path: root/!NetSurf/Resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '!NetSurf/Resources')
1 files changed, 1093 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/!NetSurf/Resources/it/Messages b/!NetSurf/Resources/it/Messages
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d2b8ac777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/!NetSurf/Resources/it/Messages
@@ -0,0 +1,1093 @@
+# Italian messages for NetSurf
+# Translated by Samir Hawamdeh (
+# =========================================================================
+# Description
+# -----------
+# This file contains lines of colon separated key-value pairs in the format:
+# Key:Value
+# Contents of Key _must_ be representable in the US-ASCII character set and
+# should not be modified for translation purposes.
+# Values must be UTF-8 encoded strings. When these strings are displayed in
+# NetSurf's user interface, they are converted to the system's local character
+# set. As a result of this conversion process, unrepresentable characters are
+# stripped from the displayed string.
+# Blank lines and lines starting with a # character are treated as comments and
+# ignored.
+# Menus
+# =====
+# This section defines the title and entry text for NetSurf's menus.
+# Iconbar menu
+AppHelp:Aiuto... F1
+# Iconbar -> Open menu
+OpenURL:Apri URL
+# Main menu
+# Main -> Page menu
+PageInfo:Info ^F1
+Save:Salva F3
+SaveComp:Salva tutto ?F3
+SaveURL:Salva indirizzo
+Print:Stampa STAMPA
+NewWindow:Nuova finestra ^N
+ViewSrc:Mostra sorgente... F8
+# Main -> Page -> Export menu
+Draw:Disegna ?^F3
+Text:Testo ^F3
+# Main -> Page -> Save location menu
+URI:Acorn URI
+# Main -> Object menu
+# Main -> Object -> Export menu
+# Main -> Navigate menu
+Back:Indietro di una pagina
+Forward:Avanti di una pagina
+UpLevel:Su di un livello
+Reload:Ricarica questa pagina ^F5
+Stop:Stoppa caricamento della pagina
+# Main -> Display menu
+ScaleView:Visualizzazione graduale F11
+Toolbars:Barre strumenti
+OptDefault:Salva come predefinito
+# Main -> Display -> Images menu
+ForeImg:Immagini in primo piano
+BackImg:Immagini in sottofondo
+# Main -> Display -> Toolbars menu
+ToolAddress:Barra indirizzi
+ToolThrob:Indicatore di attività
+ToolStatus:Barra di stato
+# Main -> Display -> Render menu
+RenderAnims:Blocca le animazioni
+RenderAll:Blocca tutto l'interprete
+# Main -> Utilities menu
+FindText:Trova testo F4
+# Main -> Utilities -> Hotlist menu
+HotlistAdd:Aggiungi alla Hotlist
+HotlistShow:Mostra Hotlist... F6
+# Main -> Utilities -> History menu
+HistLocal:Mostra cronologia locale... F7
+HistGlobal:Mostra cronologia globale... ^F7
+# Main -> Utilities -> Cookies menu
+ShowCookies:Mostra i cookie...
+DeleteCookies:Cancella tutti i cookie
+# Main -> Utilities -> Window menu
+WindowSave:Imposta come posizione predefinita
+WindowStagr:Sfalsa posizione della finestra
+WindowSize:Copia posizione della finestra
+WindowReset:Resetta posizione della finestra
+# Main -> Help menu
+HelpContent:Contenuti F1
+HelpGuide:Guida in linea
+HelpInfo:Informazioni utente
+HelpAbout:Informazioni su NetSurf
+HelpInter:Aiuto interattivo
+# Toolbar menu
+Toolbar:Barra strumenti
+EditToolbar:Modifica barra strumenti
+# Generic tree menus (currently Hotlist and Global history)
+SelectAll:Seleziona tutto ^A
+Clear:Cancella selezione ^Z
+# Selection Menu
+Launch:Avvia INVIO
+Delete:Cancella ^X
+ResetUsage:Resetta statistiche
+# Hotlist/Global history menu
+# New hotlist entry menu
+# Tree expand/collapse menu
+# Other menus
+# URL suggestion menu
+URLSuggest:URL Recenti
+# Menus within the choices system
+# Browser pane
+# Network pane
+ProxyType:Tipo di Proxy
+ProxyNone:Nessun proxy
+ProxyNoAuth:Proxy semplice
+ProxyBasic:Autentificazione di Base
+ProxyNTLM:Autentificazione NTLM
+# Fonts pane
+DefaultFonts:Famiglia Font
+# Images pane
+ImgStyle0:Usa OS
+ImgStyle1:Direttamente a video
+ImgStyle3:Errore diffuso
+# Menu items used in the Amiga version.
+# Some of these are copies of other strings but without the
+# embedded shortcut keys. (NS suffix = No Shortcut)
+# Project menu
+NewWindowNS:Nuova finestra
+NewTab:Nuova scheda
+CloseTab:Chiudi scheda
+CloseWindow:Chiudi finestra
+SaveAs:Salva come
+# Edit menu
+SelectAllNS:Seleziona tutto
+ClearNS:Cancella selezione
+# Browser menu
+HistGlobalNS:Mostra cronologia globale...
