/* * Copyright 2008-9 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "amiga/menu.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "amiga/utf8.h" #include #include #include "amiga/options.h" #include "desktop/gui.h" #include "amiga/hotlist.h" #include #include "amiga/gui.h" #include "amiga/save_pdf.h" #include "desktop/save_text.h" #include "desktop/save_pdf/pdf_plotters.h" #include #include "amiga/tree.h" #include "amiga/history.h" #include "amiga/cookies.h" #include #include "amiga/arexx.h" #include "amiga/save_complete.h" #include "utils/url.h" #include #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "amiga/search.h" #include "amiga/history_local.h" #include "amiga/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/iff_dr2d.h" #include "amiga/clipboard.h" #include "content/fetch.h" #include "amiga/gui_options.h" #include "amiga/print.h" BOOL menualreadyinit; const char * const netsurf_version; const char * const versvn; const char * const verdate; static struct Hook aslhookfunc; void ami_menu_scan(struct tree *tree,struct NewMenu *menu); void ami_menu_scan_2(struct tree *tree,struct node *root,WORD *gen,ULONG *item,struct NewMenu *menu); void ami_menu_arexx_scan(struct NewMenu *menu); static const ULONG ami_asl_mime_hook(struct Hook *mh,struct FileRequester *fr,struct AnchorPathOld *ap); void ami_free_menulabs(void) { int i; for(i=0;i<=AMI_MENU_MAX;i++) { if(menulab[i] && (menulab[i] != NM_BARLABEL)) ami_utf8_free(menulab[i]); } } void ami_init_menulabs(void) { menulab[0] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Project")); menulab[1] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("NewWindowNS")); menulab[2] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("NewTab")); menulab[3] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[4] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("OpenFile")); menulab[5] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("SaveAsNS")); menulab[6] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Source")); menulab[7] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("TextNS")); menulab[8] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("SaveCompNS")); menulab[9] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("PDFNS")); menulab[10] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("IFF")); menulab[11] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[12] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("CloseTab")); menulab[13] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("CloseWindow")); menulab[14] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[15] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("PrintNS")); menulab[16] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[17] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("About")); menulab[18] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Quit")); menulab[19] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Edit")); menulab[20] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("CopyNS")); menulab[21] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("PasteNS")); menulab[22] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("SelectAllNS")); menulab[23] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ClearNS")); menulab[24] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Browser")); menulab[25] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("FindTextNS")); menulab[26] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[27] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("HistLocalNS")); menulab[28] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("HistGlobalNS")); menulab[29] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[30] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ShowCookies")); menulab[31] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[32] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ScaleNS")); menulab[33] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ScaleDec")); menulab[34] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ScaleNorm")); menulab[35] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ScaleInc")); menulab[36] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Redraw")); menulab[37] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Hotlist")); menulab[38] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("HotlistAdd")); menulab[39] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("HotlistShowNS")); menulab[40] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("Settings")); menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+1] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("SettingsEdit")); menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+2] = NM_BARLABEL; menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+3] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("SnapshotWindow")); menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+4] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("SettingsSave")); menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+5] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ARexx")); menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+6] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)messages_get("ARexxExecute")); menulab[AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX+7] = NM_BARLABEL; } struct