path: root/riscos
diff options
authorJohn Mark Bell <>2003-09-16 20:02:55 +0000
committerJohn Mark Bell <>2003-09-16 20:02:55 +0000
commitf4e447871bb0a84c71943b73344b987529567cea (patch)
tree816589c0bd64fd81336f6701e51b6a8bef7bd123 /riscos
parent9a23a2bc77f45c4f43153af42b08c746361fa5c9 (diff)
[project @ 2003-09-16 20:02:55 by jmb]
Add dynamically created About page. Accessed via about: svn path=/import/netsurf/; revision=294
Diffstat (limited to 'riscos')
3 files changed, 298 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/riscos/about.c b/riscos/about.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1becfdb17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscos/about.c
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+ * This file is part of NetSurf,
+ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License,
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003 John M Bell <>
+ */
+/** \file
+ * About page creation.
+ * Dynamically creates the about page, scanning for available plugin information.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unixlib/local.h> /* for __unixify */
+#include "netsurf/riscos/about.h"
+#include "netsurf/utils/log.h"
+#include "netsurf/utils/messages.h"
+#include "netsurf/utils/utils.h"
+#include "oslib/osargs.h"
+#include "oslib/osfile.h"
+#include "oslib/osfind.h"
+#include "oslib/osfscontrol.h"
+static const char *version = "%s (%s %s %s)"; /**< version string prototype */
+static const char *pabouthdr = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"\"><html><head><title>About NetSurf</title></head><body bgcolor=\"#f3f3ff\"><!-- About header --><table border=\"0\" width=\"100%%\" bgcolor=\"#94adff\" cellspacing=\"2\"><tr><td><a href=\"\"><img src=\"file:///%%3CNetSurf$Dir%%3E/About/nslogo\" alt=\"Netsurf logo\"></a><td><table bgcolor=\"#94adff\" border=\"0\"><tr><td>&nbsp;<tr><td align=\"center\"><h2>NetSurf %s</h2><tr><td align=\"center\"><h5>Copyright &copy; 2002, 2003 NetSurf Developers.</h5><tr><td>&nbsp;</table></table><hr>"; /**< About page header */
+static const char *pabtplghd = "<!-- Plugin information --><strong><i>The following plugins are installed on your system:</i></strong><br>&nbsp;<br><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" width=\"100%\">"; /**< Plugin table header */
+static const char *paboutpl1 = "<tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"30%%\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>%s</strong></font></td><td width=\"70%%\"><font size=\"2\">%s</font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"; /**< Plugin entry without image */
+static const char *paboutpl2 = "<tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"30%%\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>%s</strong></font><br><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"></td><td width=\"70%%\"><font size=\"2\">%s</font></td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>";/**< Plugin entry with image (filename=nn) */
+static const char *paboutpl3 = "<tr valign=\"top\"><td width=\"30%%\"><font size=\"2\"><strong>%s</strong></font><br><img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\"></td><td width=\"70%%\"><font size=\"2\">%s</font></td></tr><tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\" bgcolor=\"#dddddd\" height=\"1\"></td></tr>"; /**< Plugin entry with image (filename=nnwwwwhhhh) */
+static const char *pabtplgft = "</table>"; /**< Plugin table footer */
+static const char *paboutftr = "</body></html>"; /**< Page footer */
+/** The about page */
+struct about_page {
+ char *header; /**< page header */
+ char *browser; /**< browser details */
+ char *plghead; /**< plugin header */
+ struct plugd *plugd; /**< plugin details list */
+ char *plgfoot; /**< plugin footer */
+ char *footer; /**< page footer */
+/** A set of plugin details */
+struct plugd {
+ char *details; /**< plugin details */
+ struct plugd *next; /**< next plugin details */
+struct plugd *new_plugin(struct plugd *pd, char* details);
+char* populate_version(void);
+ * Fills in the version string.
+ * The release version is defined in the Messages file.