+# Hotlist menu
+HotlistShowNS:Mostra Hotlist...
+# Settings menu
+SnapshotWindow:Istantanea finestra
+SettingsSave:Salva impostazioni
+# Treeview interface tokens
+# =========================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the treeview
+# component. (For example, in the main hotlist/global history windows)
+# Tree URL text
+TreeAdded:Aggiunto: %s
+TreeLast:Ultimi visitati: %s
+TreeVisited:Visitati: %s
+TreeVisits:Navigati: %i
+TreeValue:Valore: %s
+TreeComment:Commento: %s
+TreeDomain:Dominio: %s%s
+TreePath:Percorso: %s%s
+TreeExpires:Scomparsi: %s
+TreeLastUsed:Ultimi usati: %s
+TreeSecure:Solo Host sicuri: %s
+TreeVersion:Versione: %s
+TreePersistent:Persistenza: %s
+TreeHeaders: (da intestazioni)
+TreeVersion1:RFC 2109
+TreeVersion2:RFC 2965
+TreeSession:Fine sessione
+TreeImport:URL Importati
+TreeNewFolder:Nuova cartella
+TreeLaunch:Visita URL
+# Tree export
+TreeHotlist:Hotlist di NetSurf
+# Hotlist user interface tokens
+# =============================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in various parts of
+# the hotlist user interface.
+# Hotlist sub-window titles
+NewLink:Crea nuovo indirizzo
+NewFolder:Crea nuova cartella
+EditLink:Modifica indirizzo
+EditFolder:Rinomina cartella
+# Default hotlist page names
+HotlistHomepage:HomePage di NetSurf
+HotlistTestBuild:Versioni Beta di NetSurf
+HotlistDocumentation:Documentazione di NetSurf
+HotlistBugTracker:Bug Tracker di NetSurf
+HotlistFeatureRequest:Proposte su NetSurf
+# Global history user interface tokens
+# ====================================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in various parts of
+# the global history user interface.
+GlobalHistory:Cronologia globale
+Date1Week:Ultima settimana
+Date2Week:2 settimane fa
+Date3Week:3 settimane fa
+# Download user interface tokens
+# ==============================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the download
+# window.
+Download:%s di %s ? %s/s ? %s al termine
+DownloadU:%s sconosciuto ? %s/s ? %s totale
+Downloaded:%s completato ? media %s/s ? %s totale
+Unwritten:Scrittura dei dati sul file fallita.
+# Amiga download window tokens
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the Amiga
+# download window.
+amiDownload:%ld di %ld byte scaricati
+amiDownloadU:%ld byte scaricati
+# GTK download window tokens
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the gtk
+# download window.
+gtkSizeInfo:%s di %s
+gtkProgressBar:%. di %% su %u file
+gtkProgressBarPulse:Scaricamento dei file %u
+gtkProgressBarPulseSingle:Scaricamento del file %u
+# Column Headers
+gtkRemaining:Al termine
+# Status Messages
+# spaces necessary
+gtkError: Errore
+gtkComplete: Completo
+gtkCanceled: Annullato
+gtkWorking: In corso
+# Dialogs
+gtkQuit:Sei sicuro di voler uscire da NetSurf?
+gtkDownloadsRunning:Ci sono alcuni file in download in attesa di essere completati, chiudendo questa sessione tutti i file incompleti verranno cancellati.
+gtkStartDownload:Scaricare il file?
+gtkOverwrite:Il file "%s" è già esistente. Si desidera sovrascriverlo?
+gtkOverwriteInfo:Il file è già esistente in "%s". Sostituirlo comporterà la sovrascrittura del file.
+gtkFailed:Scaricamento fallito
+gtkFileError:Errore File: %s
+gtkInfo:%s da %s è %s come dimensione
+gtkSave:Salva file come...
+gtkUnknownHost:un Host sconosciuto
+# Printing user interface tokens
+# ==============================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the printing
+# dialog box.
+PrintSheetFilled:Il foglio di stampa è pieno
+PrintSheetsFilled:I fogli di stampa sono pieni
+# Find text user interface tokens
+# ===============================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the find text
+# dialog box.
+NotFound:Non trovato
+# 401 login user interface tokens
+# ===============================
+# This section contains tokens which are used in the 401 login
+# (authentication) dialog box.
+Username:Nome Utente
+# Content
+# =======
+# This section contains tokens used by contents
+# Forms
+Form_Drop:Inserisci un file qui
+FormSelect:Clicca per scegliere un oggetto del form
+FormCheckbox:Clicca per verificare questa opzione
+FormRadio:Clicca per scegliere questa opzione
+FormSubmit:Invia form a %s
+FormBadSubmit:Attenzione: Il form non può essere inviato
+FormTextarea:Clicca per editare il testo
+FormTextbox:Clicca per editare il campo
+FormReset:Resetta form (non ancora implementato)
+FormFile:Inserisci un file da inviare qui
+# Content titles
+DrawTitle:Immagine Draw (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+GIFTitle:Immagine GIF (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+BMPTitle:Immagine BMP (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+ICOTitle:Immagine ICO (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+JPEGTitle:Immagine JPEG (%ux%u, %lu byte)
+PNGTitle:Immagine PNG (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+JNGTitle:Immagine JNG (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+MNGTitle:Immagine MNG (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+SpriteTitle:Immagine Sprite (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+ArtWorksTitle:Immagine ArtWorks (%lux%lu, %lu byte)
+# HTML page character set
+Encoding0:da intestazioni HTTP
+Encoding2:da <meta>
+# Misc
+FrameDrag:Ridimensionamento dei frame
+# Errors
+# ======
+# This section contains error and warning messages which
+# are displayed to the user.
