/* * Copyright 2010 Michael Drake * Copyright 2020 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file * Implementation of HTML content DOM event handling. */ #include "utils/config.h" #include "utils/corestrings.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/ascii.h" #include "utils/string.h" #include "utils/nsurl.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "javascript/js.h" #include "desktop/gui_internal.h" #include "desktop/gui_table.h" #include "netsurf/bitmap.h" #include "html/private.h" #include "html/object.h" #include "html/css.h" #include "html/box.h" #include "html/box_construct.h" #include "html/form_internal.h" #include "html/dom_event.h" /** * process a base element being inserted into the DOM * * \param htmlc The html content containing the DOM * \param node The DOM node being inserted * \return NSERROR_OK on success else appropriate error code */ static bool html_process_inserted_base(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node) { dom_exception exc; /* returned by libdom functions */ dom_string *atr_string; /* get href attribute if present */ exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_href, &atr_string); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (atr_string != NULL)) { nsurl *url; nserror error; /* get url from string */ error = nsurl_create(dom_string_data(atr_string), &url); dom_string_unref(atr_string); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { if (htmlc->base_url != NULL) { nsurl_unref(htmlc->base_url); } htmlc->base_url = url; } } /* get target attribute if present and not already set */ if (htmlc->base_target != NULL) { return true; } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_target, &atr_string); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (atr_string != NULL)) { /* Validation rules from the HTML5 spec for the base element: * The target must be one of _blank, _self, _parent, or * _top or any identifier which does not begin with an * underscore */ if (*dom_string_data(atr_string) != '_' || dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(atr_string, corestring_lwc__blank) || dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(atr_string, corestring_lwc__self) || dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(atr_string, corestring_lwc__parent) || dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(atr_string, corestring_lwc__top)) { htmlc->base_target = strdup(dom_string_data(atr_string)); } dom_string_unref(atr_string); } return true; } /** * deal with events from the DOM for canvas node user data * * \param operation The DOM operation happening * \param key The user data key * \param data The user data (our bitmap) * \param src The DOM node emitting the event (our ) * \param dst The target DOM node if applicable */ static void html__canvas_user_data_handler(dom_node_operation operation, dom_string *key, void *data, struct dom_node *src, struct dom_node *dst) { struct bitmap *newbitmap, *bitmap = (struct bitmap*)data, *oldbitmap = NULL; int width, height; size_t stride; if (dom_string_isequal(key,corestring_dom___ns_key_canvas_node_data) == false || data == NULL) { /* Not for us */ return; } switch (operation) { case DOM_NODE_CLONED: width = guit->bitmap->get_width(bitmap); height = guit->bitmap->get_height(bitmap); stride = guit->bitmap->get_rowstride(bitmap); newbitmap = guit->bitmap->create(width, height, BITMAP_NEW); if (newbitmap != NULL) { if (guit->bitmap->get_rowstride(newbitmap) == stride) { // Compatible bitmap, bung the data over memcpy(guit->bitmap->get_buffer(newbitmap), guit->bitmap->get_buffer(bitmap), stride * height); guit->bitmap->modified(newbitmap); } } if (dom_node_set_user_data(dst, corestring_dom___ns_key_canvas_node_data, newbitmap, html__canvas_user_data_handler, &oldbitmap) == DOM_NO_ERR) { if (oldbitmap != NULL) guit->bitmap->destroy(oldbitmap); } break; case DOM_NODE_RENAMED: case DOM_NODE_IMPORTED: case DOM_NODE_ADOPTED: break; case DOM_NODE_DELETED: guit->bitmap->destroy(bitmap); break; default: NSLOG(netsurf, INFO, "User data operation not handled."); assert(0); } } /** * process a canvas element being inserted into the DOM * * \param htmlc The html content containing the DOM * \param node The DOM node being inserted * \return NSERROR_OK on success else appropriate error code */ static nserror html_process_inserted_canvas(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node) { dom_exception exc; dom_string *width_s = NULL, *height_s = NULL; unsigned long width = 300, height = 