name of the token,
+ then <a href="#generate">generate implied end tags</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not an element
+ with the same tag name as the token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an">has an element in scope</a> whose tag name matches
+ the tag name of the token, then pop elements from the stack until
+ that element has been popped from the stack, and <a href="#clear0">clear the list of active formatting elements up to
+ the last marker</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is &quot;xmp&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Switch the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> to the CDATA
+ state.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;table&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <!-- XXX quirks: don't do this -->
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;area&quot;, &quot;basefont&quot;,
+ &quot;bgsound&quot;, &quot;br&quot;, &quot;embed&quot;, &quot;img&quot;, &quot;param&quot;, &quot;spacer&quot;, &quot;wbr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token. Immediately pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of
+ open elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;hr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an" title="has an element in scope">has a <code>p</code>
+ element in scope</a>, then act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ <code><a href="section-prose.html#p">p</a></code> had been seen.</p>
+ <!-- XXX quirks: don't do this -->
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token. Immediately pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of
+ open elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;image&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Change the token's tag name to
+ &quot;img&quot; and reprocess it. (Don't ask.)</p>
+ <!-- As of
+ 2005-12, studies showed that around 0.2% of pages used the
+ <image> element. -->
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;input&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an html element">Insert an
+ <code>input</code> element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element
+ pointer</a> is not null, then <span>associate</span><!--XXX
+ xref! -->
+ the <code>input</code> element with the <code>form</code> element
+ pointed to by the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code>
+ element pointer</a>.</p>
+ <p>Pop that <code>input</code> element off the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="isindex">A start tag whose tag name is &quot;isindex&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element
+ pointer</a> is not null, then ignore the token.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;form&quot; had been
+ seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;hr&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;p&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;label&quot; had been
+ seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if a stream of character tokens had been seen (see below
+ for what they should say).</p>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;input&quot; had been
+ seen, with all the attributes from the &quot;isindex&quot; token, except with
+ the &quot;name&quot; attribute set to the value &quot;isindex&quot; (ignoring any
+ explicit &quot;name&quot; attribute).</p>
+ <p>Act as if a stream of character tokens had been seen (see below
+ for what they should say).</p>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag token with the tag name &quot;label&quot; had been
+ seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag token with the tag name &quot;p&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;hr&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag token with the tag name &quot;form&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>The two streams of character tokens together should, together with
+ the <code>input</code> element, express the equivalent of &quot;This is a
+ searchable index. Insert your search keywords here: (input field)&quot;
+ in the user's preferred language.</p>
+ <p class="big-issue"> Then need to specify that if the form submission
+ causes just a single form control, whose name is &quot;isindex&quot;, to be
+ submitted, then we submit just the value part, not the &quot;isindex=&quot;
+ part.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <!-- XXX keygen support; don't forget form element pointer!
+ <dt>A start tag whose tag name is "keygen"</dt>
+ <dd>
+ ...