+# Fetching errors - displayed as an HTML page
+Not2xx:Il Server ha riportato un errore
+InvalidURL:L'indirizzo <em>%s</em> non è stato riconosciuto.
+# HTML error page
+ErrorPage:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Errore nella pagina</title></head><body><h1>Spiacente, NetSurf non può visualizzare questa pagina.</h1><p><strong>%s</strong></p></body></html>
+# General errors - displayed in a dialog box
+# These may be augmented with further relevant information, which
+# is displayed after the contents of the relevant token.
+PathToURL:Si è verificato un errore durante la conversione del percorso del file all'URL:
+SaveError:Il file non può essere salvato a causa di un errore:
+LoadError:Il file non può essere caricato a causa di un errore:
+MenuError:Si è verificato un errore durante l'apertura del menu:
+DragError:Si è verificato un errore durante il trascinamento dell'icona:
+TbarError:Si è verificato un errore durante la costruzione della barra strumenti:
+WimpError:Si è verificato un errore inatteso sulla finestra principale:
+DownloadWarn:Questo trasferimento potrebbe essere incompleto:
+MiscError:Si è verificato un errore inatteso:
+FileError:Il file è inesistente:
+PrintError:Si è verificato un errore durante la stampa:
+AWNotSeen:Per favore imposta l'applicazione AWViewer e riprova ancora.
+# Specific errors - displayed in a dialog box
+NoMemory:Non sembra esserci abbastanza mamoria per far girare NetSurf. Per favore liberane un po' e riprova ancora.
+FontBadInst:Si è verificato un errore durante l'inizializzazione dei font a causa della presenza di una copia obsoleta dei font ROM nel disco. NetSurf si chiuderà cercando di lanciare un programma in grado di risolvere questo problema.
+FontError:Impossibile aprire il font "Homerton.Medium" (%s).
+Resolvers:Non è stato configurato nessun nome per i domini dei server, perciò sarà possibile solo una navigazione dei file in locale. Usa "Configura" per impostare il tuo nome del/dei server.
+NoDiscSpace:Spazio insufficiente nel disco.
+Template:Una finestra di template risulta mancante. Per favore reinstalla NetSurf.
+HotlistSaveError:Non è stato possibile salvare correttamente l'Hotlist.
+HotlistLoadError:Non è stato possibile caricare correttamente l'Hotlist.
+NoPathError:Per salvare, trascinare l'icona in una directory di visualizzazione.
+NoNameError:Inserisci un nome
+NoURLError:Inserisci un URL
+URIError:NetSurf non è stato in grado di processare questo file URI a causa di un errore di sintassi.
+EmptyError:Il file è vuoto.
+PrintErrorRO2:Sembra che la stampante sia occupata.
+AWNotSeen:Per favore imposta l'applicazione AWViewer e riprova ancora.
+# Error messages for Amiga version only
+NoMode:Questa modalità non coincide nel database degli schermi
+# Queries
+# =======
+# This section contains queries which are displayed to the user
+AbortDownload:Sei sicuro di voler annullare questo trasferimento?
+QuitDownload:Uno o più file sono in attesa di essere scaricati completamente. Sei sicuro di voler chiudere?
+OverwriteFile:Un file con questo nome è già esistente, continuando potrebbe andare perduto.
+# Page fetching
+# =============
+# This section contains messages which may be displayed whilst
+# fetching a page or other content
+# Fetch status messages - displayed in status bar
+Progress:%s di %s
+Loading:Apertura della pagina...
+RecPercent:Ricevuti %s (%u%%)
+Received:Ricevuti %s
+Converting:Convertiti %lu byte
+Complete:Pagina completata (%gs)
+Processing:Elaborazione del documento
+Formatting:Formattazione del documento
+Done:Documento completato
+# Fetch warning/error messages - displayed in status bar
+BadRedirect:Errata redirezione dell'URL
+FetchFailed:Impossibile ottenere il documento
+NotCSS:Attenzione: "Foglio di stile" non significa CSS
+BadObject:Attenzione: errato tipo di oggetto
+ObjError:Errore di caricamento dell'oggetto: %s
+ParsingFail:Analisi del documento fallita.
+BadGIF:Lettura GIF fallita.
+BadBMP:Lettura BMP fallita.
+BadICO:Lettura ICO fallita.
+PNGError:Errore durante la conversione PNG.
+MNGError:Errore durante la conversione MNG/PNG/JNG: %i
+BadSprite:Dati Sprite invalidi o corrotti.