+ */
+char *populate_version(void) {
+ char *p;
+ char *day;
+ char *mon;
+ char *year;
+ char *temp = xcalloc(12, sizeof(char));
+ char *ret = xcalloc(20, sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(temp, "%s", __DATE__);
+ p = strchr(temp, ' ');
+ *p = 0;
+ mon = strdup(temp);
+ day = p+1;
+ p = strchr(day, ' ');
+ *p = 0;
+ year = p+1;
+ sprintf(ret, version, messages_get("Version"), day, mon, year);
+ xfree(temp);
+ return ret;
+ * Adds a plugin's details to the head of the linked list of plugin details
+ * Returns the new head of the list
+ */
+struct plugd *new_plugin(struct plugd *pd, char* details) {
+ struct plugd *np = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*np));
+ np->details = 0;
+ np->details = details;
+ np->next = pd;
+ return np;
+ * Creates the about page and stores it in <Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW.Netsurf
+ */
+void about_create(void) {
+ struct about_page *abt;
+ struct plugd *temp;
+ FILE *fp;
+ char *buf, *val, var[20], *ptype, *pdetails, *fname, *furl, *p, *leafname;
+ int i, nofiles, j, w, h, size;
+ os_fw fh;
+ os_error *e;
+ abt = (struct about_page*)xcalloc(1, sizeof(*abt));
+ abt->plugd = 0;
+ /* Page header */
+ buf = xcalloc(strlen(pabouthdr) + 20, sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(buf, pabouthdr, populate_version());
+ abt->header = xstrdup(buf);
+ xfree(buf);
+ /* browser details */
+ xosfile_read_stamped_no_path("<NetSurf$Dir>.About.About",0,0,0,&i,0,0);
+ fp = fopen("<NetSurf$Dir>.About.About", "r");
+ buf = xcalloc((unsigned int)i + 10, sizeof(char));
+ fread(buf, sizeof(char), (unsigned int)i, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ abt->browser = xstrdup(buf);
+ xfree(buf);
+ /* plugin header */
+ abt->plghead = xstrdup(pabtplghd);
+ /* plugin footer */
+ abt->plgfoot = xstrdup(pabtplgft);
+ /* Page footer */
+ abt->footer = xstrdup(paboutftr);
+ /* plugins registered */
+ for (i=0; i!=4096; i++) {
+ sprintf(var, "Plugin$About_%3.3x", i);
+ if ((val = getenv(var)) != 0) {
+ /* Plugin Name */
+ sprintf(var, "Plugin$Type_%3.3x", i);
+ ptype = getenv(var);
+ buf = xcalloc(strlen(val) + 20, sizeof(char));
+ /* count files which match <Plugin$About_i>.About* */
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.About*", val);
+ xosfscontrol_count(buf,0,0,0,0,0,0,&nofiles);
+ for (j=0; j!=nofiles; j++) {
+ /* get plugin details */
+ if (j == 0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.About", val);
+ }
+ else {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.About%2.2d", val, j);
+ }
+ e = xosfile_read_stamped_no_path(buf,0,0,0,&size,0,0);
+ /* If only one file, name can be "About" or "About00" */
+ if((e && j == 0) || size < 0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.About%2.2d", val, j);
+ e = xosfile_read_stamped_no_path(buf,0,0,0,&size,0,0);
+ }
+ /* ok, no file found. try again */
+ if(e || size < 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* read contents of file */
+ fp = fopen(buf, "r");
+ pdetails = xcalloc((unsigned int)size + 10, sizeof(char));
+ fread(pdetails, sizeof(char), (unsigned int)size, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ /* now see if there's an image to display */
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.%2.2d", val, j);
+ e = xosfile_read_stamped_no_path(buf,0,0,0,&size,0,0);
+ if(e || size < 0) {
+ sprintf(buf, "%s.%2.2d*", val, j);
+ e = xosfile_read_stamped_no_path(buf,0,0,0,&size,0,0);
+ if(e || size < 0) {
+ /* Type 1: no image file */
+ furl = xcalloc(strlen(paboutpl1) + strlen(ptype) + strlen(pdetails) + 10, sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(furl, paboutpl1, ptype, pdetails);
+ abt->plugd = new_plugin(abt->plugd, furl);