+ </dd>
+ <dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;textarea&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code> element
+ pointer</a> is not null, then <span>associate</span><!--XXX
+ xref! -->
+ the <code>textarea</code> element with the <code>form</code> element
+ pointed to by the <a href="#form-element"><code title="">form</code>
+ element pointer</a>.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current4">current
+ node</a>.</p>
+ <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a>
+ to the RCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character token, then
+ ignore that token and move on to the next one. (Newlines at the
+ start of <code>textarea</code> elements are ignored as an authoring
+ convenience.)</p>
+ <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns
+ until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it
+ stops tokenising.</p>
+ <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,
+ append a single <code>Text</code> node, whose contents is the
+ concatenation of all those tokens' characters, to the new element
+ node.</p>
+ <p>The tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> will
+ have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the tag name
+ &quot;textarea&quot;, ignore it. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse
+ error</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;iframe&quot;, &quot;noembed&quot;,
+ &quot;noframes&quot;
+ </dt><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;noscript&quot;, if <a href="section-scripting.html#scripting2">scripting is enabled</a>:
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#create">Create an element for the token</a>.</p>
+ <p>For &quot;iframe&quot; tags, the node must be an <code><a href="section-embedded.html#htmliframeelement">HTMLIFrameElement</a></code> object, for
+ the other tags it must be an <code><a href="section-elements.html#htmlelement">HTMLElement</a></code> object.</p>
+ <p>Append the new element to the <a href="#current4">current
+ node</a>.</p>
+ <p>Switch the tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a>
+ to the CDATA state.</p>
+ <p>Then, collect all the character tokens that the tokeniser returns
+ until it returns a token that is not a character token, or until it
+ stops tokenising.</p>
+ <p>If this process resulted in a collection of character tokens,
+ append a single <code>Text</code> node, whose contents is the
+ concatenation of all those tokens' characters, to the new element
+ node.</p>
+ <p>The tokeniser's <a href="section-tokenisation.html#content2">content model flag</a> will
+ have switched back to the PCDATA state.</p>
+ <p>If the next token is an end tag token with the same tag name as
+ the start tag token, ignore it. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;select&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p>Change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-select" title="insertion mode: in select">in select</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <!-- XXX quirks:
+ <dt>An end tag whose tag name is "br"</dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name "br" had been
+ seen. Ignore the end tag token.</p>
+ </dd>
+ <dt>A start or end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;frame&quot;, &quot;frameset&quot;, &quot;head&quot;, &quot;option&quot;, &quot;optgroup&quot;,
+ &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;area&quot;, &quot;basefont&quot;,
+ &quot;bgsound&quot;, <!--XXX quirks: remove br-->&quot;br&quot;, &quot;embed&quot;, &quot;hr&quot;, &quot;iframe&quot;,
+ &quot;image&quot;, &quot;img&quot;, &quot;input&quot;, &quot;isindex&quot;, &quot;noembed&quot;, &quot;noframes&quot;, &quot;param&quot;,
+ &quot;select&quot;, &quot;spacer&quot;, &quot;table&quot;, &quot;textarea&quot;, &quot;wbr&quot;</dt>
+ <!-- add keygen if we add the start tag -->
+ <dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;noscript&quot;, if <a href="section-scripting.html#scripting2">scripting is enabled</a>:
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start or end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;event-source&quot;,
+ &quot;section&quot;, &quot;nav&quot;, &quot;article&quot;, &quot;aside&quot;, &quot;header&quot;, &quot;footer&quot;, &quot;datagrid&quot;,
+ &quot;command&quot;
+ </dt><dd> <!-- XXXX -->
+ <p class="big-issue">Work in progress!</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token not covered by the previous entries
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#reconstruct">Reconstruct the active formatting
+ elements</a>, if any.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ <p class="note">This element will be a <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a>
+ element.</p>
+ <!--
+Put the following into the MathML namespace if parsed:
+ math, mrow, mfrac, msqrt, mroot, mstyle, merror, mpadded,
+ mphantom, mfenced, menclose, msub, msup, msubsup, munder,
+ mover, munderover, mmultiscripts, mtable, mlabeledtr, mtr,
+ mtd, maction
+ </dd><dt>An end tag token not covered by the previous entries
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Run the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>Initialise <var title="">node</var> to be the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (the bottommost node of the
+ stack).
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If <var title="">node</var> has the same tag name as the end tag
+ token, then:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>If the tag name of the end tag token does not match the tag
+ name of the <a href="#current4">current node</a>, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Pop all the nodes from the <a href="#current4">current
+ node</a> up to <var title="">node</var>, including <var title="">node</var>, then stop this algorithm.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ </li><li>
+ <p>Otherwise, if <var title="">node</var> is in neither the <a href="#formatting">formatting</a> category nor the <a href="#phrasing">phrasing</a> category, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Stop this algorithm. The end tag
+ token is ignored.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Set <var title="">node</var> to the previous entry in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Return to step 2.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-intable">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in
+ table</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;caption&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#clear1">Clear the stack back to a table context</a>.