NewMenu *ami_create_menu(ULONG type) { int i; ULONG menuflags = 0; STATIC struct NewMenu menu[] = { {NM_TITLE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // project { NM_ITEM,0,"N",0,0,0,}, // new window { NM_ITEM,0,"T",0,0,0,}, // new tab { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,"O",0,0,0,}, // open local file { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // save { NM_SUB,0,"S",0,0,0,}, // save as source { NM_SUB,0,0,0,0,0,}, // save as text { NM_SUB,0,0,0,0,0,}, // save as complete { NM_SUB,0,0,0,0,0,}, // save as pdf { NM_SUB,0,0,0,0,0,}, // save as iff { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,"K",0,0,0,}, // close tab { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // close window { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,"P",0,0,0,}, // print { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,"?",0,0,0,}, // about { NM_ITEM,0,"Q",0,0,0,}, // quit {NM_TITLE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // edit { NM_ITEM,0,"C",0,0,0,}, // copy { NM_ITEM,0,"V",0,0,0,}, // paste { NM_ITEM,0,"A",0,0,0,}, // select all { NM_ITEM,0,"Z",0,0,0,}, // clear selection {NM_TITLE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // browser { NM_ITEM,0,"F",0,0,0,}, // find in page { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // local history { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // global history { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // cookies { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // scale { NM_SUB,0,"-",0,0,0,}, // decrease { NM_SUB,0,"=",0,0,0,}, // normal { NM_SUB,0,"+",0,0,0,}, // increase { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // redraw {NM_TITLE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // hotlist { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // add to hotlist { NM_ITEM,0,"H",0,0,0,}, // show hotlist (treeview) { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** hotlist entry ** {NM_TITLE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // settings { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // edit prefs { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // snapshot window { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // save settings {NM_TITLE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // arexx { NM_ITEM,0,0,0,0,0,}, // execute arexx { NM_ITEM,NM_BARLABEL,0,0,0,0,}, { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_IGNORE,0,0,0,0,0,}, // ** arexx entry ** { NM_END,0,0,0,0,0,}, }; if(type != BROWSER_WINDOW_NORMAL) { menuflags = NM_ITEMDISABLED; } for(i=0;i<=AMI_MENU_MAX;i++) { menu[i].nm_Label = menulab[i]; } menu[1].nm_Flags = menuflags; menu[2].nm_Flags = menuflags; menu[9].nm_Flags = menuflags; menu[10].nm_Flags = menuflags; #ifndef WITH_PDF_EXPORT menu[7].nm_Flags = NM_ITEMDISABLED; #endif if(!menualreadyinit) { ami_menu_scan(hotlist,menu); ami_menu_arexx_scan(&menu); aslhookfunc.h_Entry = (void *)&ami_asl_mime_hook; aslhookfunc.h_SubEntry = NULL; aslhookfunc.h_Data = NULL; menualreadyinit = TRUE; } return(menu); } void ami_menu_arexx_scan(struct NewMenu *menu) { int item = AMI_MENU_AREXX; BPTR lock = 0; UBYTE *buffer; struct ExAllControl *ctrl; char matchpatt[16]; LONG cont; struct ExAllData *ead; if(lock = Lock(option_arexx_dir,SHARED_LOCK)) { if(buffer = AllocVec(1024,MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { if(ctrl = AllocDosObject(DOS_EXALLCONTROL,NULL)) { ctrl->eac_LastKey = 0; if(ParsePatternNoCase("#?.nsrx",(char *)&matchpatt,16) != -1) { ctrl->eac_MatchString = (char *)&matchpatt; } do { cont = ExAll(lock,buffer,1024,ED_COMMENT,ctrl); if((!cont) && (IoErr() != ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)) break; if(!ctrl->eac_Entries) continue; for(ead = (struct ExAllData *)buffer; ead; ead = ead->ed_Next) { if(item >= AMI_MENU_AREXX_MAX) continue; if(EAD_IS_FILE(ead)) { menu[item].nm_Type = NM_ITEM; if(ead->ed_Comment[0] != '\0') { menulab[item] = (char *)strdup(ead->ed_Comment); } else { menulab[item] = (char *)strdup(ead->ed_Name); } menu[item].nm_Label = menulab[item]; menu[item].nm_UserData = (char *)strdup(ead->ed_Name); item++; } } }while(cont); FreeDosObject(DOS_EXALLCONTROL,ctrl); } FreeVec(buffer); } UnLock(lock); } } void ami_menu_scan(struct tree *tree,struct NewMenu *menu) { struct node *root = tree->root->child; struct node_element *element=NULL; struct node *node; static WORD gen = 0; static ULONG item; item = AMI_MENU_HOTLIST; for (node = root; node; node = node->next) { element = tree_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_NAME); if(!element) element = tree_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE); if(element && (strcmp(element->text,"Menu")==0)) { // found menu ami_menu_scan_2(tree,node->child,&gen,&item,menu); } } } void