diff options
2 files changed, 392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/riscos/theme.c b/riscos/theme.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6b70a711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscos/theme.c
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h"
+#include "oslib/wimp.h"
+#include "oslib/messagetrans.h"
+#include "oslib/osspriteop.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "netsurf/render/utils.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+void ro_theme_preload_template(ro_theme* theme, char* template_name,
+ int* total_winicon, int* total_indirected)
+ int winicon, indirected;
+ if (wimp_load_template(0,0,0, (byte*)0xffffffff, template_name,0, &winicon, &indirected) == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Template not found!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+ *total_winicon = *total_winicon + winicon + 32;
+ *total_indirected = *total_indirected + indirected + 32;
+ return;
+wimp_window* ro_theme_load_template(ro_theme* theme, char* template_name, char** indirected_ptr, char* indirected_end)
+ int winicon, indirected;
+ int temp;
+ wimp_window* window;
+ char* old_indirected = *indirected_ptr;
+ if (wimp_load_template(0,0,0, (byte*)0xffffffff, template_name, 0, &winicon, &indirected) == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Template not found!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %d bytes for window / icon data:\n",winicon);
+fprintf(stderr, "Require %d bytes for indirected data:\n",indirected);
+fprintf(stderr, "Indirected before %d:\n",(int)indirected_ptr);
+ window = (wimp_window*) xcalloc(winicon + 1024, 1);
+ if (wimp_load_template(window, (*indirected_ptr), indirected_end,
+ (byte*)0xffffffff, template_name, 0, &temp, &temp) == 0)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Template not found!!!!!!!!!!!\n");
+ *indirected_ptr = *indirected_ptr + indirected;
+fprintf(stderr, "Indirected after %d:\n",(int)*indirected_ptr);
+fprintf(stderr, "Difference: %d\n",(int)*indirected_ptr - (int)old_indirected);
+ //*winicon_ptr = old_winicon + winicon + 8 - ((int)(old_winicon + winicon) % 4);
+// *indirected_ptr = old_indirected + indirected + 8 - ((int)(old_indirected + indirected) % 4);
+ return window;
+ro_theme* ro_theme_create(char* pathname)
+ char filename[1024];
+ int winicon, indirected;
+ char* winicon_ptr;
+ char* indirected_ptr;
+ ro_theme* theme;
+ messagetrans_file_flags flags;
+ int size;
+ FILE * fp;
+ int i;
+ theme = (ro_theme*) xcalloc(sizeof(ro_theme), 1);
+fprintf(stderr, "Loading templates...\n");
+ sprintf(filename, "%s.Templates", pathname);
+fprintf(stderr, "%s\n",filename);
+ winicon = 0;
+ indirected = 0;
+ wimp_open_template(filename);
+fprintf(stderr, "Preload theme_info\n");
+ ro_theme_preload_template(theme, "theme_info\0 ", &winicon, &indirected);
+fprintf(stderr, "Preload toolbar\n");
+ ro_theme_preload_template(theme, "toolbar\0 ", &winicon, &indirected);
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocate %d bytes of indirected data\n",indirected + 16);
+ theme->indirected_data = xcalloc(sizeof(char), indirected + 16);
+ indirected_ptr = theme->indirected_data;
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocate %d bytes of window and icon data\n",winicon + 16);
+// theme->window_and_icon_data = xcalloc(sizeof(char), winicon + 16);
+// winicon_ptr = theme->window_and_icon_data;
+fprintf(stderr, "Load toolbar\n");
+ theme->toolbar =
+ ro_theme_load_template(theme, "toolbar\0 ", &indirected_ptr, theme->indirected_data + indirected + 16);
+fprintf(stderr, "Load theme_info\n");
+ theme->theme_info =
+ ro_theme_load_template(theme, "theme_info\0 ", &indirected_ptr, theme->indirected_data + indirected + 16);
+fprintf(stderr, "Close template\n");
+ wimp_close_template();
+fprintf(stderr, "Loading icon names...\n");
+ sprintf(filename, "%s.IconNames", pathname);
+fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", filename);
+ messagetrans_file_info(filename, &flags, &size);