150; struct bitmap *bitmap, *oldbitmap = NULL; if (!htmlc->enable_scripting) { /* No point processing this element, we're not going to * render it */ return NSERROR_OK; } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_width, &width_s); if (exc == DOM_NO_ERR && width_s != NULL) { const char *ptr = (const char *)dom_string_data(width_s); const char *endptr = ptr + dom_string_length(width_s); char * ended; unsigned long width_n = strtoul(ptr, &ended, 10); if (ended == endptr) { /* parsed it all */ width = width_n; } dom_string_unref(width_s); } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_height, &height_s); if (exc == DOM_NO_ERR && height_s != NULL) { const char *ptr = (const char *)dom_string_data(height_s); const char *endptr = ptr + dom_string_length(height_s); char * ended; unsigned long height_n = strtoul(ptr, &ended, 10); if (ended == endptr) { /* parsed it all */ height = height_n; } dom_string_unref(height_s); } bitmap = guit->bitmap->create( (int)width, (int)height, BITMAP_NEW); if (bitmap == NULL) { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } memset(guit->bitmap->get_buffer(bitmap), 0, /* Transparent black */ height * guit->bitmap->get_rowstride(bitmap)); guit->bitmap->modified(bitmap); exc = dom_node_set_user_data(node, corestring_dom___ns_key_canvas_node_data, bitmap, html__canvas_user_data_handler, &oldbitmap); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { guit->bitmap->destroy(bitmap); return NSERROR_DOM; } if (oldbitmap != NULL) guit->bitmap->destroy(oldbitmap); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Process img element being inserted into the DOM. * * \param htmlc The html content containing the DOM * \param node The DOM node being inserted * \return NSERROR_OK on success else appropriate error code */ static bool html_process_inserted_img(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node) { dom_string *src; nsurl *url; nserror err; dom_exception exc; bool success; /* Do nothing if foreground images are disabled */ if (nsoption_bool(foreground_images) == false) { return true; } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_src, &src); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR || src == NULL) { return true; } err = nsurl_join(htmlc->base_url, dom_string_data(src), &url); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { dom_string_unref(src); return false; } dom_string_unref(src); /* Speculatively fetch the image */ success = html_fetch_object(htmlc, url, NULL, CONTENT_IMAGE, false); nsurl_unref(url); return success; } /** * process a LINK element being inserted into the DOM * * \note only the http-equiv attribute for refresh is currently considered * * \param htmlc The html content containing the DOM * \param n The DOM node being inserted * \return NSERROR_OK on success else appropriate error code */ static bool html_process_inserted_link(html_content *c, dom_node *node) { struct content_rfc5988_link link; /* the link added to the content */ dom_exception exc; /* returned by libdom functions */ dom_string *atr_string; nserror error; /* Handle stylesheet loading */ html_css_process_link(c, (dom_node *)node); /* try Generic link handling */ memset(&link, 0, sizeof(struct content_rfc5988_link)); /* check that the relation exists - w3c spec says must be present */ exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_rel, &atr_string); if ((exc != DOM_NO_ERR) || (atr_string == NULL)) { return false; } /* get a lwc string containing the link relation */ exc = dom_string_intern(atr_string, &link.rel); dom_string_unref(atr_string); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { return false; } /* check that the href exists - w3c spec says must be present */ exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_href, &atr_string); if ((exc != DOM_NO_ERR) || (atr_string == NULL)) { lwc_string_unref(link.rel); return false; } /* get nsurl */ error = nsurl_join(c->base_url, dom_string_data(atr_string), &link.href); dom_string_unref(atr_string); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { lwc_string_unref(link.rel); return false; } /* look for optional properties -- we don't care if internment fails */ exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_hreflang, &atr_string); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (atr_string != NULL)) { /* get a lwc string containing the href lang */ (void)dom_string_intern(atr_string, &link.hreflang); dom_string_unref(atr_string); } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_type, &atr_string); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (atr_string != NULL)) { /* get a lwc string containing the type */ (void)dom_string_intern(atr_string, &link.type); dom_string_unref(atr_string); } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_media, &atr_string); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (atr_string != NULL)) { /* get a lwc string containing the media */ (void)dom_string_intern(atr_string, &link.media); dom_string_unref(atr_string); } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(node, corestring_dom_sizes, &atr_string); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (atr_string != NULL)) { /* get a lwc string containing the sizes */ (void)dom_string_intern(atr_string, &link.sizes); dom_string_unref(atr_string); } /* add to content */ content__add_rfc5988_link(&c->base, &link); if (link.sizes != NULL) lwc_string_unref(link.sizes); if (link.media != NULL) lwc_string_unref(link.media); if (link.type != NULL) lwc_string_unref(link.type); if (link.hreflang != NULL) lwc_string_unref(link.hreflang); nsurl_unref(link.href); lwc_string_unref(link.rel); return true; } /* handler for a SCRIPT which has been added to a tree */ static void dom_SCRIPT_showed_up(html_content *htmlc, dom_html_script_element *script) { dom_exception exc; dom_html_script_element_flags flags; dom_hubbub_error res; bool within; if (!htmlc->enable_scripting) { NSLOG(netsurf, INFO, "Encountered a script, but scripting is off, ignoring"); return; } NSLOG(netsurf, DEEPDEBUG, "Encountered a script, node %p showed up", script); exc = dom_html_script_element_get_flags(script, &flags); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEEPDEBUG, "Unable to retrieve flags, giving up"); return; } if (flags & DOM_HTML_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_FLAG_PARSER_INSERTED) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEBUG, "Script was parser inserted, skipping"); return; } exc = dom_node_contains(htmlc->document, script, &within); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEBUG, "Unable to determine if script was within document, ignoring"); return; } if (!within) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEBUG, "Script was not within the document, ignoring for now"); return; } res = html_process_script(htmlc, (dom_node *) script); if (res == DOM_HUBBUB_OK) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEEPDEBUG, "Inserted script has finished running"); } else { if (res == (DOM_HUBBUB_HUBBUB_ERR | HUBBUB_PAUSED)) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEEPDEBUG, "Inserted script has launced asynchronously"); } else { NSLOG(netsurf, DEEPDEBUG, "Failure starting script"); } } } /** * process a META element being inserted into the DOM * * \note only the http-equiv attribute for refresh is currently considered * * \param htmlc The html content containing the DOM * \param n The DOM node being inserted * \return NSERROR_OK on success else appropriate error code */ static nserror html_process_inserted_meta(html_content *c, dom_node *n) { union content_msg_data msg_data; const char *url, *end, *refresh = NULL; char *new_url; char quote = '\0'; dom_string *equiv, *content; dom_exception exc; nsurl *nsurl; nserror error = NSERROR_OK; if (c->refresh) { /* refresh already delt with */ return NSERROR_OK; } exc = dom_element_get_attribute(n, corestring_dom_http_equiv, &equiv); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { return NSERROR_DOM; } if (equiv == NULL) { return NSERROR_OK; } if (!dom_string_caseless_lwc_isequal(equiv, corestring_lwc_refresh)) { dom_string_unref(equiv); return NSERROR_OK; } dom_string_unref(equiv); exc = dom_element_get_attribute(n, corestring_dom_content, &content); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { return NSERROR_DOM; } if (content == NULL) { return NSERROR_OK; } end = dom_string_data(content) + dom_string_byte_length(content); /* content := *LWS intpart fracpart? *LWS [';' *LWS *1url *LWS] * intpart := 1*DIGIT * fracpart := 1*('.' | DIGIT) * url := "url" *LWS '=' *LWS (url-nq | url-sq | url-dq) * url-nq := *urlchar * url-sq := "'" *(urlchar | '"') "'" * url-dq := '"' *(urlchar | "'") '"' * urlchar := [#x9#x21#x23-#x26#x28-#x7E] | nonascii * nonascii := [#x80-#xD7FF#xE000-#xFFFD#x10000-#x10FFFF] */ url = dom_string_data(content); /* *LWS */ while (url < end && ascii_is_space(*url)) { url++; } /* intpart */ if (url == end || (*url < '0' || '9' < *url)) { /* Empty content, or invalid timeval */ dom_string_unref(content); return