+ (See below.)</p>
+ <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a>.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then
+ switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-caption" title="insertion mode: in caption">in
+ caption</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;colgroup&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#clear1">Clear the stack back to a table context</a>.
+ (See below.)</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then
+ switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-column" title="insertion mode: in column group">in column
+ group</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;col&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;colgroup&quot; had been
+ seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#clear1">Clear the stack back to a table context</a>.
+ (See below.)</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token, then
+ switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table0" title="insertion mode: in table body">in table
+ body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;td&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if a start tag token with the tag name &quot;tbody&quot; had been
+ seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;table&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if an end tag token with
+ the tag name &quot;table&quot; had been seen, then, if that token wasn't
+ ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;table&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this
+ is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Pop elements from this stack until a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element has been popped from the
+ stack.</p>
+ <p><a href="#reset">Reset the insertion mode appropriately</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;body&quot;, &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;html&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> was &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot;, with the following
+ exception:</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tbody">tbody</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tfoot0">tfoot</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#thead0">thead</a></code>, or <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code> element, then, whenever a node would be
+ inserted into the <a href="#current4">current node</a>, it must
+ instead be inserted into the <em><a href="#foster">foster parent
+ element</a></em>.</p>
+ <p>The <dfn id="foster">foster parent element</dfn> is the parent
+ element of the last <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element
+ in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, if there is a
+ <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element and it has such a
+ parent element. If there is no <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element in the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a> (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code>
+ case</a>), then the <em><a href="#foster">foster parent
+ element</a></em> is the first element in the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a> (the <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code>
+ element). Otherwise, if there is a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element in the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a>, but the last <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element in the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a> has no parent, or its parent node is not an
+ element, then the <em><a href="#foster">foster parent
+ element</a></em> is the element before the last <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element in the <a href="#stack">stack
+ of open elements</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <em><a href="#foster">foster parent element</a></em> is the
+ parent element of the last <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code>
+ element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>, then the
+ new node must be inserted immediately <em>before</em> the last
+ <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> in the <a href="#foster">foster parent element</a>; otherwise, the new node
+ must be <em>appended</em> to the <a href="#foster">foster parent
+ element</a>.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id="clear1">clear the
+ stack back to a table context</dfn>, it means that the UA must, while
+ the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#table">table</a></code> element or an <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, pop elements from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If this causes any elements
+ to be popped from the stack, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse
+ error</a>.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <a href="#current4">current node</a> being an
+ <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element after this process is an
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-incaption">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-caption" title="insertion mode: in caption">in
+ caption</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;caption&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this
+ is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#caption0">caption</a></code> element, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Pop elements from this stack until a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#caption0">caption</a></code> element has been popped from the
+ stack.</p>
+ <p><a href="#clear0">Clear the list of active formatting elements up
+ to the last marker</a>.</p>
+ <p>Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;table&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if an end tag with the
+ tag name &quot;caption&quot; had been seen, then, if that token wasn't
+ ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;body&quot;, &quot;col&quot;, &quot;colgroup&quot;,
+ &quot;html&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> was &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in
+ body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-incolgroup">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-column" title="insertion mode: in column
+ group">in column group</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;col&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a
+ <code>col</code> element</a> for the token. Immediately pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of
+ open elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;colgroup&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is the root <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>, ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (which
+ will be a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#colgroup">colgroup</a></code> element)
+ from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;col&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag with the tag name &quot;colgroup&quot; had been seen,
+ and then, if that token wasn't ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-intbody">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-table0" title="insertion mode: in table body">in
+ table body</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#clear2">Clear the stack back to a table body
+ context</a>. (See below.)</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert a
+ <code>tr</code> element</a> for the token, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-row" title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;th&quot;, &quot;td&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if a start tag with the
+ tag name &quot;tr&quot; had been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this
+ is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#clear2">Clear the stack back to a table body
+ context</a>. (See below.)</p>
+ <p>Pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in table">in table</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;
+ </dt><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;table&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have a
+ <code>tbody</code>, <code>thead</code>, or <code>tfoot</code>
+ element in table scope</a>, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse
+ error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#clear2">Clear the stack back to a table body
+ context</a>. (See below.)</p>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag with the same tag name as the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (&quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, or &quot;thead&quot;) had
+ been seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;body&quot;, &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;html&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> was &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in
+ table">in table</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id="clear2">clear the
+ stack back to a table body context</dfn>, it means that the UA must,
+ while the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tbody">tbody</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tfoot0">tfoot</a></code>, <code><a href="section-tabular.html#thead0">thead</a></code>, or <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, pop elements from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If this causes any elements
+ to be popped from the stack, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse
+ error</a>.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <a href="#current4">current node</a> being an
+ <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element after this process is an
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-intr">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>
+ is &quot;<dfn id="in-row" title="insertion mode: in row">in row</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;th&quot;, &quot;td&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#clear3">Clear the stack back to a table row context</a>.
