/* * Copyright 2012 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* scan fonts * gcc -o scan_font font_scan.c -lwapcaplet -lauto -D__USE_INLINE__ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ULONG scan_font(const char *fontname, lwc_string **glypharray) { struct OutlineFont *ofont; struct MinList *widthlist; struct GlyphWidthEntry *gwnode; ULONG foundglyphs = 0; ULONG serif = 0; ofont = OpenOutlineFont(fontname, NULL, OFF_OPEN); if(!ofont) return; if(ESetInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_PointHeight, 10 * (1 << 16), OT_GlyphCode, 0x0000, OT_GlyphCode2, 0xffff, TAG_END) == OTERR_Success) { if(EObtainInfo(&ofont->olf_EEngine, OT_WidthList, &widthlist, TAG_END) == 0) { gwnode = (struct GlyphWidthEntry *)GetHead((struct List *)widthlist); do { if(gwnode && (glypharray[gwnode->gwe_Code] == NULL)) { lwc_intern_string(fontname, strlen(fontname), &glypharray[gwnode->gwe_Code]); //printf("%lx\n",gwnode->gwe_Code); foundglyphs++; } } while(gwnode = (struct GlyphWidthEntry *)GetSucc((struct Node *)gwnode)); } } CloseOutlineFont(ofont, NULL); return foundglyphs; } ULONG scan_fonts(lwc_string **glypharray) { int afShortage, afSize = 100, i; struct AvailFontsHeader *afh; struct AvailFonts *af; ULONG found, total = 0; printf("Scanning fonts...\n"); do { if(afh = (struct AvailFontsHeader *)AllocVec(afSize, MEMF_PRIVATE)) { if(afShortage = AvailFonts(afh, afSize, AFF_DISK | AFF_OTAG | AFF_SCALED)) { FreeVec(afh); afSize += afShortage; } } else { /* out of memory, bail out */ return 0; } } while (afShortage); if(afh) { af = (struct AvailFonts *)&(afh[1]); printf("af = %lx entries = %ld\n", af, afh->afh_NumEntries); /* bug somewhere, this only does 36 fonts as size 0 */ for(i = 0; i < afh->afh_NumEntries; i++) { if((af[i].af_Attr.ta_YSize == 0) && (af[i].af_Attr.ta_Style == FS_NORMAL)) { printf("%s (%ld) %ld\n", af[i].af_Attr.ta_Name, af[i].af_Attr.ta_Style, af[i].af_Attr.ta_YSize); found = scan_font(af[i].af_Attr.ta_Name, glypharray); total += found; printf("Found %ld new glyphs (total = %ld)\n", found, total); } af++; } FreeVec(afh); } else { return 0; } } int main(int argc, char** argv) { lwc_string *glypharray[0xffff + 1]; ULONG i, found = 0; BPTR fh; if(argc < 2) return 5; printf("%s\n",argv[1]); /* Ensure array zeroed */ for(i=0x0000; i<=0xffff; i++) glypharray[i] = NULL; scan_fonts(glypharray); if(fh = FOpen(argv[1], ACCESS_WRITE, 0)) { printf("Writing %s\n", argv[1]); for(i=0x0000; i<=0xffff; i++) { if(glypharray[i]) { FPrintf(fh, "%04lx \"%s\"\n", i, lwc_string_data(glypharray[i])); lwc_string_unref(glypharray[i]); found++; } } FClose(fh); } printf("Found %ld glyphs\n", found); return 0; }