+# HTTP status codes
+HTTP203:Informazione non autorevole
+HTTP204:Nessun contenuto
+HTTP205:Resetta contenuto
+HTTP206:Contenuto parziale
+HTTP300:Scelte multiple
+HTTP301:Rimosso permanentemente
+HTTP303:Vedi altro
+HTTP304:Non modificato
+HTTP305:Usa Proxy
+HTTP307:Redirezione temporanea
+HTTP400:Richiesta errata
+HTTP401:Non autorizzato
+HTTP402:Richiesto pagamento
+HTTP404:Non trovato
+HTTP405:Metodo non permesso
+HTTP406:Non accettabile
+HTTP407:Autentificazione Proxy necessaria
+HTTP408:Richiesta TimeOut
+HTTP411:Lunghezza richiesta
+HTTP412:Precondizione fallita
+HTTP413:Entità richiesta troppo larga
+HTTP414:Richiesta URI troppo lunga
+HTTP415:Tipo di media non supportato
+HTTP416:Estensione richiesta non soddisfabile
+HTTP417:Previsione fallita
+HTTP500:Errore interno del server
+HTTP501:Non implementato
+HTTP502:Gateway errato
+HTTP503:Servizio non disponibile
+HTTP504:TimeOut Gateway
+HTTP505:Versione HTTP non supportata
+# User interface
+# ==============
+# This section contains messages to deal with user interface
+# features.
+# Scrollbars - displayed in status bar
+ScrollUp:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare in alto
+ScrollPUp:Clicca per scrollare in alto di una pagina
+ScrollV:Trascina la barra per scrollare verticalmente
+ScrollPDown:Clicca per scrollare in basso di una pagina
+ScrollDown:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare in basso
+ScrollLeft:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare a sinistra
+ScrollPLeft:Clicca per scrollare a sinistra di una pagina
+ScrollH:Trascina la barra per scrollare orizzontalmente
+ScrollPRight:Clicca per scrollare a destra di una pagina
+ScrollRight:Clicca sulla freccia per scrollare a destra
+# Saving
+# ======
+# Messages used when saving
+SaveDraw:Pagina Web
+SaveText:Pagina Web
+# Themes
+# ======
+# Messages used when installing new themes
+ThemeInstActive:Il tema è attualmente in fase di scaricamento o di installazione. Attendere il completamente del processo o annullare l'operazione prima di installare altri temi.
+ThemeInstDown:Per favore attendere lo scaricamento del tema.
+ThemeInvalid:Il tema scaricato è invalido oppure richiede una versione più recente di NetSurf.
+ThemeInstall:Si desidera installare il tema '%s' di %s?
+ThemeInstallErr:Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di installazione del tema scaricato.
+ThemeApplyErr:Si è verificato un errore durante il tentativo di applicazione del tema scaricato.
+# General
+# =======
+# Some general purpose words and phrases
+Bytes: B
+kBytes: KB
+MBytes: MB
+GBytes: GB
+Replace:Sostituisci file
+DontReplace:Non sostituire
+styl:foglio di stile
+styls:fogli di stile
+# Interactive help
+# ================
+# This section contains interactive help messages
+HelpToolbar0:\Tback button.|M\Straverse back one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
+HelpToolbar1:\Tforward button.|M\Straverse forward one page in the history tree.|MDoes not resubmit form information.
+HelpToolbar2:\Tstop button.|M\Sstop loading this page.
+HelpToolbar3:\Treload button.|M\Sreload this page.|M\Areload this page and any objects it contains.
+HelpToolbar4:\Thome button.|M\Sgo to your home page.
+HelpToolbar5:\Thistory button.|M\Sopen the local history \w.|M\Aopen the global history \w.
+HelpToolbar6:\Tsave button.|M\Ssave the current document.
+HelpToolbar7:\Tprint button.|M\Sopen the print dialogue box.
+HelpToolbar8:\Thotlist button.|M\Sopen the hotlist management \w.|M\Aadd this address to the hotlist.
+HelpToolbar9:\Tscale view button.|M\Sscale the page, affecting both text and images.
+HelpToolbar10:\Tsearch button.|M\Sfind instances of a string of text on the page.
+HelpToolbar11:\Tup button.|M\Straverse up one level on the current website
+HelpToolbar14:\TURL bar.|MType in the address of a site to visit and press Return to go there.
+HelpToolbar15:\TURL suggestion icon.|M\Sopen a list of recently typed URLs.
+HelpToolbar16:\Tthrobber.|MIt animates while this \w is active.
+HelpStatus0:\Tstatus bar resizer.|MDrag to alter the size of the status bar.
+HelpStatus1:\Tstatus bar.|MIt displays information on what the browser \w is doing.
+HelpIconMenu0:\Rview information about this software.
+HelpIconMenu1:\Sview NetSurf's documentation.
+HelpIconMenu2:\Ropen a window.
+HelpIconMenu2-0:\Renter an address to visit.
+HelpIconMenu2-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
+HelpIconMenu2-2:\Sopen the global history \w.
+HelpIconMenu2-3:\Sopen the cookie management \w.