+ (See below.)</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="insert an HTML element">Insert an HTML
+ element</a> for the token, then switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-cell" title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</a>&quot;.</p>
+ <p>Insert a marker at the end of the <a href="#list-of4">list of
+ active formatting elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this
+ is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#clear3">Clear the stack back to a table row context</a>.
+ (See below.)</p>
+ <p>Pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> (which will be a
+ <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code> element) from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-table0" title="insertion mode: in table body">in table body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;table&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Act as if an end tag with the tag name &quot;tr&quot; had been seen, then,
+ if that token wasn't ignored, reprocess the current token.</p>
+ <p class="note">The fake end tag token here can only be ignored in the
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this
+ is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, act as if an end tag with the tag name &quot;tr&quot; had been
+ seen, then reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;body&quot;, &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;html&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;th&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> was &quot;<a href="#in-table" title="insertion mode: in
+ table">in table</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <p>When the steps above require the UA to <dfn id="clear3">clear the
+ stack back to a table row context</dfn>, it means that the UA must,
+ while the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code> element or an <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, pop elements from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. If this causes any elements
+ to be popped from the stack, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse
+ error</a>.</p>
+ <p class="note">The <a href="#current4">current node</a> being an
+ <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element after this process is an
+ <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-intd">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a>
+ is &quot;<dfn id="in-cell" title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;td&quot;, &quot;th&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as that of the
+ token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a> and the token
+ must be ignored.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p><a href="#generate">Generate implied end tags</a>, except for
+ elements with the same tag name as the token.</p>
+ <p>Now, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is not an element
+ with the same tag name as the token, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>Pop elements from this stack until an element with the same tag
+ name as the token has been popped from the stack.</p>
+ <p><a href="#clear0">Clear the list of active formatting elements up
+ to the last marker</a>.</p>
+ <p>Switch the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-row" title="insertion mode: in row">in row</a>&quot;. (The <a href="#current4">current node</a> will be a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#tr">tr</a></code> element at this point.)</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;th&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does
+ <em>not</em> <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table
+ scope">have a <code>td</code> or <code>th</code> element in table
+ scope</a>, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; ignore
+ the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, <a href="#close2">close the cell</a> (see below) and
+ reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;body&quot;, &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;col&quot;,
+ &quot;colgroup&quot;, &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;table&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot;,
+ &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as that of the
+ token (which can only happen for &quot;tbody&quot;, &quot;tfoot&quot; and &quot;thead&quot;, or,
+ in the <a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>), then
+ this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a> and the token must be
+ ignored.</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, <a href="#close2">close the cell</a> (see below) and
+ reprocess the current token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> was &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in
+ body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <p>Where the steps above say to <dfn id="close2">close the cell</dfn>,
+ they mean to follow the following algorithm:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">has a
+ <code>td</code> element in table scope</a>, then act as if an end
+ tag token with the tag name &quot;td&quot; had been seen.