+ xfree(pdetails);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Type 3: image file with name xxwwwwhhhh */
+ /* get actual file name - isn't there an easier way? */
+ fname = xcalloc(strlen(buf)+40, sizeof(char));
+ xosfind_openinw(osfind_NO_PATH, buf, 0, &fh);
+ xosargs_read_pathw(fh, fname, (int)strlen(buf)+10,0);
+ xosfind_closew(fh);
+ furl = xcalloc(strlen(fname) + 20, sizeof(char));
+ /* grab leafname and get width and height */
+ p = strrchr(fname, '.');
+ leafname = xstrdup(p);
+ h = atoi(leafname+7);
+ leafname[7] = 0;
+ w = atoi(leafname+3);
+ /* convert to URL */
+ __unixify(fname, 0, furl, strlen(fname)+20, 0);
+ sprintf(fname, "file://%s", furl);
+ xfree(furl);
+ furl = xcalloc(strlen(paboutpl3) + strlen(ptype) + strlen(fname) + strlen(pdetails) + 10, sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(furl, paboutpl3, ptype, fname, ptype, w, h, pdetails);
+ abt->plugd = new_plugin(abt->plugd, furl);
+ xfree(fname);
+ xfree(pdetails);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Type 2: image file with name xx */
+ /* convert RO path to url */
+ fname = xcalloc(strlen(buf) + 10, sizeof(char));
+ furl = xcalloc(strlen(buf) + 10, sizeof(char));
+ __unixify(buf, 0, furl, strlen(buf) + 10, 0);
+ sprintf(fname, "file://%s", furl);
+ xfree(furl);
+ furl = xcalloc(strlen(paboutpl2) + strlen(ptype) + strlen(fname) + strlen(pdetails) + 10, sizeof(char));
+ sprintf(furl, paboutpl2, ptype, fname, ptype, pdetails);
+ abt->plugd = new_plugin(abt->plugd, furl);
+ xfree(fname);
+ xfree(pdetails);
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf != 0) {
+ xfree(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* write file */
+ xosfile_create_dir("<Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW", 77);
+ xosfile_create_dir("<Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW.NetSurf", 77);
+ fp = fopen("<Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW.Netsurf.About", "w+");
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", abt->header);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", abt->browser);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", abt->plghead);
+ while (abt->plugd != 0) {
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", abt->plugd->details);
+ temp = abt->plugd;
+ abt->plugd = abt->plugd->next;
+ xfree(temp);
+ }
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", abt->plgfoot);
+ fprintf(fp, "%s", abt->footer);
+ fclose(fp);
+ xosfile_set_type("<Wimp$ScrapDir>.WWW.NetSurf.About", 0xfaf);
+ xfree(abt);
+ return;
diff --git a/riscos/about.h b/riscos/about.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdcdcc885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscos/about.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ * This file is part of NetSurf,
+ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License,
+ *
+ * Copyright 2003 John M Bell <>
+ */
+void about_create(void);
diff --git a/riscos/gui.c b/riscos/gui.c
index 39764a7d9..5636a528a 100644
--- a/riscos/gui.c
+++ b/riscos/gui.c
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "netsurf/desktop/options.h"
#include "netsurf/render/font.h"
#include "netsurf/render/html.h"
+#include "netsurf/riscos/about.h"
#include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h"
#include "netsurf/riscos/plugin.h"
#include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h"
@@ -1377,7 +1378,14 @@ void ro_gui_keypress(wimp_key* key)
g->>url = NULL;
- browser_window_open_location(g->, g->url);
+ if (strcasecmp(g->url, "about:") == 0) {
+ about_create();
+ browser_window_open_location(g->,
+ "file:///%3CWimp$ScrapDir%3E/WWW/NetSurf/About");
+ }
+ else {
+ browser_window_open_location(g->, g->url);
+ }
else if (key->c == wimp_KEY_F8)