+HelpIconMenu3:\Sopen the Choices dialogue box.
+HelpIconMenu4:\Squit NetSurf.
+HelpBrowserMenu0:\Rsee the options relating to the current page.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-0:\Rsee information about the current page.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-1:\Rsave the current page as an HTML file.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-2:\Rsave the current page including all the images and style sheets used.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-3:\Rsee the export options.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-3-0:\Rexport the current page as a Drawfile.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-3-1:\Rexport the current page as a plain text file.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-4:\Rsave the address of the current page.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-4-0:\Rsave the current address in Acorn URI format.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-4-1:\Rsave the current address in Ant URL format.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-4-2:\Rsave the current address as plain text.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-5:\Sopen the print dialogue box.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-6:\Sopen the current page in a new window.
+HelpBrowserMenu0-7:\Sview the source code of the current page in a text editor.
+HelpBrowserMenu1:\Rsee the options relating to the current item.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-0:\Rsee information about the current item.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-1:\Rsave the current item.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-2:\Rsee the export options.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-2-0:\Rsave the image as a Sprite.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-3:\Rsave the address of the current item.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-3-0:\Rsave the current item's address in Acorn URI format.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-3-1:\Rsave the current item's address in Ant URL format.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-3-2:\Rsave the current item's address as plain text.
+HelpBrowserMenu1-4:\Sreload all the items on this page.
+HelpBrowserMenu2:\Rsee the navigation options.
+HelpBrowserMenu2-0:\Sreturn to the configured home page.
+HelpBrowserMenu2-1:\Sgo back a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
+HelpBrowserMenu2-2:\Sstep forward a page in the local history.|MForm information is not resubmitted.
+HelpBrowserMenu2-3:\Straverse up one level in the directory tree.
+HelpBrowserMenu2-4:\Sfetch the current page again.
+HelpBrowserMenu2-5:\Sstop NetSurf from continuing to load this page.
+HelpBrowserMenu3:\Rset the local display options.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-0:\Rscale the page, affecting both text and images.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-1:\Rset the local image options.
+#HelpBrowserMenu3-1-0:\Stoggle the display of foreground images.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-1-1:\Stoggle the display of background images.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-1-2:\Stoggle the display of animations.|MIf turned off, the first frame is displayed.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-2-1:\Stoggle the display of the address (URL) bar.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-2-2:\Stoggle the display of the throbber.|MURL bar uses the remaining space.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-2-3:\Stoggle the display of the status bar.|MHorizontal scroll bar uses the remaining width.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-2-4:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-3:\Scontrol the manner in which the display is rendered.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-3-0:\Stoggle whether animations are not displayed until all calculations are complete.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-3-1:\Stoggle whether everything is not displayed until all calculations are complete.
+HelpBrowserMenu3-4:\Smake your local display options the default options for NetSurf.
+HelpBrowserMenu4:\Rto access NetSurf's built in utilities.|MUtilities are tools such as the hotlist, history tree and various setup options.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-0:\Rmanage the hotlist.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-0-0:\Sadd the current page to the hotlist.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-0-1:\Sopen the hotlist management \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-1:\Rview the history options.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-1-0:\Sopen the local history \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-1-1:\Sopen the global history \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-2:\Rmanage your cookies.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-2-0:\Sopen the cookie management \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-3:\Rsearch for instances of a string of text on the page.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-4:\Rcontrol the default \w positioning.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-4-0:\Sto make the current \w position the default.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-4-1:\Sto toggle whether subsequent windows are staggered down the screen.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-4-2:\Sto toggle whether child windows copy the size and position of their parent.|MWhen off, all new windows open in the default position.
+HelpBrowserMenu4-4-3:\Sto return to the default \w positioning.
+HelpBrowserMenu5:\Rsee the help resources available.
+HelpBrowserMenu5-0:\Sopen the documentation contents page in a new \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu5-1:\Sopen the user guide in a new \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu5-2:\Sopen the user information page in a new \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu5-3:\Sopen the NetSurf about page in a new \w.
+HelpBrowserMenu5-4:\Srun Help.
+HelpBrowser-1:Click \s on a link to follow it.|MClick \a on a link to open it in a new \w.|MShift+\s click on a link to download the link target contents.|MShift+\a click to save the link target address.
+HelpIconbar:\TNetSurf icon.|M\Sopen a new browser \w.|M\Aopen the hotlist management \w.
+HelpHistory:Use this \w to navigate around the local history tree.|M\Son a thumbnail to return to that page.
+HelpPrint:Use this \w to print the page.
+HelpSaveAs0:Drag SELECT this icon to the directory in which you want to save the file.
+HelpSaveAs1:This is the filename under which this document will be saved.
+HelpSaveAs2:\Ssave the file with the current filename.|MIf a full path is not set, you must drag the icon to a directory.
+HelpSaveAs3:\Sclose this \w without saving.
+HelpScaleView:Use this \w to change the scale the page is displayed at.
+HelpScaleView1:Enter the scale you wish the page to be displayed at.
+HelpScaleView2:\Sreduce the scale, 10% at a time.
+HelpScaleView3:\Sincrease the scale, 10% at a time.