+ </p></li><li>
+ <p>Otherwise, the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> will <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have a
+ <code>th</code> element in table scope</a>; act as if an end tag
+ token with the tag name &quot;th&quot; had been seen.
+ </p></li></ol>
+ <p class="note">The <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> cannot
+ have both a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#td">td</a></code> and a <code><a href="section-tabular.html#th">th</a></code> element <a href="#have-an0" title="has an
+ element in table scope">in table scope</a> at the same time, nor can
+ it have neither when the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> is
+ &quot;<a href="#in-cell" title="insertion mode: in cell">in cell</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-inselect">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-select" title="insertion mode: in select">in
+ select</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the token's
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is &quot;option&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ <code>option</code> element, act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ &quot;option&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag token whose tag name is &quot;optgroup&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ <code>option</code> element, act as if an end tag with the tag name
+ &quot;option&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ <code>optgroup</code> element, act as if an end tag with the tag
+ name &quot;optgroup&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag token whose tag name is &quot;optgroup&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>First, if the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ <code>option</code> element, and the node immediately before it in
+ the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> is an
+ <code>optgroup</code> element, then act as if an end tag with the
+ tag name &quot;option&quot; had been seen.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ <code>optgroup</code> element, then pop that node from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>, ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag token whose tag name is &quot;option&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is an
+ <code>option</code> element, then pop that node from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>. Otherwise, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>, ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is &quot;select&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> does not <a href="#have-an0" title="has an element in table scope">have an
+ element in table scope</a> with the same tag name as the token, this
+ is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>. Ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise:</p>
+ <p>Pop elements from the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>
+ until a <code>select</code> element has been popped from the stack.</p>
+ <p><a href="#reset">Reset the insertion mode appropriately</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag whose tag name is &quot;select&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Act as if the token had been an
+ end tag with the tag name &quot;select&quot; instead.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag whose tag name is one of: &quot;caption&quot;, &quot;table&quot;, &quot;tbody&quot;,
+ &quot;tfoot&quot;, &quot;thead&quot;, &quot;tr&quot;, &quot;td&quot;, &quot;th&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> <a href="#have-an0">has an element in table scope</a> with the same tag
+ name as that of the token, then act as if an end tag with the tag
+ name &quot;select&quot; had been seen, and reprocess the token. Otherwise,
+ ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-afterbody">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="after2" title="insertion mode: after body">after
+ body</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as it would be processed if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> was &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the first element in the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a> (the <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element), with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the parser was originally created in order to handle the
+ setting of <em>an element</em>'s <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute, this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; ignore the token. (The element will
+ be an <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element in this case.)
+ (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, switch to <a href="#the-trailing0">the trailing end
+ phase</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Set the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in body">in body</a>&quot; and reprocess the
+ token.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-inframeset">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="in-frameset" title="insertion mode: in frameset">in
+ frameset</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;frameset&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#insert" title="Insert an HTML element">Insert a
+ <code>frameset</code> element</a> for the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;frameset&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>If the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is the root <code><a href="section-the-root.html#html">html</a></code> element, then this is a <a href="section-parsing.html#parse">parse error</a>; ignore the token. (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>)</p>
+ <p>Otherwise, pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> from the
+ <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>
+ <p>If the parser was <em>not</em> originally created in order to
+ handle the setting of an element's <code title="dom-innerHTML-HTML"><a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml0">innerHTML</a></code> attribute (<a href="section-dynamic.html#innerhtml1"><code>innerHTML</code> case</a>), and the <a href="#current4">current node</a> is no longer a
+ <code>frameset</code> element, then change the <a href="#insertion0">insertion mode</a> to &quot;<a href="#after3" title="insertion mode: after frameset">after frameset</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;frame&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#insert">Insert an HTML element</a> for the token.
