/* * Copyright 2008-2010 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "amiga/download.h" #include "amiga/object.h" #include "amiga/options.h" #include "amiga/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/iff_dr2d.h" #include "amiga/theme.h" #include "desktop/download.h" #include "desktop/selection.h" #include "desktop/save_complete.h" #include "utils/errors.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Window *drag_icon = NULL; ULONG drag_icon_width; ULONG drag_icon_height; struct gui_download_window *gui_download_window_create(download_context *ctx, struct gui_window *gui) { const char *url = download_context_get_url(ctx); const char *mime_type = download_context_get_mime_type(ctx); unsigned long total_size = download_context_get_total_length(ctx); struct gui_download_window *dw; APTR va[3]; dw = AllocVec(sizeof(struct gui_download_window),MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR); if(gui && (!IsListEmpty(&gui->dllist)) && (dw->dln = (struct dlnode *)FindName(&gui->dllist,url))) { strcpy(dw->fname, dw->dln->filename); free(dw->dln->node.ln_Name); dw->dln->node.ln_Name = NULL; } else { if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialDrawer, option_download_dir, ASLFR_InitialFile,FilePart(url), TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&dw->fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart((STRPTR)&dw->fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); } else return NULL; } dw->size = total_size; dw->downloaded = 0; if(gui) dw->bw = gui->shared->bw; dw->url = (char *)strdup((char *)url); va[0] = (APTR)dw->downloaded; va[1] = (APTR)dw->size; va[2] = 0; if(!(dw->fh = FOpen((STRPTR)&dw->fname,MODE_NEWFILE,0))) { FreeVec(dw); return NULL; } dw->objects[OID_MAIN] = WindowObject, WA_ScreenTitle,nsscreentitle, WA_Title, dw->url, WA_Activate, TRUE, WA_DepthGadget, TRUE, WA_DragBar, TRUE, WA_CloseGadget, FALSE, WA_SizeGadget, TRUE, WA_CustomScreen,scrn, WINDOW_SharedPort,sport, WINDOW_UserData,dw, WINDOW_IconifyGadget, FALSE, WINDOW_LockHeight,TRUE, WINDOW_Position, WPOS_CENTERSCREEN, WINDOW_ParentGroup, dw->objects[GID_MAIN] = VGroupObject, LAYOUT_AddChild, dw->objects[GID_STATUS] = FuelGaugeObject, GA_ID,GID_STATUS, GA_Text,messages_get("amiDownload"), FUELGAUGE_Min,0, FUELGAUGE_Max,total_size, FUELGAUGE_Level,0, FUELGAUGE_Ticks,11, FUELGAUGE_ShortTicks,TRUE, FUELGAUGE_VarArgs,va, FUELGAUGE_Percent,FALSE, FUELGAUGE_Justification,FGJ_CENTER, FuelGaugeEnd, CHILD_NominalSize,TRUE, CHILD_WeightedHeight,0, LAYOUT_AddChild, dw->objects[GID_CANCEL] = ButtonObject, GA_ID,GID_CANCEL, GA_RelVerify,TRUE, GA_Text,messages_get("Abort"), GA_TabCycle,TRUE, ButtonEnd, EndGroup, EndWindow; dw->win = (struct Window *)RA_OpenWindow(dw->objects[OID_MAIN]); dw->ctx = ctx; dw->node = AddObject(window_list,AMINS_DLWINDOW); dw->node->objstruct = dw; return dw; } nserror gui_download_window_data(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *data, unsigned int size) { APTR va[3]; if(!dw) return NSERROR_SAVE_FAILED; FWrite(dw->fh,data,1,size); dw->downloaded = dw->downloaded + size; va[0] = (APTR)dw->downloaded; va[1] = (APTR)dw->size; va[2] = 0; if(dw->size) { RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(dw->objects[GID_STATUS],dw->win,NULL, FUELGAUGE_Level,dw->downloaded, GA_Text,messages_get("amiDownload"), FUELGAUGE_VarArgs,va, TAG_DONE); } else { RefreshSetGadgetAttrs(dw->objects[GID_STATUS],dw->win,NULL, FUELGAUGE_Level,dw->downloaded, GA_Text,messages_get("amiDownloadU"), FUELGAUGE_VarArgs,va, TAG_DONE); } return NSERROR_OK; } void gui_download_window_error(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *error_msg) { warn_user("Unwritten",""); gui_download_window_done(dw); } void ami_download_window_abort(struct gui_download_window *dw) { download_context_abort(dw->ctx); gui_download_window_done(dw); } void gui_download_window_done(struct gui_download_window *dw) { struct dlnode *dln,*dln2; struct browser_window *bw = dw->bw; bool queuedl = false; STRPTR sendcmd = NULL; if(!dw) return; if(option_download_notify) { Notify(ami_appid, APPNOTIFY_Title, messages_get("amiDownloadComplete"), APPNOTIFY_PubScreenName, "FRONT", APPNOTIFY_BackMsg, dw->fname, APPNOTIFY_CloseOnDC, TRUE, APPNOTIFY_Text, dw->fname, TAG_DONE); } download_context_destroy(dw->ctx); if(dln = dw->dln) { dln2 = (struct dlnode *)GetSucc((struct Node *)dln); if((dln!=dln2) && (dln2)) queuedl = true; free(dln->filename); Remove((struct Node *)dln); FreeVec(dln); } FClose(dw->fh); SetComment(dw->fname, dw->url); if(dw->url) free(dw->url); DisposeObject(dw->objects[OID_MAIN]); DelObject(dw->node); if(queuedl) browser_window_download(bw,dln2->node.ln_Name,NULL); } BOOL ami_download_window_event(struct gui_download_window *dw) { /* return TRUE if window destroyed */ ULONG class,result,relevent = 0; uint16 code; while((result = RA_HandleInput(dw->objects[OID_MAIN], &code)) != WMHI_LASTMSG) { switch(result & WMHI_CLASSMASK) // class { case WMHI_GADGETUP: switch(result & WMHI_GADGETMASK) { case GID_CANCEL: ami_download_window_abort(dw); return TRUE; break; } break; } } return FALSE; } void ami_free_download_list(struct List *dllist) { struct dlnode *node; struct dlnode *nnode; if(!dllist) return; if(IsListEmpty(dllist)) return; node = (struct dlnode *)GetHead((struct List *)dllist); do { nnode=(struct dlnode *)GetSucc((struct Node *)node); free(node->node.ln_Name); free(node->filename); Remove((struct Node *)node); FreeVec((struct Node *)node); }while(node=nnode); } void gui_window_save_link(struct gui_window *g, const char *url, const char *title) { BPTR fh = 0; char fname[1024]; STRPTR openurlstring,linkname; struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL; linkname = ASPrintf("Link_to_%s",FilePart(url)); if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialFile,linkname, TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); ami_update_pointer(g->shared->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); if(fh = FOpen(fname,MODE_NEWFILE,0)) { openurlstring = ASPrintf("openurl \"%s\"\n",url); FWrite(fh,openurlstring,1,strlen(openurlstring)); FClose(fh); FreeVec(openurlstring); SetComment(fname,url); dobj = GetIconTags(NULL,ICONGETA_GetDefaultName,"url", ICONGETA_GetDefaultType,WBPROJECT, TAG_DONE); dobj->do_DefaultTool = "IconX"; PutIconTags(fname,dobj, ICONPUTA_NotifyWorkbench,TRUE, TAG_DONE); FreeDiskObject(dobj); } FreeVec(linkname); ami_update_pointer(g->shared->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } } void gui_drag_save_object(gui_save_type type, hlcache_handle *c, struct gui_window *g) { char *filetype; if(strcmp(option_use_pubscreen,"Workbench")) return; switch(type) { case GUI_SAVE_OBJECT_ORIG: // object case GUI_SAVE_SOURCE: filetype = ami_content_type_to_file_type(content_get_type(c)); break; case GUI_SAVE_COMPLETE: filetype = "drawer"; break; case GUI_SAVE_OBJECT_NATIVE: #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG if(content_get_type(c) == CONTENT_SVG) { filetype = "dr2d"; } else #endif { filetype = "ilbm"; } break; } ami_drag_icon_show(g->shared->win, filetype); drag_save_data = c; drag_save_gui = g; drag_save = type; } void gui_drag_save_selection(struct selection *s, struct gui_window *g) { ami_drag_icon_show(g->shared->win, "ascii"); ami_autoscroll = TRUE; drag_save_data = s; drag_save = GUI_SAVE_TEXT_SELECTION; } void ami_drag_save(struct Window *win) { ULONG which = WBO_NONE,type; char path[1025],dpath[1025]; char *source_data; ULONG source_size; if(drag_icon) ami_drag_icon_close(NULL); ami_autoscroll = FALSE; if(strcmp(option_use_pubscreen,"Workbench") == 0) { which = WhichWorkbenchObject(NULL,scrn->MouseX,scrn->MouseY, WBOBJA_Type,&type, WBOBJA_FullPath,&path, WBOBJA_FullPathSize,1024, WBOBJA_DrawerPath,&dpath, WBOBJA_DrawerPathSize,1024, TAG_DONE); } if((which == WBO_DRAWER) || ((which == WBO_ICON) && (type > WBDRAWER))) { strcpy(path,dpath); } else if(which == WBO_NONE) { if(drag_save == GUI_SAVE_TEXT_SELECTION) ami_drag_selection((struct selection *)drag_save_data); else DisplayBeep(scrn); drag_save = 0; drag_save_data = NULL; return; } if(path[0] == '\0') { DisplayBeep(scrn); drag_save = 0; drag_save_data = NULL; return; } ami_update_pointer(win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); switch(drag_save) { case GUI_SAVE_OBJECT_ORIG: // object case GUI_SAVE_SOURCE: { struct hlcache_handle *c = drag_save_data; BPTR fh = 0; AddPart(path, content_get_title(c), 1024); if(fh = FOpen(path,MODE_NEWFILE,0)) { if((source_data = content_get_source_data(c, &source_size))) FWrite(fh, source_data, 1, source_size); FClose(fh); SetComment(path, content_get_url(c)); } } break; case GUI_SAVE_TEXT_SELECTION: // selection AddPart(path,"netsurf_text_file",1024); selection_save_text((struct selection *)drag_save_data,path); break; case GUI_SAVE_COMPLETE: { struct hlcache_handle *c = drag_save_data; BPTR lock = 0; AddPart(path, content_get_title(c), 1024); if(lock = CreateDir(path)) { UnLock(lock); save_complete(c,path); SetComment(path, content_get_url(c)); } ami_superimpose_favicon(path, drag_save_gui->favicon, NULL); } break; case GUI_SAVE_OBJECT_NATIVE: { hlcache_handle *c = drag_save_data; struct bitmap *bm; AddPart(path, content_get_title(c), 1024); if(bm = content_get_bitmap(c)) { bm->url = content_get_url(c); bm->title = content_get_title(c); bitmap_save(bm, path, 0); } #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG else if(content_get_type(c) == CONTENT_SVG) { ami_save_svg(c, path); } #endif } break; default: LOG(("Unsupported drag save operation %ld",drag_save)); break; } drag_save = 0; drag_save_data = NULL; ami_update_pointer(win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } void ami_drag_icon_show(struct Window *win, char *type) { struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL; ULONG *icondata1; ULONG