NSERROR_OK; } msg_data.delay = (int) strtol(url, &new_url, 10); /* a very small delay and self-referencing URL can cause a loop * that grinds machines to a halt. To prevent this we set a * minimum refresh delay of 1s. */ if (msg_data.delay < 1) { msg_data.delay = 1; } url = new_url; /* fracpart? (ignored, as delay is integer only) */ while (url < end && (('0' <= *url && *url <= '9') || *url == '.')) { url++; } /* *LWS */ while (url < end && ascii_is_space(*url)) { url++; } /* ';' */ if (url < end && *url == ';') url++; /* *LWS */ while (url < end && ascii_is_space(*url)) { url++; } if (url == end) { /* Just delay specified, so refresh current page */ dom_string_unref(content); c->base.refresh = nsurl_ref(content_get_url(&c->base)); content_broadcast(&c->base, CONTENT_MSG_REFRESH, &msg_data); return NSERROR_OK; } /* "url" */ if (url <= end - 3) { if (strncasecmp(url, "url", 3) == 0) { url += 3; } else { /* Unexpected input, ignore this header */ dom_string_unref(content); return NSERROR_OK; } } else { /* Insufficient input, ignore this header */ dom_string_unref(content); return NSERROR_OK; } /* *LWS */ while (url < end && ascii_is_space(*url)) { url++; } /* '=' */ if (url < end) { if (*url == '=') { url++; } else { /* Unexpected input, ignore this header */ dom_string_unref(content); return NSERROR_OK; } } else { /* Insufficient input, ignore this header */ dom_string_unref(content); return NSERROR_OK; } /* *LWS */ while (url < end && ascii_is_space(*url)) { url++; } /* '"' or "'" */ if (url < end && (*url == '"' || *url == '\'')) { quote = *url; url++; } /* Start of URL */ refresh = url; if (quote != 0) { /* url-sq | url-dq */ while (url < end && *url != quote) url++; } else { /* url-nq */ while (url < end && !ascii_is_space(*url)) url++; } /* '"' or "'" or *LWS (we don't care) */ if (url > refresh) { /* There's a URL */ new_url = strndup(refresh, url - refresh); if (new_url == NULL) { dom_string_unref(content); return NSERROR_NOMEM; } error = nsurl_join(c->base_url, new_url, &nsurl); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { /* broadcast valid refresh url */ c->base.refresh = nsurl; content_broadcast(&c->base, CONTENT_MSG_REFRESH, &msg_data); c->refresh = true; } free(new_url); } dom_string_unref(content); return error; } /** * Process title element being inserted into the DOM. * * https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/semantics.html#the-title-element * * \param htmlc The html content containing the DOM * \param node The DOM node being inserted * \return NSERROR_OK on success else appropriate error code */ static nserror html_process_inserted_title(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node) { if (htmlc->title == NULL) { /* only the first title is considered */ htmlc->title = dom_node_ref(node); } return NSERROR_OK; } /** process title node */ static bool html_process_title(html_content *c, dom_node *node) { dom_exception exc; /* returned by libdom functions */ dom_string *title; char *title_str; bool success; exc = dom_node_get_text_content(node, &title); if ((exc != DOM_NO_ERR) || (title == NULL)) { return false; } title_str = squash_whitespace(dom_string_data(title)); dom_string_unref(title); if (title_str == NULL) { return false; } success = content__set_title(&c->base, title_str); free(title_str); return success; } /** * Deal with input elements being modified by resyncing their gadget * if they have one. */ static void html_texty_element_update(html_content *htmlc, dom_node *node) { struct box *box = box_for_node(node); if (box == NULL) { return; /* No Box (yet?) so no gadget to update */ } if (box->gadget == NULL) { return; /* No gadget yet (under construction perhaps?) */ } form_gadget_sync_with_dom(box->gadget); /* And schedule a redraw for the box */ html__redraw_a_box(htmlc, box); } /** * callback for DOMNodeInserted end type */ static void dom_default_action_DOMNodeInserted_cb(struct dom_event *evt, void *pw) { dom_event_target *node; dom_node_type type; dom_exception exc; html_content *htmlc = pw; exc = dom_event_get_target(evt, &node); if ((exc != DOM_NO_ERR) || (node == NULL)) { /* failed to obtain the event target node */ return; } exc = dom_node_get_node_type(node, &type); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE)) { /* an element node has been inserted */ dom_html_element_type tag_type; exc = dom_html_element_get_tag_type(node, &tag_type); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { tag_type = DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE__UNKNOWN; } switch (tag_type) { case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_BASE: html_process_inserted_base(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_CANVAS: html_process_inserted_canvas(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_IMG: html_process_inserted_img(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_LINK: html_process_inserted_link(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_META: html_process_inserted_meta(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_STYLE: html_css_process_style(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_SCRIPT: dom_SCRIPT_showed_up(htmlc, (dom_html_script_element *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_TITLE: html_process_inserted_title(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; default: break; } if (htmlc->enable_scripting) { /* ensure javascript context is available */ if (htmlc->jsthread == NULL) { union content_msg_data msg_data; msg_data.jsthread = &htmlc->jsthread; content_broadcast(&htmlc->base, CONTENT_MSG_GETTHREAD, &msg_data); NSLOG(netsurf, INFO, "javascript context: %p (htmlc: %p)", htmlc->jsthread, htmlc); } if (htmlc->jsthread != NULL) { js_handle_new_element(htmlc->jsthread, (dom_element *) node); } } } dom_node_unref(node); } /** * callback for DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument end type */ static void dom_default_action_DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument_cb(struct dom_event *evt, void *pw) { html_content *htmlc = pw; dom_event_target *node; dom_node_type type; dom_exception exc; exc = dom_event_get_target(evt, &node); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (node != NULL)) { exc = dom_node_get_node_type(node, &type); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE)) { /* an element node has been modified */ dom_html_element_type tag_type; exc = dom_html_element_get_tag_type(node, &tag_type); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { tag_type = DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE__UNKNOWN; } switch (tag_type) { case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_SCRIPT: dom_SCRIPT_showed_up(htmlc, (dom_html_script_element *) node); default: break; } } dom_node_unref(node); } } /** * callback for DOMSubtreeModified end type */ static void dom_default_action_DOMSubtreeModified_cb(struct dom_event *evt, void *pw) { dom_event_target *node; dom_node_type type; dom_exception exc; html_content *htmlc = pw; exc = dom_event_get_target(evt, &node); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (node != NULL)) { if (htmlc->title == (dom_node *)node) { /* Node is our title node */ html_process_title(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); dom_node_unref(node); return; } exc = dom_node_get_node_type(node, &type); if ((exc == DOM_NO_ERR) && (type == DOM_ELEMENT_NODE)) { /* an element node has been modified */ dom_html_element_type tag_type; exc = dom_html_element_get_tag_type(node, &tag_type); if (exc != DOM_NO_ERR) { tag_type = DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE__UNKNOWN; } switch (tag_type) { case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_STYLE: html_css_update_style(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); break; case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_TEXTAREA: case DOM_HTML_ELEMENT_TYPE_INPUT: html_texty_element_update(htmlc, (dom_node *)node); default: break; } } dom_node_unref(node); } } /** * callback for default action finished */ static void dom_default_action_finished_cb(struct dom_event *evt, void *pw) { html_content *htmlc = pw; if (htmlc->jsthread != NULL) js_event_cleanup(htmlc->jsthread, evt); } /* exported interface documented in html/dom_event.c */ dom_default_action_callback html_dom_event_fetcher(dom_string *type, dom_default_action_phase phase, void **pw) { NSLOG(netsurf, DEEPDEBUG, "phase:%d type:%s", phase, dom_string_data(type)); if (phase == DOM_DEFAULT_ACTION_END) { if (dom_string_isequal(type, corestring_dom_DOMNodeInserted)) { return dom_default_action_DOMNodeInserted_cb; } else if (dom_string_isequal(type, corestring_dom_DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument)) { return dom_default_action_DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument_cb; } else if (dom_string_isequal(type, corestring_dom_DOMSubtreeModified)) { return dom_default_action_DOMSubtreeModified_cb; } } else if (phase == DOM_DEFAULT_ACTION_FINISHED) { return dom_default_action_finished_cb; } return NULL; }