+HelpScaleView5:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 75%.
+HelpScaleView6:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 100%.
+HelpScaleView7:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 150%.
+HelpScaleView8:\Sautomatically choose a scale of 200%.
+HelpScaleView9:\Scancel changes.|MThe current scale will not be changed.
+HelpScaleView10:\Schange the view to the scale you have chosen.
+HelpSearch:Use this \w to search for text within the page.
+HelpSearch0:Enter the search text. # matches any single character, * matches 0 or more characters.
+HelpSearch1:Choose whether the search should regard upper and lower case characters as different.
+HelpSearch2:\Smove to the next match.
+HelpSearch3:\Smove to the previous match.
+HelpSearch4:\Sstop searching and close this \w.
+HelpHotFolder:Use this \w to set the directory name.
+HelpHotEntry:Use this \w to set the entry details.
+HelpHotlist:\Thotlist management window.
+HelpHotlist0:\Sopen this directory.
+HelpHotlist1:\Sclose this directory.
+HelpHotlist2:\Sshow the entry details.
+HelpHotlist3:\Shide the entry details.
+HelpHotlist4:\Sselect this directory.|MDouble-click \s to open this directory.
+HelpHotlist5:\Sselect this entry.|MDouble-click \s to launch this URL.
+HelpHotlist6:Release the mouse buttons to complete your selection.
+HelpHotlist7:Release the mouse buttons to move the selection.
+HelpHotToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
+HelpHotToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all addresses in the hotlist.|M\Acollapse all addresses in the hotlist.|MExpanded addresses show additional details, such as a visit counter.
+HelpHotToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the hotlist.|M\Aclose all directories in the hotlist.
+HelpHotToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
+HelpHotToolbar4:\Tcreate button.|M\Screate a new directory.
+HelpHotlistMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the hotlist.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-0:\Rcreate a new item.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-0-0:\Rcreate a new directory.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-0-1:\Rcreate a new address.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-1:\Rexport the hotlist as an HTML file.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-2:\Rexpand items within the hotlist.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-2-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-2-1:\Sopen all directories.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-2-2:\Sshow all entry details.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-3:\Rcollapse items within the hotlist.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-3-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-3-1:\Sclose all directories.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-3-2:\Shide all entry details.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-4:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-4-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
+HelpHotlistMenu0-4-1:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
+HelpHotlistMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
+HelpHotlistMenu1-0:\Redit the current item.
+HelpHotlistMenu1-1:\Slaunch the current selection.
+HelpHotlistMenu1-2:\Sdelete the current selection from the hotlist.
+HelpHotlistMenu1-3:\Sreset statistics, such as visit count, for selected items.
+HelpHotlistMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the hotlist.
+HelpHotlistMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
+HelpGHistory:\Tglobal history window.
+HelpGHistoryToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
+HelpGHistoryToolbar1:\Texpand entries button.|M\Sexpand all entries in the history.|M\Acollapse all entries in the history.|MExpanded entries show additional details, such as a visit counter.
+HelpGHistoryToolbar2:\Topen sections button.|M\Sopen all sections in the global history.|M\Aclose all sections in the global history.
+HelpGHistoryToolbar3:\Tlaunch button.|M\Slaunch the current selection.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0:\Rperform an operation on global history.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-0:\Rexport global history as an HTML file.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-1:\Rexpand items within global history.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-1-0:\Sopen all directories and show all entry details.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-1-1:\Sopen all directories.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-1-2:\Sshow all entry details.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-2:\Rcollapse items within global history.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-2-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all entry details.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-2-1:\Sclose all directories.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-2-2:\Shide all entry details.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-3:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-3-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
+HelpGHistoryMenu0-3-1:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
+HelpGHistoryMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
+HelpGHistoryMenu1-0:\Slaunch the current selection.
+HelpGHistoryMenu1-1:\Sdelete the current selection from global history.
+HelpGHistoryMenu1-2:\Sreset statistics, such as visit count, for selected items.
+HelpGHistoryMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the history.
+HelpGHistoryMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
+HelpCookies:\TCookie management window.
+HelpCookiesToolbar0:\Tdelete button.|M\Sdelete the current selection.
+HelpCookiesToolbar1:\Texpand cookies button.|M\Sexpand all cookies in the list.|M\Acollapse all cookies in the list.|MExpanded cookies show additional details.
+HelpCookiesToolbar2:\Topen directories button.|M\Sopen all directories in the list.|M\Aclose all directories in the list.
+HelpCookiesMenu0:\Rperform an operation on the cookie list.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-0:\Rexpand items within the cookie list.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-0-0:\Sopen all directories and show all cookie details.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-0-1:\Sopen all directories.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-0-2:\Sshow all cookie details.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-1:\Rcollapse items within the cookie list.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-1-0:\Sclose all directories and hide all cookie details.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-1-1:\Sclose all directories.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-1-2:\Shide all cookie details.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-2:\Rcontrol the display of NetSurf's toolbars.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-2-0:\Stoggle the display of the toolbar buttons.
+HelpCookiesMenu0-2-1:\Stoggle toolbar edit mode.
