/* * Copyright 2010 Ole Loots * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "content/urldb.h" #include "content/fetch.h" #include "desktop/gui.h" #include "desktop/history_core.h" #include "desktop/netsurf.h" #include "desktop/options.h" #include "desktop/save_complete.h" #include "desktop/selection.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "desktop/download.h" #include "render/html.h" #include "utils/url.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "atari/gui.h" #include "atari/misc.h" #include "atari/res/netsurf.rsh" #include "atari/download.h" #include "atari/options.h" #include "atari/osspec.h" static void gui_download_window_destroy( struct gui_download_window * gdw ); static void __CDECL evnt_bt_abort_click( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void * data) { struct gui_download_window * dw = (struct gui_download_window *)data; assert( dw != NULL ); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, ~SELECTED, TRUE); if( dw->status != NSATARI_DOWNLOAD_CANCELED ){ dw->abort = true; } } static void __CDECL evnt_cbrdy_click( WINDOW *win, int index, int unused, void * data) { struct gui_download_window * dw = (struct gui_download_window *)data; assert( dw != NULL ); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, ~SELECTED, TRUE); OBJECT * tree = ObjcTree(OC_FORM, win ); if( (tree[DOWNLOAD_CB_CLOSE_RDY].ob_state & CROSSED) != 0 ) { ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, ~CROSSED, TRUE); } else { ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, CROSSED, TRUE); } } static void __CDECL evnt_close( WINDOW *win, short buff[8], void * data) { struct gui_download_window * dw = (struct gui_download_window *)data; assert( dw != NULL ); gui_download_window_destroy( dw ); ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_DESTROY, win->handle, 0,0,0,0); } static void gui_download_window_destroy( struct gui_download_window * gdw ) { if( gdw->status == NSATARI_DOWNLOAD_WORKING ){ download_context_abort( gdw->ctx ); } download_context_destroy( gdw->ctx ); if( gdw->form != NULL ){ /* first destroy the form, so that it won't acces the gdw members */ ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_DESTROY, gdw->form->handle, 0,0,0,0); EvntWindom( MU_MESAG ); } if( gdw->destination ) { free( gdw->destination ); } if( gdw->domain ) { free( gdw->domain ); } if( gdw->url ) { free( gdw->url ); } if( gdw->fd != NULL ){ fclose(gdw->fd); gdw->fd = NULL; } free( gdw ); } struct gui_download_window *gui_download_window_create(download_context *ctx, struct gui_window *parent) { char *filename; char *destination; const char * path = option_downloads_directory; const char * url; struct gui_download_window * gdw; /* TODO: Implement real form and use messages file strings! */ if( form_alert(2, "[2][Accept Download?][Yes|No]") == 2){ return( NULL ); } OBJECT * tree = get_tree(DOWNLOAD); if( tree == NULL ) return( NULL ); gdw = calloc( 1, sizeof(struct gui_download_window) ); if( gdw == NULL ) return( NULL ); gdw->ctx = ctx; gdw->abort = false; gdw->start = clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; gdw->status = NSATARI_DOWNLOAD_WORKING; gdw->parent = parent; gdw->size_downloaded = 0; gdw->size_total = download_context_get_total_length(ctx); url = download_context_get_url(ctx); gdw->url = calloc(1, strlen(url) + 1 ); if( gdw->url == NULL ){ gui_download_window_destroy(gdw); return( NULL ); } if (url_nice(url, &filename, false) != URL_FUNC_OK) { filename = strdup("unknown"); if (filename == NULL) { gui_download_window_destroy(gdw); return NULL; } } if (url_host(url, &gdw->domain) != URL_FUNC_OK) { gdw->domain = strdup("unknown"); if (gdw->domain == NULL) { free(filename); gui_download_window_destroy(gdw); return NULL; } } char * tpath = alloca(strlen(filename) + strlen(path) + 2 ); char * tpath2 = alloca(PATH_MAX); strcpy( tpath, path ); if( path[strlen(path)-1] != '/' && path[strlen(path)-1] != '\\' ) { strcat( tpath, "/"); } strcat( tpath, filename ); gdos_realpath(tpath, tpath2); gdw->destination = malloc(strlen(tpath2) + 2); strcpy(gdw->destination, tpath2); gdw->fd = fopen(gdw->destination, "wb" ); if( gdw->fd == NULL ){ free( filename ); gui_download_window_destroy(gdw); return( NULL ); } gdw->form = mt_FormCreate( &app, tree, WAT_FORM, NULL, (char*)"Download", NULL, true, true ); if( gdw->form == NULL || gdw->fd == NULL ){ free( filename ); gui_download_window_destroy(gdw); return( NULL ); } tree = ObjcTree(OC_FORM, gdw->form ); ObjcAttachFormFunc( gdw->form, DOWNLOAD_BT_ABORT, evnt_bt_abort_click, gdw ); ObjcAttachFormFunc( gdw->form, DOWNLOAD_CB_CLOSE_RDY, evnt_cbrdy_click, gdw ); EvntDataAdd( gdw->form, WM_CLOSED, evnt_close, gdw, EV_TOP); strncpy((char*)&gdw->lbl_file, filename, MAX_SLEN_LBL_FILE-1); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_FILENAME, (char*)&gdw->lbl_file ); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_LBL_BYTES, (char*)&gdw->lbl_done ); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_LBL_PERCENT, (char*)&gdw->lbl_percent ); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_LBL_SPEED, (char*)&gdw->lbl_speed ); free( filename ); LOG(("created download: %s (%d)",gdw->destination, gdw->size_total)); return gdw; } nserror gui_download_window_data(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *data, unsigned int size) { uint32_t p = 0; uint32_t sdiff = clock() / CLOCKS_PER_SEC - dw->start; float speed; float pf = 0; OBJECT * tree; if( dw->abort == true ){ dw->status = NSATARI_DOWNLOAD_CANCELED; dw->abort = false; download_context_abort( dw->ctx ); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, dw->form, DOWNLOAD_BT_ABORT, DISABLED, TRUE); return( NSERROR_OK ); } /* save data */ fwrite( data , sizeof(unsigned char), size, dw->fd ); dw->size_downloaded += size; /* Update the progress bar... */ tree = ObjcTree(OC_FORM, dw->form ); if( dw->size_total > 0 ){ p = (dw->size_downloaded *100) / dw->size_total; } speed = dw->size_downloaded / sdiff; tree[DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS_DONE].ob_width = MAX( MIN( p*4, 400 ), 1); if( dw->size_total > 0 ){ snprintf( (char*)&dw->lbl_percent, MAX_SLEN_LBL_PERCENT, "%lu%s", p, "%" ); } else { snprintf( (char*)&dw->lbl_percent, MAX_SLEN_LBL_PERCENT, "%s", "?%"); } snprintf( (char*)&dw->lbl_speed, MAX_SLEN_LBL_SPEED, "%s /s", human_friendly_bytesize(speed) ); snprintf( (char*)&dw->lbl_done, MAX_SLEN_LBL_DONE, "%s / %s", human_friendly_bytesize(dw->size_downloaded), (dw->size_total > 0) ? human_friendly_bytesize(dw->size_total) : "?" ); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_LBL_BYTES, (char*)&dw->lbl_done ); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_LBL_PERCENT, (char*)&dw->lbl_percent ); ObjcString( tree, DOWNLOAD_LBL_SPEED, (char*)&dw->lbl_speed ); /*ObjcDrawParent(OC_FORM | OC_MSG, dw->form, DOWNLOAD, 1, 4);*/ snd_rdw( dw->form ); return NSERROR_OK; } void gui_download_window_error(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *error_msg) { LOG(("%s", error_msg)); strncpy((char*)&dw->lbl_file, error_msg, MAX_SLEN_LBL_FILE-1); dw->status = NSATARI_DOWNLOAD_ERROR; snd_rdw( dw->form ); } void gui_download_window_done(struct gui_download_window *dw) { LOG(("")); dw->status = NSATARI_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE; if( dw->fd != NULL ) { fclose( dw->fd ); dw->fd = NULL; } OBJECT * tree = ObjcTree(OC_FORM, dw->form ); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, dw->form, DOWNLOAD_BT_ABORT, DISABLED, TRUE); if( (tree[DOWNLOAD_CB_CLOSE_RDY].ob_state & CROSSED) != 0 ) { ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_CLOSED, dw->form->handle, 0,0,0,0); } }