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %d bytes for icon names data\n", size);
+ theme-> = xcalloc(size, sizeof(char));
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %d bytes for filename\n", strlen(filename)+2);
+ theme->iconNames.filename = xcalloc(strlen(filename)+2, sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(theme->iconNames.filename, filename);
+fprintf(stderr, "Opening messagetrans file\n");
+ messagetrans_open_file(&theme->iconNames.cb, theme->iconNames.filename,
+ theme->;
+fprintf(stderr, "Loading icon sizes...\n");
+ sprintf(filename, "%s.IconSizes", pathname);
+fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", filename);
+ messagetrans_file_info(filename, &flags, &size);
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %d bytes for icon sizes data\n", size);
+ theme-> = xcalloc(size, sizeof(char));
+fprintf(stderr, "Allocating %d bytes for filename\n", strlen(filename)+2);
+ theme->iconSizes.filename = xcalloc(strlen(filename)+2, sizeof(char));
+ strcpy(theme->iconSizes.filename, filename);
+fprintf(stderr, "Opening messagetrans file\n");
+ messagetrans_open_file(&theme->iconSizes.cb, theme->iconSizes.filename,
+ theme->;
+ sprintf(filename, "%s.Sprites", pathname);
+ fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if (fp == 0) die("Failed to open file");
+ if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) die("fseek() failed");
+ if ((size = (int) ftell(fp)) == -1) die("ftell() failed");
+ fclose(fp);
+ theme->sprites = xcalloc(size + 16, 1);
+ if (theme->sprites == NULL)
+ die("Can't claim memory for theme sprites");
+ theme->sprites->size = size + 16;
+ theme->sprites->sprite_count = 0;
+ theme->sprites->first = 16;
+ theme->sprites->used = 16;
+ osspriteop_clear_sprites(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme->sprites);
+ osspriteop_load_sprite_file(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme->sprites, filename);
+ fprintf(stderr, "sprites loaded. %d counted\n", theme->sprites->sprite_count);
+ theme->throbs = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i <= theme->sprites->sprite_count; i++)
+ {
+ char name[32];
+ fprintf(stderr, "returning name for %d\n", i);
+ osspriteop_return_name(osspriteop_USER_AREA, theme->sprites, name, 32, i);
+ if (strncmp(name, "throbber", 8) == 0)
+ {
+ int this_number = atoi(name+8);
+ if (this_number > theme->throbs)
+ theme->throbs = this_number;
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d throbbers found.\n", theme->throbs);
+fprintf(stderr, "Returning theme...\n");
+ return theme;
+wimp_i ro_theme_icon(ro_theme* theme, theme_window_type type, char* token)
+ int used;
+ char buffer[32];
+ messagetrans_lookup(&theme->iconNames.cb, token, buffer, 32, 0,0,0,0, &used);
+ if (used > 0)
+ return atoi(buffer);
+ else
+ return -1;
+void ro_theme_set_indirected(ro_theme* theme, char* find, wimp_window* win, theme_window_type wintype, char* indirected)
+ int context = 0, used;
+ char token[32];
+fprintf(stderr, "setting indirected text...\n");
+fprintf(stderr, "enumerating token '%s'\n", find);
+ while (messagetrans_enumerate_tokens(&theme->iconNames.cb, find, token, 32, context, &used, &context))
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "finding theme icon to set indirected text\n");
+ win->icons[ro_theme_icon(theme, wintype, token)].data.indirected_text.text = indirected;
+ }
+fprintf(stderr, "<-- returning\n");
+wimp_w ro_theme_create_window(ro_theme* theme, ro_theme_window* create)
+ wimp_window* win = NULL;
+ if (create == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (create->type == THEME_TOOLBAR)
+ {
+ int i;
+fprintf(stderr, "Creating toolbar from theme (%d bytes)\n", sizeof(*theme->toolbar));
+for (i = 0; i < 152/4; i++)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d:\x09%d\n", i,((int*)(theme->toolbar))[i]);
+ //win = xcalloc(1024, 1);
+ //memcpy(win, theme->toolbar, 1024);
+ win = theme->toolbar;
+ win->flags = win->flags | wimp_WINDOW_FURNITURE_WINDOW;