+HelpCookiesMenu1:\Roperate on the current selection.
+HelpCookiesMenu1-0:\Sdelete any selected cookies.
+HelpCookiesMenu2:\Sselect all the items in the cookie list.
+HelpCookiesMenu3:\Sdeselect all selected items.
+HelpAppInfo:\TNetSurf information \w.|MSee the about page for the contributor list and credits.
+HelpConfigure:\Tconfiguration \w for NetSurf
+HelpConfigure0:Cache configuration tool
+HelpConfigure1:Connection configuration tool
+HelpConfigure2:Content configuration tool
+HelpConfigure3:Font configuration tool
+HelpConfigure4:Home page configuration tool
+HelpConfigure5:Image configuration tool
+HelpConfigure6:Interface configuration tool
+HelpConfigure7:Language configuration tool
+HelpConfigure8:Memory configuration tool
+HelpConfigure9:Theme configuration tool
+HelpConfigure10:Security and Privacy configuration tool
+HelpCacheConfig:\Tcache configuration \w.
+HelpCacheConfig3:\Tamount of memory to be used for caching content.
+HelpCacheConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory.
+HelpCacheConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory.
+HelpCacheConfig7:\Sreset the Cache options back to their default values.
+HelpCacheConfig8:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the cache options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpCacheConfig9:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpConnectConfig:\Tconnection configuration \w
+HelpConnectConfig3:\Tcurrently selected proxy type.|MUse the menu to select a proxy type.
+HelpConnectConfig4:\Sselect a proxy type.
+HelpConnectConfig6:You can enter the proxy's host name here.
+HelpConnectConfig8:You can enter the proxy's port number here.
+HelpConnectConfig10:You can enter a username for proxies that require authentication here.
+HelpConnectConfig12:You can enter a password for proxies that require authentication here.
+HelpConnectConfig16:\Tmaximum number of simultaneous fetches that NetSurf will perform.
+HelpConnectConfig17:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultaneous fetches.
+HelpConnectConfig18:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultaneous fetches.
+HelpConnectConfig20:\Tmaximum number of simultaneous fetches that NetSurf will perform per host.
+HelpConnectConfig21:\Sreduce the maximum number of simultaneous fetches per host.
+HelpConnectConfig22:\Sincrease the maximum number of simultaneous fetches per host.
+HelpConnectConfig24:\Tmaximum number of persistent connections.
+HelpConnectConfig25:\Sreduce the maximum number of persistent connections.
+HelpConnectConfig26:\Sincrease the maximum number of persistent connections.
+HelpConnectConfig27:\Sreset the Connection options back to their default values.
+HelpConnectConfig28:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the connection options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpConnectConfig29:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpContentConfig:\Tcontent configuration \w
+HelpContentConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will attempt to block advertisements on web pages|MIn rare circumstances, this option may cause valid content to be blocked too.
+HelpContentConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will stop web sites from automatically opening new windows on your desktop.
+HelpContentConfig4:This indicates whether NetSurf will allow external plug-ins to handle additional types of content, such as Flash.
+HelpContentConfig7:This indicates whether NetSurf will allow links to open in new windows.
+HelpContentConfig8:\Sreset the Content options back to their default values.
+HelpContentConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the content options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpContentConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpFontConfig:\Tfont configuration \w
+HelpFontConfig3:\Tcurrently selected sans-serif font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a sans-serif typeface.
+HelpFontConfig4:\Sselect a sans-serif font.
+HelpFontConfig6:\Tcurrently selected serif font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a serif typeface.
+HelpFontConfig7:\Sselect a sans-serif font.
+HelpFontConfig9:\Tcurrently selected monospace font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a monospace typeface.
+HelpFontConfig10:\Sselect a monospace font.
+HelpFontConfig12:\Tcurrently selected cursive font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a cursive typeface.
+HelpFontConfig13:\Sselect a cursive font.
+HelpFontConfig15:\Tcurrently selected fantasy font.|MNetSurf will use this font wherever a web page specifies a fantasy typeface.
+HelpFontConfig16:\Sselect a fantasy font.
+HelpFontConfig18:\Tcurrently selected font family.|MNetSurf will use this wherever a web page does not specify a typeface.
+HelpFontConfig19:\Sselect a default font family.
+HelpFontConfig23:You can enter a default font size here.|MNetSurf will use this wherever a web page does not specify a font size of its own.
+HelpFontConfig24:\Sreduce the default font size.
+HelpFontConfig25:\Sincrease the default font size.
+HelpFontConfig28:You can enter a minimum font size here.|MNetSurf will not allow web pages to display smaller text than this.
+HelpFontConfig29:\Sreduce the minimum font size.
+HelpFontConfig30:\Sincrease the minimum font size.
+HelpFontConfig32:\Sreset the Font options back to their default values.
+HelpFontConfig33:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the font options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpFontConfig34:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpHomeConfig:\Thome page configuration \w
+HelpHomeConfig3:You can enter a default home page address here.
+HelpHomeConfig4:\Sselect a recently typed URL.|MThese addresses have recently been typed into a NetSurf browser \w's URL bar.