width, height; long format = 0; int err = 0; int deftype = WBPROJECT; if(option_drag_save_icons == false) { ami_update_pointer(win, AMI_GUI_POINTER_DRAG); return; } else { ami_update_pointer(win, GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } if(!strcmp(type, "drawer")) deftype = WBDRAWER; dobj = GetIconTags(NULL, ICONGETA_GetDefaultName, type, ICONGETA_GetDefaultType, deftype, TAG_DONE); err = IconControl(dobj, ICONCTRLA_GetWidth,&width, ICONCTRLA_GetHeight,&height, TAG_DONE); drag_icon_width = width; drag_icon_height = height; drag_icon = OpenWindowTags(NULL, WA_Left, scrn->MouseX - (width/2), WA_Top, scrn->MouseY - (height/2), WA_Width, width, WA_Height, height, WA_PubScreen, scrn, WA_Borderless, TRUE, WA_ToolBox, TRUE, WA_StayTop, TRUE, WA_Opaqueness, 128, WA_OverrideOpaqueness, TRUE, TAG_DONE); /* probably need layouticon and drawinfo stuff too */ DrawIconState(drag_icon->RPort, dobj, NULL, 0, 0, IDS_NORMAL, ICONDRAWA_Frameless, TRUE, ICONDRAWA_Borderless, TRUE, TAG_DONE); } void ami_drag_icon_move(void) { if(drag_icon == NULL) return; ChangeWindowBox(drag_icon, scrn->MouseX - (drag_icon_width / 2), scrn->MouseY - (drag_icon_height / 2), drag_icon_width, drag_icon_height); } /** * Close the drag icon (invisible) window if it is open * * \param win pointer to window to clear drag pointer */ void ami_drag_icon_close(struct Window *win) { if(drag_icon) CloseWindow(drag_icon); if(win) ami_update_pointer(win, GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); drag_icon = NULL; } void ami_superimpose_favicon(STRPTR path, struct hlcache_handle *icon, STRPTR type) { struct DiskObject *dobj = NULL; struct BitMap *bm = NULL; ULONG *icondata1, *icondata2; ULONG width, height; long format = 0; int err = 0; if(!type) { dobj = GetIconTags(NULL, ICONGETA_GetDefaultType, WBDRAWER, TAG_DONE); } else { dobj = GetIconTags(NULL, ICONGETA_GetDefaultName, type, ICONGETA_GetDefaultType, WBPROJECT, TAG_DONE); } err = IconControl(dobj, ICONCTRLA_GetImageDataFormat,&format, ICONCTRLA_GetImageData1,&icondata1, ICONCTRLA_GetImageData2,&icondata2, ICONCTRLA_GetWidth,&width, ICONCTRLA_GetHeight,&height, TAG_DONE); /* Check icon is direct mapped (truecolour). * Quite a bit more code is needed for palette mapped and planar icons, * and OS4 default icons should all be truecolour anyway. */ if(format == IDFMT_DIRECTMAPPED) { if ((icon != NULL) && (content_get_type(icon) == CONTENT_ICO)) { nsico_set_bitmap_from_size(icon, 16, 16); } if ((icon != NULL) && (content_get_bitmap(icon) != NULL)) { bm = ami_getcachenativebm(content_get_bitmap(icon), 16, 16, NULL); } if(bm) { BltBitMapTags(BLITA_SrcX, 0, BLITA_SrcY, 0, BLITA_DestX, width - 16, BLITA_DestY, height - 16, BLITA_Width, 16, BLITA_Height, 16, BLITA_Source, bm, BLITA_Dest, icondata1, BLITA_SrcType, BLITT_BITMAP, BLITA_DestType, BLITT_ARGB32, BLITA_DestBytesPerRow, width * 4, BLITA_UseSrcAlpha, TRUE, TAG_DONE); BltBitMapTags(BLITA_SrcX, 0, BLITA_SrcY, 0, BLITA_DestX, width - 16, BLITA_DestY, height - 16, BLITA_Width, 16, BLITA_Height, 16, BLITA_Source, bm, BLITA_Dest, icondata2, BLITA_SrcType, BLITT_BITMAP, BLITA_DestType, BLITT_ARGB32, BLITA_DestBytesPerRow, width * 4, BLITA_UseSrcAlpha, TRUE, TAG_DONE); } } PutIconTags(path, dobj, ICONPUTA_NotifyWorkbench, TRUE, TAG_DONE); }