+ Immediately pop the <a href="#current4">current node</a> off the <a href="#stack">stack of open elements</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;noframes&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> had been &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in
+ body">in body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd><dt id="parsing-main-afterframeset">If the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> is &quot;<dfn id="after3" title="insertion mode: after
+ frameset">after frameset</dfn>&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Handle the token as follows:</p>
+ <dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#append" title="append a character">Append the
+ character</a> to the <a href="#current4">current node</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <a href="#current4">current node</a> with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in the comment
+ token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end tag with the tag name &quot;html&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Switch to <a href="#the-trailing0">the trailing end phase</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A start tag with the tag name &quot;noframes&quot;
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as if the <a href="#insertion0">insertion
+ mode</a> had been &quot;<a href="#in-body" title="insertion mode: in
+ body">in body</a>&quot;.</p>
+ </dd><dt>Anything else
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd></dl>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <p class="big-issue">This doesn't handle UAs that don't support frames, or
+ that do support frames but want to show the NOFRAMES content. Supporting
+ the former is easy; supporting the latter is harder.
+ </p><h5 id="the-trailing"><span class="secno"> </span><dfn id="the-trailing0">The trailing end phase</dfn></h5>
+ <p>After <a href="#the-main0">the main phase</a>, as each token is emitted
+ from the <a href="section-tokenisation.html#tokenisation0">tokenisation</a> stage, it must be
+ processed as described in this section.
+ </p><dl class="switch">
+ <dt>A DOCTYPE token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Ignore the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A comment token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Append a <code>Comment</code> node to the <code>Document</code> object
+ with the <code title="">data</code> attribute set to the data given in
+ the comment token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A character token that is one of one of U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION,
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p>Process the token as it would be processed in <a href="#the-main0">the
+ main phase</a>.</p>
+ </dd><dt>A character token that is <em>not</em> one of U+0009 CHARACTER
+ </dt><dt>A start tag token
+ </dt><dt>An end tag token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="section-parsing.html#parse">Parse error</a>. Switch back to <a href="#the-main0">the main phase</a> and reprocess the token.</p>
+ </dd><dt>An end-of-file token
+ </dt><dd>
+ <p><a href="#stops">Stop parsing</a>.</p>
+ </dd></dl>
+ <h4 id="the-end"><span class="secno">8.2.5. </span>The End</h4>
+ <p>Once the user agent <dfn id="stops" title="stop parsing">stops
+ parsing</dfn> the document, the user agent must follow the steps in this
+ section.
+ </p><p>First, <!--the user agent must <span title="fire a DOMContentLoaded
+ event">fire a <code
+ title="event-DOMContentLoaded">DOMContentLoaded</code> event</span>
+ at <span>the <code>body</code> element</span>.</p>
+ <p>Then, -->the
+ rules for <a href="section-scripting0.html#when-a">when a script completes loading</a> start
+ applying (script execution is no longer managed by the parser).
+ </p><p>If any of the scripts in the <a href="section-scripting0.html#list-of1">list of scripts that
+ will execute as soon as possible</a> have <span>completed
+ loading</span><!-- XXX xref -->, or if the <a href="section-scripting0.html#list-of0">list of
+ scripts that will execute asynchronously</a> is not empty and the first
+ script in that list has <span>completed loading</span><!-- XXX xref
+ -->,
+ then the user agent must act as if those scripts just completed loading,
+ following the rules given for that in the <code><a href="section-scripting0.html#script0">script</a></code> element definition.
+ </p><p>Then, if the <a href="section-scripting0.html#list-of">list of scripts that will execute when
+ the document has finished parsing</a> is not empty, and the first item in
+ this list has already <span>completed loading</span><!--XXX
+ xref -->,
+ then the user agent must act as if that script just finished loading.
+ </p><p>By this point, there will be no scripts that have loaded but have not
+ yet been executed.
+ </p><p>The user agent must then <a href="section-scripting.html#firing2">fire a simple event</a>
+ called <code title="event-DOMContentLoaded">DOMContentLoaded</code> at the
+ <code>Document</code>.
