-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Packaging suggestions for NetSurf 21 March 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document lays out some suggestions for people interested in packaging NetSurf for UNIX-like OSes. We consider the Debian (and thus Ubuntu) packages excellent examples to crib from. It does everything right. The GTK port of NetSurf requires access to some resources at run time. These are stored in gtk/res/ in the source tree. Some of these files are symlinks into the !NetSurf directory, which is the application container for the native RISC OS build. None of the other files from the !NetSurf directory are required - the symlinks are used only as a way of making checkouts smaller and making sure changes to one set of resources updates the other. The binary that the build system produces is called "nsgtk". There is also a shell script called "netsurf" that will set up the environment and launch the nsgtk binary. Do not ship this shell script with your package. It is included only as a convience for launching NetSurf from the build tree. Instead, you should move nsgtk to /usr/bin/netsurf (or wherever your distribution's packaging policy suggests) and copy the contents of gtk/res/ (dereferencing the symlinks, obviously) to /usr/share/netsurf (or wherever your packaging policy suggests). You will need to tell NetSurf where to find its resources. NetSurf searches three locations by default when trying to load them, in this order: 1. ~/.netsurf/ 2. $NETSURFRES/ 3. /usr/share/netsurf/ The second one is how the netsurf launcher script controls it. The third location is controlled by #define RESPATH in gtk/gtk_gui.c, and this is the recommended way for packagers to change the location it searches, as this still allows the user some flexibility in changing what NetSurf uses. You may also want to change NetSurf's user agent string to include the name of your distribution. The user agent string is build by a function kept in utils/useragent.c - you'll want to change the macro called NETSURF_UA_FORMAT_STRING. It's processed via sprintf, so keep that in mind when changing it. The first two printf parameters are major and minor version numbers, the second two are OS name (uname -s) and architecure (uname -m). You might want change this to something like: "NetSurf/%d.%d (%s; %s; Debian GNU/Linux)" or similar. Please don't be tempted to mention Mozilla or similar - let's let that lie die. If the user hasn't specified one in their Preferences, NetSurf defaults to visiting a "portal" welcome page on http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ - if you wish to change this, you need to do it two places currently; in the function gui_init2() in gtk/gtk_gui.c and nsgtk_window_home_button_clicked() in gtk/gtk_scaffolding.c. If you make significant changes to NetSurf in your package, please ask your users to report bugs to your bug tracker, not ours. We'd also be interested in seeing the diffs for these changes - we may be able to integrate them to make your job easier in future.