+HelpHomeConfig5:This indicates whether NetSurf will open a browser \w on start-up.
+HelpHomeConfig6:\Sreset the Home page options back to their default values.
+HelpHomeConfig7:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the home options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpHomeConfig8:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpImageConfig:\Timage configuration \w
+HelpImageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected foreground image quality.
+HelpImageConfig4:\Sselect a foreground image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
+HelpImageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected background image quality.
+HelpImageConfig7:\Sselect a background image quality setting.|MError diffused provides the highest quality.
+HelpImageConfig8:\Timage quality preview image.|MThe optimum results are achived with both foreground and background image quality set to error diffused.|MThe user guide provides more information on the implications of these options.
+HelpImageConfig12:You can enter the minimum time between animation frames here.|MA very low setting can cause your computer to slow down when rapid animations are displayed and is not suitable for slow computers.
+HelpImageConfig13:\Sreduce the minimum time between animation frames.
+HelpImageConfig14:\Sincrease the minimum time between animation frames.
+HelpImageConfig16:This indicates whether NetSurf will disable animations on web pages.|MWhen animations are disabled, NetSurf will show the first frame as a static image.
+HelpImageConfig17:\Sreset the Image options back to their default values.
+HelpImageConfig18:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the image options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpImageConfig19:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpInterfaceConfig:\Tinterface configuration \w
+HelpInterfaceConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will strip file extensions when saving files to disc.
+HelpInterfaceConfig3:This indicates whether NetSurf will ask for confirmation before overwriting files of the same name.
+HelpInterfaceConfig6:This indicates whether NetSurf's URL suggestion feature is enabled.|MURL suggestion shows options for completing URLs as you type into NetSurf's URL bar.
+HelpInterfaceConfig7:This indicates whether the URL for the item under the pointer in NetSurf's local history \w will be displayed.
+HelpInterfaceConfig10:This indicates whether NetSurf will use a thumbnail when iconising windows to the Pinboard.
+HelpInterfaceConfig11:\Sreset the Interface options back to their default values.
+HelpInterfaceConfig12:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the interface options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpInterfaceConfig13:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpLanguageConfig:\Tlanguage configuration \w
+HelpLanguageConfig3:\Tcurrently selected interface language.|MThe interface language is the language used for NetSurf's messages and dialogue boxes.
+HelpLanguageConfig4:\Sselect an interface language.
+HelpLanguageConfig6:\Tcurrently selected web page language.|MIf a web site provides a choice of languages, NetSurf will request the page in your preferred language.
+HelpLanguageConfig7:\Sselect a preferred web page language.
+HelpLanguageConfig8:\Sreset the Language options back to their default values.
+HelpLanguageConfig9:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the language options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpLanguageConfig10:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpMemoryConfig:\Tmemory configuration \w
+HelpMemoryConfig3:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing uncompressed images here.
+HelpMemoryConfig4:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
+HelpMemoryConfig5:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing uncompressed images.
+HelpMemoryConfig7:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
+HelpMemoryConfig9:You can enter the maximum amount of memory NetSurf will use for storing compressed images here.
+HelpMemoryConfig10:\Sreduce the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
+HelpMemoryConfig11:\Sincrease the amount of memory used for storing compressed images.
+HelpMemoryConfig13:This indicates whether NetSurf will try to make an intelligent guess at the most suitable amount of memory to use for storing uncompressed images.
+HelpMemoryConfig14:\Sreset the Memory options back to their default values.
+HelpMemoryConfig15:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the memory options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpMemoryConfig16:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpSecurityConfig:\Tsecurity configuration \w
+HelpSecurityConfig2:This indicates whether NetSurf will send site referral information to web servers.|MWhen this is enabled NetSurf will tell the web server of a new page the address of the site you came from, after following a link.
+HelpSecurityConfig6:You can enter the length of time that items are stored in global history here.
+HelpSecurityConfig7:\Sreduce the global history duration.
+HelpSecurityConfig8:\Sincrease the global history duration.
+HelpSecurityConfig10:\Sreset the Security options back to their default values.
+HelpSecurityConfig11:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the security options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpSecurityConfig12:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpThemeConfig:\Ttheme configuration \w
+HelpThemeConfig2:\Sreset the Theme options back to their default values.
+HelpThemeConfig3:\Sclose this \w without saving changes.|M\Areturn the theme options to the last saved configuration.
+HelpThemeConfig4:\Ssave these settings and close the \w.|M\Asave these settings without closing the \w.
+HelpThemePConfig:This pane shows the available themes.|MThe selected icon theme is used for NetSurf browser \ws, the hotlist, global history and cookie management.
+# Configuration tokens
+# ====================
+# These tokens are used for the configuration icon text.
+# Unused tokens
+# =============
+# These tokens appear to be unused at the current time.
+TreeHistory:Cronologia NetSurf
+ExportAs:Esporta come
+DitherImg:Immagini Dither
+FilterImg:Immagini Smooth
+RenderText:Mischia testo in sottofondo
+Copy:Copia nella clipboard ^C