+ </p><p>Once everything that <dfn id="delays" title="delay the load event">delays
+ the load event</dfn> has completed, the user agent must <a href="section-scripting.html#firing4" title="fire a load event">fire a <code title="event-load">load</code>
+ event</a> at <a href="section-dom-tree.html#the-body0">the <code>body</code> element</a>.</p>
+ <!-- XXX make sure things "delay the load event" -->
+ <!--XXX need to handle
+2354 // Don't open transient styles if it makes the stack deep, bug 58917.
+ <!--XXX
+ <!--
+see also CTextToken::ConsumeCharacterData() for CDATA parsing?
+1212 1 Here's a tricky case from bug 22596: <h5><li><h5>
+1213 How do we know that the 2nd <h5> should close the <LI> rather than nest inside the <LI>?
+1214 (Afterall, the <h5> is a legal child of the <LI>).
+1216 The way you know is that there is no root between the two, so the <h5> binds more
+1217 tightly to the 1st <h5> than to the <LI>.
+1218 2. Also, bug 6148 shows this case: <SPAN><DIV><SPAN>
+1219 From this case we learned not to execute this logic if the parent is a block.
+1221 3. Fix for 26583
+1222 Ex. <A href=foo.html><B>foo<A href-bar.html>bar</A></B></A> <- A legal HTML
+1223 In the above example clicking on "foo" or "bar" should link to
+1224 foo.html or bar.html respectively. That is, the inner <A> should be informed
+1225 about the presence of an open <A> above <B> that the inner <A> can close out
+1226 the outer <A>. The following code does it for us.
+1228 4. Fix for 27865 [ similer to 22596 ]. Ex: <DL><DD><LI>one<DD><LI>two
+ -
+815 // Here's a problem. If theTag is legal in here, we don't move it
+816 // out. So if we're moving stuff out of here, the parent of theTag
+817 // gets closed at this point. But some things are legal
+818 // _everywhere_ and hence would effectively close out misplaced
+819 // content in tables. This is undesirable, so treat them as
+820 // illegal here so they'll be shipped out with their parents and
+821 // siblings. See bug 40855 for an explanation (that bug was for
+822 // comments, but the same issues arise with whitespace, newlines,
+823 // noscript, etc). Script is special, though. Shipping it out
+824 // breaks document.write stuff. See bug 243064.
+ -
+1326 /**************************************************************************************
+1327 *
+1328 * Now a little code to deal with bug #49687 (crash when layout stack gets too deep)
+1329 * I've also opened this up to any container (not just inlines): re bug 55095
+1330 * Improved to handle bug 55980 (infinite loop caused when DEPTH is exceeded and
+1331 * </P> is encountered by itself (<P>) is continuously produced.
+1332 *
+1333 **************************************************************************************/
+1912 // Oh boy!! we found a "stray" tag. Nav4.x and IE introduce line break in
+1913 // such cases. So, let's simulate that effect for compatibility.
+1914 // Ex. <html><body>Hello</P>There</body></html>
+/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp, line 791 - * 2. <CENTER><DL><DT><A><CENTER> allow nested <CENTER>
+/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp, line 792 - * 3. <TABLE><TR><TD><TABLE>... allow nested <TABLE>
+/parser/htmlparser/src/CNavDTD.cpp, line 2562 - // Discard nested forms - bug 72639
+/parser/htmlparser/src/nsElementTable.cpp, line 1453 - * 2. <CENTER><DL><DT><A><CENTER> allow nested <CENTER>
+/parser/htmlparser/src/nsElementTable.cpp, line 1454 - * 3. <TABLE><TR><TD><TABLE>... allow nested <TABLE>
+/parser/htmlparser/src/nsElementTable.cpp, line 1901 - // Ex: <H1><LI><H1><LI>. Inner LI has the potential of getting nested
+ <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script></body></html> \ No newline at end of file