ami_menu_scan_2(struct tree *tree,struct node *root,WORD *gen,ULONG *item,struct NewMenu *menu) { struct node *tempnode; struct node_element *element=NULL; struct node *node; *gen = *gen + 1; for (node = root; node; node = node->next) { element = tree_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE); if((*gen > 0) && (*gen < 3)) { if(*item >= AMI_MENU_HOTLIST_MAX) return; if(*gen == 1) menu[*item].nm_Type = NM_ITEM; if(*gen == 2) menu[*item].nm_Type = NM_SUB; if(strcmp(element->text,"--")) { menulab[*item] = ami_utf8_easy((char *)element->text); } else { menulab[*item] = NM_BARLABEL; } menu[*item].nm_Label = menulab[*item]; element = tree_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_URL); if(element && element->text) menu[*item].nm_UserData = (void *)element->text; if(node->folder && (!node->child)) menu[*item].nm_Flags = NM_ITEMDISABLED; *item = *item + 1; } if (node->child) { ami_menu_scan_2(tree,node->child,gen,item,menu); } } *gen = *gen - 1; } void ami_menupick(ULONG code,struct gui_window_2 *gwin,struct MenuItem *item) { struct browser_window *bw; struct gui_window tgw; ULONG menunum=0,itemnum=0,subnum=0; menunum = MENUNUM(code); itemnum = ITEMNUM(code); subnum = SUBNUM(code); bool openwin=false; bool opentab=true; char *temp; BPTR lock = 0; tgw.tab_node = NULL; tgw.tab = 0; tgw.shared = gwin; switch(menunum) { case 0: // project switch(itemnum) { case 0: // new window bw = browser_window_create(gwin->bw->current_content->url,gwin->bw, 0, true, openwin); break; case 1: // new tab bw = browser_window_create(gwin->bw->current_content->url,gwin->bw, 0, true, opentab); break; case 3: // open local file if(AslRequestTags(filereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_DoSaveMode,FALSE, ASLFR_RejectIcons,TRUE, ASLFR_FilterFunc,&aslhookfunc, // ASLFR_DoPatterns,TRUE, // ASLFR_InitialPattern,"~(#?.info)", TAG_DONE)) { if(temp = AllocVec(1024,MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { char *temp2; strlcpy(temp,filereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(temp,filereq->fr_File,1024); temp2 = path_to_url(temp); browser_window_go(gwin->bw,temp2,NULL, true); free(temp2); FreeVec(temp); } } break; case 4: // save switch(subnum) { BPTR fh=0; char fname[1024]; case 0: if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialFile,FilePart(gwin->bw->current_content->url), TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); if(fh = FOpen(fname,MODE_NEWFILE,0)) { FWrite(fh,gwin->bw->current_content->source_data,1,gwin->bw->current_content->source_size); FClose(fh); SetComment(fname,gwin->bw->current_content->url); } ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } break; case 1: if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialFile,FilePart(gwin->bw->current_content->url), TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); save_as_text(gwin->bw->current_content,fname); SetComment(fname,gwin->bw->current_content->url); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } break; case 2: if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialFile,FilePart(gwin->bw->current_content->url), TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); if(lock = CreateDir(fname)) { UnLock(lock); save_complete(gwin->bw->current_content,fname); SetComment(fname,gwin->bw->current_content->url); } ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } break; case 3: #ifdef WITH_PDF_EXPORT if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialFile,FilePart(gwin->bw->current_content->url), TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); save_as_pdf(gwin->bw->current_content,fname); SetComment(fname,gwin->bw->current_content->url); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } #endif break; case 4: // iff if(AslRequestTags(savereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_InitialFile,FilePart(gwin->bw->current_content->url), TAG_DONE)) { strlcpy(&fname,savereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(fname,savereq->fr_File,1024); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); if(gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap) { gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap->url = gwin->bw->current_content->url; gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap->title = gwin->bw->current_content->title; bitmap_save(gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap,fname,0); } #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG else if(gwin->bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_SVG) { ami_save_svg(gwin->bw->current_content,fname); } #endif SetComment(fname,gwin->bw->current_content->url); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); } break; } break; case 6: // close tab browser_window_destroy(gwin->bw); break; case 7: // close window ami_close_all_tabs(gwin); break; case 9: // print ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); ami_print_ui(gwin->bw->current_content); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); break; case 11: // about ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_WAIT); TimedDosRequesterTags( TDR_ImageType,TDRIMAGE_INFO, TDR_TitleString,messages_get("NetSurf"), TDR_Window,gwin->win, TDR_GadgetString,messages_get("OK"), TDR_FormatString,"NetSurf %s\n%s (%s) %s\n\nhttp://www.netsurf-browser.org", TDR_Arg1,netsurf_version, TDR_Arg2,versvn, TDR_Arg3,verdate, #ifdef NS_AMIGA_CAIRO TDR_Arg4,"Cairo", #else TDR_Arg4,"", #endif TAG_DONE); ami_update_pointer(gwin->win,GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT); break; case 12: // quit ami_quit_netsurf(); break; } break; case 1: // edit switch(itemnum) { case 0: // copy if(gwin->bw->current_content->type <= CONTENT_CSS) { browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_COPY_SELECTION); browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_ESCAPE); } else if(gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap) { gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap->url = gwin->bw->current_content->url; gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap->title = gwin->bw->current_content->title; ami_easy_clipboard_bitmap(gwin->bw->current_content->bitmap); } #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG else if(gwin->bw->current_content->type == CONTENT_SVG) { ami_easy_clipboard_svg(gwin->bw->current_content); } #endif break; case 1: // paste browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_PASTE); //gui_paste_from_clipboard(&tgw,0,0); break; case 2: // select all browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_SELECT_ALL); break; case 3: // clear selection browser_window_key_press(gwin->bw, KEY_CLEAR_SELECTION); break; } break; case 2: switch(itemnum) { case 0: // search ami_search_open(gwin->bw->window); break; case 2: // local history if(gwin->bw && gwin->bw->history) ami_history_open(gwin->bw, gwin->bw->history); break; case 3: // global history ami_open_tree(global_history_tree,AMI_TREE_HISTORY); break; case 5: // cookies tree ami_open_tree(cookies_tree,AMI_TREE_COOKIES); break; case 7: // size switch(subnum) { case 0: // decrease */ if(gwin->bw->scale > 0.1) browser_window_set_scale(gwin->bw, gwin->bw->scale - 0.1, false); break; case 1: // normal */ browser_window_set_scale(gwin->bw, 1.0, false); break; case 2: // increase */ browser_window_set_scale(gwin->bw, gwin->bw->scale + 0.1, false); break; } break; case 8: // redraw gwin->redraw_required = true; gwin->new_content = true; break; } break; case 3: // hotlist switch(itemnum) { case 0: // add ami_hotlist_add(hotlist->root,gwin->bw->current_content); options_save_tree(hotlist,option_hotlist_file,messages_get("TreeHotlist")); break; case 1: // show ami_open_tree(hotlist,AMI_TREE_HOTLIST); break; default: // bookmarks if(GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(item)) browser_window_go(gwin->bw,GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(item),NULL, true); break; } break; case 4: // settings switch(itemnum) { case 0: // edit prefs ami_gui_opts_open(); break; case 2: // snapshot option_window_x = gwin->win->LeftEdge; option_window_y = gwin->win->TopEdge; option_window_width = gwin->win->Width; option_window_height = gwin->win->Height; break; case 3: // save settings options_write("PROGDIR:Resources/Options"); break; } break; case 5: // arexx switch(itemnum) { case 0: // execute arexx if(AslRequestTags(filereq, ASLFR_TitleText,messages_get("NetSurf"), ASLFR_Screen,scrn, ASLFR_DoSaveMode,FALSE, ASLFR_InitialDrawer,option_arexx_dir, ASLFR_InitialPattern,"#?.nsrx", TAG_DONE)) { if(temp = AllocVec(1024,MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { strlcpy(temp,filereq->fr_Drawer,1024); AddPart(temp,filereq->fr_File,1024); ami_arexx_execute(temp); FreeVec(temp); } } break; default: // arexx menu items if(GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(item)) { if(temp = AllocVec(1024,MEMF_PRIVATE | MEMF_CLEAR)) { strcpy(temp,option_arexx_dir); AddPart(temp,GTMENUITEM_USERDATA(item),1024); ami_arexx_execute(temp); FreeVec(temp); } } break; } break; } } static const ULONG ami_asl_mime_hook(struct Hook *mh,struct FileRequester *fr,struct AnchorPathOld *ap) { BPTR file = 0; char buffer[10]; char fname[1024]; BOOL ret = FALSE; char *mt = NULL; if(ap->ap_Info.fib_DirEntryType > 0) return(TRUE); strcpy(fname,fr->fr_Drawer); AddPart(fname,ap->ap_Info.fib_FileName,1024); mt = fetch_mimetype(fname); if(!strcmp(mt,"text/html")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"text/plain")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/jpeg")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/gif")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/png")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/jng")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/mng")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/bmp")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/ico")) ret = TRUE; else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/x-riscos-sprite")) ret = TRUE; #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG else if(!strcmp(mt,"image/svg")) ret = TRUE; #endif free(mt); return ret; }