+// win->next = wimp_TOP;
+// win->title_flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT;
+ win->sprite_area = theme->sprites;
+ ro_theme_set_indirected(theme, "TOOLBAR_URL*", win, THEME_TOOLBAR, create->data.toolbar.indirected_url);
+ ro_theme_set_indirected(theme, "TOOLBAR_STATUS*", win, THEME_TOOLBAR, create->data.toolbar.indirected_status);
+ }
+ else if (create->type == THEME_THEMEINFO)
+ {
+fprintf(stderr, "Creating theme_info from theme (%d bytes)\n", sizeof(*theme->theme_info));
+// win = xcalloc(sizeof(*theme->theme_info), 1);
+// memcpy(win, theme->toolbar, sizeof(*theme->theme_info));
+ win = theme->theme_info;
+ }
+ if (win != NULL)
+ {
+ wimp_w w = wimp_create_window(win);
+ //xfree(win);
+ return w;
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+int ro_theme_toolbar_height(ro_theme* theme)
+ return abs(theme->toolbar->extent.y1 - theme->toolbar->extent.y0);
+void ro_theme_resize(ro_theme* theme, theme_window_type wintype, wimp_w w, int width, int height)
+ int context = 0, used;
+ char token[32];
+ char* find;
+ char formula[256];
+ char buffer[256];
+ char widths[32];
+ char heights[32];
+ sprintf(widths, "%d", width);
+ sprintf(heights, "%d", height);
+ if (wintype == THEME_TOOLBAR)
+ find = "TOOLBAR_*";
+ else
+ return;
+ while (messagetrans_enumerate_tokens(&theme->iconSizes.cb, find, token, 32, context, &used, &context))
+ {
+ char* x0;// = strstr(token, "_X0");
+ char* x1;// = strstr(token, "_X1");
+ x0 = strstr(token, "_X0");
+ x1 = strstr(token, "_X1");
+ if (x0 != 0 || x1 != 0)
+ {
+ char* icon_num = token + strlen(find) - 1;
+ char* underscore = token + strlen(find) - 1;
+ wimp_i i;
+ int new_x, rx0, rx1;
+ messagetrans_lookup(&theme->iconSizes.cb, token, formula, 255, widths, heights,0,0, &used);
+ while (*underscore > 32)
+ {
+ if (*underscore == '_')
+ *underscore = '\0';
+ underscore++;
+ }
+ i = (wimp_i) atoi(icon_num);
+ if (os_evaluate_expression(formula, buffer, 255, &new_x) == 0)
+ {
+ wimp_icon_state ic;
+ ic.w = w;
+ ic.i = i;
+ wimp_get_icon_state(&ic);
+ rx0 = ic.icon.extent.x0;
+ rx1 = ic.icon.extent.x1;
+ if (x0 != 0)
+ {
+ if (new_x < rx0)
+ rx0 = new_x;
+ wimp_resize_icon(w, i, new_x, ic.icon.extent.y0, ic.icon.extent.x1, ic.icon.extent.y1);
+ }
+ else if (x1 != 0)
+ {
+ if (new_x > rx1)
+ rx1 = new_x;
+ wimp_resize_icon(w, i, ic.icon.extent.x0, ic.icon.extent.y0, new_x, ic.icon.extent.y1);
+ }
+ wimp_force_redraw(w, rx0, ic.icon.extent.y0, rx1, ic.icon.extent.y1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/riscos/theme.h b/riscos/theme.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f8d8a803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/riscos/theme.h
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#include "oslib/wimp.h"
+#include "oslib/messagetrans.h"
+typedef enum {THEME_THEMEINFO, THEME_TOOLBAR} theme_window_type;
+struct ro_theme
+ wimp_window* theme_info;
+ wimp_window* toolbar;
+ char* filename;
+ char* indirected_data;
+ char* window_and_icon_data;
+ osspriteop_area* sprites;
+ int throbs;
+ struct
+ {
+ messagetrans_control_block cb;
+ char* data;
+ char* filename;
+ } iconNames;
+ struct
+ {
+ messagetrans_control_block cb;
+ char* data;
+ char* filename;
+ } iconSizes;
+struct ro_theme_window
+ theme_window_type type;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ char* indirected_url;
+ char* indirected_status;
+ } toolbar;
+ struct {
+ char* indirected_url;
+ char* indirected_title;
+ char* indirected_size;
+ char* indirected_process;
+ } about;
+ } data;
+typedef struct ro_theme_window ro_theme_window;
+typedef struct ro_theme ro_theme;
+typedef enum {theme_TOOLBAR_UNKNOWN,
+ theme_TOOLBAR_URL, theme_TOOLBAR_STATUS} theme_gadget;
+/* install a new theme */
+ro_theme* ro_theme_create(char* pathname);
+/* return icon number */
+wimp_i ro_theme_icon(ro_theme* theme, theme_window_type type, char* token);
+/* create a window */
+wimp_w ro_theme_create_window(ro_theme* theme, ro_theme_window* create);
+int ro_theme_toolbar_height(ro_theme* theme);